How to get from Pattaya to Bangkok - all options. To Bangkok from Pattaya on your own - all the ways How to go to Bangkok from Pattaya

Pattaya- one of the most visited by tourists. Pattaya is located 160 kilometers from the capital, so many people prefer to go there for shopping, entertainment and high-standard recreation. International charter flights arrive with tourists at airports Suvarnabhumi or Don Myang which are located in Bangkok. Below we will describe the best ways to get from Pattaya to Bangkok.

35 km from Pattaya is located, which serves charter flights. If it is not difficult to get from Bangkok airport to Pattaya, just order a transfer or use public transport, then for the return journey there are several ways, the difference between which is in the cost of travel and travel time.

Thailand transport map

Getting to Bangkok from Pattaya is easy. It is enough to choose which method is more affordable: budget or comfortable. There are several ways to get from Pattaya to Bangkok:

  • To hitchhike.
  • By minibus.
  • By regular bus.
  • By taxi.
  • By train.
  • In songthaew.
  • Minivan.

When choosing transport, you need to plan everything in advance. If the budget option is more suitable, then you need to remember that minibuses, regular buses and trains arrive in Bangkok at specific stations, and you will still need to get to Suvarnabhumi and Don Myang airports.

Ordering transport for rent using the service Bell Travel Service, or by taking a taxi, songthaew or minivan, you can get straight to your destination. If travel time plays a special role, then you need to plan the road taking into account possible traffic jams and technical problems.

Transport nameTravel timeFare
Minibuses2 hours80 - 100 baht
Regular bus2 hoursfrom 112 to 120 baht
Minivan1 hour 40 min-
Train3:50 hoursfrom 35 to 150 baht
Taxi1 hour 20 min850 to 1200 baht
Songthaew or tuk-tuk2 hours600 baht
Hitch-hiking- 50 baht

To hitchhike

Hitchhiking is the cheapest way to travel around Thailand. This is the best way for those who have already been to Thailand and are familiar with the area. On the way from Pattaya to Bangkok, those cars driving on the highway will have priority. To do this, you need to come to street number 7, where you can stop passing cars.

If you're lucky, the trip will be free, otherwise, getting to Bangkok will cost the maximum 50 baht. The local residents are extremely friendly to tourists, so they will tell you about the sights along the way and take you to your destination.

By minibus

Minibuses are the most frequent bus in Pattaya. They depart every 25 minutes from each station. You can depart from Pattaya from Walking Street And Second Road. Minibuses depart in three places:

  • At the intersection of Walking Street.
  • At the intersection of Second Road.
  • At the beginning of Walking Street there are Tarusong Gold Shop.

You can get from Pattaya to Bangkok in 2 hours by white minibus. The journey depends on the number of passing stations and will be 80 – 100 baht. Minibuses arrive from Pattaya to the Victory Monument in Bangkok. Not far from the monument is the Victory Movement metro station, from which you can get back to Pattaya no later than 8 pm.

By regular bus?

The bus is the most popular and easiest way to get to Bangkok. Pattaya bus station is located at the North Terminal North Pattaya Road . The bus station is located at the intersection of Pattaya Nua Street and Sukhumvit Highway.

Pattaya Bus Station can be reached by local tuk-tuk transport, which runs from North Street to Sukhumvit Road. Buses from the bus station in Pattaya arrive at bus stations in 3 directions:

  • To the eastern Ekkamai (Estern Bus Terminal). Located near BTS Ekkamai metro station. Buses arrive every 35 minutes from 5.00 to 23.30. Fare 115 baht.
  • To the northern Mo Chit (Northern Bass Terminal). Maw Chit MRT Station is a 25-minute walk away. Buses depart from 4.00 to 21.30 every half hour. Fare 120 baht.
  • To the southern Sai Tai (New Southern Bass Terminal). Buses depart from 6.30 to 18.30. Fare 112 baht.

Travel time to Bangkok from Pattaya Bus Terminal is 2 hours. It is more convenient to get to any point in Bangkok if you arrive at the bus station Ekkamai.

How to get from Bangkok to Pattaya by taxi

Taxi is the easiest and most expensive way to get to Bangkok. By taxi you can get from Pattaya to Bangkok in 1 hour 20 minutes. The cost will be from 850 to 1200 baht.

A taxi can be ordered from a special service or at the hotel reception.


You can also take advantage of offers from transport agencies or purchase a transfer for the entire duration of your stay in Thailand.

How to get from Pattaya to Bangkok by train?

The railway station in Pattaya is located on Pattaya Klang Road. It is located behind Sukhumvit Road. The train to Bangkok departs once a day at 14:20. Travel time is 3.5 hours. The train is comfortable, so the cost for 1st class travel is 150 baht, 2nd class – 75 baht, 3rd grade – 35 baht.

The train arrives in Bangkok at Hua Lamphong railway station, which is located near the Hua Lamphong metro station.

On songthaew

Songthaew or tuk-tuk is a type of Thai public transport. The fare is negotiable and averages 600 baht. You can get to Bangkok in 2 hours. Tuk-Tuks can be rented throughout the city.


Minivans depart from Pattaya to Bangkok daily, every 25 minutes.

  • From Pattaya Sai Song Street.
  • From Beach Road to Second Road.
  • From Second Road.

In Bangkok, minivans arrive at Victory Movement. Travel time is 1 hour 40 minutes.

How to get from Bangkok to Pattaya quickly and cheaply? This question interests many tourists, because due to its affordability and relatively close location to the country’s main airport, where most international flights arrive, Pattaya remains the most popular resort in Thailand, visited by hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists every year. This article describes all the main ways to quickly and inexpensively travel from Bangkok to Pattaya using various modes of transport.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

Most often, the need to find transport from Bangkok to Pattaya and from Pattaya to Bangkok arises in the following cases:

— for independent travelers who, after arriving in the country, decided to spend some time in its capital (explore the sights of Bangkok, visit shopping centers, etc.) and only then go to the resort;

- for independent or organized tourists who are tired of spending their entire vacation on the beaches of Pattaya and they decided to slightly change the scenery by going to Bangkok for a few days (for example, to visit the Siam Park Adventure or Dream World amusement parks, visit the Royal Palace in Bangkok, temples and shopping centers of the city).

- for vacationers who make an independent trip around the country, which most often involves visiting Bangkok for a transfer to a flight to another city or resort (for example, for an independent trip to the province of Kanchanaburi, to the ancient capital of the country Ayutthaya, to the islands in the southern part of the country, including islands of the Andaman Sea).

- for businessmen who arrived in Bangkok on official business and do not want to miss the opportunity to relax for a couple of days at the famous resort closest to the capital, especially when several days of the business visit fell on the weekend.

- for independent travelers who have just arrived in Thailand and are going to relax in Pattaya, but are not well prepared for their trip and instead of going directly, which is easier, faster and cheaper, they get to Bangkok and try to go to the resort from there.

From Bangkok to Pattaya by bus

If during your trip to Thailand there is a need to get from Bangkok to Pattaya, but for some reason you do not want to use the services of local taxi drivers (for example, you want to save money), then there are a number of more affordable ways to overcome the distance between capital and resort. We are talking, first of all, about regular buses Bangkok - Pattaya, which depart from several points in the capital of Thailand.

Due to the fact that the cost of regular buses along the designated route is approximately the same, it makes sense to choose the bus station that is closest to you at the moment, because this will allow you to save on public transport. The most popular among tourists and local residents are Bangkok bus stations, which are located near the capital's metro stations: Ekkamai East Bus Station and Mochit Bangkok Northern Bus Station.

The easiest way to get to Ekkamai Bus Station, located in the eastern part of Bangkok, is to take the Sukhumvit Line. Get off at the station of the same name: Ekkamai. From the bus station located near this metro station, modern, air-conditioned buses depart for Pattaya almost every half hour. It is also important that in addition to the small interval between flights, they operate from early morning until late evening (from 05:30 to 23:00). Please be aware that the last flight may not be available.

The cost of travel from Bangkok to Pattaya is about 120 baht (about $4), and you do not need to pay separately for a bag or suitcase transported in the luggage compartment of the bus. The trip lasts about two hours (usually less rather than more), just make sure when purchasing your ticket that you need a direct flight and not a longer one that goes through Chonburi, the main city of the province. It is also better to choose first class buses, the distinctive feature of which is the blue stripe and the number 1 on the sides. The point here is not even about comfort, but about the fact that second-class buses have a huge number of stops along the route, which is why such a bus often takes more than 3 hours to get to Pattaya, and if, when leaving Bangkok, it gets into a small traffic jam, then all 4 hours.

Bangkok's Northern Bus Terminal, known as Mo Chit, is the largest in the city and is located in the northern part of the capital. Just don’t be surprised when on the bus terminal building itself, instead of the Mo Chit inscription, you see the inscription Chatuchak - this is normal for Thailand :). By the way, Chatuchak is the name of the most famous market in Bangkok located nearby, which is probably why the name migrated to the bus station.

You can get to the station by arriving at the Mochit station using two types of transport in Bangkok: the skytrain (the Mochit terminus of the Sukhumvit line) and the same station on the only line. As is the case with the eastern bus station, fare from Bangkok to Pattaya is about 120 baht. Buses also depart from the northern bus station of Mo Chit almost every half hour from 05:00 in the morning, but the last flight from here is already at 19:00 (or 20:00 - depending on the season) in the evening.

Due to the fact that the bus service between Bangkok and Pattaya is operated by several bus companies at once, I advise you to always check when purchasing tickets exactly where the bus arrives in Pattaya: at a specific bus station or is it a passing bus and will drop you off on the Sukhumvit highway in the city (the latter option more rare, but still worth checking). I also advise you to read the article, because you most likely need not only to get to the resort, but also to get to a certain area in the city (the said article tells you how to do this the easiest way).

How to get from Bangkok to Pattaya by taxi

The easiest, but also the most expensive way to get from Bangkok to Pattaya is by taxi. However, for those who value comfort, speed and are willing to pay a little more for it, this option is quite good. But in any case, you need to bargain with the taxi driver, because the initial price for the specified route, which the taxi driver calls, is 1500-2500 baht. After successful bargaining, the price should drop to 1000-1200 baht. Additionally, you will need to pay about 150 baht for travel on the expressway.

Also, even before the start of the trip, you should agree on where exactly the taxi will take you: to one of the bus stations, to a specific street in the city, to the door of a specific hotel, etc. Consider travel time, i.e. Upon arrival in Pattaya, you should not force a taxi driver to take you to a hotel located on Walking Street if this street is already closed to traffic due to the onset of another evening in Pattaya. You also need to be prepared for the fact that some taxi drivers (stopped on the street) simply will not want to take you to Pattaya, because... prefer to work exclusively in the capital.

How to get from Bangkok to Pattaya by train

If for some reason you don’t like the methods described above, which allow you to quickly and quite inexpensively get to Pattaya from Bangkok, there is another option: traveling along the indicated route by train. Due to the long travel time, this option is, one might say, not for everyone, i.e. for avid ferroequinologists (railway fans). I’ll say right away that I haven’t used this method to get to Pattaya yet, so the data is based on information available on the network.

The only train on the route Bangkok - Pattaya departs from Bangkok at 06:55 am and arrives in Pattaya at 10:35, i.e. travel time is 3 hours 40 minutes, which is comparable to second class buses. The return flight from Pattaya departs for the capital at 14:21 and arrives at the destination station at 18:25, i.e. the return journey takes more than 4 hours. Perhaps someone will find the cost of train travel on this route very tempting, which is only 31 Baht (less than $1) in a 3rd class carriage.

The train departs from Bangkok from the main station (Bangkok MRT underground metro station of the same name, Hua Lamphong). In Pattaya, the train arrives at the railway station located behind the Sukhumvit highway (in East Pattaya), south of North Pattaya Rd.

How to get from Bangkok to Pattaya by car

If you prefer to travel in a rented car during your travels and want to get to Pattaya from Bangkok by yourself, then you should expect a journey of about two hours. In this situation, it is quite difficult to predict the exact time due to the varying intensity of road traffic, knowledge of the route, your driving skills when driving a right-hand drive car and the ability to navigate using maps of Thailand.

I would like to note right away that due to the closer distance to Pattaya and the lack of need to travel around the Thai capital, using a car rented at Suvarnabhumi Airport can get to your destination much easier and faster - the journey will take you no more than an hour and a half. For a long time, Highway No. 3, connecting Bang Na and Trat, was considered the optimal route. Driving along this route from Bangkok to Pattaya, you need to pass through the cities of Bang Pakong, Chonburi and Si Racha. Recently, a new route through Chonburi and Pattaya to Rayong has become popular.

When choosing a car as a means of transport for traveling between Bangkok and Pattaya, I recommend that you get up-to-date road maps or upload a map of Thailand to your navigator. Motorway driving itself is quite normal, and the roads, with the exception of small sections, are of very good quality. However, it should be remembered that at the exits from Bangkok there are quite complex (for drivers accustomed to driving on the right) road junctions, in which you can very quickly get lost without an experienced real or electronic assistant.

The cheapest way to get from Bangkok to Pattaya

If you want to get to Pattaya from Bangkok in the most affordable way, and traveling by cheap train, which is described above, does not suit you for some reason (you are not satisfied with the travel time, schedule, the need to get to the train station in Bangkok and from the station railway in Pattaya to the resort center), then you should pay attention to regular minibuses (minibuses). Finding the specified transport, which costs only 97 Baht, is quite simple if you know some landmarks.

The point from which minibuses depart from Bangkok to various destinations, including Pattaya, is located near the Victory Monument in the northern part of the capital. The easiest way to get there is to take the BTS Skytrain to the station with the same name (Victory Monument). There is no need to go to the square itself: if you come by metro from the city center, then an improvised mini-bus station is located on the right in the direction of travel.

At the same time, it is not so easy to notice, because there is no building there: in a small courtyard there are tables in a row, at which Thais sit and sell tickets for minibuses. The best landmark, visible directly from the skytrain platform, is the car dealership building with a large vertical “Suzuki” inscription on the facade. (see photo above). Just next to this building, closer to the Victory Monument, there is a point of sale of tickets costing 97 Baht (which is equivalent to $3 - more about this in the article “Money of Thailand. Exchange rates in Thailand today”).

Next to the tables there are homemade signs with directions written on them. Just go to the table where it says “Pattaya” and buy a small ticket. The actual boarding of the minibuses takes place at a site located further between the buildings. A problem you may encounter is that many minibuses do not have Latin lettering on them. Therefore, if you do not know Thai, you will have to worry a little so as not to miss your minibus. I used the Bangkok – Pattaya flight only once, but I remembered that the indicated route was number 4. It seems that such a number was written on the ticket and definitely on the transport itself.

Finally, a few words about the disadvantages of this method get from Bangkok to Pattaya . You won't be able to use the minibus late in the evening, because... last flight at 20:00. In my opinion, it is better not to use it if you have large bags or suitcases. I only had a small backpack with me, but there was no room for it in the minibus either: there is no trunk as such, the rows of seats are close to each other, and the bus does not leave until all the seats are occupied. As a result, being 183 cm tall, I had to keep the backpack on my lap the whole way, which did not contribute to comfort at all.

In addition, I do not recommend occupying the back row of seats for those who want to admire the view from the window while driving. The back row of seats in Thai minibuses is usually raised above the rest, so in order to look out the window you have to bend over or bend your neck, which quickly gets tired. Finally, if during the journey you notice that the minibus turned off the road and stopped, and people began to get out of it without their things, most likely you are not in Pattaya yet, but stopped at a gas station.

In this case, you have about 10 minutes to buy fruit or food from street vendors, or go to the store to buy something cold. You need to get out of the minibus in any case, because... By law, passengers are prohibited from being inside while refueling. Therefore, if you don’t want to buy anything, just stretch your legs. Regardless of which way you choose to get from Bangkok to Pattaya, I wish you a pleasant trip!

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Basic information about the road:

  • distance between Pattaya and Bangkok - 150 kilometers (to the center);
  • travel time by car - 2 hours (depending on traffic jams);
  • travel time by bus - 2.5 hours (with waiting and traffic jams);
  • cost of bus/minibus/taxi tickets - from 120/100/1500 baht.

How to get to Pattaya from Suvarnabhumi Airport

Most international flights from Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries arrive in Main and Bangkok. The distance from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya is about 110 km. You can get there directly from the airport by bus, taxi or on your own. The methods are described below quite briefly, read in more detail.

1. Buses.

Regular buses from Suvarnabhumi go to the bus station on Thappraya Street; in Pattaya they make stops on the Sukhumvit Highway, at its intersection with North, Central and South streets. They depart from gate No. 8 on the 1st floor of the airport, tickets are also sold there.

3. Car rental.

How to get there from Don Muang Airport

If the price does not suit the taxi, then you need to get to where buses and minibuses go to Pattaya. There are two options. This is to take a metered taxi or take shuttle No. A1, which departs from the airport terminal and goes into the city to the nearest one. He returns back through, where you need to exit.

How to get to Pattaya from Bangkok city center

Buses and minibuses

You can travel from Bangkok to Pattaya from all bus stations:, and. Buses go to . From there you can take or take a ride to the hotel.

1. Ekkamai bus station.

Here you will see how cheaper and more convenient it is to get from Pattaya to Bangkok and Suvarnabhumi Airport by taxi, regular bus or minibus.

From Pattaya to Bangkok airport on your own

Every tourist visiting Pattaya on their own sooner or later has the need to get to Bangkok to Suvarnabhumi Airport. This part of the article will describe the 2 most popular methods.

Taxi to the airport

The most convenient and comfortable way to get from Pattaya to the airport is by taxi. Many hotels have a transfer order service. The cheapest way to order a taxi to Suvarnabhumi Airport is from street agencies, which are pavilions or stands with the inscription “TAXI”. You only need to provide the name of your hotel, set a time and pay for the service in advance.

Taxi prices from Pattaya to Suvarnabhumi Airport usually start from 1,000 baht. A passenger sedan can take up to 3 passengers; there are also more spacious cars. Therefore, the more of you there are, the more profitable the trip. Travel time is about 1 hour 30 minutes. (may increase during traffic jams).

Buses from Pattaya to Suvarnabhumi Airport.

You can get to the airport directly from your hotel by bus with Bell Travel Services.

You will be picked up from your hotel in Pattaya by a minivan at the appointed time and taken to the company office at the Pattaya Bus Terminal (north street in Pattaya). Next you will be transferred to a large passenger bus. Bus departure times to Suvarnabhumi Airport from Pattaya North Bus Station are 06:00/09:00/11:00/13:00/15:00/17:00/19:00.

  • The cost of the trip with luggage is 250 baht. You can buy a ticket at the Bell Travel Services office at the bus station (see map), or online at The drive should not take longer than 2 hours.

Another regular bus from Pattaya to Bangkok Airport runs from the southern bus station at the intersection of Thep Prasit Rd. and Thap Praya Rd. Buses depart every hour from 7-00 to 21-00. A ticket including luggage costs only 120-130 baht.

How to get from Pattaya to Bangkok on your own

Minibus Pattaya-Bangkok

One of the cheapest ways to get from Pattaya to Bangkok is by minibus. It runs approximately every half hour from 6:00 to 20:00; mainly Thais use this transport.
The final stop in Bangkok is the Victory Monument. From here you can get to any part of the city by Skytrain, taxi or bus. The drive from Pattaya to Bangkok takes about 2 hours.

There are three departure points from Pattaya.

  1. The first is located next to Walking Street on South Pattaya Road, opposite Friendship Supermarket. You can find out the departure point of the minibus by the table with chairs.
  2. The second point is located on the southern street near the Tuckom shopping center. The landmark is the Focus Color Lab salon.
  3. The third departure point for the Pattaya-Bangkok minibus is located at the gas station on Sukhumvit Road, near the intersection with the main street.
  • There is no need to pay upon boarding. In 20 minutes there will be a stop at a gas station, where you will buy a ticket for 99 baht at the ticket office.

Minibuses from Pattaya to Bangkok belong to the PattayaVan company, all information can be found on the carrier’s website of the same name

This transport is inferior in comfort to large buses and passenger taxis: shaking is felt strongly, there is noticeably less space inside.

Advice. Try not to sit in the last seats - sitting there is especially uncomfortable.

Bus Pattaya-Bangkok

Another inexpensive way to get from Pattaya to Bangkok is by bus at Pattaya Bus Terminal (North Pattaya Road).

They go to Bangkok in three directions: to the eastern bus station (Ekamai), southern and northern.

  • If you are going to stay in Bangkok rather than travel further, choose Ekamai (Eastern Bus Terminal). The east station is closer to the center and has a BTS stop nearby. Buses depart every 30-40 minutes from 4:30 to 23:00. The cost of the trip is 108 baht (including luggage).

Traveling from Pattaya to Bangkok by bus usually takes 20-30 minutes longer than by minibus.

Taxi Pattaya-Bangkok

A taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok usually costs a little more than to Suvarnabhumi Airport - from 1,200 baht. But it is possible to bargain up to 1000. You can also order from street agencies. If you need a car urgently, you can contact taxi drivers or motorcycle taxi drivers (they serve as free intermediaries). But discuss all the details in advance; some may require additional payment for travel on toll roads.

  • If you need to book a hotel in Bangkok or Pattaya at the lowest prices, use the Agoda service.
  • You can find an inexpensive hotel with a good location.

Pattaya is the tourist hub of Thailand, with one exception, the airport is not able to accommodate large numbers of planes (not) and most travelers fly home from Bangkok. In this article we will touch on such a topic as Pattaya - Bangkok, how to get there?

We will not consider such a banal method as a transfer from a hotel, since it lies on the surface and there is no point in devoting a whole paragraph to it.

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest and cheapest form of transport - the bus. An economical way to get to Bangkok, after a scooter, is by bus, of which there are a huge number departing from Pattaya.

Pattaya - Bangkok buses depart from six different places in the city, but we will tell you about the most popular of them.

North Bus Station

So, how to get from Pattaya to Bangkok on your own? The most expensive buses depart from the northern point of the city - the northern bus station. Buses departing from this stop go to Suvarnabhumi Airport, Mo Chit, Ekkamai bus stations and to the bus station located in the southern part of Bangkok. The fare is 150–200 baht, depending on the season.

Severny bus station is marked on the map

Schedule: from 4.30 to 23.00

Traffic interval: once an hour (it happens that drivers delay departure).

In addition, not far from this bus station there is a stop on route 389, which goes to Bangkok International Airport.

Regular bus

The most popular bus route is 389. It runs from the Terminus located at Jomtien to Suvarnabhumi Airport. The bus station is located opposite the Italian restaurant Pan-Pan (more details can be found on the map) near Thappraye Street. In addition to the Italian restaurant, there is a food court next to the bus station.

Buses depart every hour, from 7.00 to 21.00.

In addition to the final stop, there are four stops along the route where the bus picks up passengers. They are indicated on the diagram.

The fare is 134 baht.

Important! It is better to purchase tickets in advance, as there is a chance that you will not leave at the scheduled time. Ideally within a few hours or a day. Plus, don't forget about the queues.

Bus station near Central Festival

The most famous place among tourists, however, this does not mean excellent service. So, under the loud name of the bus station, there is a separate table on which Bangkok is written (tickets are sold here), and nearby there is a bored minibus of an unknown year of manufacture.

It is worth noting that you may not leave this stop at all, due to the driver’s reluctance (this happens either late in the evening or early in the morning; this did not happen during the day).

You can get from here to the airport, and the cost of the trip will be 134 baht.
Buses depart from 6 am to 6 pm. The distance from Pattaya to Bangkok is 120 km, and by minibus this will result in 2 hours of travel (but if you take into account that transport tends to get stuck in traffic jams), the time can easily increase to three hours.

Parking near the pier

You can get to Bangkok by minibus from the central Pattaya pier, where the ferries are moored. In this area there are two booths that sell minibus tickets. The price is quite affordable and is only 100 baht. But, it is worth considering that complete chaos reigns here and it is not always possible to leave on time.

Despite the fact that driving minibuses is not so bad, you certainly can’t envy them in terms of punctuality.

Minibuses depart one after another starting at seven in the morning. The end time of the cruise is not indicated, but after six it will be quite problematic to leave.

A situation may also arise that passengers will have to stand and wait for the minibus for some time, again, due to the laziness of the driver.

Stop between Second and South streets

This bus station is a good alternative to stopping near the ferry crossing. It is considered the cheapest of all the stations in the city, the ticket price is only 90 baht.

Only minibuses depart from this stop at intervals of 15–20 minutes. The station starts working at 6 am and ends at eight pm.

Tickets are traditionally sold at a table near the Phra Pattaya restaurant.

Like any bus station, chaos reigns here, so an extra sedative will not hurt you at all.

How long does it take to get from the stop to Bangkok? Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours.

How to speed up your trip?

Naturally, a bus is not a car and the passenger is tied to it, but there is a small life hack that enterprising Thais use. In order not to waste time in traffic jams, you can ask the driver to stop near the highway exit, near the Udom Suk metro station.

In this simple way you can save up to an hour of your time (if, of course, you plan to continue walking around Bangkok and are ready to immerse yourself in the local metro).

Taxi Pattaya Bangkok

How to get from Pattaya to Bangkok without using public transport? Typically, this question is asked by fans of individual car trips. The cost of a taxi is completely undemocratic, unlike a bus or minibus, but in some cases it is worth it. When traveling by car, you will not be tied to bus stops and can get anywhere in Bangkok.
The distance from Pattaya to the capital of Thailand is 120 km and for this distance taxi drivers charge from 1200 to 800 baht per car. Moreover, the closer to Central Street the point of ordering a car is located, the more expensive its price. If we are talking about a minibus, it will cost travelers 2 thousand baht.

A good option would be to book a car in advance for a specific date. You can order either in person, at a kiosk, or by phone, however, in such a situation, you will need knowledge of English in order to communicate with the interlocutor. Phone number +6681-205-30-44 or +6692-219-01-77. This is the company number By the way, you can also find out more about the excursion there, of course, for an additional fee.

Keep in mind that you need to negotiate with the driver in advance and it is advisable to write down the price on a piece of paper in front of him. Plus, there are toll sections along the road, and it’s also better to discuss these points. “Enterprising” taxi drivers like tourists to pay for travel along them.

The pattaya-taxiservice company offers several car options:

  1. Regular sedan - 1200 baht.
  2. “Family” car - 1400 baht.
  3. Toyota Fortuner - 1500 baht.

Prices are per trip to Suvarnabhumi Airport. If we are talking about Don Muang Airport, the price is accordingly: 1500; 1700; 1800. Nobody forbids haggling.

Here are some more taxi ordering services:

Add new parking spots for buses, taxis and minibuses in the comments.