Where to visit in Crimea in summer. Interesting places on the map of Crimea: where to go and what to see first? Yusupov Palace in Koreiz

There is one gross mistake that every second tourist vacationing in Crimea makes, turning their vacation into a seal, when upon returning home the only memories they have are banana rides and a hotel buffet. There is nothing wrong with this, but from my own experience I can say that a couple of days is enough to relax on the beach. Then he begins to feel the urge to go for walks, and his sunburned skin requires a break from sunbathing.

So, in order to stock up on vivid vacation impressions for years to come, every tourist and traveler needs to know what to see in Crimea. I have compiled a cheat sheet for you from the TOP - the 20 most popular places for tourists on the peninsula. If you can't wait to get this free bonus, read on!

Crimea must see TOP - 20 best places

All tourists are different and everyone’s vacation needs are also different, so I divided the interesting places in Crimea into thematic blocks. If you are more interested in action and want to get an adrenaline rush, then you will probably be bored on sightseeing tours, even if they are top-notch and all the guides will recommend them to you as a must-see. Listen to yourself and your desires, and choose a vacation to your liking. For example, I can say for myself that diving 200 meters into caves seemed much more interesting to me than looking at the luxurious interior of Crimean palaces.


1. Mount Ai Petri

You should climb Mount Ai Petri for three reasons. The first reason is because of the observation deck from which a truly beautiful view of Yalta and the Black Sea coast opens. If you go to the top as part of an excursion group, the bus will take you straight to the observation deck; a well-paved road leads to it, along which you can also drive by car yourself.

It is also possible for a hiker to climb Ai Petri by purchasing a ticket for the cable car from Alupka. This is the second reason why hundreds of vacationers flock here every day. From the cabin you can see the famous battlements, which were shown to the whole world by the Soviet director Gaidai in the film about the adventures of Shurik.

And the last reason is the caves that are located on the plateau of the same name. We went on an excursion to Ai Petri in August, and the weather at the top was not much different from the rest of the temperature in Crimea. Even in light summer clothes we did not freeze. So, I consider it unnecessary to take warm clothes with you at the height of the season, unless you are going to go down to the caves, where the temperature will be lower.

2. Swallow's Nest

Swallow's Nest has become popular among tourists only due to its unusual location. Indeed, this miniature castle in the Gothic style inexplicably seems to float above a cliff on a 40-meter cliff. In fact, this object has no historical value, no celebrities lived in it, and it doesn’t even have an interesting backstory. But it was precisely for his bizarre image that he was depicted in paintings, and returning from Crimea without a photograph against the backdrop of the Swallow’s Nest would be considered bad form.

3. Palaces

At all times, Crimea has been a tasty morsel; because of its beautiful natural landscape and mild climate, many wealthy important people chose the peninsula as a place to build luxurious palaces and royal chambers. Today no one lives in the palaces; they are used as museums for tourist excursions. In fact, there are a lot of palaces in Crimea and you are unlikely to have time to cover everything during your vacation, and you shouldn’t do this unless your goal is to write a dissertation on medieval architecture) I will tell you about the largest palaces, the most recommended for visiting, based on reviews from tourists.

Livadia Palace

The palace received its beautiful name from the Greek word “livadia” - lawn. Emperor Nicholas II, impressed by the beautiful local area, erected this snow-white palace here in an overseas Italian style. Now in the palace there are halls equipped as museums, where you can see the rooms where the Romanov family led its royal existence - the dining room, the emperor’s study, the children’s bedrooms. It is located in the suburbs of Yalta, just three kilometers from the city. In addition to the Livadia Palace itself, there is a park with paths lined with mosaics, beautiful courtyards surrounded by greenery and marble benches.

You can get to the palace as part of an excursion or on your own from Yalta by shuttle bus 5, 11, 27 or 32 and get off at the “Dulber Sanatorium” stop.

Massandra Palace

If the previous palace evokes thoughts of Italy, Massandrovsky is reminiscent of medieval French castles from the time of Louis XIII, it is not for nothing that it is called the little Versailles in Crimea. Now tourists come here to see the museum with the emperor’s chambers and items of royal life, and to enjoy leisurely walks through the forest, because the location of the palace is conducive to this.

Next to the Massandra Palace is the Yalta mountain and forest nature reserve. Needless to say, walks through a pine forest combined with mountain air have a beneficial effect on well-being, and green lawns with flowerbeds with fragrant flowers will make this day the most pleasant and memorable.

A backpacker can get to the Massandra Palace on his own as part of an excursion or on his own from Yalta on route bus 29 and get off at the “Upper Massandra Park” stop. Then you will have to walk a little along the road.

Vorontsov Palace

The Vorontsov Palace in Crimea is the most beautiful and majestic building in Crimea, it combines the luxurious style of romanticism from English architecture and oriental flavor, in honor of the Muslim founders of the city of Alupka. Walking through the castle grounds, you can feel like the hero of a fairy tale - battlements, turrets, high stone walls. And this pearl of the Vorontsov palace is the Southern facade, it seems that the doors are about to open and the beautiful eastern princess Budur, surrounded by her retinue, will run out onto the balcony.

It is in the Vorontsov Palace that the famous sculptures of lions by the great Italian master Giovanni Bonnani are located; they decorate the staircase leading to the Southern facade, and miniatures are sold here as souvenirs. Another attraction of this place is the garden founded by the famous gardener Kebah, where plants grow from all over the world.

The Vorontsov Palace is located at the foot of Mount Ai Petri and is one of the most popular and visited places among vacationers. You can get from Yalta to the palace complex by taking buses 27 or 32 from the bus station and getting off at the Alupkinsky Palace stop.


If you cannot rest for a long time without physical activity and love to spend your time hiking, then in Crimea there are places that are perfect for this.

4. Marble Cave

It is not necessary to have professional skills in speleo tourism to dive into the most mysterious cave in Crimea. I’ll tell you honestly, we also doubted it at first, because we had a small child with us, our daughter was only three years old at that time. But with great interest she walked the entire route in the Marble Cave from beginning to end, and now she can boast that she saw huge icicles that grow straight from the ground)

In the Marble Cave, everything is equipped for convenient and safe movement through the underground halls; there are paths, steps and railings. Each route is built in such a way that you don’t even need the help of a guide, it’s quite possible to see the decoration of the Marble Cave on your own, the transition from one level to another is not at all difficult, and as I said above, even a small child can complete it.

I left a review of our visit to two large caves in Crimea.

5. Emine Bair Khosar Cave

Usually, a visit to the Emine Bair Khosar cave goes in conjunction with the Marble Cave, because they are both located on the Chatyr Dag plateau, and they are separated by a distance of only two kilometers. The cave received its beautiful name thanks to the Tatar saying - “a well on the side of a mountain,” but guides prefer to call it Mammoth Cave in honor of the baby mammoth that fell into its depths, whose remains are now the main attraction of this place.

Other visitors to the cave who often came here were cave bears, saber-toothed tigers and woolly rhinoceros; their bones rest next to the remains of a mammoth. But no traces of our ancestors were found here; apparently the ancient man was cautious and was not eager to meet these predators here.

6. Tarkhankut

Is there diving in Crimea, and if so, what can you see there? — this is the question we asked ourselves while we were looking for scuba diving in Crimea. In order to understand what attractions await you in the depths of the Black Sea, you need to go to the western coast of Crimea yourself, where Cape Tarkhankut is located - an ideal place for diving on the peninsula. This is where travelers who are passionate about active recreation in wild conditions come, set up tent camps to enjoy the unusual landscape of rocky shores and a calm, clear sea.

In addition to diving on Tarkhankut, you can see the sights of the Crocodile Rock, swim in the Cup of Love, swim through the pirate arch in the rock.

You can see a review of how our trip to Cape Tarkhankut took place.

Historical excursions

If you want to get to know the Crimean Peninsula better, then you definitely need to get acquainted with its history; due to its mild natural conditions, it has always remained a tasty morsel for conquerors. Greeks, Scythians, Italians, Romans and many other peoples lived in Crimea at different times, each of whom left their own architectural and historical mark on the Crimean land.

7. Assumption Cave Monastery

Due to its unusual location, the Assumption Cave Monastery attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world to its chambers every year. It is literally carved into a steep rock, and from the outside it seems that it miraculously floats above Maria’s Gorge. There are several reasons for the construction of the monastery in such an unusual place, but the main one is that once on the site of the Assumption Monastery an icon of the Mother of God was found, which, after being removed, seemed to magically return back to the caves.

The monastery survived many turbulent days, when wars raged and bloody battles took place outside its walls, and miraculously managed to avoid the pogrom of the Turkish invaders. Today, on the territory of the monastery there are cemeteries where soldiers from different historical eras are buried, from the Crimean War and the Great Patriotic War. Another attraction of the monastery is its entrance staircase, with a wall along one side showing holy places from around the world with a handful of earth.

You can come to the Assumption Monastery from Bakhchisarai by taking minibus No. 2, bus stop “Staroselye”.

8. Genoese fortress

Do you want to see spectacular theatrical knightly tournaments within the walls of a real medieval fortress? Then you definitely need to take a ride to the city of Sudak and visit the Genoese fortress. Within the walls of the attraction you can see the main gate, 12 towers, a consular castle, a temple-mosque, the temple of the twelve apostles, a warehouse, barracks and, of course, the walls of the fortress, serpentinely leading to the inaccessible rocks of the stone ridge.

Review - Genoese fortress, how I was there, drinking beer, honey.

9. Cave cities

The cave cities of Crimea are another amazing historical attraction of the peninsula, all of them are located in the Bakhchisarai region and if you have an interest in such places, you can set aside a day for the trip. The most popular places where you can come on your own are Bakla, Mangup, Eski Kermen, Chufut Kale. In the Middle Ages, these caves were created by human hands to protect people from frequent attacks by enemies and invaders. The entrance holes are carved into the rocky rocks, so you need to move around the cave cities with caution. You can see both residential caves and cave monasteries, temples with frescoes and paintings.

10. New world. Golitsyn trail

The Golitsyn trail is primarily interesting for tourists because it runs along the coastline along the slope of the mountain, and some of its sections pass through grottoes and caves. The trail originates from a village famous for its wines and champagne - Novy Svet; the village itself is also one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, especially considering its miniature size and location in a natural bay. While passing the trail, you will visit such attractions as three colored bays, the famous Golitsin grotto with a wine library in the cave walls, a juniper grove and many observation platforms.

The length of the trail is three kilometers, but despite the short distance, it has strong elevation changes. Therefore, it is better to walk through mountainous terrain in comfortable shoes and with a supply of drinking water in your backpack.

11. Adzhimushkay quarries

There is a place in Crimea that every vacationer must visit, so as not to forget about the heroism of our ancestors and what price they had to pay for our today’s peaceful sky above their heads. This place is a museum on the site of a former quarry, where during the war years people lived and defended themselves from the mines, surviving in inhumane conditions and using their last strength to fight back the enemy onslaught of Hitler’s army. It’s scary to imagine what the occupied residents had to endure. Along with hunger and lack of drink, the Nazis blew up and blocked the entrances, pumped smoke into the underground adits, and caused collapses. Of the ten thousand unfortunate occupied inhabitants who descended into the quarries in 1942, only a few hundred remained alive.

The underground museum is located near the city of Kerch and it is impossible to miss it; next to it is a giant memorial monument to the heroes of the Second World War.

Natural monuments

12. Cape Fiolent

Cape Fiolent is the most picturesque creation of nature in Crimea, because a volcano worked on its appearance, today the eruptions of which can be observed in the form of huge blocks of black lava towering above the surface of the sea. The spectacle is unforgettable, that’s what all the tourists say, and I completely agree with them...

You can swim at Cape Fiolente. But to cool off on the local beach, you will have to go down about a thousand unequipped and extreme steps, but the reward will be the clearest sea in Crimea with a view of the rocks and an almost complete absence of tourists.

It will not be difficult to come to Cape Fiolent in Crimea either as part of an excursion group or on your own. Public transport stop “5th kilometer”, then you need to change to a minibus going to Cape Fiolent.

13. Demerdzhi

Demerdzhi is the most mysterious mountain in Crimea and here’s why. Firstly, it is not a mountain at all, but a plateau stretching for several kilometers along the Black Sea, near the city of Alushta. The second reason is the bizarre formations in the form of giant stone pillars, reminiscent of statues of warriors, and one of them, due to its similarity with the face of Empress Catherine, is named in her honor. Thirdly, this is a popular place here, the Valley of Ghosts, so called because of the frequent fogs that descend on the valley. When from under the thick clouds only the tops of stone sculptures are visible, reminiscent of frozen silhouettes of people.

By the way, an interesting fact is that at different times of the day, Demerdzhi changes its appearance, each time appearing before tourists in a new color, this is due to the amazing composition of the rocks that form the mountain range. There are several trekking trails leading to Demerdzhi, passing through oak and beech groves, so you won’t get lost or miss interesting things.

14. White rock Ak-Kaya

Ak Kaya is a sheer snow-white rock, its appearance reminiscent of canyons from films about the Wild West. It’s not for nothing that many directors chose this area for filming films; cowboys in wide-brimmed hats galloping on fast horses fit perfectly into the landscape here.

But the rock also has a dark history; on the top of Ak Kaya in the Middle Ages people were executed by throwing them down from a steep cliff. The robbers set up hiding places for the loot in the caves of Ak Kaya. Famous commanders held meetings on its plateau, and soldiers took the oath.

15. Kara Dagsky Reserve

Unlike previous natural creations, you cannot enter the Kara Dag Nature Reserve without warning. First you need to check the time for your visit, book a place for a walking tour around the reserve, and also pay for the entrance ticket. But in return you will receive such unforgettable views and emotions that you will remember for a long time.

So why is this place so attractive for vacationers? Firstly, this place is a real concentrate, where all the most beautiful and rare plants and trees in Crimea, which are under protection, are collected, you can see natural marble and blocks of solidified lava. Secondly, the famous Golden Gate rock is located here; you can swim through the natural arch and make a wish during a boat trip along the Kara Dag.

Thirdly, this is not just a nature reserve, but an extinct volcano, which once erupted fiery lava, the black color of the rock reminds of this, it’s not for nothing that Kara Dag means Black Mountain. The remaining attractions of the reserve are the museum of the same name, a 7-kilometer-long hiking trail, and panoramic viewing platforms.

16. Waterfalls

The Uchan-Su waterfall is considered the highest waterfall in Crimea, but unfortunately its appearance during the peak season leaves much to be desired; in the summer months it almost dries up and in order to avoid disappointment from the trip, it is better to plan a visit to the lower, but active summer waterfall Jur-Jur.

Jur - Jur is the most spectacular and beautiful waterfall in Crimea, even the name of the waterfall is murmuring. If coming to Abkhazia and not taking a ride to the waterfall would be considered bad manners, then when vacationing in Crimea you should visit Jur - Jura Waterfall. The height of the falling stream is fifteen meters, and stones fall from the mountain along with the water, so you won’t be able to enjoy swimming, and not many people will agree to plunge into the icy water. But against the backdrop of the waterfall you get excellent photographs, and if you have not seen such a miracle of nature before, it may impress you!


17. Estuaries

Crimea is not only beautiful landscapes and attractions, but also healing air, unique salt lakes and mineral mud. Arriving in Crimea on vacation, it is quite possible to improve your health and be cured of many ailments. Where can this be done if you are not undergoing spa treatment in a sanatorium? The fact is that in Crimea there are many free natural clinics, which you can use right in the open air, and these wonders of nature are called estuaries.

Estuaries are lakes with a high concentration of salt in the water, and at the bottom of such reservoirs there are medicinal muds that have a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole. To get treatment, all you have to do is come to the estuary, of which there are a huge number in Crimea, take a mineral bath and apply healing mud to your body.

You can read a review of how we went to the estuary in Evpatoria, Lake Moinaki.

18. Mud volcanoes of Jau Tepe

If you are sure that there are no active volcanoes in Crimea, then you are deeply mistaken. On the peninsula there are amazing natural volcanoes that spew not fiery lava, but streams of healing mud! In total, there are about seven active volcanoes in Crimea, and all of them are located in the east of the Kerch Peninsula in the village of Vulkanovka. But unlike estuaries, climbing into the mouth of a volcano to smear yourself with mud would be very stupid; you could easily fall into a natural crater. Sopochnaya mud contains a storehouse of minerals and is used by doctors for health purposes in hospitals and sanatoriums in Crimea.

Entertainment activities

Crimea has long ceased to have the status of a pensioner's holiday; events held on the peninsula are most often aimed at youth and active pastime. Jazz festivals are held here, informal youth gather, there are many clubs, cafes and other entertainment, and the nightlife in resort towns is vibrant. What unusual events can you attend in Crimea that you definitely won’t see at home?

19. Mud fights

This unconventional sport appeared in Crimea relatively recently and has already gained popularity among spectators, visitors and tourists. Of course, because the role of athletes in the arena is played by beautiful, pumped-up girls, but this is not their main quality. What visitors come here for is to see with their own eyes masterful karate techniques, and sometimes even tricks similar to spectacular acrobatic acts. Don’t be afraid there will be no blood or broken ribs, but you will be guaranteed an adrenaline rush while watching mud fights. You can also take part in this event personally; each spectator is given the opportunity to enter the ring and compete with female gladiators.

20. Kazantip

You've probably heard about Kazantip, but don't know what it is. The Republic of Kazantip is a mega party held annually in Crimea and attracts hundreds of visitors from all over the world. What vacationers come here for is to listen to club and electronic music performed by the top DJs from all over the world. Here you can party, dance and party all day long, and you can come here in beach shorts and a swimsuit, or you can come up with an original look and apply makeup.

You can read our impressions of the day spent in Kazantip.

I hope my reminder of what you must see in Crimea will be useful to you. I wish everyone a pleasant and memorable holiday!

Greetings, our readers! We have again prepared an article about travel for you. Or more precisely about the wonderful Crimean peninsula. Yes, we have already published several articles about Crimea, but nowhere have we really provided a list of places that should definitely be perceived by you as “I want to see, touch and take a closer look,” so we are correcting ourselves!

Today we will tell you about what to visit in Crimea in order to remember your vacation for a long time and stock up on bright positive impressions that will warm your soul in difficult moments.

We have prepared 11 places for you where you definitely won’t be disappointed.


A small area in Sevastopol, which is located 20 kilometers from the city center. The main attraction is the bay in Balaklava, which is the most beautiful in the world and convenient for the arrival of ships with goods.

Resort area

At the moment it is a popular holiday destination, which increases its status every year. You see the photos for the first time and already want to get there, spend a couple of days in a hot and bright place.

A mandatory part of the holiday is a boat and riding on it in the open sea to explore the shores and wild, interesting beaches.

By sea you will have a view of the unique feature of Fiolent beach, which attracts tourists with its cleanliness and beauty. It’s difficult to move on the ground because you encounter stones and boulders, but moving through expanses of water is fun and fast.

They say that St. Petersburg must be viewed from the water, so the bays of Balaklava must be viewed from the sea.

There are a large number of memorable places that are a must-see; we will talk about this a little later. Near the bay is the hero city of Sevastopol, the south of the Crimean peninsula, Bakhchisarai - a territory where there is not enough life to explore the surrounding beauty.

The Nazukina embankment is considered the most vibrant and tourist place. From here you can look at the amazing mountain ranges of the peninsula and fortress ruins. The street is decorated with private houses, as if built from openwork ribbons.

It’s pleasant to walk along the narrow streets of Balaklava in any weather; it seems that you are in another century, in another era, in another country. In addition, this is the best vacation for those who love active pastime: fishing in the sea, riding ATVs, diving or kayaking.

A must-visit is the local restaurants, which will offer delicious Black Sea cuisine and add local flavor to your vacation.


As soon as they start talking about the sights of this territory, they immediately talk about Chembalo fortress– a legendary and famous city symbol.

The towers go into the sky and are visible from any place in the city, thereby creating a unique urban topography. The Genoese, who laid the foundation for the history of Cembalo, settled in the port at the end of 1348.

They united into a colony and decided to build a large fortress, for which they used the building that the Greeks left behind as the foundation.

The top of the mountain range was the city point - Verkhniy, when the consulate lived in the large castle. Below is the fortress of St. George, whose territory is marked by powerful walls and tower complexes that reach a length of 19 meters.

The reliable coverings that the Genoese came up with did not save us during the raids. There was no quiet time around Chembalo. The topmost tower is considered the “Donjon”, with its help you can easily see Balaklava Bay, as well as a panoramic view of the southern coast of the mountains.

See this place and understand for what purpose a large number of exciting tribes wanted to have Balaklava in their bins.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the status of the resort was “peaceful”, Balaklava was designated for military purposes. In the Soviet Union, a building was built on this territory that is considered invulnerable to the effects of atomic weapons; it is called an underground plant for repairing a submarine.

The GTS was built in a deforested mountainous area near Chembalo. The canal stretches 600 meters underground, and it connects the bay and the open sea, so that repair work can be carried out freely on boats, both under and above water.

It is considered a religious building St. George's Monastery, which was first mentioned in books in 1579.

It is breathtaking because the building is located at an altitude of 200 meters above the cliff, creating a feeling of floating above the rock massif and the expanse of the sea. Writers were invited here, so the place was valued and considered great.

Holy Apparition- a rock that is located in the sea near the holy shore, which makes it possible to reveal the construction of the monastery, which was mentioned above.

Legends say that at the end of 890, a fishing boat from Chersonesus was caught in a storm, such that it is impossible to tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. They were hanging by a thread from final death, they actively prayed, thanks to which they remained alive because the storm had subsided. The figure of St. George the Victorious appeared above the rock massif, and the fishermen pulled themselves up onto the rocks, where they discovered the icon of the saint.

Cape Fiolent The beauty is not inferior to other attractions. In ancient times, the Church of Artemis was located here, where the daughter of Agamemnon sat in captivity. Many legends of the Crimean Peninsula stretch from Cape Fiolent.

By the way, Agamemnon’s daughter was pulled out by Orestes and Pylades; the rocks off the nearest coast have their names. Cape Fiolent is the most beautiful corner, recognizable anywhere by its yellow-brown flowers.

Another local legend says that the cape was called “Tiger” because of its color. This is so because in the sunset rays the outline of a tiger's skin appears.

Of course, Crimea is, first and foremost, a sea, which means that the first entertainment after swimming should be going out to sea on a boat or boat.

The city is notable for the fact that it is located in a kind of mountain pocket, so it is not visible either from land or from water.

Balaklava Bay itself will already leave an unforgettable impression in your memory. Right there on the embankment you can negotiate with fishermen or owners of water transport and go out to sea. You can go to Cape Fiolent or Cape Aya, which are rich in various grottoes.

The walk can be combined with fishing or swimming. Well, in Balaklava itself, it is undoubtedly also worth a look at the submarine museum, which has both a land part, and you can take a boat ride to the “settlement areas” of submarines.

Golitsyn trail

The sea is an unforgettable landscape, and you will undoubtedly be able to collect a collection of such landscapes in your memory by walking the Golitsyn path.

The Golitsyn Trail is one of the most beautiful places not only in the New World, but also in Crimea in general. Picturesque landscapes and fantastic views from the mountain tops can conquer any heart.

It is believed that the “father” of the trail was the famous Prince Golitsyn. However, few people know that it appeared long before this time. When the Crimean Tatars ruled these lands, the trail received the name – the road of infidels.

Why the road of the infidels? The Tatars believed that there was a church in the mountains where Christians, that is, people not of their religion, went.

But it was Prince Golitsyn who revived and improved the trail in 1912. He did this specially on the occasion of the arrival of Nicholas II and his imperial family.

Therefore, the prince ordered to make the road convenient, to build stone stairs and observation platforms. And in the depths of the mountains, vaults were built where he hid his unique wines.

A visit to the Golitsyn trail is definitely worth your time.

In general, the walk is not very long, only a few kilometers, but you will have to walk through mountains and rocks, where at almost every corner you want to linger for a few minutes to admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, take a few photos, or just relax after a difficult climb.

The Golitsyn trail originates from the northern slope of Mount Koba-Kaya. This mountain is otherwise called Peshternaya because of the many natural grottoes and caves formed as a result of the influence of the sea and the uneven movement of limestone rocks.

The route ends near Cape Kapchik. Being an attraction in itself, the Golitsyn trail has several other places that make it a real miracle of Crimea.

— Grotto of Chaliapin (Golitsyn)
— Tsarskaya Bay
— Juniper Grove
— Cape Kapchik and Turtle Island


If we are already talking about landscapes, then for a beautiful panorama of the Crimean mountains you should climb Mangup-Kale, which is 20 kilometers from Sevastopol, in the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea. The nearest settlement is the village of Krasny Mayak.

This medieval city was built on the inaccessible ridges of the Crimean mountains, known as Baba-Kaya, Mount Mangup.

The cave city of Mangup-Kale was previously a powerful defensive fortification that combined natural conditions and man-made fortifications in the form of towers and walls.

Mangup-Kale is so ancient that scientists still cannot name the exact date of its foundation.

Presumably, the city was built in the 6th century AD. But some scientists say that the first buildings appeared here long before the birth of Christ - in the 3-4 centuries BC.

Secret passages and catacombs, ancient monasteries, a fortress and stunningly beautiful mountain landscapes - all this is the cave city of Mangup-Kale in Crimea. Today it is the largest monument of its kind located on the peninsula.

The cave city, like a giant, today rises above three green valleys at once.

The best preserved historical site is the citadel built by the Theodorites. In the center of the fortress wall there is a jonjon, which not only served as a defensive structure, but also served as a palace in peacetime. Here you can see the ruins of the temple - the octagon.

Next to the fortress wall there is a majestic tower - a symbol of Turkish architecture. Nearby you can see the barracks and guardhouses.

But the most interesting thing is the man-made caves located on Tekshli-Burun. Some of them can be reached down steep stone stairs.

It is useful to know that this historical monument on a mountain plateau is famous not only for its cave city and fortress walls.

Thus, on the territory of Mangup there are 15 pure springs. And just a few kilometers away lies the beautiful artificial Maiden Lake, which appeared here in 1984. At the bottom of the reservoir you can find blue clay, which has healing properties.

Here you can go fishing, ride horses and taste local cuisine in small restaurants.

The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, and many tourists take amazing panoramic photos here.

Marble Cave

If we are already talking about caves, then without a doubt you should visit the largest cave of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, “Marble”.

Directly in the cave itself, you can choose the route that suits you or explore everything.

Here you will find:

  • The hall of fairy tales, where you can see various creatures in stone sculptures
  • Tiger passage, where you can see the remains of ancient animals found here
  • Pearl lakes, deep in the caves.

Not far from Mramornaya there is also the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave, which some tourists rank as the most beautiful cave in Crimea.

Monastery caves

Another exciting experience of your summer in Crimea can be the monastery caves.

The Inkerman Cave Monastery, the Holy Assumption Cave Monastery, the Chelter-Marmara Cave Monastery, the Shuldan Cave Monastery will amaze you with their energy, which will not leave you indifferent.


Not far from Sevastopol lies Tauride Chersonesos, where the ruins of ancient buildings are perfectly preserved.

It is impossible to convey in words the feeling that covers everyone who goes along the main street of ancient Chersonesos to the shore to the pier where galleys from Byzantium and Rome moored. As soon as you close your eyes, the screams of street vendors, the creaking of mooring ropes, the clatter of loaders and the swearing of guards make their way through the cries of seagulls.

And the eternal sea still carelessly splashes its waves over the pebbles, as if 25 centuries had not passed over it, and in the agora near the temple new citizens still swear an oath of allegiance to the great city.

The territory of the Chersonesos Historical and Archaeological Reserve is completely included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and especially valuable cultural heritage of Russia. Domestic and foreign expeditions are constantly excavating here, making new discoveries every year.

The most valuable artifacts are exhibited in the Hermitage and the Chersonesos Museum, founded in 1892. But the most interesting exhibition is located in the open air - streets, towers, inns, a forge, a winery, the basilicas of the ancient city, telling about the daily life of ordinary citizens.

You can walk around the ruins endlessly, but it is difficult for a modern person to understand the life of the Chersonesos, so it is better to join a tour conducted by museum staff.

Excavations are carried out not only on land; divers from the country’s only department of underwater archeology have discovered at the bottom the remains of sunken ships, piles of amphorae, lead anchor rods and stones, ruins of piers and port buildings.

Here you can plunge into the sea at your own risk; entering the sea here is difficult and not everyone can do it. And also look for ancient coins with images of the Virgin or Hercules. And if you can’t find them, you can go look at those already found in the local archaeological museum.

Valley of Ghosts

Undoubtedly, it is worth visiting the most mystical place in Crimea - the “Valley of Ghosts” not far from Alushta. The valley amazes with its beauty and uniqueness of the huge number of intricate stone figures. Many of them resemble human statues, others resemble birds and animals.

The natural monument is located in the south of the famous Mount Demerdzhi. This is the second name of the mountain, it means “blacksmith”. The first was “Funa”, which translated means “smoking”. Therefore, perhaps the legend circulating about the valley is not fiction at all, but a real story from ancient times.

Scientists have slightly different opinions regarding the appearance of the valley. Some of them believe that there used to be a sea or an ocean here. At the same time, this theory was neither refuted nor confirmed.

You can try to walk through this fabulous stone kingdom inhabited by unusual “inhabitants”.

True, experienced tourists warn that they need to walk at some distance from the sculptures, since the weathering processes continue, as a result, many figures change their shape in front of the amazed guests.

The second option for excursions from Alushta to the Valley of Ghosts will also be of interest to lovers of active recreation. Not far from this place there is a horse base. Here, among the various offers interesting for tourists, horseback riding through amazing natural landscapes is available.

Tourists prefer to come here for at least a few hours, because it is important not just to look at the fabulous sculptures, but also to see as much as possible.

The Valley of Ghosts is reminiscent of an extraordinary theater, since when the lighting and time of day change, the figures begin to “come to life”, change shape, outline, color and, it seems, even shape. It seems that this place lives its own special life!

In the Valley of Ghosts there is the famous Nikulin nut; remember in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” he threw nuts at Shurik?

The famous “Varley” stone is also located here, on which in the same film she danced and sang “Somewhere in the White World.” Other equally famous and beloved films were filmed in these parts: “Hearts of Three”, “Sportloto-82”.

Malakhov Kurgan

Malakhov Kurgan is a proud and silent witness of the two heroic defenses of Sevastopol during the Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars.

They began to call the height “Malakhova” in the mid-19th century. At that time, the house of military sailor Mikhail Malakhov stood on the slope; he faithfully served the Russian fleet for 47 years.

People turned to him for advice, requests, and resolution of disputes. People said among themselves, “Go to the mound, to Malakhov.” Gradually the name stuck.

Malakhov Kurgan, located in Sevastopol, will enchant you with its atmosphere of calm and tranquility, and at the very top you will see an excellent panorama of Sevastopol. This place is now very popular among city guests.

In addition to military attributes, Malakhov Kurgan is surrounded by a beautiful park. Many trees and shrubs grow here.

Some of them were landed by heads of various states, representatives of official delegations, Soviet rulers, pilots and cosmonauts, for example, Ho Chi Minh, Gagarin, Voroshilov and others.

But one tree in particular attracts the attention of tourists. It is very beautiful and stands in the center of a small fence. This is an almond tree. It is already about two hundred years old, and it witnessed both defenses of the hero city.

It is interesting that the landmark of Sevastopol, Malakhov Kurgan, is known not only in Crimea. The names of streets and metro stations in Russia, France and Great Britain are dedicated to him. Malakhov Kurgan is one of the memorable and heroic pages of the city of Sevastopol and the history of Crimea.


Lovers of heights and beautiful views should definitely climb to the top of Mount Ai-Petri. The name of the massif is often associated with the medieval monastery of St. Peter (the name is translated from Greek exactly like that), the remains of whose buildings are still preserved at the top.

But there is another legend that tells the story of the peculiar Crimean Romeo and Juliet. The beginning is like Shakespeare's: two lovers whose parents forbade them to be together. The young man and the girl decided to commit suicide in order to be reunited in the next world, and climbed the mountain to throw themselves off the cliffs.

And then the development of the plot took a different path. It turned out that the convenient platform at the top was very small and there was no way two people could fit on it; they would have to jump one at a time. The young man, as befits a man, stepped into the abyss first and crashed on the rocks.

And the girl, seeing that death was not as romantic as she thought, changed her mind. The guy from the legend, naturally, was called Peter, and the name of the mountain is explained as an imitation of the cry of a girl who saw the suicide of her loved one.

Since then, men in Christian countries have always tried to let the ladies go first...

This is where the longest one in Europe is located, and this fact in itself attracts attention.

But if you are a fan of hiking, then you can also climb the mountain along the Botkin trail, then you can safely consider that you have conquered this mountain peak.

Volcano Kara-Dag

Kara-Dag (sometimes spelled Karadag) is a unique mountain-volcanic massif. It is located on the southern coast of Crimea between the villages of Koktebel and Kurortnoye.

A very, very long time ago, in the Jurassic period, when dinosaurs ran around the Earth, and the single supercontinent Pangea was just beginning to break up into separate continental blocks, Kara-Dag was an active underwater volcano.

Today, this is the only geological site in Europe where you can see with your own eyes traces of ancient volcanic eruptions, and the subsequent processes of weathering and erosion that have shaped this landscape over the past one hundred and sixty million years.

Kara-Dag is the most beautiful and photogenic place in Crimea. But this place is known not only for its amazing beauty.

On the slopes of Kara-Dag, over thousands of years of evolution, a special natural complex has formed, including extremely rare and partially endemic species of flora and fauna.

A significant part of them is listed in various Red Books, and the entire territory of the massif is part of the natural reserve of the same name. Due to its protected status, access to its territory is only possible as part of an organized excursion.

This area is especially picturesque in the spring, when everything around begins to bloom.

Gazebo of the winds

The Gazebo of Winds in the vicinity of Gurzuf is one of the most romantic and picturesque sights of the entire southern coast of Crimea. It is located on top of the lonely Shagan-Kaya rock, like a falcon’s nest.

By the way, translated from Crimean Tatar “Shagan-Kaya” means “falcon rock”. It's not that easy to get to, but it's worth it.

The Crimean mountains with Ayu-Dag, a significant stretch of the Black Sea coast - all this amazingly opens up to the eye from here and is visible for hundreds of kilometers, clearly in full view.

Such places are capable of enchanting with the grandeur of the views that open up and seem to surround you from all sides in natural grandeur and indescribable beauty, breathtaking and exciting the imagination.

From a height of more than 1000 m above sea level, on the top of a mountain, in a gazebo or next to it, everyone has a unique opportunity, being in one place, to see the entire Greater Yalta and a significant part of the Southern Crimea.

How to get there?

The most convenient way of transportation to the peninsula is to fly to the city of Simferopol, and from there to the desired location by bus or taxi.

For online booking of air and train tickets, as well as hotels and tours, you can use the website "Ozon.Travel".

Here you will receive information about payment for the order and delivery of tickets, tariffs, and availability.

You can also get to the peninsula directly by bus departing from Moscow or one of the cities in southern Russia, as well as by your own car.

Do you have a favorite place in Crimea that can be added to the proposed list? Or perhaps you have already visited any of the above? Share your emotions with us!

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Crimea is a real pearl of the Black Sea. This unique peninsula has attracted people since ancient times; there are traces of ancient and medieval civilizations here. Crimea managed to be a rich Greek colony, a harbor for Italian merchants, and an outpost of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a vacation spot for the rulers of the Russian Empire. During Soviet times, the peninsula was the main beach of a huge country.

First of all, a vacation in Crimea means relaxing on the beaches of the picturesque South Coast and the famous healing resorts of the West Bank. In between sunbathing, tourists go to explore numerous attractions: ancient cave cities on high mountain plateaus, magnificent imperial palaces in Livadia and Massandra, famous Sevastopol and the old Khan's Bakhchisarai.

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What to see and where to go in Crimea?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

A famous architectural monument of the southern coast of Crimea, one of the most famous attractions of the peninsula. In the 19th century here was the private residence of a retired general; later the land passed into the hands of the German Baron Steingel, under whom a palace in the neo-Gothic style was built in 1911. After the end of the Civil War, Swallow's Nest fell into disrepair and only in the 1960s. recovery has begun.

Palace complex with a landscape park in the village of Livadia. The first buildings appeared here at the beginning of the 19th century. After 1861, the Livadia Palace was sold to the royal family and began to be used as a summer house. The white stone building that has survived to this day was built at the beginning of the 20th century. During the Second World War, the entire territory of the park was destroyed, the palace lay in ruins. It was restored before the start of the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

Museum-reserve at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri in the village of Alupka. The complex was built in the first half of the 19th century for Count Mikhail Vorontsov according to the design of the English architect Edward Blore (he took part in the construction of Walter Scott's Scottish castle and Buckingham Palace). The western part of the building is made in the English Tudor style, the southern facade is an example of Moorish architecture.

Another Crimean palace of the late 19th century not far from Yalta. Originally belonged to the Vorontsov family, but then was purchased for the imperial dynasty. The castle was built with elements of the style of the times of the French king Louis XIII; the construction work was led by the architect M. Messmacher. During the Soviet years, the palace was used as a summer house for top officials of the state; now there is a museum on the territory.

The former residence of the Crimean khans, built in the 16th century. The main architectural idea of ​​the complex is to convey the Crimean Tatars’ idea of ​​heaven on earth. Several generations of rulers of the Girey Khan dynasty lived here, each trying to expand and complement the palace complex. In the XVIII–XIX centuries. the palace burned, was rebuilt, repaired and almost lost its original appearance. Only in the 20th century was it possible to restore the original interiors.

One of the mountain peaks of the southern coast of Crimea. Belongs to the Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve. Previously, the Greek monastery of St. Peter was located here. A cable car runs through the mountain for almost 3 km. in length, which is recognized as one of the longest in Europe. While climbing to the top in a cabin, the tourist gets the opportunity to admire the picturesque views from a bird's eye view.

A natural and archaeological monument of Crimea, located in the valley of the river. Biyuk-Karasu. The rock is a massif composed of white limestone rocks. At the foot of Ak-Kai, sites of primitive man, the remains of tools and fossilized bones were found. Ancient Scythian mounds were excavated at the top. An 800-year-old oak tree grows next to the rock. It is believed that under this tree Suvorov negotiated with a representative of the Turkish Sultan.

A historical, archaeological and natural monument of the peninsula, where the remains of a fortified settlement from the 8th-15th centuries have been preserved. One of the legends says that the mountain is a petrified huge bear that wandered around the valley, destroyed everything around and calmed down on the shore at the behest of the sea god. The reserve is home to more than a dozen species of rare animals listed in the Red Book.

Karst cave near the village of Mramornoe. The age of formation is several million years. Until now, the cave continues to expand, as the processes of formation of the young Crimean Mountains continue. The cave has several large halls, through which excursion routes are laid about 1.5 km long. Here you can admire the rarest types of crystals and stalactites.

A fortified city located on a high mountain plateau near Bakhchisarai. The road to the cave city passes through the territory of the rocky Holy Assumption Monastery. It is believed that Chufut-Kale appeared in the 5th-6th centuries. as a fortification on the outskirts of Byzantine possessions. In the XIII-XIV centuries. the city became the center of a small principality - a vassal of the Crimean Khanate, where representatives of the Karaite people began to settle. In the 19th century, the last inhabitants left Chufut-Kale.

An ancient Greek city founded in the 5th century BC. Subsequently it became a large and rich center of the entire Greek colony on the peninsula. From the 2nd century BC. was dependent on the ancient Bosporan kingdom, and later became a vassal of Rome. Chersonesus is also one of the cradles of Christianity - the first followers of Christ settled here in the 1st century. In the 10th century, Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus was baptized in Chersonesos.

Three fortified forts of Genoese sailors, located in Balaklava, Sudak and Feodosia. In the Middle Ages, they were Black Sea outposts of the powerful Genoa and were used for defense from the sea. According to an agreement with the Tatars in the 14th century, the Genoese annexed the territory from modern Feodosia to Foros to their possessions. The region was called Genoese Gazaria. In the 15th century, the fortresses passed into the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Another name for the temple is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It was built at the end of the 19th century on a cliff rising 400 meters above sea level. Alexander III gave the order to build a temple in memory of the train crash, in which the entire family of the emperor almost died. A few years after the victory of the 1917 Revolution, a restaurant was placed in the building, which existed until the early 70s. In the 90s The temple was restored with funds from the Ukrainian government.

An active monastery, presumably founded in the 8th century AD. fugitive Byzantine monks. The monastery existed for many centuries; during the Ottoman rule, even the Crimean Khan came here to pay homage to local shrines. After the establishment of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, and the 1927 earthquake destroyed the buildings. Revivals and restorations began only in 1993.

The monument in the waters of the sea on the embankment of Sevastopol is considered a symbol of the city. It was erected in honor of the events of the mid-19th century, when Russian ships were deliberately scuttled in Sevastopol Bay in order to block the path of the Anglo-French fleet. To avoid a battle (since the enemy fleet was more powerful and better armed), Prince Menshikov decided to sink the ships, but not allow enemy troops to approach the city.

A historical monument dedicated to the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. This is a monumental panorama of the defense of Sevastopol by the master of battle painting Franz Alekseevich Roubaud, located in a round-shaped building. Work on the canvas began in 1901. F. Roubaud created his masterpiece with the help of students from the Bavarian Academy of Arts and several German painters.

Formerly a secret military facility in Balaklava, a former underground submarine base. During the USSR it was one of the most secret in the USSR. For many years, Balaklava Bay was not marked on maps. After the fall of the USSR, the facility was neglected and looted, only in 2004 the Ukrainian government organized a museum of the history of the submarine fleet there. After Crimea comes under Russian jurisdiction, the Russian authorities plan to establish a new base there.

A small bay with intricately rugged and picturesque shores, where, according to Homer’s Odyssey, the legendary navigator visited. On the shores of the bay stands one of the Genoese fortresses. It is believed that the first settlements arose here in the 8th-6th centuries. BC. During the Crimean War, the bay was the site of a British base; during Soviet times, it was a secret submarine station.

A landscape landmark of the Crimean Peninsula, a state reserve since 1974. The canyon is a wide crack in the rock formed during the formation of the Crimean Mountains. There are several cliff capes along the crevice, and the river flows along the bottom. Auzun-Uzen. There are several tourist routes with observation platforms along the bottom of the canyon and in the surrounding area.

A cluster of rocks on the western slope of the Southern ridge of the Demerdzhi mountain range. There are more than 100 rock blocks of different sizes scattered throughout the valley, the largest reaching 25 meters in height. At dawn and during sunset, the stones cast bizarre shadows that move and intertwine with each other. That is why the place received the poetic name “Valley of Ghosts”.

Natural area 15 km. from Sevastopol with an expressive landscape, a 10-kilometer coastline and a unique flora. On the cape there is the St. George's Monastery and Jasper Beach, connected by a staircase of several hundred steps. Cape Fiolent is considered the best place for diving, as there is almost one hundred percent visibility and there are no ships moored here.

A three-kilometer trail in the village of Novy Svet, created by the Golitsyn princes especially for the arrival of Emperor Nicholas II. Now it is a popular tourist route. The trail begins at Mount Orel, goes along the coast past Mount Khoba-Kai to the through Golitsyn grotto. Along the route, observation platforms are equipped in the most beautiful places, with fragrant pine trees growing all around.

It is considered the largest and most powerful Crimean waterfall. Jets of water fall from a height of 15 meters, the maximum size of the riverbed is 5 meters wide. It remains full of water even during the long dry season. Sometimes stones fall into the heights along with the water. The waterfall is located in a mountain-forested protected area; the water temperature, even in hot summer, does not exceed 10 °C.

Located approximately 10 km from Yalta. The garden covers an area of ​​several tens of hectares; scientific activities are conducted on its territory and research institutions are located. It appeared at the beginning of the 19th century with the assistance of Count Vorontsov and the botanist F. Biberstein. The first director was the famous naturalist H. Steven, who over 12 years of work collected and adapted about 500 plant specimens to local conditions.

Crimean wines are several well-known brands that produce various varieties of grape drink. The most famous of them: “Massandra”, “Sunny Valley”, “Inkerman”, “New World”, “Koktebel”. The New World brand is famous for its excellent champagne (the brut variety is especially good), Massandra is famous for the specific taste of its wines, and Inkerman produces a good red wine under the same name.

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In this article you will find an overview of the main attractions of Crimea with photos, videos and descriptions, location on the map. In Crimea there is always something to see in summer and winter. Holidays in Crimea with children are an excellent idea, since the best beaches, water parks, museums, entertainment centers, and sanatoriums are concentrated there. The most popular tourist places in Crimea are nature reserves, castles, fortresses, caves, museums, waterfalls, temples, grottoes and much more.

You can take a walk and listen to the sound of water and the cries of seagulls on the oldest street in the city - the Yalta embankment, along which great artists, painters and even kings walked. Also on the Yalta embankment are the famous white marble Roffe baths. The main embankment closes with the Crocodilarium, which will be interesting for both adults and children. If you move up Kievskaya from the crocodiles' home, you can get to the old Yalta market, replete with local products. You can also taste and buy local products at the popular Massandra winery.

One of the main attractions of the region is the ruins of the ancient city of Tauride Chersonesos, where you can also see the Fog Bell, the museum and the Chersonesos Cathedral. At Cape Chersonesos you can see the Chersonesos lighthouse, which has a rich history. Also on the cape are huge boulders with engravings and drawings, the origin of which is unknown.

The Baydar Valley pleases with its magnificence, on the territory of which there is an important historical monument - the Baydar Gate. Sevastopol carefully preserves great natural monuments for future generations: Cape Lucullus, Cape Aya, the great canyon of Crimea, the Chernorechensky canyon, Balaklava Bay, Diana's Grotto, the Kozyrek waterfall, Akhtiarskaya Bay, the Fatma Koba cave, the ancient Chorgun aqueduct, the Suatkan waterfall and much more.

Admirers of religious shrines should visit the Vladimir and Intercession Cathedrals of Sevastopol and many other churches. The unique pyramidal temple is located within the boundaries of the memorial cemetery of Sevastopol - St. Nicholas Church, erected in 1870, stands on a hill and serves as a monument to the heroic participants in the defense of the city.

While taking a promenade around Sevastopol, you can look into Victory Park, Primorsky or Historical Boulevard. It will also be very interesting to visit Maksimov’s dacha, go to the Black Sea Fleet Theater or the Sevastopol Art Museum.

The ancient city of Inkerman has preserved for posterity the St. Clement Cave Monastery and the ruins of the medieval fortress of Kalamita.


The resort town of Feodosia is famous for its architectural monuments from different eras. The Aivazovsky Gallery and the Alexander Greene Memorial Museum with an interesting exhibition are located here.

A little further from Feodosia is Cape Chauda, ​​a picturesque place in the eastern part of Crimea with wild nature and breathtaking scenery. The best way to get there is by car.


In the vicinity of Crimean Alushta there are several natural attractions: mountains with impressive views of the area, the always foggy Valley of Ghosts, the unusual Valley of Stone Mushrooms (Sotera), where a complete mammoth skeleton was found. Almost every traveler strives to see the most powerful and picturesque waterfall, Jur-Jur.

For those who just want to soak up the sun, the Professor's Corner is a quiet and cozy sanatorium area located in the western part of Big Alushta. The Almond Grove recreation park has all the resort and recreational conditions, therefore, it is very convenient to relax there with children.

For lovers of active recreation, such sights of Alushta as the Angarsk Pass, the Crimean Nature Reserve, Mount Demerdzhi, the Bottomless Well Cave, Mount Kastel, Funa Fortress, Golovkinsky Waterfall, Dzhurla Waterfall and many others are perfect.

In the immediate vicinity of Alushta you can visit such great monuments as the ruins of the Aluston fortress, the Babugan-Yayla massif, the Kutuzov fountain and the palace of Princess Gagarina.

There are several temples in Alushta. Church of Theodore Stratelates, or the Temple of All Crimean Saints and Theodore Stratelates, is the main Orthodox church of the city. The Kosmo-Damianovsky Monastery, according to legend, in the Middle Ages was the abode of the brothers Kosma and Damian, who had the gift of healing. The Church of the Royal Martyrs in Alushta is also a place of pilgrimage for Christians.


In the once closed city of Balaklava on the southwestern coast of Crimea, tourists will be interested in visiting the fort, the Genoese fortress of Chembalo, and the Submarine Museum and the picturesque Balaklava Bay. Stunning views of the sea and Balaklava Bay open from the 19th battery - a military-historical landmark. The battery has been poorly preserved to this day - all that remains is a concrete structure and gun yards.

One of the most beautiful places in the Koktebel area is Cape Chameleon, which can change color depending on weather conditions. You can feel the unforgettable feeling of being on mountain peaks on Mount Klementyev. It is here that the so-called “golden mean” of our planet passes and air currents are formed.

Another excellent vacation spot is Quiet Bay. The landscape park has attracted camping enthusiasts and naturists for many years. The name “Quiet” did not arise by chance, since even in inclement weather the sea here remains quiet.

Not far from Koktebel there is an observation deck “Starfall of Memories”. The site offers gorgeous, endless views of the peninsula.


If you start your trip from Kerch, then you should definitely see a new attraction - Crimean Bridge. Many people go to see the Kerch crossing, since it is rare to see so many ferries at once.

Undoubtedly, the main Kerch attractions rightfully remain the ancient Greek Panticapaeum, Mount Mithridates with an obelisk, Fort Totleben and the Kerch fortress, the pink Koyash lake belonging to the Opuk reserve, the Adzhimushkai quarries, the healing pink lake Chokrak and the magnificent General beaches.

The attention of travelers is often captured by the Royal Mound from the time of Panticapaeum, which has a very unusual shape (a man-made gorge). Among the ancient cities, Kitaeum next to Panticapaeum, the crypt of Demeter, Myrmekium and Tiritaka are also known. In a later period, the Yenikale fortress was built to protect the Turks from the Russian fleet. And Crimean Atlantis - the ancient Greek city of Acre - can only be seen by divers.


In Gurzuf, famous to every Soviet child for the Artek camp, you can see many iconic places. It is here that Chekhov's dacha is located, the second after Yalta. A cozy house at the foot of Genevez Caye with its own bay inspired the world famous writer to complete the story “Three Sisters”.

Koreiz and Alupka

The coast of Koreiz and Alupka is replete with attractions. This is where the majestic Mount Ai-Petri and the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car are located. Near Mount Ai-Petri, as if breaking away from the main mountain range, stands the Shaan-Kaya rock. The southern slope of Shaan-Kai is used by extreme sports enthusiasts for jumping into the abyss.

The Uchan-Su waterfall is a famous natural landmark of Crimea, located on the slope of Mount Ai-Petri about 6 km from Yalta. In terms of height, Uchan-Su ranks first among other waterfalls in Crimea, it is 98.5 meters. The waterfall is a significant natural object, which is part of the Yalta mountain forest nature reserve.

In Miskhor, along the embankment and a series of beaches, the picturesque Miskhor Park stretches, where you can walk endlessly. It’s worth noting the monument to the mermaid holding a baby in her arms and looking sadly at Miskhorskaya embankment.

Very nearby, in Gaspra, on one of the spurs of the Ai-Todor rock, there is the Swallow's Nest castle - the most recognizable landmark of Crimea. Also in Gaspra there is the Kharaks palace and park complex, now part of it is reserved for a sanatorium. Nicholas II once visited it. Also nearby is the Murad-Avur estate, which forms an excellent architectural ensemble.

Getting to know the city is not complete without visiting the central Theater Square, where the Pushkin Theater is located. In general, there are many interesting museums in Evpatoria, among which are the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, the pharmacy museum, the House of Wine, The Harasho gallery of contemporary art and much more.

West of Yevpatoria there is a huge lake with healing water Donuzlav. On one side, the lake is framed by the Belyaus spit, on which there is one of the cleanest sandy shorelines - Belyaus beach.

The pearl of western Crimea is the Dzhangul tract. The natural landscape reserve is a rocky strip stretching across the sea along the coastline. An amazing formation that represents a sharp contrast between the sea and the steppe.

In the Beautiful Harbor National Park there is a unique natural wonder called the Cup of Love. The natural pool has a depth of 9 meters and a natural tunnel, the entrance to which is at a depth of 4 meters. Through a natural underwater passage you can reach the sea. It is enough to swim only 5 meters.

The westernmost point of Crimea is the picturesque Cape Tarkhankut. The southwestern part of the peninsula is occupied by the Bolshoy and Maly Atlesh nature reserves. The unique underwater museum “Alley of Leaders” is located at a depth of 12 meters near Bolshoy Atlesh. The main political figures of the whole world coexist on the seabed. Alas, the exhibition can only be seen by scuba diving.


There is an opinion that you shouldn’t stay long in Simferopol, because there is no sea there. This is a deep misconception, since Simferopol has many noteworthy attractions.

One of the newest attractions of Simferopol is the Monument to Polite People, opened in 2016 in honor of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation. The monument represents the figure of a soldier handing over a lost kitten to a little girl.

The Marble Cave is one of the most mysterious places not only in Simferopol, but throughout the entire Crimean Peninsula. This cave is the largest of all those on the resort peninsula and is the most popular mountain cave, bewitching tourists with its extraordinary views. The cave is located on Cape Chatyr-Dag. On the cape it is also worth visiting another picturesque cave - Emine-Bair-Khosar (or Mammoth Cave).

Ten kilometers from the city there is the Tash-Dzhargan tract and the Snake Cave. Researchers claim that, judging by its structure, it was inhabited by ancient people in the 7th - 6th centuries BC. e. Also among the sites of ancient people is

The Crimean peninsula is a unique historical and cultural reserve. Here, for centuries, the cultures of different peoples living in this area were intertwined. The history of confrontation between the civilizations of East and West is especially clear in Crimea - this is the history of the Greek colonialists and nomads from the Golden Horde, the first Christians and Muslims who built churches and mosques here.

But Crimea is not only a point on the map rich in historical events. It is also a beautiful, varied nature, considered the best place for recreation and tourism in the USSR, during which Crimea was rightly called the “All-Union Health Resort”. In those days, up to 8 million people annually vacationed in more than a hundred sanatoriums in Crimea. It will take more than one month to explore all the sights of the Crimean peninsula, but we bring to your attention ten places that you must visit first.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Swallow's Nest

This menacing-looking Gothic castle, perched on a cliff, was actually not built during the Dark Ages, but only a century ago - in 1912. This layout was ordered by the German industrialist Baron von Stengel, who wanted his “dacha” to remind him of his homeland in its appearance. At the beginning of World War I, the baron urgently sold the castle, and after reconstruction the building became an open restaurant.

2. Submarine base in Balaklava

Ten kilometers from Sevastopol in the resort town of Balaklava there is a top-secret submarine base. For security purposes, even at the construction stage, which began in 1957, the secret facility was given the name City Telephone Station number 825, or GTS 825. This is a huge underground structure, the area of ​​​​all premises of which is more than 5 thousand square kilometers. In 1994, the station was closed, and after the annexation of Crimea, a museum dedicated to this base was opened here.

3. Mount Ai-Petri

One of the most popular places among tourists on the map of the Crimean Peninsula. The Greek temple of St. Peter (Ai-Petri in Greek) was once located here, the ruins of which remain to this day. You can get to the top of the mountain by cable car, which, by the way, is recognized as the longest in Europe. From the highest point of the mountain called Roka (1346 meters) there is a stunning view of the Yalta mountain forest reserve and the coast of the Crimean peninsula.

4. Karadag Reserve

One of the most mysterious places on the southern coast of Crimea. The unique landscape of Karadag is formed by solidified lava flows that last erupted from the Kara-Dag (Black Mountain) volcano more than 150 million years ago. In 1979, a reserve was established here, designed to preserve the unique flora and fauna of this place, many species of which are included in the Red Book.

5. Chersonese Tauride

This was the name of the city more than two and a half thousand years ago, founded by the Greeks. It was here, in a city where a huge number of monasteries and Orthodox churches were once located, that Prince Vladimir was baptized. Nowadays, the ruins of Chersonesos, or “Russian Pompeii,” attract researchers and tourists from all over the world. In 1892, an archaeological museum was opened here, which collected many valuable artifacts from the ancient city. And later a state reserve was founded.

6. Gazebo of the winds

At the top of Shagan-Kaya at an altitude of 1450 meters there is a stone gazebo built in 1956. The mosaic on its floor depicts a compass rose, from which the gazebo got its name. From here there is an amazing view of Mount Ayu-Dag, Gurzuf, Partenit and the Black Sea, which in clear weather can be seen for 150 kilometers. Next to the gazebo there is a cave in which winter reigns and snow lies even in the hottest weather.

7. Kerch Fortress (Fort Totleben)

It was decided to build a fortress on the shore of the Kerch Strait to bypass the Paris Peace Treaty, which prohibited Russia from having a fleet and military ports on the Black Sea. The central fort of the grandiose structure is named after the general who led the construction of the fortifications. And today the Kerch fortress remains an excellent example of what impregnable fortifications were erected in the middle of the 19th century. Currently, excursions are being conducted around Kerch and it is being studied by specialists - some of the extensive underground passages under it have not yet been properly explored.

8. Mount Demerdzhi

Demerdzhi - which translates from Tatar as “blacksmith” - is a beautiful mountain, similar to a medieval castle, in the northern part of the Alushta Valley. On its western slope there is the so-called Valley of Ghosts. Here, near the ruins of the fortress, there are more than a hundred stone sculptures, reminiscent of human and animal figures in their outlines. And if you climb to the top of the mountain, from a height of more than 1200 meters a picturesque view of the surrounding area opens up.

9. Tarkhankut

Until the end of the 18th century, the population of the Tarkhankut Peninsula was small, only a few hundred inhabitants, mainly engaged in agriculture. Changes began after part of the land was transferred to Major General V.S. in 1784. Popov, who improved the economy of the region. The cape located on the peninsula attracts many scuba divers, archaeologists and tourists. Underwater archaeologists find here priceless artifacts from the ancient era, when the Scythians and Greeks lived here.

10. Genoese fortress in Sudak

At a time when the coast of Crimea from the Bosporus to Chersonesus belonged to merchants from Genoa and Venice, Sudak was chosen by them as a military base. Then, in 1371, the construction of the famous Genoese fortress began. Currently, the fortress is a unique historical monument. Research and restoration work is carried out on its territory, and excursions are held.