How caves are formed. Presentation on the topic "Kungur Ice Cave" Download presentation on the topic of the cave

MBOU Secondary School No. 8 s. Spasskoe

The mysterious world of caves

Rozhanskaya M. V.

Caves are this mysterious and magical world of the dark kingdom, silence and silence. And the caves can rightly be called the cradle of humanity. Indeed, in prehistoric times, primitive people used caves as a refuge from the wind and cold. They were the "discoverers" of natural dungeons

For thousands of years, water diligently eroded the stone and created underground labyrinths of a silent world of beauty and mysteries. Seeping into the cracks of limestone, rainwater destroys the stone from year to year, enlarging the cracks

For centuries, water saturated with minerals, dripping from the ceiling of caves, forms stalactites and stalagmites, sometimes of such bizarre shapes that they are given their own names


In Khakassia there is a cave called Koshkulakskaya. Many legends are associated with it, and people call it the Black Devil’s Cave, while the Khakass call it the White Cave. It has several grottoes, the names of which are also mysterious: Temple, Skeleton, Obscurantists, Lost Pagoda

The cave has three entrances. Its depth is 49 m, length - 820 m


Located in the Irkutsk region, the Botovskaya cave is full of secrets. It is the longest cave in Russia. Despite numerous expeditions, more and more new passages are being found in it. Currently, the total length of all its passages is 66.7 thousand meters. According to some estimates, its length may exceed 100 km


It is also called the Ice Cave. It is located in the Perm region. The cave is one of the largest caves in the European part of Russia. Its length is about 5.7 thousand meters. It began to be explored at the beginning of the 18th century

Cave of Swallows

The Cave of Swallows is located in Mexico. The entrance to the cave is a huge hole in the mountain with a diameter of 55 m. The cave is one of the deepest caves in Mexico, its depth reaches 376 m, which is comparable to the height of a 120-story building. The floor of the Swallow Cave is sloped and has many narrow tunnels that lead to deeper levels.

Fingal's Singing Cave

Fingal's Cave is located on an island in Scotland. Over many millennia, the sea surf and rains have carved out a whole system of caves, the largest of which is the singing cave of Fingal, which received its name in honor of the hero of the epic, the giant Fingal

Cave Gouffre Berger

Gouffre Berger Cave in France. The name of the cave comes from the Latin word "gufr", which means "abyss", and the name of the scientist Joseph Berger, who discovered it. Its depth is 1271 m, which is comparable to the height of two Ostankino towers placed on top of each other, and the length of the passages is over 30 kilometers. Today the cave ranks 23rd in depth in the world and 4th in France. It can take 15 to 30 hours to rise from the very bottom to the surface.

Chasm of Three Bridges

The Chasm of Three Bridges is located in Lebanon. The Baatara waterfall will fall into its abyss, from a height of 255 meters. The cave owes its name to the fact that as it falls into the valley, the stream passes through three natural bridges, each of which hangs over the other. The age of the cave reaches 160 million years. years

Skaftafell Ice Cave

Ice caves are temporary structures that appear at the edge of glaciers. Such caves do not last long and can be destroyed at any moment. Ice caves are only tens of years old. But they look amazingly beautiful from the inside. One of these caves is located in the Skaftafell Nature Park in Iceland.

Skaftafell Cave was formed in a glacier as a result of melting ice. Melt water together with rain, having collected on the surface of the glacier, rushed into the cracks in streams, penetrating inside and forming peculiar tunnels. Sunlight, penetrating through the ice, gives the cave an unusual blue color.

The Skaftafell cave has a seven-meter entrance to the ice tunnel, which gradually narrows to 1 m.

Marble Caves

The Marble Caves are one of the most beautiful places in Patagonia. They are bright blue grottoes filled with lake water. These caves are located in Chile

Cave city of Vardzia

Vardzia is a cave monastery complex located in Georgia. Vardzia is a real underground city with many tunnels, stairs and alleys. Inside the rock there was a place not only for a monastery, but also for several libraries, baths and many residential buildings

The cave city did not last long - a year after construction, an earthquake almost completely destroyed it. It was so powerful that it damaged the cave system, causing them to collapse and fall in a cascade.

For a long time, the cave city was abandoned, but at the end of the last century, Vardzia was restored again, and monastic life resumed there. At the moment there are about 10-15 monks in the monastery of the ancient city

Nam Lod Cave

This is one of the most ancient caves in Thailand. A human skeleton that was more than twenty thousand years old was found here. Visitors to the cave will be able to see the home of primitive people.

The walls of the cave are more than 20 meters high. The very name of the cave - Nam Lod, which translated from Thai means “water passing through” - speaks of its essence

Krubera-Voronya Cave

Krubera-Voronya is the deepest (at the beginning of 2014) cave in the world (depth 2196 m, located in Abkhazia

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CAVE - cavity, emptiness in the thickness of the earth; natural underground passages, dead-end or with exits; grotto; underground dens; sometimes dug passages, rock-cut dwellings, cemeteries, etc.

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Cave - caves, a cavity, underground or in a mountain range, formed from the action of groundwater or as a result of volcanic processes (geol.). Caves served as dwellings for primitive man and animals. A large depression in the ground, an empty space within the earth, used (by humans and animals) as a shelter, home.

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Some large caves began to be created 60,000,000 years ago. The rains poured, the rivers overflowed, and the monolithic mountains slowly collapsed. The rock in which the caves appear is limestone. It is a soft rock and can be dissolved by a weak acid. The acid that breaks down limestone comes from rainwater. Falling raindrops take carbon dioxide from the air and soil. This carbon dioxide turns water into carbon dioxide. Therefore, for millions of years, acid rain watered the limestones. They constantly dripped onto the mountains, and cracks began to appear on them. And the rains continued to fall.

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The water flowed, widening the cracks. She found new cracks in the monolith. The cracks expanded into tunnels. The tunnels crossed and niches appeared. After millions of years, the caves took their shape. And the water made the caves larger and larger.

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Stalactite caves. Stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling. Raindrops seep through the rock mass and accumulate on the ceiling. One drop, another, a third - more and more drops. The limestone in this place began to crystallize. The crystallized limestone gradually stretched into icicles, growing and increasing in size. And now a huge limestone icicle - a stalactite - is already hanging from the ceiling.

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Stalagmites “growing” from the floor. Raindrops also fell on the floor of the cave, dissolving the limestone there too. The limestone began to crystallize on the floor, and so the candles gradually grew. Limestone “candles” are called stalagmites.

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Karst caves These are the majority of caves. It is karst caves that have the greatest extent and depth. Caves are formed due to the dissolution of rocks by water. Therefore, karst caves are found only where soluble rocks occur: limestone, marble, dolomite, chalk, as well as gypsum and salt.

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Tectonic caves Such caves can appear in any rock as a result of the formation of tectonic faults. As a rule, such caves are found on the sides of river valleys deeply cut into the plateau, when huge masses of rock break off from the sides, forming subsidence cracks (sherlops). Subsidence cracks usually converge like a wedge with depth. Most often they are filled with loose sediments from the surface of the massif, but sometimes they form quite deep vertical caves, up to 100 m deep. Sherlops are widespread in Eastern Siberia. They have been studied relatively poorly, and are probably quite common.

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Erosion caves Caves formed in insoluble rocks due to mechanical erosion, that is, worked through by water containing grains of solid material. Often such caves are formed on the seashore under the influence of the surf, but they are small. However, the formation of caves is also possible, excavated along primary tectonic cracks by streams going underground. Quite large (hundreds of meters long) erosion caves formed in sandstones and even granites are known.

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Glacier caves Caves formed in the body of glaciers by melt water. Such caves are found on many glaciers. Melted glacial waters are absorbed by the body of the glacier along large cracks or at the intersection of cracks, forming passages that are sometimes passable for humans. Characteristic lengths are a few hundred meters, depths up to 100 m or more. In 1993, a giant glacial well “Isortog” with a depth of 173 m was discovered and explored in Greenland, the influx of water

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Sea Caves Sea caves are found along coastlines around the world. A special issue is coastal caves, which form on the seashore in weakened zones under the influence of the surf. Elsewhere, such as Phang Nga Bay in Thailand, the caves have been flooded by the sea and are now subject to coastal erosion. Sea caves range in size in general from 5 meters (16 ft) to 50 meters (160 ft) in length, and sometimes they can exceed 300 meters (980 ft)

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Volcanic caves. Volcanic caves. These caves appear during volcanic eruptions. The lava flow, as it cools, becomes covered with a hard crust, forming a lava tube, inside which molten rock still flows. After the eruption has actually ended, the lava flows out of the tube from the lower end, and a cavity remains inside the tube. It is clear that lava caves lie on the very surface, and often the roof collapses. However, as it turned out, lava caves can reach very large sizes, up to 65.6 km in length and 1100 m in depth (Kazumura Cave, Hawaiian Islands). Author: Malinina T.V. -teacher at the Katyusha Medical Educational Institution. Labytnangi

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Caves are giant voids located horizontally below the surface of the earth. Dips are vertical voids. The largest caves are called caverns. They are found in limestone rocks.

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Long lava-walled tunnels are created by the flow of molten rock beneath the solid surface. Streams of meltwater form sparkling caves inside glaciers. In sea cliffs, caves are created by the impact of waves.
Typically, caves are created by acidic water, eating away voids in the limestone. But they can arise in other ways.
What types of caves are there?
This cave in the Hawaiian Islands was created by an underground lava flow.
Ice Cave, Orkney Islands

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The largest known single cave is Sarawak in Indonesia, discovered only in 1981. It is so large that it could accommodate the world's largest sports stadium - the Louisiana Superdome, USA - three times over. Its length is 700 m, and its height is 300 m.
The largest cave.

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The longest cave system is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, USA, stretching for 560 km.
Longest cave

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The deepest caves discovered are Pierre Saint Martin in the French Pyrenees. They go 800 m underground.
The deepest cave.

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The possibility of shelter and darkness attracted ancient people to caves. Archaeologists have proven that some caves were inhabited at least 40,000 years ago. Later, hermits who sought solitude lived in them, and smugglers who hid their treasures there.
People and caves

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Many caves look like beautiful underground palaces, full of sparkling columns. Long needles hanging from above, resembling icicles, are called stalactites.
Stalagmites and stalactites
The shiny columns growing from the floor are stalagmites. Almost all of them arise from mineralized water that drips from the ceiling and flows along the cave floor.

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Plants cannot grow in caves because they absolutely need light. Consequently, animals living in a cave must obtain their own food outside of it. Bats and birds fly to nearby forests for food, and insects and spiders collect their scraps or devour each other.
Life in caves

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The caves are home to two completely different types of animals - guajaro birds and bats. They fly out at night in search of food and navigate in the dark using ultrasound, but that’s where their similarities end. Guajaros live in South America and eat plant fruits, while bats are found all over the world and eat mainly insects.
Cave Dwellers

summary of other presentations

"Mineral resources of Kuban" - Mineral resources. Combustible minerals. Brick. Gold mining. Metals. Hydrocarbon and energy raw materials. Introduction to minerals. Iron ore. Extraction of oil, gas, peat. Selenite. Mineral deposits. Sand. Method of oil production. Non-metallic minerals. Natural gas. Ore minerals. Peat. Natural resources. Marl deposits. Underground treasures of Kuban.

“The World of the Tundra” - Plants are in a hurry to bloom and bear fruit. The meaning of the Arctic. Signs of plant adaptability. Power circuit. Plants. Animals. Steppe. Arctic desert zone. Tundra. Arctic. Let's check ourselves. Lemming. The world. Fauna of the tundra. Red-breasted goose. Flora of the tundra. Winter in the Arctic.

“Crop growing crops” - Decorative floriculture. Timofeevka. Plants. tea, China. Vegetable growing. Branches of crop production. Hibicus. Valerian. rice, China. Mustard. Oats. Lavender. Field farming – growing field crops. Sunflower. Linen. For beauty. Field farming. Berry crops. Sage. For industry. Horticulture (fruit growing). Corn. Rose hip. Silviculture Floriculture. America. Field farming forage crops; cereals; spinning; oilseeds; technical.

“The History of Humanity” - Primitive Artists. The foreheads were low and sloping. History translated from Greek means “research, a story about the events of the past.” Sciences that help us learn history. Archeology is the science of antiquity. Life of a primitive man. The earliest man looked like a large ape. What is history? The oldest man. Living in the community. Hunting. "Father of History" Human occupations. The beginning of human history.

"Forest Zone" - Extensive forests. Animal. Plants. Many animals live in the forest. Multi-level cards. Coniferous forests. Forest zone. Check yourself. Read the assignments. Crossword "Bear". Den. Find the extra animal.

“Arctic Animals” - In summer, the fur of the Arctic fox takes on a grayish tint. Killer whale Killer whale - black and white - is the worst enemy of seals. Muskox. Arctic terns Arctic terns fly to warmer climes in winter. During the polar night the sun is not visible at all. The humpback whale In the mouth of the humpback whale are not teeth, but whalebone. The hooded seal inflates its neck like a ball, attracting the female. Humpback whales have the longest fins. The polar bear is also an excellent swimmer and calmly dives into icy water.

20 most beautiful caves in the world


Sidorenko V.V.

geography teacher

OSH village Malorlovka

Department of Education of the city of Shakhtersk

Cave of Crystals (Cueva de los Cristales), Mexico

The cave of crystals was discovered in 2000 by the Sanchez brothers, miners who were digging a new tunnel in the mine complex. It is located 300 meters below the city of Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The cave is unique for the presence of giant selenite crystals. The largest crystal found is 11 m long and 4 m wide, weighing 55 tons. These are some of the largest known crystals. The cave is very hot, temperatures reach 58 °C with a humidity of 90-100%. These factors make it very difficult for people to explore the cave, making it necessary to use special equipment. Even with equipment, the stay in the cave usually does not exceed 20 minutes.

Waitomo Caves are truly a masterpiece of nature, on which she has worked for many millions of years. For many centuries, the ocean ruled here, creating bizarre limestone growths and mysterious intricacies of passages. And then the water receded, forming a system of about 150 caves. The most famous of them is Glowworm Cave. It is inhabited by amazing creatures - Arachnocampa Luminosa. These are fireflies that can only be found in New Zealand. Their green-blue glow makes the cave roof look like a starry sky on a frosty night.

This is a beautiful cave, accessible only from the sea. The name "Blue Grotto" comes from the bright blue color of its waters. The entrance to the cave is very small and lets in a small amount of light, which gives the water its bright color.

Vatnajokull Glacier Cave, Iceland

Sunlight, scattering across the surface of the Svínafellsjökull glacier, paints amazing pictures on the arches of the ice cave, creating the illusion of being in the depths of the sea. The depth of the underground passage does not exceed 50 meters, and the width of the cave is only 10 meters. During the winter months, crackling sounds can be heard inside due to the movement of the glacier. Such pure azure and blue shades are the result of the absence of air bubbles in the ice. You can see colored ice under certain weather conditions; one of them is the absence or minimal amount of snow on the surface. The rich sky blue ice is best seen in January and February; It is during this period that shades of azure, framed by snow cover, look fantastic.

You can get into the cave only in the winter months: narrow ice passages are accessible to tourists only with the onset of frost. At other times, being here can be dangerous; melting ice vaults often collapse under the snow mass.

Phraya Nakhon, Thailand

It's not actually a cave, but a huge valley that is 65 meters deep and 50 meters wide, with overhanging walls covered with plants and stalactites. At certain times of the day, light enters, illuminating the small temple.

Marble Caves of Patagonia, Chile

Despite their name, they are made of ordinary limestone, but there is an opinion that in the depths of the caves there are pure deposits of marble. The walls of the Chilean landmark are a surprisingly beautiful bright blue color, and the blue water of the lake doubles the impression of what you see. It is also worth mentioning that the caves consist of many labyrinths and tunnels, the creation of which was worked hard by the coastal waves.

Glacier caves in the area of ​​Mutnovsky volcano, Russia

A small and very beautiful snow cave on the slope of the Mutnovsky volcano.

Dongzhong Cave, China

Dongzhong Cave (whose name simply translates as “cave”) is located in the village of Mao in the Chinese province of Guizhou. Since 1984, the cave has been equipped as a primary school.

Fingal's Cave, Scotland

A famous sea cave, washed out of the rock by sea water, on the island of Staffa, part of the Inner Hebrides group of islands. The walls are composed of vertical hexagonal basalt columns 69 meters deep and 20 meters high. For three centuries it has been a place of artistic pilgrimage and has inspired the work of many famous artists, musicians and writers.

Reed Flute Cave, China

Reed Flute Cave (Ludi Yan) is an amazing creation of nature located in Guilin (China). A special type of reed grows around the cave, from which in the old days the best flutes in all of China were made; it was this fact that served as the basis for such a beautiful name. The Ludi Yan Cave, like the Waitomo Cave, has lighting, only not natural, but “artificial” - artificial. With its help, the Chinese successfully emphasize the beauty of nature’s impeccable creation. Multi-colored lights playfully color stalactites and other bizarre rock formations, making the cave even brighter and more fabulous.

Fantastic Pit at Ellison's Cave, Georgia, USA

If you are an extreme adventurer and also an amateur caver, then Ellison Cave is ideal for you, namely its bizarre 179-meter deep shaft.

Kyaut Sae Cave in Myanmar

Few people know about this cave, but nevertheless it is stunning both for its size and for the fact that it houses a Buddhist temple.

Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

The largest cave in the world. It is located in Central Vietnam, in Quang Binh province, in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, 500 kilometers south of Hanoi and 40 km from the provincial center - Dong Hoi. This cave has been known to local residents since 1991; in April 2009, it was discovered by a group of British speleologists. The cave has an underground river that floods some parts of the cave during the rainy season.

Ice cave Eisriesenwelt, Austria

The Eisriesenwelt Caves are the largest ice cave system on our planet that can be viewed. Translated, Eisriesenvelt means “giant ice world.” The caves are located in the Alps in Austria at an altitude of 1641 meters and consist of 30 thousand cubic meters. meters of ice. These caves were formed by the waters of the Salzach River, which over thousands of years eroded the limestone rocks. Currently, the river bed is located below the entrance to the caves.

The Eisriesenwelt caves were discovered by accident back in 1849. For a long time, only hunters and poachers knew about them. The official opening date of the Eisriesenwelt caves is considered to be 1879, when the Austrian naturalist from Salzburg, Anton von Posselt-Czorich, first penetrated 200 meters deep into the caves. A year later, he published a detailed report about his discovery in a mountaineering magazine, but this information did not arouse sufficient interest.

Orda Cave, Russia

Orda Cave is the longest underwater gypsum cave in Russia and one of the longest in the world. This place is a real paradise for divers. The cave begins with the Crystal Grotto. In the northwestern corner of this grotto there is Lake Ledyanoe. The passage on the left will lead to the next grotto - the Ice Palace. Here is Lake Main, and a little further away is Lake Teploe. Through these lakes, divers enter the mysterious underwater part of the cave. The water here is extremely clean, transparent, bluish in color and very cold (+ 4 degrees).

Carlsbad Caverns, USA

Under the arches of the Guadalupe Mountains in New Mexico hide endless labyrinths of halls, tunnels and corridors, the main inhabitants of which are bats. The charm of the Carlsbad Caverns becomes more charming and mysterious with the advent of dusk. The park and caves got their name in honor of the nearby city of Carlsbad.

Barton Creek Cave, Belize

This cave not only has extraordinary natural beauty, but is also a living witness to the household items of the ancient Mayans, who inhabited this territory more than 2000 years ago. In it you can see many grandiose stalactites and stalagmites, ancient jugs and religious bowls of the May Indians, traces of religious human sacrifices.

Jeita Grotto Caves, Lebanon

A complex of two caves in Lebanon, 20 kilometers north of Beirut. The upper cave was discovered in 1836 by William Thomson, and the lower cave was discovered in 1958 by Lebanese speleologists. The length of the Upper Cave is 2200 meters, but only a part of it, which is 750 meters long, is open to tourists. The Upper Cave has three halls, each of which reaches a height of 100 meters or more. There are unique underground reservoirs, very beautiful crevices, various stalagmites and stalactites. The length of the Lower Cave is much larger than the Upper Cave and is equal to 6900 meters.

Kango Caves, South Africa

Cango Caves, unofficially called a wonder of the world. The caves are famous for their “Organ Hall” - stalactites descending along the walls here form something reminiscent of a large organ, which, combined with music and lighting effects, makes an indelible impression on visitors.

Aven Armand Cave, France

A special funicular takes visitors 50 meters deep through a tunnel that is 200 meters long. There suddenly turns out to be a huge hall, into which Notre Dame Cathedral could easily fit.