Georgian mineral water names. Mineral waters of Georgia: a source of longevity. To Georgia by bus

My mother and I planned the trip for a long time; we couldn’t decide how to get there, but in the end we decided that we would go by car to make it more convenient. The incredible Georgian flavor immediately captivates you, but I’m generally silent about nature, it’s beautiful. We saw a lot of sights and met good people and tasted delicious National dishes.

To Georgia by plane

I would like to please you and tell you that you can get there directly, but this is impossible. The transfer point will be, but there are flights to it from Mineralnye Vody airport several times daily. If you connect your flights correctly, you will spend less than half a day on the road. The flight itself takes a little over 2 hours. If you go to the airport’s website, you will see that there are flights to all three airports of the capital, but I advise you to fly to Sheremetyevo, since there are flights from it daily, which cannot be said about the other two.

So, there are several (per season and 5-6) flights:

  • 04:50;
  • 08:00;
  • 15:00;
  • 22:10.

The flight takes 2.5 hours and you land at Tbilisi airport. By the way, not so long ago it was possible to fly from the capital only with a transfer in Ukraine or Minsk, but fortunately, Shota Rustaveli Airport now accepts flights from Russian airlines.

Ticket prices

A flight to Moscow costs 4.5 thousand, to Tbilisi - 15 thousand rubles.

Buying tickets

The purchase depends on your personal preferences; if it’s convenient for you to go to the airport to buy a ticket, then it’s up to you. If you are short on time, you can look for tickets in search engines or on special sites, for example, on.

To Georgia by bus

If you compare a bus trip with a flight, then this a budget option and if you are ready to sit for 10 hours, then think about whether it’s worth overpaying. Looking ahead, I will say that there is no single schedule, since you will have to travel on transit buses, which will simply make a stop at the Mineralnye Vody bus station. For example, you have a trip planned for March 31, so you will need to inquire about the schedule in advance, as there will be many flights:

  • – Yerevan (08:00);
  • – (13:00);
  • Rostov-on-Don - (21:30, 21:31, 22:00);
  • – (22:01);
  • – Tbilisi (00:30, 00:31, 01:06).

It doesn't matter at all which bus route sit down, because they will all make a stop in Tbilisi. But the moment of disembarkation is important here; the fact is that some buses do not go to the bus station and simply drop off in the city center. And there are buses that go to Ortachala station, where you can get off, so if this is important to you, then ask the driver in advance where he stops.

Ticket prices

The journey costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Buying tickets

You need to buy a ticket either at the bus station or from the driver, but it will be more expensive.

To Georgia by train

Currently, you can get to Georgia directly by railway impossible because there is no railway connection. You can try to get through, and then from it to. However, I will say right away that there is only one train, and that one is at night, so the method is inconvenient, and the road will cost twice as much as traveling by bus.

To Georgia by car

Our journey took 8 hours instead of 6, as crossing the border turned out to be a little slow due to the large flow of cars. We drove through Vladikavkaz along the E-50 highway. The border checkpoint itself is located in Upper Lars; it is open exclusively for cars; you cannot cross the border on foot. There will be many people who will try to stop you from crossing the border and if you are a good Samaritan, you will help someone. My mother and I picked up a married couple, and we didn’t take money from them, because we were on the road anyway.

I liked the roads of Georgia, especially the section of the Georgian Military section, which connects Vladikavkaz and.

The road is considered the most beautiful in the Caucasus, so I advise you to have your camera ready if you want to take some good shots. There will be a sufficient number of gas stations along the route, so don’t worry about that. The length of the road is 430 kilometers, but there is another route that is slightly shorter.

The second route (400 kilometers) is not as good as the first only because there will be too few gas stations along it, and there will be sections of the road where the road surface is simply disgusting (closer to the border). But in general, this option cannot be discarded; it runs along the E-117 highway through Tskhinvali.

What is alkaline mineral water? In terms of composition, this drink belongs to the hydrocarbonate group of natural origin, rich in mineral salts. The acid level in mineral water is more than 7 pH. A person who consumes it regularly activates protein and carbohydrate metabolism in his body and increases the efficiency of the digestive system.

  • Why should you drink alkaline mineral water?
  • Healing effect
  • Rules of use
  • Contraindications for use
    • Georgian waters
    • Russian waters
    • Ukrainian waters
    • A short list of alkaline mineral springs. Titles

Why should you drink alkaline mineral water?

The definition of “alkaline” is quite general in relation to the chemical composition of water. It means that it contains bicarbonate ions, sodium and magnesium sulfate. Chemical elements are beneficial to the body, they help prevent and eliminate illnesses. It is recommended to drink alkaline soda for the following diseases:

Among the chemical elements of mineral water is magnesium sulfate, which essential for brain function. For this reason, it is recommended to take it to stabilize the nervous system after stress.

In addition, alkaline water is especially necessary for energetic people. Thanks to it, metabolic products are eliminated from the body in a short time, and swelling does not occur in the tissues.

Healing effect

Hydrocarbonate mineral water replenishes the alkaline reserve in the body, reduces the volume of hydrogen ions, and improves the health of the digestive organs.

Benefits of alkaline mineral water:

  • cleansing the digestive organs of mucus;
  • relieving the burning sensation;
  • elimination of heaviness in the stomach and belching;
  • purification from metabolic products.

Rules of use

The most beneficial effect on the body is provided by drinking water immediately at the site of extraction from a natural well. Nevertheless, even bottled alkaline water improves the health of the body if you know how to use it correctly.

The daily required volume of fluid is determined by the acidity of the human body. The degree of acidity can be determined in a hospital. On average, the norm is 3 ml/kg of weight. In other words, you need to drink 600 ml of liquid per day.

Requirements for drinking mineral water:

  • for preventive purposes - 30 minutes before meals;
  • ulcers and gastritis - after eating;
  • in case of excessive formation of gastric juice - during meals;
  • gastritis with low acidity - 1–1.5 hours before meals.

To treat hyperacid gastritis, you need to drink alkaline water without gas. Therefore, before using it, carbon dioxide must evaporate from the liquid. The reason is a significant increase in the volume of gastric juice from carbon dioxide.

The liquid temperature requirements are simple: for stomach diseases, it needs to be warmed up a little, and in other cases – consume at room temperature.

To absorb beneficial substances, mineral water should not be drunk quickly in large sips. If your health worsens, you need to stop drinking alkaline mineral water and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urinary tract disorders (difficulty removing excess salts);
  • renal failure;
  • bilateral chronic pyelonephritis;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Famous brands of alkaline mineral waters

Alkaline mineral springs are found in Georgia, Russia and Ukraine.

Georgian waters

So, the most famous and useful Georgian alkaline mineral water, undoubtedly, is considered Borjomi. It is naturally rich in minerals, the salt concentration is 6 g/l. The chemical composition is rich in useful elements:

  • acid salts of carbonic acid;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • aluminum;
  • magnesium, etc.

Mineral water Borjomi is intended for the prevention and prevention of a large number of diseases of the digestive system. Most often Borjomi is used for diseases:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis.

Russian waters

The most famous brand of Russian alkaline water is Essentuki mineral alkaline water. In composition to alkaline species of this manufacturer There are only two numbers - 4 and 17.

Thus, the alkaline mineral water Essentuki 4 is included in the group of medicinal table mineral waters. The set of chemical components included in the composition have a complex healing effect on various body systems. Improves the condition of diseases of the kidneys, digestive system and bladder.

The second type of alkaline mineral spring is Essentuki 17. This is healing alkaline water with high mineralization. Micronutrient-rich water Essentuki 17 s Helps treat gout, stomach disorders, mild diabetes and other diseases already mentioned.

Ukrainian waters

Luzhanska is extracted from a Transcarpathian source. It has a salt saturation of 7.5 g/l and low mineralization. This allows you to use it as drinking mineral water, i.e. a table drink. The mineral water contains a lot of hydrocarbonates (96–100%). The chemical composition of Luzhanskaya contains the following components:

  • active magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • silicic acid;
  • calcium.

It follows from this that Luzhanskaya, due to its saturation with bicarbonates, can serve as a light antacid - a remedy that eliminates high acidity in the stomach and dyspeptic syndrome: heaviness, heartburn, bloating. You feel better immediately after drinking. It is recommended to use Luzhanskaya for obesity and gastritis.

Alkaline mineral water Polyana Kvasova is a liquid saturated with carbon dioxide, with high level mineralization. The composition contains many hydrocarbonates. The main indications for treatment are similar to the described alkaline brands.

Brand Svalyava– This is a type of boron water with an average level of mineralization. Its healing qualities help improve the functioning of internal organs - the gallbladder, liver, kidneys.

A short list of alkaline mineral springs. Titles

You should not expect a strong healing effect from bicarbonate mineral water. Mineral water will not replace full treatment. But her beneficial features are able to support the body, weakened by diseases of the digestive system, and will increase the effectiveness of the drugs, helping to achieve a quick recovery in this way.

Recently someone told me that there are 2000 types of mineral water in Georgia. But, - I doubted it very much, of course, and went to the Internet for accurate information, found a nice article about Georgian mineral waters, I publish it - because everything is very condensed, there is a lot of information, it might come in handy.
And yet, I will report to you that 2000 is such an inflated figure that oh! (Although, recently, while in Racha, I tried 2 varieties from sources located at a distance of several tens of meters.

Georgia can rightfully be proud of its mineral waters, of which there are about 730 types, and 130 million liters are bottled per day.

25 percent of the water has a balneological effect, more than half of the volume is triple-action water, which includes the needs of balneology, heat supply, and industrial bottling, and a small part is intended for industrial bottling.

A particularly strong rise in industrial bottling occurred in the 70s of the twentieth century, when the bottling of 18 types of mineral water per year amounted to approximately 520-530 million bottles. These were waters such as Borjomi, Lashichala, Mitarbi, Avadhara, Nabeglavi, Sairme, Lugela, Zvare, Java, Skuri, Bolnisi, “Bagiata”, “Kokotauri”, “Vazhas Tskaro”, “Utsera”, “Kazbegi”, “Flate” and “Vardzia”. Almost the entire list of these mineral waters is unfamiliar to consumers outside of Georgia, since in the nineties the level of production was gradually lost and since 1995, only Borjomi has been produced, especially for export. This is explained, of course, by the economic situation in the post-Soviet space.

Only at the end of the twentieth century did a gradual increase in the production of mineral waters begin, the first place among which is occupied by Borjomi, the production of which accounts for 95% of the total volume of the Georgian Mineral Waters bottling.

This water is unique in its medicinal properties, and also has a huge potential for industrial production, which in relation to this mineral water begins gradually in 1854, then in 1890 the first, albeit artisanal and low-productivity, bottling plant was built, which, in principle, became the first not only in the Caucasus. In the twentieth century, industrial production of Borjomi intensified; in 1955, plant No. 1 was launched, and in 1969, plant No. 2 for bottling Borjomi water was opened.

In the nineties, mainly low-power water production plants operated: “Deka”, “Mzetamze”, “Sakminkhilatsklebi”, “Savaneli”, “Tsagveri”, “Borko”, “Nua-95”, “Borjomi Springs”, “Tata”.

Although the diversity of Georgian mineral waters is amazing, Borjomi remains the undoubted leader. For a hundred years, the production of this water has been entirely owned by the mineral plants “No. 1” and “No. 2”, producing about 400-450 million bottles per year.

Georgian mineral waters were traditionally sold in almost 400 cities former USSR and some other countries, with Georgia accounting for 32% of sales, Russia - 42%, Ukraine - 3.2%, Belarus - 1.6%, Kazakhstan - 1.9%, Turkmenistan - 0.8 %, for Kyrgyzstan - 0.7%, for Uzbekistan - 0.8%, for Tajikistan - 0.1%, for Lithuania - 1%, for Estonia - 0.2%, for Armenia - 0.3%, for Azerbaijan - 0.4%, for the diplomatic corps and army it was bottled - 1% of water, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Japan, Canada, Cyprus, USA, China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Guinea consume 3% of water.

Regarding the adulteration of mineral water, especially the widespread Borjomi, it is worth noting that this problem arose in the nineties of the twentieth century due to a decline in production. Counterfeit in Georgia is approximately 35-40% of the volume of bottled water, and outside the country it can reach 60-70%.

Mineral water "Borjomi" is recommended for chronic catarrh of the stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers outside the period of exacerbation, for chronic catarrh of the intestines, chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic catarrh of the urinary tract, obesity, mild forms of diabetes.

Avadhara mineral water is also indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and urinary tract. Since it contains a certain amount of arsenic (1.2 mg/l), water should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Mineral water “Nabeghlavi” is carbon dioxide-hydrocarbonate-sodium-calcium water. Nabeglavi water deposits are located on the territory of the plant, which greatly facilitates the flow of water to the plant. The Nabeglavi water field and the plant are located on a mountainous terrain where the Gubazeuli River and its tributaries flow. Nabeglavi mineral water has been bottled since the 50s of the last century. On the territory of Nabeglavi, in addition to drinking mineral water, there are springs of high mineralization, which are successfully used for balneological purposes. Our ancestors were often treated with Nabeglavi baths.

the site recommends planning your flight and booking air tickets for Mineral Waters Georgia in advance.
The best option would be to search for tickets one and a half to two months before the trip; this will not only allow you to choose the most convenient flight, but also save a lot of money.

How to buy a cheap air ticket to Georgia from Mineralnye Vody

The price of a plane ticket today greatly depends on the following factors:

The website's air ticket search engine processes many offers from online agencies and airlines. Allows you to quickly compare prices and book the best option flight from Mineralnye Vody to Georgia.

TicketsPlus will help you find the best option among hundreds of offers and purchase the cheapest air tickets. According to statistics, our service helps save 82% of passengers.

How are air ticket prices determined?

The air ticket search system analyzes information about all available 24 airlines, routes and tariffs of air carriers. The availability of business and economy class tickets is checked in real time.

Data on special offers of all airline alliances, discounts, promotions and sales for regular and charter flights is taken into account.

According to our statistics, the average cost of an air ticket to Mineralnye Vody Georgia is 17603 RUR.

Dependence of the ticket price on the day of the week and time of day

Usually the most expensive tickets for the plane they sell 2 weeks before departure. Also, the price may vary depending on the day of the week and time of day at which the flight takes place. Tickets for Friday and Sunday evenings are more expensive than early morning midweek tickets. If you fly on weekends, the cost of plane tickets from Mineralnye Vody to Georgia can reach RUR 116,496.


There are more than 730 types of mineral waters in Georgia, the daily debit of which is 130 million liters. A quarter of this volume is used for balneological purposes, more than half is used for triple purposes - balneology, heat supply, industrial bottling, the rest - for industrial bottling.

A significant increase in the industrial spill of mineral waters was observed in the 70s of the twentieth century. For example, in 1970-78. The annual industrial bottling of 18 types of mineral waters amounted to 520-530 million bottles. These types of waters include: “Borjomi”, “Mitarbi”, “Nabeghlavi”, “Sairme”, “Zvare”, “Skuri”, “Lugela”, “Bolnisi”, “Bagiata”, “Kokotauri”, “Vazhas Tskaro” , "Java", "Utsera", "Kazbegi", "Avadhara", "Lashichala", "Flate" and "Vardzia".

The optimal level of production was maintained until 1990. Then a characteristic decline was observed (the number of bottles produced decreased by 1995 to 9.4 million pieces). The range of products produced has also been reduced. In 1995, almost only Borjomi was produced (bottled). The decline in production was due to the collapse of economic (including transport) ties, mistakes in the privatization of enterprises, energy problems and the crime situation.

The rise in the production of mineral waters began in the second half of the 90s. In 2001, mineral waters took first place in Georgian exports, accounting for 10% of the total volume (a total of 80.1 million bottles were bottled).

Mineral water "Borjomi" still ranks first among the mineral waters of Georgia, accounting for 95% of all produced products of "Georgian Mineral Waters". Mineral water "Borjomi" is not only unique in its medicinal properties, but has enormous industrial and export potential. Industrial production of Borjomi began in 1854. In 1890, a makeshift, low-productivity bottling plant was built. It was the first bottling plant not only in the Caucasus, but throughout Russia. In 1955, plant "N 1" for the Borjomi bottling was put into operation, and in 1969, plant "N 2" was put into operation. In 1993-1995. In the city of Borjomi, several low-capacity plants were launched (Mzetamze, Deka, Savaneli, Tsagveri, Nua-95, Sakminkhilatsklebi, Borko, Borjomi Springs, Tata, etc. .). In 1993, the privatization of Borjomi production plants was carried out on a “lease-purchase” basis and on their basis closed joint-stock companies “Borjomi No. 1” and “Borjomi No. 2” appeared, which subsequently merged into one joint-stock company “Borjomi gorge."

In 1994, firms associated with foreign partners appeared. On their basis, the company "GG and MWco" was created, which began to invest in the Borjomi project. After receiving government guarantees, an agreement was drawn up between the joint-stock companies "Borjomi Gorge" and "GG and MWco" and the joint venture "Borjomi 94 and Company" was registered (11/20/94).

However, on June 20, 1995, the Supreme Arbitration Court of Georgia upheld the claim of the Republic Prosecutor's Office for the illegal privatization of the Borjomi bottling plants. The factories again became the property of the state. The state-owned enterprise managed to attract investments in the amount of 20 million US dollars for the reconstruction of bottling shops, the creation of new bottling lines, the acquisition and installation of electric generators, and the improvement of the territory of loading stations. Measures were taken to improve technological processes and improve product quality. In particular, the use of industrial water and, accordingly, caustic soda for washing bottles, which creates the risk of product contamination, was completely eliminated. Natural C2 began to be used instead of CO2, imported filters that significantly improved water quality, new microbiological control devices that provided continuous microbiological monitoring, and new bottles.

The production of Borjomi is subject to strict government regulation, taking into account the economic interests of the country. All problems of production and sale are regulated by the Law of Georgia “On Water”, developed taking into account international practice and international standards.

As noted above, in Georgia it is possible to produce 18 types of mineral waters, with a total volume of 250-530 million bottles per year. But today only five types of mineral water are produced: “Borjomi”, “Nabeghlavi”, “Sairme” (and “Springs of Sairme”), “Likani”, “Bakuriani”.


"Borjomi"— medicinal table sodium bicarbonate mineral water of medium mineralization. The springs are located in the Borjomi Valley, in Southern Georgia (150 km from Tbilisi). Water is extracted from 9 wells with a depth of 1200 to 1500 m in three sections of the Borjomi field: Central (in the city of Borjomi), Likansky (in the village of Likani) and Vashlovani-Kvibissky (in Vashlovani and Kvibisi). Water rises through wells to the surface of the earth by gravity. The temperature of Borjomi mineral water in the wells of the Vashlovani-Kvibissky area, depending on the depth and flow rate of the water, ranges from 15 to 41 °C. In the Likansky area, the initial water flow from the wells was 2-8 l/s, the temperature was 38-40 °C. Acidity 5.5-7.5 pH. Carbon dioxide dissolved in produced water is 1000-1800. Mineralization 5.0–7.5 g/dm³.

Chemical composition (mg/dm³): HCO 3 - (3500–5000), SO 4 - (<10), Cl- (250—500), Ca 2 + (20—150), Mg 2 + (20—150), Na+ (1000—2000), K+ (15-45), в состав входит фтор.

Nutrients, vitamins, microelements per 100 g: water (100.0 g), potassium (3.0 mg), calcium (13.0 mg), silicon (10.0 mg), magnesium (20-150 mg), sodium (200.0 mg), sulfur ( 0.8 mg), chlorine (50.0 mg), aluminum (100.0 mg), boron (1200.0 mg), titanium (4.0 mg), fluorine (800.0 mg), strontium (480. 0 mg).

Mineral water "Borjomi" is a medicinal table mineral water and, like other mineral waters of this class, is not recommended for daily drinking for a long time. Treatment with Borjomi mineral water is not carried out during exacerbation of diseases; there are other contraindications. For therapeutic or long-term use, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Borjomi mineral water is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase):

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis;
  • chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • intestinal dyskinesia;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers;
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • violation of salt and lipid metabolism;
  • chronic diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, urolithiasis).


"Raid" - medicinal table, carbonic-bicarbonate sodium-calcium water. The springs are located in the gorge of the Gubazeuli River at an altitude of 475 meters (Chokhatauri district, Guria region, Western Georgia). Nabeglavi water deposits are located right on the territory of the plant. This water has been bottled since the 50s of the last century. On the territory of Nabeglavi, in addition to drinking mineral water, there are springs of high mineralization, which are successfully used for balneological purposes. “Nabeghlavi” is produced in the city of Samtredia.

There is almost 3 times more magnesium ion in Nabeglavi than in Borjomi water, and 3 times less chlorine. In addition, silicic acids in Nabeglav water are more than 2 times higher than in Borjomi water. They especially differ from each other in the content of sulfate ion: in Nabeglavskaya it is 130-200 mg/dm3, in Borjomi it is no more than 3-10 mg/dm3. Mineralization of Nabeglavi water is 3.5 - 5.9 g/l.

Chemical composition (mg/dm³): HCO 3 - (2400-4400), SO 4 2- (70-244), Cl- (42-95), Ca 2 + (32-116), Mg 2 + (34-120), Na+ K+ (930- 1270), H 2 SiO 3 (55-90), H 3 BO 3 (> 35).

In addition to its pleasant taste, Nabeglavi has medicinal and preventive properties. The uniqueness of the water is that it can be consumed without restrictions and as table water, in large quantities, every day. For the purpose of treatment and prevention, it should be taken into account that in case of high acidity of the stomach, it is advisable to consume “Nabeghlavi” without gas and warm, in case of low acidity - with gas and chilled. Experts recommend consuming Nabeglavi 2-3 times a week in order to supply the body with additional microelements and minerals, to increase overall tone and restore balance. The mineral composition of “Nabeghlavi” has a good effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine and excretory systems of the human body. “Nabeghlavi” is very popular in Georgia, posing serious competition to “Borjomi”. This mineral water is exported to many European countries.

Doctors recommend taking Nabeglavi for the following diseases:

  • chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, chronic gastritis, hypoacid gastritis);
  • stomach diseases and duodenal ulcers;
  • chronic colitis and enterocolitis;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract (chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes mellitus (mild and moderate form);
  • obesity.


"Sairme" — natural table waters, medicinal table waters and medicinal mineral waters. The mineral waters of Sairme are formed in deep zones of the earth's crust, where they are saturated with natural carbon dioxide and come to the surface in the form of natural rising springs. They differ from each other in chemical composition and medicinal properties. The springs are located on the territory of the Baghdad municipality of southwestern Georgia, at an altitude of 950 meters. The territory of the deposit is located in the protected mountain valley of the Tsablaratskali River (the left tributary of the Khanistskali River), in a gorge near the resort of Sairme. The mineralization of water is low and varies from 1.6 g/l to 9.5 g/l. SAIRME water has delicate bubbles and a surprisingly mild taste. Water is produced in Batumi.

Chemical composition (mg/dm³): Ca 2+ (150), Na + (550), Mg 2+ (80), H3CO + 3 (2000).

The label of Sairme water features a deer, and this is no coincidence. They first learned about the waters of Sairme in the 90s of the 19th century. According to a legend widespread among the people, water
Sairme was discovered by hunting brothers who followed a wounded deer. The brothers saw a herd of deer at a spring that flowed over stones red with rust, everything around was white with salt. The deer took turns drinking water and licking salt. It was because of the abundance of deer that this place was called Sairme (translated from Georgian as “deer terrain”).

There are currently two types of water bottled:

  • Mineral carbonated medicinal table water "Sairme"
  • Natural drinking non-carbonated water “Springs of Sairme”

Mineral sparkling water "Sairme" characterized by a low degree of mineralization. Sairme has a unique chemical composition, different from other types of mineral waters in the region - calcium-sodium bicarbonate. Enriched with calcium bicarbonate, which strengthens the skeletal system and helps stop the inflammatory process. In addition, the water is rich in sodium, magnesium and iron.

"Springs of Sairme"- non-carbonated spring water used in health procedures, as well as in cosmetology.

Carbonated mineral water "Sairme" is used:

  • to restore the functions of the liver, kidneys, and urinary tract (used in the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis);
  • treatment of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis);
  • increases the body's immune defense;
  • promotes the release of harmful products resulting from metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes, obesity, etc.);
  • reduces the risk of developing sclerotic processes;
  • has a positive effect on the digestive system.


"Likani" - a unique mineral natural drinking medicinal table water, saturated with living minerals, which contains a moderate amount of mineral-ion complex. Its special characteristic is the unique ratio of bicarbonates, magnesium and calcium. Due to its high saturation with carbon dioxide, Likani ideally quenches thirst and cools. CO2 gas helps lift Likani water from a depth of 1,500 meters and gives it a unique, light taste. One tetri from each bottle of Likani sold is transferred to the Patriarch of Georgia Fund. The springs are located in the Borjomi Valley, at an altitude of 810 m, near the resort of the same name Borjomi in Southern Georgia (160 km from Tbilisi). Mineralization 5.0-6.5 g/dm³.

Mineral composition mg/dm3: calcium (100-150), magnesium (80-150), potassium (25-45), sodium (1000-1200), bicarbonates (3500-4500), chlorides (250-350), sulfates (10).


"Bakuriani" - natural low-mineralized water, saturated with an optimal amount of mineral complexes. It is characterized by minimal concentrations of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium. Its frequent consumption activates the physiological state of a person. “Bakuriani” contains small amounts of fluorine and iodine ions. Thanks to its unique composition, “Bakuriani” is perfect for people leading an active lifestyle. It perfectly replenishes the body's water balance. “Bakuriani” is recommended for use in baby food; it is the only Georgian water that has been certified by the Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene named after. G. Natadze. Total mineralization 0.20-0.35 g/l. Acidity 6.5-8.0 pH.

Mineral composition, mg/dm3: calcium (25-50), magnesium (5-16), potassium (1-2), sodium (5-15), chlorides (4-15), sulfates (5-20).