The disappearance of Suleiman Zaripov. The missing imam of the Kazan mosque and a sheikh from the Arab Emirates met in Mordovia with Mufti Ildus-Hazrat Iskhakov. The car was found on the main street of Buinsk

Mysterious events are happening in the Muslim world! In early February, the 57-year-old imam of the Kazan Nurulla mosque, Suleiman Zaripov, unexpectedly disappeared. On February 6, he came on a “secret visit” to visit the Mufti of Mordovia Ildus-Khazrat Iskhakov in a Toyota Corolla car. Together with the guest, a 62-year-old citizen of the United Nations disappeared from Tatarstan. United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khuja Abde Najim Eldie Najmeddin, a major philanthropist. According to one version, the guests were transporting a large sum of money for unknown purposes and, apparently, turned out to be victims of criminals who found out about this. It is possible that they were being followed. The traces of the imam and the benefactor sheikh end in the Tatar city of Buinsk. According to Tatarstan media, the security council of this republic received information that the wanted foreigner is an adherent of “not entirely pure ideas.” Meanwhile, the Leninsky District Court of Saransk has put on the international wanted list a resident of Belozerye who is fighting in Syria on the side of the terrorist organization ISIS. VALERY YARTSEV found out scandalous details that smell unpleasantly of big money.

The missing
Interesting moment. Mufti of Mordovia Ildus Iskhakov did not mention the visit of the imam of the Kazan mosque Suleiman Zaripov and Sheikh Najmeddin to Saransk on his website. Until the guests suddenly disappeared. One can only guess for what purpose they were visiting the republic... Soon some circumstances of their mysterious disappearance . After spending the night in a Saransk hotel, on February 7, Imam Zaripov and Sheikh Najmiddin safely left Region-13. It is known that along the way they stopped for afternoon prayers at the mosque in the Tatar village of Starye Studentsy. And the next day their empty car was found in the city of Buinsk near the Albina store. The phones were turned off. No signs of struggle or resistance were found in the cabin. In addition to law enforcement officers, hundreds of volunteers were involved in the search for the Tatar imam and his foreign companion. As the leaders of the Marjani mosque note, the volunteer groups included people of various nationalities and religions. They even created a special headquarters. About 70 thousand rubles were collected. With the help of this money, the search groups were provided with hot food, shovels, and gasoline. In the Buinsky district, recordings from almost all video cameras were collected and viewed. According to local media, volunteers studied all routes leading towards the Ulyanovsk region, Chuvashia and Mordovia. We examined forest belts, abandoned villages, roadside shops and cafes. A search engine headquarters was also created in Saransk. They studied recordings from video cameras near the hotel where the guests stayed overnight, but did not notice anything suspicious. Meanwhile, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan decided to provide financial assistance to the family of the missing Suleiman Zaripov. Recently, a delegation led by the mufti of the republic, Kamil-Khazrat Samigullin, visited the relatives of the religious figure. Buinsk investigators opened a criminal case under the article “Murder of two or more persons.” According to the senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee for Tatarstan, Andrei Sheptytsky, there is reason to believe that the missing could have become victims of criminals. According to information from “S”, there are rumors that Saransk bandits hid Zaripov and the foreigner in the forest, demanding a ransom. As noted by the Investigative Committee, the abduction could have been carefully planned. The fact is that the imam’s foreign car turned out to be “very successfully” parked in precisely the place where there are no CCTV cameras at all. In addition, they could actually have a large amount of money with them. Maybe all that remained was to wait for the rich guests to safely leave Mordovia in order to remove traces of it? By the way, according to another unconfirmed version, the police are currently checking whether the Emirati resident, whose charitable foundation is located in Dubai, could have been involved in the disappearance of Mufti Zaripov as a result of the conflict... Be that as it may, all these questions can be answered only a consequence...
Zaripov was the first vice-rector of the Russian-Islamic University. According to friends, “the mufti’s sermons did not call for anything radical.” By the way, he is a relative of the former head of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of Tatarstan and he himself worked for a long time as the deputy head of this spiritual administration. Zaripov was considered the republic’s curator for interaction with Saudi Arabia and Arab countries of the Middle East. It is also known that Sheikh Najmeddin has been financing the construction of mosques in various regions of Russia since the early 1990s. However, according to “S”, the purpose of his visit to small Mordovia has not yet been fully clarified by the investigation...

“Where there is a smell of money, bandits are always nearby”! - Meanwhile, this is exactly what Secretary of the Security Council of Tatarstan Ayrat Shafigullin told reporters last week. He believes that the disappearance of religious figures has a financial implication. According to him, the Security Council of Tatarstan received information that the wanted representative of the Islamic charitable foundation was a supporter of not entirely pure ideas! However, as representatives of local media note, Shafigullin found it difficult to answer the question of why this fact was not assessed earlier. He also did not say how many Tatar mosques were built with the financial participation of the fund, which was represented by Sheikh Najmeddin. “My opinion: there are no missing sheikhs and imams in Tatarstan! - noted Rafil Nugumanov, deputy chairman of the Committee on Law and Order of the State Council of Tatarstan, former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of this republic. - Maybe they are somewhere in neighboring regions - Ulyanovsk region, Mordovia... The version about bandits has a right to exist. It was reported on the Internet that this guest assisted in the construction of mosques. This suggests that he had money, and, most likely, this time he came again with a large sum...”

Meanwhile, 32-year-old native of Belozerye Nail Abdrashitov was put on the international wanted list. According to “C”, he joined an illegal armed group that is waging war against the regular Syrian army. The Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of Mordovia upheld the decision of the Leninsky District Court to take him into custody. Abdrashitov is the brother of the former mufti of Mordovia Abdulkarim-Khazrat Abdrashitov, who recently died in an accident. By the way, it was after this accident that Iskhakov came to his place. As follows from the resolution of the senior investigator for especially important cases of the investigative department of the FSB for the Republic of Moldova, the disappeared resident of Belozerye adhered to the ideas of armed struggle against persons who do not profess Islam. For this purpose, in December 2007, Abdrashitov flew to Iran to avoid detention. Then the “son of Mordovia” joined an illegal armed group in the Afghan-Pakistani zone. At that time, the “soldiers of Allah” acted against NATO armed forces. And in 2013, a Belozersk resident joined an armed gang, which began to take an active part in hostilities against the regular army of Syria. According to some reports, Nail Abdrashitov is now in this country. He is on the international wanted list. A native of Mordovia was charged in absentia under the article “Participation in an illegal armed group” (up to 5 years of captivity).
According to Russian intelligence services, about 200 people left the Volga region for “jihad.” This was discussed last fall at a press conference organized by the Islamic Cultural Center with the support of the administration of the Head of Mordovia and the Mordovian Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, often Volga region Islamists leaving for the Middle East collect money by begging for alms from ordinary passers-by in city parks. Ravil Abdullov, a resident of the village of Belozerye, and Radik Gilvanov, a resident of the Bashkir city of Sibay, have already been convicted for this practice of providing assistance to “our warring brothers in Syria.”
As Roman Silantiev, a well-known religious scholar, researcher of Islam and associate professor at Moscow Linguistic University, told the “S” correspondent, there are currently over one and a half dozen representatives of this Romodanov village in the ranks of the banned organization ISIS. One of the main dangers, according to the expert, is the possible mass return of Wahhabis from Syria home. These “jihadists” will have combat and ideological experience behind them. According to Silantyev, at the beginning of February, more than 15 people from the Romodanov village of Belozerye are in the ranks of the banned organization ISIS... It is also possible to give only a general assessment of the number of Russians who have converted to Islam. According to experts, there are several tens of thousands of them. In Mordovia - about 70 people. Roman Silantiev emphasizes that out of 100 converts, as a rule, 40 become militants of illegal groups. By the way, against the backdrop of sending some militant-minded residents of the Romodanovsky district to the “holy war,” the question involuntarily arises: for what purpose did a sheikh-philanthropist from the United Arab Emirates come to visit us without much publicity? And if he did have a large sum of money with him, what was it really intended for?
“Isn’t it in vain that Russia intervened in Syrian affairs after the events in Ukraine?” - At the end of the conversation, the “S” correspondent asked expert Roman Silanyev. “We did everything right! - the authoritative religious scholar has no doubt. - ISIS promotes the caliphate - the most rigid form of Islam. His goals are clearly defined - to kill... Therefore, we have only one way out: to destroy the enemy on his territory with little bloodshed! By the way, ISIS supporters are actively infiltrating Russian territory. But tracking and timely elimination of these extremists gives hope for a favorable outcome. Terrorists and radicals must know: you can’t interfere in our country!” “Don’t you think that we are on the verge of a third world war?” “It’s been going on for several years now! - says Silantiev. “But it is of a hybrid nature, that is, it is not similar to either the First World War or the Second...”
And one more important fact, which, as they say, is in plain sight. Currently, there are several spiritual Muslim organizations in Mordovia. And for some reason, only one of them, headed by Ildus Iskhakov, appears in the news with a criminal connotation. Then the Kazan imam, together with a sheikh from a not entirely friendly country, for some reason secretly arrive in Mordovia, and then suddenly disappear. Then the brother of the previous mufti from the same spiritual administration is actively fighting against the Syrian troops, and in fact - against Russia. And the number of residents of the Romodanovsky village of Belozerye, going with unknown funds to the Middle East with weapons in their hands, does not dry out...

In the Buinsky district, the search for the missing Kazan imam Suleiman Zaripov was stopped, the search headquarters was moved to the Kazan Marjani mosque. This was reported by the son of the missing imam, Karim Zaripov.

Dear friends, relatives, all those who empathize with us, we inform you that the search engines have completed their work in Buinsk and the surrounding areas. And about the transfer of the search headquarters to the central Marjani mosque under the leadership of Mansur Hazrat.

May the Almighty reward those who helped in Buinsk, and we express special gratitude to the head of the Buinsky district administration, Aizatullin Azat Kasimovich, mukhtasib Ilmir, hazrat Faritovich, imam of the mosque in Studentsy, Linur, hazrat Rafikovich, and all the volunteers who took part in the search,” Karim said.

“We looked at all the video recordings that we managed to get along the highways and saw nothing suspicious. Normal traffic on the highway: someone follows them, someone overtakes them, nothing special. But we passed on the information to the Investigative Committee,” said Mansur Hazrat, head of the Kazan headquarters at the Al-Marjani mosque.

It is noted that now the main version of law enforcement agencies is that the imam and his companion were kidnapped by bandits and taken to Mordovia, to Saransk. The cars that were previously seen near the hotel where Suleiman Zaripov stayed with a Middle Eastern guest are now being tracked. Presumably, the imam and his friend are being held captive somewhere in Mordovia.

The Case of the Missing Imam

According to law enforcement agencies, on February 6, Zaripov took him, and they went on a pilgrimage to Mordovia. On February 7, the imam and him left Saransk for Kazan. “On the way, they stopped at the mosque in the village of Starye Studentsi, Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, for an afternoon prayer, after which they drove towards Buinsk. The next day, a Toyota Corolla was discovered in Buinsk. Nothing is known about the whereabouts of the men,” the Investigative Committee said.

After examining the car of the missing people, it turned out that there were no traces of a criminal nature in the car. Also, experts did not find any prints belonging to third parties inside the car. Toyota Corolla was locked by the owner of the alarm key fob.

Earlier, after the disappearance of an imam and his foreign friend in Buinsk.

The baby is the fifth child in the family of Zulfiya and Mukhamet Miftakhov. Besides him, the couple has two daughters and two sons. They named the newborn Suleiman. The baby was born on the day his grandfather went missing. Little Suleiman feels well, the child’s weight is four kg, the mother shared. Imam-khatib of the Petrovsky village of Kazan, second imam of the Nurulla mosque, 57-year-old Suleiman hazrat Zaripov, disappeared without a trace under unknown circumstances on February 7, 2016. His companion, 62-year-old UAE citizen Sheikh Najmetdin, also disappeared along with him. Hazrat and the sheikh were returning from Saransk to Kazan in a Toyota Corolla car and on the way they stopped for prayer at the mosque in the village of Stary Studenets, Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The car was later discovered in Buinsk. The further fate of the disappeared religious figures is unknown. Even before the baby was born, we spoke with Zulfiya Khanum. Zulfiya remembers what she experienced over the past two years with a shudder of her heart. – First we collected video recordings. Everywhere where there were video cameras, we collected all possible recordings. They were given to investigators. We watched Avtodoriya cameras. To our questions they answer that “they found nothing.” “So they were kidnapped like in the movie – by helicopter?” - we are surprised, and hear in response: “Probably.” To be honest, I am extremely surprised by this response from the Investigative Committee. I think with such power as they have, they could achieve greater results. Either they are not interested in this, or they are not allowed - only the Almighty knows. We tried to write to both Putin and Bastrykin (head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - Ed.), the answer is always the same: “Your case is in the Investigative Department of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is considered a matter of special importance.” Nothing else. There is information about the disappearance of our father in the program “Wait for me,” said Zulfiya Miftakhova. “Only good dreams were told, bad dreams were kept secret” Hazrat Suleiman often dreams about Zulfiya and his family. “I used to always dream about him on the road.” “Daughter, I’m on the road, I’ll arrive soon,” he said in his dreams. Surprisingly, after my father disappeared, many friends moved away from us. One day, about 10 months ago, he dreamed again. I sat in the Nurullah mosque and drew, it’s still before my eyes. Sunny day. He draws caricatures - he has always been good at them. “We are looking for you, why are you sitting here,” I told him. He glanced briefly and said: “Well, daughter, now we know who is who. We realized who is truly close to us.” Then I realized who he meant. In the photo: Suleiman hazrat, Rashida abystai and Zulfiya khanum “Three times different people had the same dream.” Then there was another dream, says the daughter of hazrat. The father seemed exhausted, did not cry, but was close to such a state. – This place is before my eyes: the tram tracks opposite the building of the Kazan Infectious Diseases Hospital. “I’m very tired, you see, I’m halfway through,” he said. Two days later, a friend called and told me a dream in which his father said that he had walked half the way. The same dream was later recounted by a dentist friend. Three people dreamed the same thing. They say that good dreams can be told, but bad dreams should not be told. So that what is told does not coincide with the moment when the angels say “Amen”. They told me about good dreams, they tried not to remember the bad ones, but they still scratched the soul. Everything is in the hands of Allah Almighty. If the life prescribed to him does not end, the person will remain alive. We miss our father, I was my father’s daughter,” Zulfiya cannot hold back her tears. My husband is like my father – My husband is very much like our father. After all, they say that girls look for men who look like their fathers as husbands. By the will of the Almighty, this is how it happened. So patient, smart, calm. Dad's copy. I once told Mukhamet: “If we ever decide to have another child, and a boy is born, and the father does not return to us by that time, we will call him Suleiman.” He agreed. A week later I found out that I was pregnant. We found out that we were going to have a son late in life,” shares Zulfiya Khanum. Only the survivor himself can understand. Living in the unknown is probably worse than knowing that someone close to you has passed on to another world. Zulfiya Miftakhova is offended that law enforcement agencies have already forgotten about the missing person. – About six months ago I contacted to get help. “Which Zaripov?” – the investigator asked. “Imam of the mosque,” ​​I tell him. He answers: “I don’t remember.” When I said that he was a very close person to us, he remembered. One thing remains a mystery to me: on the day my father disappeared, a pedestrian was hit on the Chelny highway. The driver disappeared, but after watching the video footage, he was caught in the morning. Two large men were kidnapped here - 100 kilograms each - and no one knows anything. Marvelous! – Zulfiya is amazed. Today I would like to wish the family of Suleiman Hazrat Zaripov great patience and faith in miracles. We wish Zulfiya Miftakhova and her husband Mukhamet to raise five children in health and harmony. We really hope that Hazrat Suleiman will still take his grandson into his arms and nurse Suleiman’s little namesake.

A Coordination Headquarters for the search for the missing Imam Suleiman Zaripov has been created in Kazan: as BUSINESS Online learned, the army of volunteers searching for him already numbers several hundred people. A fundraiser has been organized to help them.

According to media reports, security forces and relatives of the missing person are not very willing to comment on what is happening. However, as told IslamNews the daughter of the missing imam, Nuria, at the moment the family still does not know anything concrete. “No traces, nothing. The investigation doesn’t tell us anything, we call, they are silent, they don’t say anything. Everything is the same,” she told IN.

Before his disappearance, nothing unusual happened to her father, according to Nuria: no one came into contact with him, voiced no threats, no wishes, no recommendations. “Nothing foreshadowed such events; I do not know of any new unknown people communicating with him,” said the daughter of the missing man.

As for the companion of the missing man with the imam, he is known as a Muslim figure from the UAE with Syrian citizenship, who since the 90s has been providing financial assistance in the construction of mosques and madrassas in Russia.

One of latest photos Suleiman Zaripov with Talgat Tadzhuddin and Gabdulla Galiullin at the Nurullah mosque

A week after the disappearance of 57-year-old imam Suleiman Zaripov and 62-year-old resident of the United Arab Emirates Khuja Abde in the Buinsky district Najim Eldina(Najmuddin) still nothing is known about them.

On February 7, the men were returning from Saransk to Kazan in Zaripov’s car, but the last time they were seen was in the village of Stary Studenets, Buinsky District.

Large-scale searches for the missing, which involved hundreds of volunteers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, have not yet led to visible results. Meanwhile, in the criminal case opened on February 9 by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan under the article “Murder of two or more persons”, there are several mysteries. The clergyman's car, Toyota Corolla U071PE, was found parked in front of a store on Vakhitov Street in Buinsk in the opposite direction to traffic towards Kazan.

The Muftiate of Tatarstan commented on the situation extremely sparingly. “DUM RT denies the arrival of Khudzhi Abde. We didn’t even know who accompanied our imam on his trip to Saransk,” said Deputy Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Khairullin.

However, as it turned out, the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tatarstan had contacts with a benefactor from the UAE. “BUSINESS Online” published a photo in which the Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil Samigullin is next to Sheikh Najmuddin from the UAE.” Judging by the date of the photo, the meeting took place in December 2014.

“Khouja Abde Najim Eldin is the official representative of the Dar al Ber (UAE) charitable association in Russia, whose activities are controlled by the Emirate of Dubai,” the mufti’s press service commented on the photo. - This organization helps in the construction of mosques, madrassas and orphanages. Mufti Kamil Hazrat Samigullin held three working meetings with Khuja Abde Najim Eldin over the course of two years, at which they discussed the issue of providing charitable assistance in publishing the Koran in Braille for the blind and the Koran for free distribution in mosques.”

Other sources also speak about Khuja as a benefactor and builder of mosques and madrassas. As Radio Azatlyk reports with reference to Hazrat Galimzyan (former mufti of the Tyumen region - editor's note), Sheikh Najmuddin assisted in the construction of 26 mosques in the Tyumen region. The ex-mufti of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Tyumen region also reports that Najmuddin is a native of Syria, lived in Turkey for some time, then moved to the UAE. The Dar al Ber Foundation sponsored construction projects in other regions, in particular, in the Kurgan, Sverdlovsk regions, and Tatarstan.

Najmuddin’s active participation in the construction of mosques in the regions of Russia was confirmed to “BUSINESS Online” by the former imam-mukhtasib of Kazan, mukhtasib of the Volga and Vakhitovsky districts Mansur hazrat Dzhalaletdin.

The Dar al Ber Foundation is a large and reputable organization founded in 1979 in the UAE and operating in 42 countries. However, this respected organization also has problems: at the end of last year, the head of the Azerbaijani representative office of this organization, 45-year-old Rashad Akhundov, was put on the wanted list by Interpol. Allegedly due to non-payment of taxes, however, information about his connections with a certain “Wahhabi sect” was disseminated in the Azerbaijani media. In 2014, searches were carried out at the organization’s Baku representative office, Akhundov was detained, but released a day later. Interestingly, after this, the Vice President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, paid a visit to the country. In addition, you can find information on the Internet that an investigation into the fund was conducted in Serbia, and there were also suspicions about the financing of Chechen militants through it in the 1990s. Nevertheless, all these speculations remain at the level of rumors; the organization’s activities in Russia are not prohibited, the publication reports.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan keeps the results of the search for the missing imam in the strictest confidence. Earlier, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Khokhorin, speaking at the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, said that “The work is being carried out jointly with the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor’s Office and the FSB. The entire scope of activities was carried out immediately and will be carried out in the future. There’s nothing to say for now.”

For several days, search headquarters for missing persons in Buinsk and Kazan have been working around the clock: several hundred volunteers are participating in the search. According to the former mufti of Kazan, over the past three days, volunteers together with investigators found and seized all the recordings from cameras in Buinsk along Zaripov’s route from shops and cafes. One of the recordings shows how Zaripov’s car passes first, and then a short time Two more cars are driving close to each other - it is possible that the thieves were in them... However, an inspection of the Toyota car by employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan showed that there were no traces of a criminal nature in the car. Also, experts did not find any prints belonging to third parties inside the car. The car was locked and set to alarm. Despite the fact that believers from several regions joined the search for the missing, their efforts have not yet been crowned with success.

The missing Suleiman Hazrat himself is a well-known personality in the republic. In Tatarstan he was called the right hand of Mufti Gusman Iskhakov, which is not surprising, because he was not only the deputy head of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate, but also married to his sister. Also, as the first vice-rector, Suleiman Hazrat actually led the Russian Islamic University from 1998 to 2006.

What's behind his sudden disappearance? According to the most popular version in the ummah itself, the special services were involved in the abduction and became interested in Zaripov’s satellite, writes Business Online. However, the publication’s journalists “do not understand the unexpected interest in the sheikh, who has been to Russia many times since the 90s.”

“The second version: Muslim leaders were kidnapped, on the contrary, by Islamic radicals. But in this case, after a while they would probably take responsibility themselves, and some frightening video would appear on the Internet. Enough time has passed. Finally, the third version is ordinary crime. A sheikh from the UAE, overseeing financial flows from there, is a really good bait. Even if he didn’t have money with him, there are bills, cards and, in the end, the opportunity to ask for ransom,” the publication writes.

Let us remind you: in February 2014, in a similar way, an imam in the Stavropol Territory. The imam of the village of Mirny, Shamil Khubiev, was on his way to a meeting with the mufti of the region, Muhammad Rakhimov, but only his car was found (as it is now). Two years after his disappearance, nothing is still known about him.

Zukhra Ganieva, daughter of Suleiman hazrat Zaripov, told the latest information about her father, an outstanding Islamic minister of Tatarstan and Russia:

“There are suggestions that the car in Buinsk was not parked by the father himself. There is a version that (H.H. somewhere from the area near the village of Stary Studenets) a stranger drove the car to Buinsk, and this person was alone in the cabin. Such a person the conclusion, while preliminary, was made based on video recordings seized from roadside establishments (cafes, gas stations, shops).”

The daughter of a religious figure also commented on two unknown cars that relentlessly and unnoticed by Suleiman hazrat Zaripov followed the Toyota of an Islamic minister from Mordovia through Ulyanovsk and to Tatarstan: “Yes, these cars could be related to the case. There are two reasons for this. The first is according to information that became available to us, the license plates of these cars turned out to be fake, secondly, the suspicious cars were following the imam and his companion from Mordovia itself: these two cars were spotted on February 6 at the hotel in the capital of Mordovia Saransk, where Suleiman Zaripov and Sheikh Najmeddin were staying The cars were at the hotel building throughout the night and set off from the hotel in Saransk at the same time as the car of the Islamic ministers."

Should the trace of the alleged kidnappers and murderers of Islamic ministers be looked for in Mordovia? The capital of Russia in terms of the number of colonies since the time of the Jewish-Bolshevik Gulag regime. Mordovia, they write, is stuffed with 19 women’s colonies and 23 men’s colonies.

  • February 11th, 2016 , 10:57 am

Does this mean that the imam of the central mosque of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan “Nurulla” Suleiman Zaripov was killed and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan is already assuming murderers? Is this the work of the FSB? Another anti-Islamic Jewish resource of Tatarstan, Realnoe Vremya, which the Tatarstan authorities of the republic helped to promote, with its material “The Missing Imam”: The Investigative Committee does not rule out that the former “connector” of Tatarstan with the Salafi East was killed,” is spreading false, Islamophobic insinuations, pulled out even from the arsenals not the thirties, the 20s of the 20th century, famous for their terror against Tatar, national patriots, against Suleiman Zaripov, Gusman Iskhakov, Muslims of Tatarstan. It is worth mentioning another important point. Together with Suleiman Zaripov in the car there was a citizen of the United Arab Emirates - the famous philanthropist Sheikh Najmiddin, who attracted and invested his funds in the construction of 26 houses of worship in the Tyumen region, Tatarstan, Kurgan region.

I dare to suggest that the story of Suleiman Zaripov, the anti-Islamic attacks that followed his disappearance in the Kremlin, “liberal” media, may speak, perhaps, of a retaliatory strike by the Nazis to the persecution of the anti-Islamic terrorist Rais Suleymanov.

  • February 10th, 2016 , 03:57 pm

  • February 10th, 2016 , 06:32 am

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan asks not to organize volunteers to search for Suleiman Zaripov. There are allegedly rumors circulating in the corridors of the DUM RT about the involvement of the FSB in Zaripov’s disappearance. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case of murder.

Does this mean that the imam of the central mosque of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan “Nurulla” Suleiman Zaripov was killed and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan is already assuming murderers? Is this the work of the FSB? Another anti-Islamic Jewish resource of Tatarstan, Realnoe Vremya, which the Tatarstan authorities of the republic helped to promote, is spreading false, Islamophobic insinuations with might and main, pulled from the arsenals of not even the thirties, the 20s of the 20th century, famous for its terror against Tatar, national patriots, against Suleiman Zaripov , Gusman Iskhakov, Muslims of Tatarstan,

I dare to suggest that the story of Suleiman Zaripov, the anti-Islamic attacks from the media that followed his disappearance, may indicate, perhaps, a retaliatory strike by the Nazis to the persecution of the anti-Islamic terrorist Rais Suleymanov.

By the way, after Goebbels’s anti-Islamic false propaganda against the Muslim village of Belozerye in the federal media, the SDM of the Republic of Mordovia decided to pay off, or rather once again loyally confirm its loyalty to the Judeo-Orthodox authorities of Mordovia and the Kremlin, wiping out several tens of tons of food from the Muslims of Mordovia for the militants of Donbass. At this time, tens of thousands of fellow believers in Syria are dying from the famine perpetrated by the fascist Assad and his ally, the Judeo-Orthodox Kremlin. And there are no these tons of food from the Muslims of Russia. The Kremlin, understandably, does not care at all about the suffering of Syrian Muslims. There is no expense spared for the tons of bombs that are rained down on the heads of Muslims from the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, “the rich they are, the more they are happy to shower them.”

“Zaripov’s daughter disappeared in broad daylight, how is this possible?”