“I want to go to the Red Sea... Is there an alternative to Egypt? Jordan - beaches Aqaba beaches Jordan

A mystical mixture of colors and shapes, huge coral reefs and sea gardens, underwater grottoes and caves, a host of colorful fish and unknown mysteries of the depths - all this is the Red Sea in. The riches of the sea are so beautiful and diverse that you can tirelessly admire them all day long; clear warm water gently envelops the body, giving freshness and coolness contrasting with the scorching sun; the sound of the surf and foamy waves awaken the imagination and paint fabulous pictures of the resort world.

Aqaba is the main and only seaside resort. The ancient city, full of historical mysteries and unique monuments, neighbors Eilat and occupies perhaps the most promising part of the Red Sea coast. The absence of a massive influx of tourists and industry, excellent ecology and careful attitude to the gifts of nature have given the area indescribable wealth.

The underwater world of the resort sea is much richer than those taken together - this is where fish and sea animals come to escape the attention of millions of vacationers.

Thanks to the hot climate, the Red Sea is warm and comfortable all year round, the temperature is kept at more than 30 degrees, the water temperature is 22-28°. Of course, 22° means the coldest months. There is no season or off-season as such, but the best time for a trip is considered to be the off-season, and for beach tourism – autumn.

The sea in Aqaba remains warm and clear 365 days a year, visibility in the water reaches 50 meters. In spring, water transparency decreases due to blooming plankton. The ebb and flow of the tides are insignificant, in general the sea is quite calm, without high waves or disturbances. Strong currents are observed only at great depths away from the coast.

Beaches and holidays on the Red Sea

The coast of Aqaba is indented with sandy and pebble-rocky bays on which beaches are located. Most of them belong to hotels and there is an entrance fee. Municipal beaches are free with sun lounger rentals. All areas are impeccably equipped with infrastructure and staffed cafes, restaurants and other entertainment.

The bottom is clean and shallow, swimming is convenient and safe, the beaches are carefully cleaned from algae and other contaminants.

The resort successfully popularizes active recreation at sea, in Aqaba this is mainly snorkeling, as well as water sports and attractions.

Diving has literally become a cult, the main merit of this is King Abdullah II, who is fond of diving. The fantastic underwater world, which is perhaps the best in the world in the Red Sea, also contributes to the development of the diving movement.


Sea diving in Aqaba is:

  • Rich vegetation.
  • Thousands of species of fish and animals.
  • Coral reefs, dozens of species of corals.
  • Sunken ships and military equipment.
  • Underwater caves, grottoes, tunnels, canyons.

The varied bottom topography has given Aqaba about 30 dive sites. The most popular of them are Pride of Cedar, Gorgon, Moon Valley, Rainbow Reef, Kiwi Reef, Ras al-Yamani, Yellowstone Reef, Seven Sisters, King Abdullah Reef, Black Cliff, Coral Garden, Eel Garden, Japanese Gardens. There are several specially sunk ships and an American tank.

There are sites for beginners located at a depth of only 8-15 meters and sites for professionals with a dive of 30, 50 or more meters, with difficult terrain and conditions. Some areas are good at any time of day, while others bloom at night.

Undersea world

The Red Sea is home to billions of colorful creatures. Soft red and fire corals, rare black and table corals, blue and gorgonian corals became their home. Here you can see dozens of species of sea grass and picturesque rock formations. In all this there are houses of marine inhabitants invisible to the eye.

The expanses of the Red Sea are roamed by barracudas, angelfish, anemones, sponges, crabs, octopuses, clown fish, unicorn fish, nurse sharks, lion fish, Spanish dancers, pipefish, surgeon fish, parrot fish, stingrays, moray eels, cornets, sea urchins, wrasses, dascillas, turtles, sardines, anchovies, scorpion fish, lionfish, goldfish, gobies, blennies, anthias and many other living creatures of all possible colors.

Don’t forget about sharks - while some of them are harmless and don’t mind swimming with tourists, others cynically see guests as just lunch.

Who doesn't like to warm their bones on the warm sand near the gentle sea? As a rule, most citizens choose standard holiday destinations - Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam. But there are also those who prefer more exotic beaches. For example, the resorts of Jordan on the Red Sea.

Red sea

Don’t think that if the sea is called Red, then the water in it is of that color. Not at all. Its name is a literal translation from Greek, and there are several versions of a similar name. One of them, for example, connects the origin of such a name with the cardinal directions: in the myths of many nationalities, each cardinal direction has its own color. And in the south it is red (the Red Sea is just in the southern part). Another version suggests that the algae in this sea are colored scarlet, and it is because of them that the reservoir received its name.

The Red Sea is inland in the Indian Ocean basin, located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It washes the African and Asian shores: for example, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan have access to it. In size it reaches four hundred and fifty thousand square kilometers.

A special feature of the Red Sea is its incredibly clear water. In the north there are two gulfs by the sea - Aqaba and Suez. It is the first of them that washes the shores of Jordan.


The country is an Arab state. Its closest neighbors are Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Palestine. Jordan is a kingdom, the leader of the country is the king, who has his own council of ministers.

Almost the entire territory of the kingdom is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. However, vacationers come to this country because of the stunning beauty of the Dead and Red Seas, as well as to see a new wonder of the world - the ancient city of Petra.

Jordan: resorts on the Red Sea

The most popular resorts in Jordan are: Aqaba, Amman, Wadi Rum, Petra, Jerash, Irbid and the Dead Sea. In close proximity to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba are the city of the same name, as well as Wadi Rum and Petra. Strictly speaking, in Jordan there are almost no resorts on the Red Sea - but first things first.

Gulf of Aqaba

Most of the coastal area of ​​the Gulf belongs to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Only a small piece of land in the north is shared between Israel and Jordan. It is there that the only seaport in Jordan with the same name as the bay is located, also known as the popular resort of Aqaba.

In addition to the fact that people come here for the crystal clear waters and rich underwater fauna, the Gulf of Aqaba is also an excellent place for diving. This sport brings about ten percent of the region's income.

Before dwelling in more detail on the sights and life of Aqaba, it is worth at least briefly mentioning Petra and Wadi Rum. Tourists in reviews of Jordan note the extraordinary beauty of these places.


As mentioned above, the ancient city of Petra is considered one of the new wonders of the world. It is located north of Aqaba; it takes about three hours to drive from one city to another. In general, the location of Petra is quite interesting - from one sea (Dead) to another bay (Red). Another peculiarity of Petra is that it was built in the mountains, which change their color depending on the time of day. At different times you can see Petra in pink, orange or red colors.

The age of this city is more than two thousand years. Thriving in antiquity, later, abandoned and dilapidated, it fell into oblivion until the beginning of the nineteenth century, when a researcher who happened to be here was inspired by the beauty of the ancient settlement. However, real excavations began in Petra only a century later, and it was added to the UNESCO heritage list even later - only at the end of the last century.

Since Petra is not just a city, but a whole park with attractions, you have to pay to enter it. In terms of Russian currency, the cost of a ticket is just over four thousand rubles. It’s not cheap (especially considering the road from Aqaba and back), but there is something to see here: a treasury more than forty meters high - a palace carved out in the first century (how old!). It is called a treasury because, according to legend, enormous wealth was previously stored in it. The area of ​​the facades, the Roman amphitheater, the royal tombs, the Ad-Dair monastery - all this and much more can be seen in Petra with your own eyes.

Wadi Rum

The Wadi Rum desert (its other name is the Valley of the Moon) is located only sixty kilometers from Aqaba. Tourist and excursion routes constantly run here.

Wadi Rum is Jordan's most famous natural attraction, and if you are visiting this country, the wonderful valley is definitely worth seeing. It has a tourist campsite, and guides conduct excursions both on their own and by car or even a camel - it all depends on the wishes of the guests. In addition, extreme sports enthusiasts can go snowboarding on the blood-red sands of the desert. Another option to see Wadi Rum is to view the valley from a bird's eye view in a hot air balloon. The combination of black mountains, carved by the wind, and pink sands will not leave anyone indifferent. By the way, in spring there is a green paradise here, inhabited by birds and flowers.


There are few resorts on the Red Sea in Jordan, or rather, Aqaba is the only one. The length of its coast is only twenty-seven kilometers, but this figure fits a sufficient number of beaches, hotels and recreation areas. Aqaba is famous for its more relaxed attitude to appearance - the Islamic religion here is not as strong as in other cities, and women dress much more simply. In addition, shopping is quite developed here, so there is plenty to do.

It has been said more than once about the stunning underwater world and clear water, but the beauty of Aqaba is by no means limited to this, so sitting exclusively on the beach, you will not recognize the city. While here, you should definitely take a walk through the narrow streets of the village - this is the only way to immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere. Old houses are replaced by elite new buildings and fashionable hotels, luxurious mansions. Until eight in the evening there is silence on the streets of the city, but after and until about midnight life is in full swing.

In addition to lying on the beach, tourists can visit a wide variety of attractions, windsurfing, fishing, diving, water skiing and many other activities.

Where to stay in Aqaba, Jordan?

There are plenty of accommodation options in Aqaba, despite the fact that the resort is relatively small. Tourists can choose accommodation to suit every taste and budget - both richer and more modest. Luxury hotels are located in the new Tala Bay area, nine kilometers from Aqaba. The hotels here are five-star, each with its own beach, tennis court, fitness center, shops, and beauty salons. And, of course, the service is at the highest level.

But such hotels are not available to everyone who comes to the resorts of Jordan on the Red Sea. Prices here are prohibitive for many. Such tourists can find cheaper accommodation - and even if there are no beauty salons and royal services, clean, comfortable rooms and delicious breakfasts can be found in every hotel in Aqaba.

For comparison: a room at the Amir Palace hotel will cost about 2,300 rubles. per day, and at the Cedar Hotel - already 3800 rubles. Captains Hotel, which ranks ninth among Aqaba hotels, will let guests through its doors for four and a half thousand, and Movenpick Resort, which is in fifth place, costs eight four hundred. Reviews on the prices of holidays in Jordan on the Red Sea are different, but, in general, everyone agrees that you can find an option for every pocket.

Aqaba: what to see?

Aqaba has a lot of different attractions that are definitely worth seeing. For example, the Aquarium of the Marine Science Center - it contains hundreds of different species of fish, invertebrates, and corals. This is a kind of underwater reserve. It is also worth visiting the Archaeological Museum in Aqaba, where all the local history is collected. And off the coast of the city is the wreck of the Cedar Pride, a cargo ship that the Prince of Jordan donated to divers to scuttle. The depth at which the ship lies is shallow enough that even beginners in scuba diving can dive and see it with their own eyes.

Another attraction of Aqaba is the Mamluk Fort, a several centuries old fortress that was formerly a military facility. You can visit it for free when you purchase a ticket to the Archaeological Museum, so it makes sense to combine two in one. By the way, near the fort there is an Akaba symbol - a huge flag installed thirteen years ago.

Since Aqaba is both a seaside resort and a port, it is not surprising that one of its main attractions is a marine park. A museum, shops, excursions, the opportunity to dive with an instructor - all this awaits visitors on the territory of the park complex.

Middle Eastern Jordan is a true treasure chest. They are scattered throughout the territory of a small state and amaze every tourist with their ancient splendor and natural perfection. An ideal vacation plan here could have the following scenario: an excursion to the pink city of Petra, named by UNESCO as a new wonder of the world, a photo shoot of the fantastic landscapes of the Wadi Rum desert and a beach holiday. In Jordan it can be no less exciting and varied than in the traditional resorts of Egypt, Turkey or Tunisia.

Where to go to sunbathe?

When choosing where to relax, decide on your priorities. Beaches in Jordan are located on the shores of two seas:

  • Aqaba on the Red Sea offers traditional beach activities. It has everything that any self-respecting resort should have - hotels and restaurants, diving and shopping, nightclubs and spas.
  • But the Dead Sea offers a rather specific beach holiday. In Jordan, as in neighboring Israel, on the shores of the saltiest lake in the world, hotels are concentrated, which are rehabilitation and cosmetology centers. Their programs are based on mud and salt from the Dead Sea, which heal the vast majority of skin diseases.

Weather features of a beach holiday in Jordan

You can book tours to Jordan at any time of the year, because the local weather allows you to relax comfortably, regardless of the season. The climate is characterized as sharply continental, dry and subtropical. Winter is more suitable for an excursion trip, and spring or autumn is more suitable for a beach holiday. But even at the height of summer, the heat in Aqaba is quite bearable, thanks to the dry air and frequent winds from the sea.
Thermometers in the area of ​​Jordanian beach resorts, even in January during the day, usually do not fall below +24°C, and in the water they show a confident +21°C. In July, temperature values ​​most often exceed 30 degrees in the air and 25 degrees in water.

Rocks changing color

The rocks surrounding the Gulf of the Red Sea in Aqaba look especially stunning at sunset, when the luminary escaping from the sky alternately colors them in various shades of crimson. But sunset photos of the bay and the Red Sea are not the only advantages of a beach holiday in Jordan. The modern resort is ready to offer its guests many other equally interesting entertainments.
The beaches of Aqaba, if they do not belong to hotels, are accessible to everyone and completely free. If you are flying to Jordan on vacation with children, choose the northern part of the city, where the sandy sea coast has a gentle and safe entrance to the water. To the south, the beaches become rocky, and coral reefs located close to the shore can become an obstacle for children to swim.
Prices for hotels in Aqaba cannot be called too affordable, but the hotels fully justify the money spent on accommodation and correspond to the declared star rating. Even two-room apartments offer a decent level of service, and reviews of five-star apartments are beyond praise.
Educational excursions for vacationers in Aqaba represent a quite solid list:

  • The city scientific station recommends that all guests of the city visit the local Aquarium and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the underwater world.
  • The Museum of Antiquities presents an exhibition of antiquities, and an exhibition in the house of the grandfather of the current king introduces visitors to the life and traditions of eastern monarchs.
  • A trip to Petra will give you pleasure from the magnificent landscapes of the Pink City, carved into the rocks by the Nabataean tribes.
  • Those who want to plunge into the saltiest lake in the world and buy famous cosmetics for face and body care are offered a trip to the Dead Sea.

Diving is no less popular than excursions among fans of beach holidays in Jordan. The Red Sea is one of the most beautiful on the planet, and there are about thirty interesting underwater sites in the Jordanian territorial waters.
All the basics of diving are taught to beginners in six special training centers, the most famous of which, The Royal Diving, is located fifteen kilometers south of the city.

Natural sanatorium

The Dead Sea, where beach holidays in Jordan are also organized, is a unique body of water. Its water contains a huge amount of salts and minerals, and therefore even a simple swim in this lake can cure many skin diseases or significantly alleviate their course.
You can relax and recuperate on Jordanian beaches throughout the year; it is sunny there almost every day and always very warm.
There are no settlements along the shores of the saltiest lake on the planet on the Jordanian side, and the hotels are completely autonomous zones with treatment, food, shopping and entertainment. They have their own beaches, to which outsiders are prohibited. Licensed clinics have been opened at two hotels, where dermatological patients are offered full treatment.
If you are passing through the Dead Sea or just on an excursion, you can test its water’s “strength” on the beach, located a few kilometers from the hotel zone. It is called Amman Beach and you will have to pay to enter its territory.

Helpful information

Aqaba is a duty-free zone, and therefore it is profitable to buy alcohol, perfumes and other traditional Duty Free goods here.
It is best to book excursions around Jordan not in hotels, but in third-party travel agencies. As a rule, they offer lower prices, while their efficiency and punctuality are in no way inferior to those offices located in hotels.
During the holy month of Ramadan, the sale of alcohol in the country may be limited and it will not be possible to order alcoholic drinks in a restaurant.

Compared to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, Aqaba is a fairly young resort located on the Red Sea coast (in the Gulf of Aqaba). Year-round beach holidays at the resort are facilitated by ideal weather conditions; even in the winter months, the water temperature does not drop below 22 degrees. There are mountains nearby that protect the resort from desert winds, so sandstorms or strong waves are unlikely to ruin your vacation. But in any case, tourists are advised to visit this resort in the autumn-winter period, since at this time the air temperature is most comfortable, while in the summer the air can warm up above 35 degrees, and this, in turn, can ruin the holiday. But if you like the heat, then summer is the best time to relax in Aqaba. Despite the fact that the resort is not located in the most favorable and natural climatic zone, its territory is covered by numerous parks, gardens and other green spaces (there is no feeling that you are next to the desert).

Just like in Egyptian resorts, the main attraction of Aqaba is the Red Sea and its beautiful sandy beaches. The main tourist area of ​​Aqaba is called Tala Bay and it is here that the best beaches, hotels, salons, shops, restaurants and other tourist infrastructure are concentrated. The resort has only six public beaches, and the rest belong to hotels. However, city beaches are practically in no way inferior to hotel beaches; they are clean, equipped with changing rooms, playgrounds, toilets, and umbrellas.

The most interesting popular entertainment in Aqaba is diving. Thanks to the special microclimate in the local waters, you can see numerous coral reefs and various marine life. Recently, the flow of divers from around the world to Aqaba has only increased. This is facilitated not only by good natural conditions, but also by the presence of a sufficient number of diving centers. Not only beginners, but also experienced divers will find a lot of interesting things here.

If we talk specifically about the underwater world of Aqaba, then we need to emphasize that the entire coastal area of ​​the resort is a nature reserve with all the ensuing consequences. The park was created in 1997, and its main goal was to preserve marine life and population in the coastal zone. The length of the reserve is seven kilometers. Particularly popular among divers are places rich in wildlife and corals such as Oliver Canyon, Eel Garden, Japanese Gardens and others. Here you can see such interesting objects as a sunken Lebanese ship and an American tank. And if the ship really sank, then the tank was placed under water specifically to attract as many divers as possible. The largest diving center is called The Royal Diving Center. Even children can undergo training at this center. One dive costs about $25.

The beauty of the Red Sea can be seen not only by scuba diving, but also by taking an excursion on a special boat with a transparent (glass) bottom. There is also a huge aquarium in Aqaba, which is home to a variety of exotic fish and other representatives of marine fauna.

In addition to good beach holidays and diving in Aqaba, you can see numerous attractions, most of which date back to the historical period. First of all, attention is drawn to the Old Town, which represents the ruins of the ancient settlement of Ayla. This settlement was once part of the Roman Empire (there are numerous references to the fact that travelers who were heading to Mecca previously rested in this place). Archaeological excavations are still underway, but at the moment you can already see the ruins of city gates and walls, mosques, and churches.

The Mamluk fortress is of great interest to tourists. This ancient fortress is also called Aqaba Castle and was built by the Crusaders in the early 16th century. Inscriptions on the walls that were made during the Middle Ages have survived to this day. Not far from the fortress there is an archaeological museum, which houses a rich collection of ceramics, jewelry, ancient coins and other artifacts that were found in the city and its surroundings. The building itself, which was previously the home of a famous local politician, also attracts attention.

Tourists often visit the ornithological reserve, which is not surprising, since it is a migration site for more than a million birds. In this reserve you can see birds from Asia, Africa and Asia.

Extreme sports enthusiasts should definitely visit the Royal Sports Aero Club. Here you can tickle your nerves with an airplane or hot air balloon flight and enjoy the beauty of the resort and its surroundings from above. This club also offers the opportunity to skydive.

There are many different stores in Aqaba, offering a wide selection of goods at affordable prices. Many people call the city a continuous Duty Free zone, which is not surprising, since only Aqaba has duty-free rules (such rules do not apply anywhere else in Jordan). People from all over the country come to Aqaba specifically for shopping. The city has a sufficient number of modern boutiques, and the largest shopping center is Aqaba Gateway. For spices, oriental sweets, herbs, fruits, and vegetables, you should go to the Southern Market. It is in the market that you can feel the real flavor of this resort.

One popular destination for winter tourists looking for an inexpensive holiday is Jordan. Aqaba is the country's only seaside resort. The city is famous for its centuries-old history, numerous attractions, unique climate, beaches and coral reefs. What kind of holiday should you expect in Aqaba? You will learn this from our article.

This resort is located in the very north of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea. Three hundred thirty-five kilometers separate it. Aqaba has a border position on the political map of the world. The Israeli resort of Eilat is very close by. And across the waters of the bay you can see the Egyptian Taba. But a holiday in Aqaba is not like a holiday in Israel. There is no seal-like relaxation there, as in hotels in Egypt with their “all inclusive”. Aqaba attracts young and active people who prefer active recreation. Since there are so many attractions around, it’s simply a sin to spend all your days on the beach.

How to get to Aqaba

The easiest way to reach the resort is from Amman (Jordan) to avoid any misunderstandings at the border. Aqaba is located more than three hundred kilometers south of it. You can cover this distance on state-owned JETT buses. They are very comfortable and arrive in Aqaba at the Movenpick Hotel on King Hussein Street. An alternative to the state carrier is the private company Trust International Transport. Its buses arrive at Annahda Street. Travel time (regardless of the carrier) is four hours. From Aqaba you can get to the city of Irbid, as well as to Nuweiba (Egypt). In total, eleven flights depart from Amman to the southern resort: five by a state company and six by a private company. You can get around Aqaba by taxi (they are yellow) or minibuses. Stops at the latter are at the request of the passenger, at any point along the route. The taxi fare should be negotiated with the driver in advance.

When to go to Aqaba

What makes the climate of this seaside resort unique? The mountains protect it from the north not only from cold winds, but also from the desert breeze. Therefore, the climate here is not similar to the arid weather full of temperature contrasts for which Jordan is famous. Aqaba is attractive because you can swim and sunbathe here all year round, even in winter. The water temperature in the bay never drops below +22 degrees, which allows the development of corals. But we'll talk about them later. In the meantime, it should be mentioned that in summer there are no temperature extremes in Aqaba. The heat begins to suffocate the city only in the afternoon hours. Of course, heart patients and hypertensive patients should prefer a winter holiday at a resort in Jordan. The peak season occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is in the off-season that the weather is comfortable in all respects. If you are most attracted to swimming in the Red Sea, then choose autumn for your trip. The average water temperature fluctuates around + 27 degrees.

Where to stay

Aqaba hotels have their own specifics. It is rare to find an all-inclusive program in them. This is not Egypt, but Jordan. Aqaba Radisson Blu Tala Bay Resort 5, Intercontinental, Movenpick and other luxury resort hotels offer their guests only a buffet included in the price of their stay. Read below about where to have lunch, dinner or just a snack. There is no shortage of budget hotels in Aqaba. They do not amaze with oriental luxury and stucco in the rooms, but you are guaranteed a clean room and a hearty breakfast. For a sea view here, as at other resorts, you will have to pay extra. But there is one nuance that summer tourists should take into account. The sea in Aqaba is located in the south. Consequently, the sun will shine mercilessly on such expensive rooms all day long, and no air conditioning will save you from the heat.

Jordan, Aqaba: prices

A huge hotel base allows everyone to choose accommodation to suit their taste. The Kempinski Hotel is probably the most expensive. A night in a standard room in this hotel will cost eleven thousand rubles. On average, “five” companies (“Movenpick”, “Double Tree by Hilton”, “Marina Plaza Tala Bay” and others) offer housing for six to seven thousand rubles per day. An excellent option, where the price-quality ratio is ideal, are Aqaba hotels with four stars. These are Days Inn Hotel and Suites (from 4,660 rubles), Golden Tulip (3,700), Jaafko (3,600) and others. At the resort you can also stay in budget hotels, which, of course, are not located on the first line from the sea. As an example, you can indicate “Plaza Maswada” (2,800 rubles). Aqaba is a city in Jordan declared a duty-free zone. This feature of the resort allows you not only to make inexpensive purchases, but also to purchase cheap cigars and alcohol. The choice of these goods in the city is really wide.

Jordan, Aqaba: sea

To be honest, most people go to the resort to sunbathe and swim. The beaches of Aqaba are sandy and pebble-rocky. The former are located in the northern part of the city, and the latter in the southern part. The lion's share of the beaches is fully owned by hotels on the first line. There are quite convenient coastlines owned by the municipality. Entrance there is free, and equipment (umbrellas, sun loungers and sun loungers) can be rented. Aqaba is a city in Jordan where the municipal beaches are well equipped. There is a shower, a toilet, lifeguards are on duty, there is a cafe, sometimes right on the shore. If you are not an Islamophobe and you don’t dislike the company of local residents, you will have a good time on this beach. If not, for a small bribe you will be allowed on the coast owned by a hotel. You won't find anything particularly chic there. It’s just that in cafes and bars on the shore the prices will be much higher. The Red Sea is wonderful here. The water is very clean, with excellent visibility. The tides are not too pronounced. In the south, coral reefs come close to the shore.

Diving in the Gulf of Aqaba

The resort has six scuba diving training centers, and they issue BS-AC, SSI or PADI diplomas. There are about thirty dive sites located in the immediate vicinity of the coast. And this makes Jordan (Aqaba) attractive for lovers of scuba diving.

What kind of sea is off the coast of the resort? During the period from April to May, when plankton blooms, visibility under water decreases to twelve meters. But if you come to Aqaba in the summer months, the transparency of the sea reaches 50 m. Many coral reefs in the south of the city come so close to the shore that there is no need to hire a boat. You can admire it lightly - only with a snorkel and mask. But if you want to get serious about diving, there's nothing better than coming to The Royal Diving Center. This center also has its own sandy beach. Beginners will be brought up to speed at the Sea Star Dive Center. This school is located in the Al-Kazar hotel.

What to see in Aqaba

Mysterious Petra, the Wadi Rum desert, the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ - all this is the country of Jordan. Aqaba is a young resort. But it developed from a very ancient settlement, which is at least six thousand years old. At first the Edomites and Nabataeans lived there. Then the city became part of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, the route of pilgrims to Mecca passed through it. The Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, Ottoman Turks - all left behind a cultural mark. Here are the ruins of the oldest Christian church in the world. The ancient city stood on a rocky promontory, which is now called Tell al-Khalifa Hill. There you can see artifacts recovered from archaeological excavations. During the Crusades, a military fort was built by European knights. It was maintained in “working condition” for centuries, and therefore the Mamluk Fortress has survived to this day. Next to this citadel there is a historical museum.

In the vicinity of the resort there is Lot's Cave. According to biblical legend, it was from here that the righteous man and his daughters watched the death. In Lot's cave you can see a Byzantine church decorated with mosaics and several ancient tombs. Reviews also recommend visiting Wadi Mujib, a gorge declared a national park. The extreme southern position of the resort will not prevent you from getting to know the country called Jordan. Excursions from Aqaba to Petra ($170 per group), Amman ($50), to hot springs, the Wadi Rum desert or to the holy places where Christ revealed himself to the people last only one daylight hours. The border position of the resort makes possible forays into the near abroad - to Israel (Eilat, Jerusalem), to the island of the Pharaohs (Egypt).