How to relax with friends on the weekend. How to have a fun weekend - the best ideas and options

As follows: they want to do a lot and have time, however, little or nothing is done. Many people have their favorite pastimes, but the thought of having to do something prevents them from doing what they love.

Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to make it a rule that you should rest on weekends. You need to determine exactly which days you set aside for rest, and not allow you to do everything that is in any way related to work. If you are planning to read, then you should only take something interesting and entertaining. Sometimes you want to finish your work in order to have time to do everything. Under no circumstances should you allow this to happen – due to its low effectiveness. When you realize that tomorrow will be a day off and you won't have to do anything, the day that has passed will produce results than the planned partial days off. If you decide to work, then work; if you have planned a vacation, then you need to rest! For example, a Saturday day can be devoted to solving personal issues: going to the grocery store, cleaning the house, making repairs, etc. However, sometimes you have to rest on Saturday - when guests or close relatives arrive. Then on Saturday you can relax as much as possible and work a little on Saturday.

How do you want to spend your weekend? It’s worth thinking about what you missed the previous weekend or what was unnecessary. Create an ideal vacation for yourself, include in it everything you would like to do - walks with and, going to the cinema and theater, spending time playing your favorite game - everything that you love so much and everything that you have always missed. By planning your workload and days off, you will have more free time. This way you will be completely immersed in the relaxation process itself, having decided what and when you will do.

We offer you several options for a good rest after a working week:

  • Watch all day while lying on the couch. This cannot be called laziness, you will really rest, so the next day you will not want to sit down again.

  • You can visit a bowling alley or a ski slope with friends (, spend time actively, and thoughts about work will not bother you.

  • A museum or exhibition is a great opportunity to relax your soul, come into contact with a piece of art and enrich your knowledge.

  • The most important thing is to get enough sleep on the weekend, allow yourself to sleep at least until lunch, and then do something you haven’t done for a long time, or something you loved to do as a child, maybe it’s skating? Well, great, go to the skating rink and invite more friends with you.

  • In the evening, you can go to the cinema or bar, relax a little and have a heart-to-heart conversation with friends.

These tips are especially useful for those who spend more time working and have little or no rest. It often happens that there is so much work that there is absolutely no time to achieve life goals. A happy and balanced life requires the presence of entertainment, work, good rest, constant communication with friends and family, personal development, etc. If you don’t understand why you don’t have free time, learn to plan it correctly.

Yesterday, there was an article about things to do in London that outlined the idea that you can not only save money, but also have fun without spending a penny over the weekend.

When I first read about this, I thought it was a great idea that I wanted to bring to life.

Most people don't follow this concept every weekend just because they don't want to be different from others. This is the main problem.

If you can't spend, it seems like you can't socialize ().
Most people think that this is impossible and that they will simply die of boredom. But it seems to me that if you want to improve your life, then you need to move away from common ideals and show people a completely different way to spend time that is beneficial for yourself, your wallet and your health.

Boredom? Inability to join the company? These are not the things I associate with the concept of a money-free weekend. Below are 15 things you can do without spending a single penny.

Board games.

We all have a dusty game stored on the farthest shelf. So why not take advantage of it? Invite your friends over, ask them to bring their favorite board games, learn the rules and feel free to start.

Prepare a meal from what you have.

Pull out the food from the back of your cupboard and invite friends over for some fun food experiments. Tell them that instead of a ready-made meal, they should bring items from the refrigerator or cupboard that they haven't used in a while. Examine all the components you collect and start experimenting! Basically, it's free food, but on top of that it's also a good evening with friends or relatives.

Take a walking tour.

Visit interesting historical places in your city, but first stock up on food so you can have a picnic in a park or clearing. There is no need to buy food, cook it from what you already have.

Write a letter.

A handwritten letter that granny receives in the mail from us always leaves her in awe. Spend time with a pen and paper writing your letter.

Take up sewing.

My friend does this all the time. She takes fabric - often old curtains, clothing or sheets - sits down, cuts it all into squares, and then sews it together. The more you practice, the more complex and interesting your products will become. She provided all her relatives with quilts made from a simple T-shirt.

Play football or volleyball.

Grab a ball, go to any open court near you and immerse yourself in the game. All you really need is a ball. And don’t worry about playing poorly, it’s the process that matters.

Do yoga.

Read a book or watch a video on the basic principles of yoga, and then start practicing them yourself or in a group. Yoga can change your attitude towards life and people for the better.

Read a book.

Do you want to be alone? Find a book in the closet or on the computer that you have been wanting to read for a long time and choose a comfortable place to spend time with it.

Finish old things.

Make a giant list of household chores that you haven’t been able to do for a long time. This could be painting the garage door or changing a light bulb in the basement. The main condition should be the availability of material. Get together and do everything in one fell swoop. You'll feel like you had a productive day and feel uplifted when you finish.

Volunteer in your free time.

What else to do on the weekend without money? Suggest to your friends or just do it yourself. Either way, it won't cost you anything other than your time. However, you will raise your status in society and the world at large.

Increase your spirituality.

For example, do meditation or go to a temple service. Think high, open your mind to the new and unknown.

Blow soap bubbles.

This will be especially appropriate and productive if you have children. Pour water and slowly add a little detergent (a spoon or two) so that no foam forms. Bend the wire so that part of it looks like a circle, dip it in the soapy water and voila!

Take a musical instrument and learn to play it.

You have 10-15 instruments to choose from that you can start learning at any level. And the most important instrument is the voice. It can and should be developed too. Go for it!

Check the city administration calendar.

Check the City Hall website and see if there are any free events taking place on the weekends. Perhaps there's a band concert or ethnic festival you haven't heard of before. Stop by and see what's happening in your city. You can also look at the websites of nearby parks.

Visit your parents, grandparents, and just relatives.

Restore family ties. It is no coincidence that you were born in this family, at this time, in this place. Everything in this life changes. The family was, is and will be. All the best to you and long life.

What do you think of these options?

Why do you need days off? For relaxation, you say. But rest can be different, which is probably why some people have time to rest during Saturday and Sunday, while others didn’t even notice how two days flew by, and they didn’t really do anything, they didn’t even get to rest. How to spend the weekend so that you can both relax and benefit?

So that the weekend doesn't go in vain, you need to:

First, say “No” to lying on the couch, watching TV, or sitting at the computer. And say “Yes” to interesting recreation and entertainment.

Secondly, decide to do something unusual, useful, interesting, etc. every weekend.

Agree, the most vivid memories come from something unusual. For example, you did something for the first time, or your friends prepared a surprise for you that you did not expect, or you visited a new city or country. To have as many such memories as possible, get out of your comfort zone more often.

There are many easy and fun activities that will make your weekend enjoyable and memorable.

1. Trip to another city

In any city there is always something to see, something interesting and something that is not in your city. There will be more impressions if the trip is spontaneous. Come to the station on Friday evening and buy a ticket for the next train. If you don’t like long trips or spending the night in an unfamiliar place, you can always find interesting places and attractions nearby, within a few hours’ drive.

2. Throw a party for the kids

Take them to the circus, zoo or entertainment center and plunge into the world of childhood. Allow yourself to be a child and have a lot of fun. You can play board games or badminton with the whole family in the evening. Time spent with children is a wonderful relaxation for body and soul.

3. Extreme weekend

If you want to add adrenaline to your routine life, try skateboarding, rollerblading, skydiving, or shooting paintball.

4. Organize a cleanup day

You can arrange it both in your yard and at home. Do a general cleaning, well, if not in the entire apartment, then at least in one room or workplace, or on the computer. Throw away everything unnecessary, all the trash and rubble, and you will notice how much more spacious it has become. You will want to breathe deeply and enjoy the result.

5. Friends or relatives

Sometimes for complete happiness we need just a little, for example, a heart-to-heart conversation or just chatting about anything in a pleasant company. Go on a visit or invite guests to your place. Give gifts to people dear to you.

6. Camping

What could be better than an outing into nature? True, many people associate outdoor recreation with barbecues and drinking. But this can hardly be called outdoor recreation. What good is nature and fresh air if you don't enjoy it? Try going with friends or family to the forest or river, walk barefoot on the grass, arrange a photo shoot. You can rent horses or bicycles and go for a ride. Or better yet, go hiking.

7. Cultural weekend

When was the last time you visited a theater or museum? Now there are many new theater and unusual exhibitions, some of them free. Try to arrange a cultural holiday for yourself and you will have something to tell your colleagues or friends. We are sure that you will remember such a vacation.

8. Engage in self-development

Attend some seminars or mini-courses. Even if there is nothing remarkable in your city, there is always the opportunity to take the training online or download the course from the Internet. If some problem is gnawing at you and it is preventing you from enjoying life, sign up for family constellations. This is a very powerful tool. And remember that investing in yourself is the best investment.

We usually look forward to free days, thinking in advance about what to do on our day off. But what to do if what was planned suddenly fell through at the last moment or you didn’t have time to think of anything in advance? I suggest using the following ideas. So, how to spend Sunday, Saturday or any other day off fun and usefully?

  1. Go walk the 3 streets in the neighborhood and find here 10 corners that you have never been to before or that you didn’t pay attention to
  2. Write down the names books that you’ve been wanting to read for a long time, but just can’t get around to it.
  3. Go to the suburbs. Even in the snow. Even in the rain. Even in the heat. Go somewhere you've never been
  4. You can spend Sunday compiling a family tree of sorts. Write down interesting stories about your grandmothers and great-grandmothers
  5. Get out the old album and look at all the photos: Do you know all the relatives who are depicted on them? Maybe it's time to turn to your grandmother or mother to determine exactly who is who?
  6. Go to the hairdresser and change your hairstyle or hair color. Or maybe it's time to radically change your image?
  7. Clean out your email inbox. Unsubscribe from all unnecessary mailings, delete unnecessary emails, adjust your contact list, create groups for easy storage of important emails
  8. Let go of all other things and allow yourself to spend Sunday... reading your favorite book. Marina Tumovskaya wrote very interestingly about how and why reading began to turn from a relaxing activity into a “guilty pleasure” on the women’s website myJаne.
  9. Make a birthday calendar your friends and acquaintances
  10. Go horseback riding
  11. Write a paper letter someone you haven't seen for a long time
  12. Make a video about your family. Who knows, maybe he will become a YouTube discovery?!
  13. Imagine that you have to write an article for Wikipedia...about yourself - write your own biography
  1. You can do something on your day off... to get to know yourself: for example, take an interesting test.
  2. Go feed the pigeons or ducks in the park. If the time of year permits, bring rollerblades or rent them at the park.
  3. Go for a massage or “swap” a massage session with your husband or girlfriend
  4. If it's cold make your own mulled wine. Buy wine, fruit, cloves... Don't buy ready-made!
  5. Plant a houseplant
  6. Plant watercress, onions, parsley or other greens on the windowsill
  7. Spend your Sunday or other day off usefully - get busy cleaning your computer: remove all the junk from your desktop, reform folders, get rid of unnecessary programs or install those that have been needed for a long time
  8. Learn to do a trick
  9. Write a story about yourself– what will happen to you in 10 years
  10. Do some interesting origami thing
  11. Update the playlist on your phone by completely removing old music
  12. Clean out your closet and shelves and throw it away
  1. ... and what you don’t need, but may be useful to someone else - take a photo and post it
  2. Learn to juggle
  3. You can spend Sunday exploring your wardrobe (as I did in the article about): write a list of new things you need soon,
  4. Make a selection of tunes that make you want to live
  5. Buy previously untried herbal teas, and if it’s summer, try collecting the plants yourself and drying them for the winter
  6. Watch your favorite cartoon from childhood, if possible, you can do this on a day off with a friend or childhood friend
  7. Create a real or virtual inspiration board– from collages, travel memos, photographs, your favorite phrases
  8. Make soap self made
  9. Learn to eat with chopsticks
  10. Go to a specialty store for unusual spices
  11. Create your own recipe and cook a new dish
  12. Get out the garland and decorate the house– who said that garlands are only for the New Year?
  13. You can spend your Sunday preparing for the next trip: read useful articles about this and that
  14. Look old-old black and white film.
  15. Gather a group and play “Mafia” - Have a fun weekend!
  16. Buy wooden frames in advance, insert they contain photographs or interesting pictures and hang them on the wall
  17. Make your own decoration
  18. You can study on your day off reading your favorite blogs.
  19. Develop your abilities: if you are right-handed, try one day to do all the “right-handed” tasks use only your left hand, if left-handed - only right-handed
  20. Continuing the topic: insert reliable earplugs into your ears and spend several hours like this(including on the street) or blindfold yourself and try to move only by touch(at least around the house). Do this on the weekend with your family and gain valuable and rare experience!
  21. Make a big crossword puzzle
  22. Find out, what is face building, do a few exercises and decide, maybe it’s worth continuing?
  23. Go to a zoo or animal exhibition
  24. Start keeping a diary, your own blog or website.
  25. Make your own top the best ideas on how to spend Sunday

I've read a lot of articles about what successful people do on their days off. Want to know the secret? On weekends they do the same thing as on weekdays. More :

We are what we continually do.
Perfection, therefore, is not an action, but a habit.

The article presents 10 habits of successful, very successful people.

1. Robert Eager: Wake up early

The CEO of Disney gets up every day at 4:30 am. Successful people don't lie in bed until two in the afternoon on Sundays. And not even until 11 o'clock. Studies have shown that our brain is most active 2-4 hours after waking up. Get up early on weekends and you'll have an edge over the world.

2. Benjamin Franklin: Have a Plan

Apparently this founding father asked himself every morning:

What good should I do today?

Successful people understand the importance of even daily tasks. And the weekend is no exception. Of course, you can relax on your day off. But this is not a reason to give up on everything.

3. Timothy Ferriss: No need to multitask

Many people believe that the more tasks they perform simultaneously, the more productive they are with their time. Unfortunately, it is not. Successful people know that this is a sure way to reduce efficiency and productivity. Ferris recommends setting no more than two tasks per day for maximum productivity.

4. Anna Wintour: Be active

Vogue's editor-in-chief challenged herself to play tennis for one hour every day. And she is not alone. Richard Branson is an active kitesurfer. The fourth richest person in India is a serial marathon runner. Successful people understand the importance of an active body for an active brain. And the weekend is no exception.

5. Steve Jobs: Set Your Priorities

Things don't have to change the world to become important.

The weekend is a time to remind yourself of forgotten little things, to find harmony between work and personal life. Spend time with friends, children, partner or family. This will not increase your income or move you up the career ladder. But this does not diminish the importance of such a pastime. Even the current President of the United States does his best to make time for dinner with his entire family.

6. Warren Buffett: Make Time for a Hobby

He may be called the best investor of the 20th century, but in his free time he loved to play the ukulele. Most often, successful people are interested people. And their hobbies are proof of this. Of course, a Saturday golf outing can be a great way to make some needed connections. But even solo hobbies like knitting (Meryl Streep) or oil painting (George Bush) can help you achieve success by encouraging creativity or relieving stress.

7. Oprah: Practice Calm

The most powerful person of 2013, according to Forbes, still finds time to sit in silence for 20 minutes twice a day. This once worst secret of yogis has become public knowledge. And even the corporate world recognizes the power and necessity of meditation to increase productivity, reduce and maintain a good state of the body. Very often, weekends turn out to be more eventful than weekdays. After all, we try to get everything done in just 48 hours. And yet, successful people will always find time for 20 minutes of silence.

8. Bill Gates: Leave time to think

The founder of Microsoft once said it well:

Celebrating success is good, but learning from failure is more important.

Reflection should be a daily practice. And the weekend is the perfect opportunity to take a step back and evaluate the past week.

9. Jack Dorsey: Get ready for next week

The Twitter founder is known for working 16 hours a day. But on Saturday he rests. He walks. And then on Sunday, like Bill, he reflects and prepares for the next week. Author Laura Vanderkam says successful people know that weekends are the secret weapon to professional success. We need to get ready to hit Monday.

10. Jay-Z: Keep the momentum going

A very, very successful rap artist has created an entire musical empire. The secret to success is to never relax. Even when you sleep. It is impossible to become successful with only one desire in your pocket. You need to work long and hard. And even on weekends. Working 24/7 is a formula for success.