City of Keszthely, Hungary.  A story about a trip to Hungary: a report on a trip to Köszthely. Tour to Keszthely

Keszthely is one of the oldest Hungarian cities located on the southwestern shore of the largest lake in Central Europe - Lake Balaton. The city is famous for its ancient and beautiful architecture and museums.

Lake Balaton itself is one of the main resort areas in Hungary. There are many mineral and thermal water springs along its shores. There are also well-equipped city beaches. Keszthely was purchased by the Festetics family in the 18th century. After which large-scale construction of a magnificent family palace began, which is the third largest in all of Hungary.

The estate of Kristofer Festich is the first palace complex to appear on the shores of Lake Balaton in the mid-18th century. The palace is a beautiful building of 40 halls and an adjacent area with a beautiful park area. The building gradually expanded, and already at the end of the 18th century the palace had a huge library on 100 thousand copies. This collection of unique and valuable books is rightfully considered a national treasure of Hungary.

The Festetics Palace was repeatedly expanded and completed, but the last major reconstruction was carried out at the end of the 19th century. Then the building finally acquired a neo-Baroque style, and the number of interior rooms increased to 100.

Today, all interested tourists can book excursions around the palace and enjoy the luxurious decoration of the estate.

Location: Kastély u. - 1.

Another wonderful architectural landmark of Keszthely is the Town Square with the Town Hall. The building is made in the classical Baroque style. Erected at the beginning of the 18th century. In the center of the square itself there is a large column dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It was erected at the end of the 18th century. The square and the adjacent city hall are made in the late Baroque style.

From the town square there is a large pedestrian area - Kossut Street, along which there are various restaurants and cafes. Walking along the pedestrian area you can see many buildings made in a classical style. Also here you can find the building of the former city hall and the modern cultural center named after Goldmark. A little further behind a beautiful arch is the old Synagogue. The building was rebuilt more than once and now it is made in the eclectic style.

But one of the oldest surviving buildings in Keszthely is the Franciscan Church. After all, it was built back in 1386. The church was built in the late Gothic style. During Turkish rule, the church was turned into a fortress. But already during the Kingdom of Hungary, after the expulsion of the Turks, the church was restored. It was restored and rebuilt many times, and at the end of the 19th century the Franciscan Church acquired a bell tower.

Inside the Franciscan Church, one of the richest Gothic frescoes in Hungary has been preserved to this day. Also near the church you can find two interesting monuments. The first is located in front of the church - this is a statue of Istvan Lakfi Palatine on horseback.

Location: Fő ter - 9.

City museums

Keszthely has a rich history. Much information about this old European city and its culture can be learned from local museums. Let's look at the most famous of them:

Located in the Festetics Palace. It was formed in the city in 2008. About 200 species of animals living both in Hungary and in other countries are represented here. All animals are housed in their natural habitats. A visit to such a museum will be quite educational for both children and hunting enthusiasts.

It is located in the same building as the previous museum only on the second floor. Here are models of trains from different eras and different European countries. Models of railways in different cities are also presented. In this museum, visitors will be able to see almost the whole of Europe in miniature.

This is another small museum of Keszthely. It is located in a former agricultural school founded in 1979 by the famous Gyorg Festetics. The museum is dedicated to the agriculture of the region. In addition to excellent agricultural exhibits, the museum also contains a large collection of agricultural machinery.

Location: Bercsenyi Miklós u. - 65.

As the name implies, this museum is dedicated to Lake Balaton. A large number of specimens of flora and fauna inhabiting the lake and its surroundings are collected here. The museum also contains archaeological finds that tell about the life and culture of local residents.

Location: Múzeum u. - 2.

Almost a few hundred meters from the Festetics Palace you can find the incredible Marzipan Museum. The museum displays various souvenirs and products made from children's favorite sweets. One of the largest is the model of the Festetics Palace. It took the craftsmen about 2 months to create it. There is a special store next to the museum. Here everyone can buy sweets for every taste.

Location: Katona József u. - 19.

This is a small building that houses a huge collection of dolls. All dolls are dressed in Hungarian national costumes and are distributed in chronological order. Thus, all visitors can observe changes in the folk costumes of the Hungarians in different historical eras.

Location: Kossuth Lajos u. - eleven.

The Keszthely Toy Museum is no less interesting. Although it was built relatively recently, in 2010. Yet his collection includes more than 10,000 toys.

Location: Kossuth Lajos utca - 11.

Lake Balaton is not the only interesting water attraction in Keszthely. Also near the city, 6 km to the north, is Lake Heviz. It is the largest in the world and at the same time the only thermal lake in all of Europe.

Near Lake Heviz you can find the perfectly preserved Batthyany Castle. Near the castle there is a huge park with centuries-old trees. The castle was built by the noble Battyany family back in the mid-18th century. It served as a family estate for the count's family.

The castle was rebuilt and restored several times. Now it houses the Battyany family museum, where everyone can learn the history of the noble count family.

One of the main defensive structures in the Keszthely region is the old Sumeg fortress. For a long time, this fortress was considered an impregnable stronghold. And since 1552, Sümeg was the residence of the bishop.

Try to visit the Sumeg fortress. Although it is located 25 km from the city, all lovers of medieval history should definitely visit this architectural monument. After all, amateur and historical reconstructions and festivals are often held here. And from the high mountain on which the fortress is built, a stunning view opens up.

The main attraction of the Hungarian city of Kextey is the palace of the Festetics family. This is one of the largest and most luxurious Hungarian estates that have survived to this day. The palace was built in the 18th century and belonged to the Festetics family of the same name. This family is known throughout Europe for its charitable activities. It was thanks to this family that the first gymnasium, hospital, pharmacies and agricultural lyceum were opened in the city. The palace is surrounded by a luxurious park, decorated in English style. In total, there are 101 halls on the territory of the museum, some of which regularly host various conferences, while others house an exhibition of a weapons museum and a library. Not a single tourist bypasses the museum library, as it houses a unique collection of books, including engravings by medieval artists, the first printed books, sheet music with autographs of famous composers and other unique exhibits.

In its architecture, this palace resembles the best palaces of that time. It is distinguished by a beautiful façade and luxurious interior decoration with frescoes, carvings, gilding and other elements.

From June 1 to August 31, this palace complex is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and at other times from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Mondays). The entrance ticket costs 3,500 Hungarian forints, and for visitors under 26 years old it is half that.

Several interesting objects can be observed in the main square of the city Fő ter. Back in 1170, a column of the Holy Trinity was built in the center of this square. Also on this square is the City Hall, which was built in the Baroque style in the 18th century. Now this building houses the city cultural center, which anyone can visit. Another attraction located on the square is the Franciscan Church. It was originally built in 1386 in the Gothic style, but was subsequently rebuilt several times, and the last changes were made in 1880, when a bell tower was added to it. This church is of particular interest to tourists because its walls contain the largest collection of Gothic frescoes in Hungary.

Kehstay is a very interesting city in all respects. Tourists who come to this place have the opportunity to see not only standard, but also some relatively unusual attractions and places that are difficult to see in other cities. One of these places is the Museum of Horrors. Visiting this museum is not recommended for people with weak psyches, but everyone else will be able to see and learn a lot of interesting things. The collection of exhibits in this museum demonstrates the centuries-old history of torture and punishment, which in the Middle Ages were popular and welcomed not only in Asian but also in European countries (you can see some types of instruments used in modern torture). Inside the museum there are a variety of instruments with which executioners at different times executed criminals (and not only criminals) in Japan, Hungary and France. A large number of exhibits are presented in the form of wax figures. One of the main highlights of the museum is the electric chair.

Part of the museum exhibition is dedicated to Count Dracula, which is not surprising, since the meaning of the latter’s life was directly related to executions, torture and other abuses. If you decide to visit this museum, then pay attention to the exhibition, which is dedicated to Countess Erzsebet Bathory, who deliberately killed girls and then fed on their blood, being sure that in this way she would prolong her youth.

Lake Balaton is rightfully considered the main natural attraction of Hungary, therefore, when you are in Köhstey, it is simply impossible not to look into the museum of the same name of this lake. By visiting it, you can learn about the history of one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe. Museum exhibits tell about the features of the local natural and plant world. Among the exhibits of the museum you can see various archaeological finds, household items, weapons and other exhibits that tell about the history of the inhabitants of the cities of Kekhstey, its culture, customs, etc. The oldest exhibits are about six thousand years old.

There are several other interesting museums in the city, a visit to which will give you many pleasant impressions. In 2008, a hunting museum was opened, which displays more than 200 species of various animals (in their natural habitat). In the doll museum, opened in 2010, visitors can see a huge collection of dolls from different historical eras, dressed in national costumes.

Excursions in Keszthely from private guides and travel agencies.
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Keszthely- a small tourist town located 200 kilometers from the Hungarian capital. Already in the Middle Ages the city occupied a leading position.

Keszthely will friendly introduce its guests to old, narrow streets and Baroque palaces. In addition to the sights and elegant images of architecture, the city offers tourists to relax on a modern beach, which is located along the coast of clear Lake Balaton. At the very beginning of our era, this place was already noticed by the Romans. The first mention of the city, recorded in writing, dates back to the mid-13th century.

In the 18th century, as soon as the Turks were expelled, the active construction of the city with mansions and churches in the Baroque style, fashionable at that time, began. Today the city has turned into the cultural and historical center of the country. The city is dotted with pedestrian streets, so the best way to explore its features is to take your time, walking slowly among the cathedrals.

Local residents lead a relaxed lifestyle, regularly organize holidays and festivals, which tourists from all over the world rush to attend. Thanks to the nearby Lake Balaton with its healing waters, Keszthely has become a tourist center.

Video from Keszthely

Keszthely is a fairly old city, built on the shores of Lake Balaton. The main attractions come down to historical and architectural buildings. The most striking architecture is embodied in the castle of the Festich family, who once ruled the city. The palace is one of the largest and most valuable attractions on...

Keszthely: tours and activities

Keszthely is a city offering ample opportunities for tourism.

Despite the small size of the city, there are many attractions, most of which are concentrated in the historical part of the city. It is better to explore them on your own during a leisurely walk through small, old, cozy streets.

You can, of course, use the services of a guide and find out more detailed information about the city. Keszthely is often called the “city of festivals”. Indeed, the locals do not deny themselves anything on holidays. In the summer, a flower festival takes place. Along the main city avenues there are numerous platforms decorated with various types of flowers. The aroma spreads throughout the area.

Recently, a festival of organ grinders has been held in early September. Musicians from all over the world come to Keszthely to demonstrate their favorite instrument and show their skills.

You can entertain yourself with a short boat excursion on the lake. It is not expensive, but a lot of impressions are guaranteed. The ferry can take tourists to the other side of the reservoir, where there is an open-air ethnographic museum.

History of Keszthely

The city was already an important trading center in Roman times. The first written mention of this city dates back to 1247, but scientists claim that a settlement of ancient people in its place existed in the second millennium BC. The history of the city starting from...

The territory of Keszthely is dominated by a temperate continental climate.

Summer here is hot and long, the sun is ready to warm the earth around the clock. The beach season begins in May and ends in mid-September. Winter is quite mild, there is little snowfall, but the lake is covered almost every year with a layer of ice, the average thickness of which reaches 15 centimeters, and sometimes 70. The lake often brings with it strong, gusty and cool winds, which can be dangerous for lovers of sailboats and small boats. yachts Therefore, special services monitor the wind strength.

Keszthely: entertainment and active recreation

Keszthe, located on the shores of Lake Balaton, offers ample opportunities for water sports.

In summer, sailing is very developed. Crowds of tourists rush to come to the resort town and compete in their ability to own a yacht or sailboat. At this time, stunning views of green waters and snow-white ships, shining from the bright rays of the sun, open from the shores. Sports lovers will be happy to visit the sports ground, play tennis on the court or simply play a game of volleyball. Many tourists prefer walking through the historical center of the city to passive relaxation on the beach. Fishing sport is not poorly developed. A trip to the museum - Helikon Castle - will provide a lot of impressions. The model of the old railway occupies the entire second floor. You can watch the toy steam locomotives for hours.

One of the most famous city beaches, Varosi Strad, offers guests excellent opportunities for an unforgettable holiday. There are many cafes and restaurants on the promenade, where experienced chefs will offer you to taste local national cuisine. Children will be delighted with the water attractions, which resemble an entire open-air water park.

Transport features of Keszthely

Since Keszthely is a resort town, naturally the transport system is developed at a sufficient level. Trolleybuses and buses run around the city.

Tourists are recommended to explore the city on foot. Therefore, in the historical part of the city it is better not to use public transport. If you are not sure that you can get to your destination on your own, you should use a taxi. The cost is calculated based on the meter readings. There is no metro in the city.

There is a highway and a railway near the northern coast. In addition, there is a port in Ketshei where ships moor daily.

(Zala County), located in the southwestern part Lake Balaton. This is one of the oldest towns on the Balton coast.

Keszthely is located in southwest Hungary, 160 km from Budapest. A railway passes through the city, running along the entire northern shore of Lake Balaton. The journey by train from Budapest takes approximately 3 hours, and the journey by car will last from 2 to 3 hours, depending on which shore of the lake the route will pass along: you can drive along the E71/M7 highways, it should be noted that there are toll roads.

A Roman settlement existed on this site already at the beginning of our era. Written mention of the city dates back to 1247. Keszthely received city status and rights in 1421. In the 18th century, after the expulsion of the Turks, large-scale construction of mansions and churches, mainly in the Baroque style, began in Keszthely, as in other Hungarian cities. In 1745, the Festetics Palace was built, which became the main attraction of the city. Keszthely is the cultural and historical center of Hungary. Thanks to its convenient location near Lake Balaton, it has become one of the most popular tourist cities in Hungary. Every summer, festivals and various cultural events take place here, for which tourists come here from all over the world.

Keszthely rich in historical monuments. The main square is decorated with the City Hall, founded in the 18th century; its current late Baroque style was created during the reign of Louis. The majestic Franciscan monastery will certainly attract attention. It is also located on the main square of the city and, together with its church, served as a border fortress during the period of Turkish rule. The largest fresco in Hungary is preserved in his temple.

The central square of Keszthely also contains two monuments: in front of the monastery there is equestrian statue of Istvan Lakfi Palatine, and in the eastern part - sculpture Holy Trinity.

A pedestrian zone begins from the square, which is now very popular. Taking a leisurely stroll along Kossuth Street in the center, you can calmly look at all the buildings and look into the restaurants or cafes that are plentiful here. Here are the Goldmark Cultural Center and the former City Hall building; under the arch in the courtyard of a Baroque house, there is a Synagogue, rebuilt several times, now demonstrating an eclectic style.

And Keszthely Street will lead you straight to the Festetics Palace with its beautiful garden. With so many interesting buildings, the city is replete with museums, shopping centers and curious modern buildings. All this is very unobtrusively combined with the proximity of Lake Balaton, which attracts people to its beaches to swim and others to fish. Moreover, every year at the end of July, the Wine Boulevard (Borutca) unfolds right on its coast - a presentation of the region’s wines, combined with a cultural program.

Kestechya Hotels

Most hotels in Keszthely range from 3* to 5*. Room rates are quite low compared to other European resorts (a double room in a charming guesthouse costs from 50 euros per night), and the level of service is high.

Most hotels are located either in close proximity to the beaches or a short distance from them. In addition, almost every hotel offers its own “zest”: it could be a swimming pool, a restaurant with its own wine cellar, a tennis court, a garden with sun loungers, a wellness center. For example, Helikon 3* is located on the very shore of Balaton, has its own beach, indoor swimming pool, indoor and outdoor tennis courts. Each room at this hotel has a balcony, and most rooms offer panoramic views of Lake Balaton.

There are many small guest houses here that offer a very high level of service, but at the same time take a deposit upon entry. When booking rooms, you need to look very carefully at the booking conditions; they are very varied in Keszthely hotels. Some hotels do not accept credit cards.

Sights of Keszthely

- Festetics Palace- one of the largest Hungarian estates. Built in 1745, rebuilt in 1887. There is a beautiful park around the estate.

- City Hall. Located in the central square of the city, a wonderful example of baroque architecture of the 18th century.

- Column of St. Trinity. Erected in 1770, it is located in the center of the main square. The column standing on it is made in the Baroque style (1710-1713). The column was designed by Philipp Ungleich and is a reminder of the terrible plague epidemic that swept through the city in 1691 and 1709. The pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs by Anton Hörger. Above them are statues of saints, and on top of the column is a statue of the Holy Trinity. In the middle part of the column you can see images of clouds and angels.

- Franciscan Church. Built in 1386 in the late Gothic style, during the period of Turkish rule it was turned into a fortress, and after the expulsion of the Turks it was restored. It was rebuilt several times, and in 1880 a bell tower was added to it.

- Georgikon Museum. Housed in a neoclassical building from 1797, the exhibition tells the history of Hungarian agriculture.

- Lake Balaton Museum. Dedicated to the flora and fauna of Balaton, as well as Kis Balaton- a nature reserve located near the city.

Daniil Privonov Heading: no comments

Beaches of Keszthely and surroundings

All Keszthely beaches are paid, but have good infrastructure. If you wish, you can get through for free or find a wild area beyond the boundaries of the official beaches. Almost everywhere is quite shallow, and the water is cloudy due to silt and mineral impurities.

There are three beaches on the shores of Lake Balaton in Keszthely.

City Beach

The city beach (Városi Strand) occupies the central part of the bay; it is the most convenient to get here - the train station is located right behind the park. In recent years, it has been updated, new toilets and cabins were built, and children's and sports grounds (volleyball, basketball, football, badminton) were opened. Several cafes and rental of beach and water equipment are also available.

The beach is open from 8:30 to 19:00 from May 1 to September 15. Entry price for adults is 800 forints, for children – 560 forints.

Helikon Beach

Helikon Beach (Helikon Strand) is located to the right of the City Beach, if you face the lake. Suitable for families with children visiting Keszthely. It is shallow, there are cafes and restaurants nearby, there is free parking and all the necessary infrastructure. Entrance fee: 500 forints for adults and 350 forints for children. Opening hours are the same. After 19:00 you can swim for free.

Libaş Beach

Libás Strand Beach is the newest beach in Keszthely (Hungary), located in the north quite far from transport stops. The easiest way to get here is by car or bicycle. There is a harbor nearby, many yachts and boats. Young people like to relax on Libas; shows and discos are often held in the evening and at night. There is only one Hungarian restaurant nearby. The beach is open from June 1 to September 15, opening hours are similar to the other two. The entrance is like on Helikon.

Tompos Étterem

  • Address: Pázmany Peter u. 56.
  • Website:
  • Is there a Russian menu: no.
  • Payment by cards: yes.
  • Service fee: no.

Restaurant Tompos is located in a quiet residential area on the outskirts of Keszthely. But I recommend that you definitely get to it at least once. Then you yourself will want to return to it. On the menu you will find both Hungarian cuisine and dishes from other cuisines. There is a good selection of vegetarian dishes. The restaurant is also suitable for those who follow a paleo diet.

Pleasant interior, open veranda in summer, children's corner, own parking, bicycle parking.

At lunchtime, a two-course business lunch is served from 11:30 to 15:00. Price – 1,300 forints.

I recommend trying duck from the regular menu; the rest of the meat is also excellent. For vegetarians, I advise you to take zucchini cutlets stuffed with Camembert cheese and green pea puree (cukkini fasírt camembert sajtos zöldborsópürével). Delicious!

Jóbarát Vendéglö

  • Address: Martinovics utca 1.
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: daily from 11:00 to 22:00.
  • Is there a Russian menu: yes.
  • Payment by cards: yes.
  • Service fee: no.

A popular restaurant in Keszthely, where it is sometimes difficult to find a free table. Moreover, it is not located in the city center. In the summer there is a veranda; I only had a glimpse inside - the interior is interesting.

The main feature of the restaurant is the huge portions. It’s not worth ordering two dishes for one person here - you’re unlikely to cope. The menu is mainly Hungarian cuisine with all that it implies - meat and fatty. True, there is no goulash in the soups section. The food is not filling, but not always tasty. I was there twice – the first time I liked it very much, the second – mediocre. Perhaps it depends on the chef.

Los Amigos Bar & Grill

  • Address: Fő ter 2.
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: Wednesday—Sunday from 11:00 to 22:00.
  • Is there a Russian menu: yes.
  • Payment by cards: yes.
  • Service fee: no.

A Mexican restaurant in the very center of Keszthely - on the Main Square, which was opened by a Hungarian couple. Nachos, burritos, tacos, enchiladas and much more. Tasty, not cheap, small portions. There is a children's menu. There is a terrace where it is great to sit in the summer.

Where to stay in Keszthely

By tradition, first I’ll tell you about the places where I stayed. In Keszthely, if you don’t take into account the stops in Heviz, I lived twice. And both times these were the apartments that I recommend to you. I booked them through Airbnb. Don't forget about the discount on your first booking.

The first apartment is located in the very center of Keszthely, its windows overlook the main pedestrian street, and the Festetics Castle is just a stone's throw away. Here is the link to the ad. The apartment is bright, tastefully furnished, ideal for one or two people. There is free parking and pets are allowed. An excellent rental bonus is two free bicycles.

The second apartment is located in a residential complex near Helkion beach - 7-8 minutes on foot. One-room apartment with a balcony and a small kitchen-hallway. There is its own parking, you can bring your dog. A bonus in this option is a swimming pool that guests can use. Link to ad.

Keszthely Hotels

I have compiled a selection of hotels in Keszthely with high ratings from previous guests. All options can be booked on Booking; follow the links for details, photos and prices.

How to get to Keszthely

There are four main ways to get to Keszthely from Budapest

  1. Car (your own or rented).
  2. Transfer.
  3. Train/bus.
  4. Excursion.

I'll tell you more about each one.

To Keszthely by car

The distance Budapest – Keszthely is 190 kilometers. It can be covered in two hours if you take the M7 toll highway.

Look for accommodation with free parking, as they charge a fee in the center of Keszthely.

To Keszthely by car with driver

The most comfortable option is to order a transfer Budapest – Keszthely. Although more often they still book a car in the direction Budapest - Heviz, and from there they drop into a cozy town on the shores of Lake Balaton.

The Budapest - Keszthely bus leaves from Népliget autóbusz-pályaudvar bus station. Travel time is 2 hours 20 minutes, ticket price is 3,700 forints. Bus tickets can be purchased directly at the ticket office or on the carrier’s website (there is a version in English).

Keszthely train station and bus station are located next to each other. From here it is convenient to get to the city center and directly to the beach.

Tour to Keszthely

There are no excursions to Keszthely from Budapest. They are usually combined with a visit to Heviz or other interesting places in the area.

Keszthely Map

Marked all the important points on the map of Keszthely. Namely: main attractions, restaurants, beaches, railway and bus stations.

Always yours, Daniil Privonov.

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