Photos of unusual restaurants around the world that will make you book a table. The most interesting restaurant interiors in the world, which are definitely worth visiting Amazing restaurants on the planet

It’s always pleasant and interesting to dine in a new restaurant, and especially if you find a place with an unusual menu or a unique atmosphere that you want to tell everyone about as a real adventure. There are weird places to dine all over the world, but not every one is worthy of our list.

Organizing a themed bar or museum is always easier than a restaurant, since it is very difficult to combine the atmosphere, food and visitors under one concept. N, if you managed to do this correctly, then you will get a place where families, couples and friends will be satisfied with everything and not just for one evening, then they will become regular customers, or at least will remember for a long time unforgettable experience about the visit.

10. Restaurant “Cabbages and Condoms” (Cabbage and Condoms) (Bangkok, Thailand)

Located in the most famous business district of the Thai capital, the restaurant serves traditional Thai cuisine. Both locals and visitors visit this establishment where there are condoms everywhere! The clothes on the mannequins and the lamps are all made from condoms. You can solve family planning issues over a plate of delicious food, sitting in the garden, where the trees are decorated with condoms. On the menu, special attention is drawn to the inscription that states that the restaurant's food does not cause pregnancy. This is a great place to take a girl here on the third date, hinting at something more.

9. Safe House Restaurant (Safe House) (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

If you want to feel like a spy, then this restaurant is for you. It is located in a back alley. For those who don't know how to walk down an alley in downtown Milwaukee, it's already an adventure, and to enter the restaurant, you have to say the word password. Whatever password we can't tell you, you need to go to the restaurant's website and look for clues. On the walls in the hall you can see various spy things. You don’t know who works in the restaurant, but it seems like they are wizards. In addition, looking at the walls, it seems that a secret passage will open if they are pushed in a certain place. The restaurant will serve you James Bond martinis.

8. Restaurant “TwinStars” (Moscow, Russia)

If you experience double vision after a few drinks, we advise you not to drink if you have a reservation at TwinStars. The fact is that everyone who works in the restaurant is twins, and this is the establishment’s strict policy. They are dressed the same. The same restaurant was opened in New York by actor Tom Beringer in 1994. If you have a twin, then we would definitely advise visiting this establishment, but refrain from drinking so as not to see quadruples in your eyes.

7. Restaurant Dick’s Last Resort (restaurant chain, USA)

Be prepared for the staff at this establishment to be intentionally rude. We don’t think that you will become a regular customer of a place where you are called “shit” many times, but you can visit once, just for fun. Restaurant dishes are grilled or fried and served in buckets and baskets. Restaurants with similar franchises, such as Ed Debevic's, which maintains a 50's atmosphere, also tend to be rude to customers. Many people decide to visit such establishments, while others believe that it is unacceptable when waiters are rude and call guests indecent names.

6. New Lucky Restaurant (Ahmedabad, India)

This restaurant is not for the faint of heart, as not only is it built on an old Muslim cemetery, but the tables are located next to the graves. Local residents who believe in reincarnation do not attach much importance to this fact, since life and death are very closely intertwined in their religion. Beginners, of course, will be shocked, but experienced waiters will help you find a seat. For those who like to have fun, this is a great chance to hear: “The food is worth dying for.”

5. Restaurant Ninja New York (Ninja New York)

Ninja New York, an upscale Japanese restaurant in Tribeca, is all about the ninja concept. Elusive ninja waiters (actors, of course) suddenly appear to take orders and also suddenly disappear. The cooking of sushi and various meats over fire is especially impressive. In addition, from time to time ninjas perform tricks to entertain guests, sometimes with knives.

4. Restaurant Opaque (Darkness) (restaurant chain in the USA)

This is another place where you might want to avoid alcoholic drinks. The Opaque restaurant is a place where everyone eats in complete darkness. The idea arose so that while eating, visitors would have a heightened sense of smell, tactile, taste and hearing. This is a place that you need to be prepared to visit, because if you find it difficult to go to the bathroom in the dark in your own apartment, then this is definitely not the place for you.

3. Ice restaurant Lainio Snow Village (Yllasjärvi, Finland)

The restaurant, which is located in the hotel, is made entirely of ice - walls, floors, tables and even dishes. Don't be late, otherwise your soup will get cold! The bar will offer you vodka.

2. Restaurant "Buns and Guns"

Sometimes it’s enough just to say the name of the establishment and talk a little about its concept, and your friends are already shocked. This is what will happen if you name the restaurant Buns and Guns in Beirut, whose motto is: “A sandwich can kill you.” On the restaurant menu you can easily find dishes called “grenade” or “B25”. But this does not mean that the establishment is promoting war; most likely it was done as a joke. Unfortunately, the restaurant is currently closed.

1. Modern Toilet Restaurant (Taipei, Taiwan)

Since its opening, the Modern Toilet restaurant has become famous. Restaurant guests sit on toilets and eat from toilets. The walls of the establishment are tiled like in a bathroom, and the lamps look like shower heads. Drinks are served in urine test cups that you can take with you. Copies of, for example, the Magic Restroom cafe in Los Angeles began to appear all over the world, but the Modern Toilet is a unique place, it can easily compete for the title

- profitable business. You need to attract customers with delicious food, a cozy atmosphere, good service and an original concept. Entrepreneurs who managed to come up with an unusual idea will not be left without visitors.

So, twelve cafes with original concepts.

Alkatraz (Japan)

This establishment is intended for lovers of “prison romance” and simply for seekers of new sensations. At the entrance, visitors are fingerprinted, rules of conduct are read out, and the same prison uniform is issued. The waiters will try to handcuff you and give you a “sedative” injection. The tables in the cafe are separated by bars, so customers really feel like they are in prison.

The names of the dishes are also amazing. Want to try the Brain Scorcher cocktail or the Dead Bird, Human Intestines and Penis Sausage dishes? Then go ahead and get your impressions at Tokyo's Alkatraz.

Dinner in the Sky (Belgium)

There is a cafe in Brussels where you can really tickle your nerves. Here you will dine literally floating above the ground. The establishment is a structure consisting of a crane, a large table and chairs with reliable seat belts. 22 visitors can be seated at the table at the same time, not counting the waiters. When customers sit down and fasten their seat belts, a crane lifts them, along with the table and waiters, to a height of 50 meters from the ground.

The combination of a cafe and an attraction has recently appeared in Kyiv.

Metro St. James (Australia)

The owners of the Metro St. cafe James in Sydney came up with an unusual way to pay for their services. To get a morning cup of aromatic coffee, a visitor must kiss anyone except the establishment’s staff. These could be lovers who came with their significant other, or random passers-by.

Initially, payment with kisses was intended as a promotion for one month, however, visitors liked coffee for kisses so much that the cafe owners had to extend the promotion for another period of time. If a cafe client wants to pay for his order with a kiss, he needs to select the appropriate menu item on the tablet. Next, the kissing process itself is recorded in the form of a photograph.

All photos of non-standard payment administration Metro St. James posts on the establishment's Facebook page. In two months, more than a thousand kisses were collected. “No falsehood, kisses must be sincere! We will carefully monitor you,” was the slogan of the action.

Matchmaker Café (New York)

The main idea of ​​this cafe is not to let anyone be lonely. The waiters actively communicate with each client who comes alone. And if during the conversation it turns out that the visitor does not have a life partner, he is immediately offered to register on a dating site, they select people with similar interests and invite them for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

The site offered is not random, but quite specific - in fact, the cafe was created with the aim of promoting an online dating resource. For Nancy Slotnick, who has been working in the field of “connecting lonely hearts” for many years, this is the second project that is aimed at promoting her website. And it should be noted that it is very successful: now more than 5 thousand profiles have already been registered on the site, and a significant part of them are visitors to the Matchmaker Café.

O'Noir (Canada)

Enter this cafe and you will be plunged into complete darkness. The lights in the establishment are never turned on; Flashlights and lighters are also not used. It is suggested to place an order and dine in the dark. Most waiters are blind. The concept is intended to draw attention to the fact that blind people are in dire need of social adaptation in society.

In fact, dining in the dark will leave you impressed: after all, as you know, when one sense organ is “turned off,” others become sharply aggravated. Without seeing food, you will be able to experience completely new shades of taste of the usual fried meat or fresh vegetables.

Similar restaurants can be found in many capitals of the world, and despite the possible inconveniences associated with complete darkness inside the establishments, they are extremely successful.

Le Café Des Chats (France)

Having run into a cafe for a cup of coffee, how would you react to a cat found next to your table, being there unhindered by the administration of the establishment? But the residents of Paris have already managed to appreciate this addition to spending time in a cafe. A new Parisian cafe has created “cat therapy” - while you sit and have breakfast, there are cats around you that you can pet and “communicate” with.

Le Café Des Chats' resident cats were adopted from an animal shelter and veterinarian-checked. Houses were built for them in the cafe, however, cats can freely roam around the establishment at any time. The owners of the “cat” cafe assure that all sanitary conditions are met, and visitors do not have to worry about their health. As conceived by the creators of the concept, cats perform a special task: with their purring they calm and normalize the nervous system of visitors and help improve blood circulation.

Apart from the presence of furry residents, the establishment is no different from other cafes. Although Le Café Des Chats has only been open for a short time, it is already extremely popular, with tables being booked months in advance. Establishments with a similar “cat” concept can be found in London and St. Petersburg.

Bau House Dog Cafe (Korea)

A cafe where animals live is open in Seoul. The idea is similar to the concept of “cat therapy”, however, this cafe is more popular with dog lovers. The Bau House Dog Cafe is home to twenty dogs (all different breeds) that visitors can play with.

Customers can feed the animals, but only with food that is prepared in the cafe itself. Some may come to the “dog” cafe with their dog - this is not prohibited by the administration. A small shop has been created at the cafe, where dog lovers buy accessories and toys for their four-legged pets.

The Mill (San Francisco)

How often do we see people in cafes buried in their mobile phones, tablets or laptops. Total “internetization” has taken over all “public catering” establishments. The Mill is an ordinary-looking cafe; one of its peculiarities is that its creators have completely abandoned access to Wi-Fi. The Mill is the second Wi-Fi-free café to be opened by entrepreneur Jody Jirin.

In 2010, he already opened the Four Barrel Coffee cafe, where people are happy to come to chat with their companions, and not with mobile equipment. “Communicate with each other! Only live communication!” - Jody is promoting this idea to the masses, and I must say, he’s doing a good job of it. His cafe has no Internet access or power outlets, but The Mill is always busy.

Barbie Café (Taiwan)

If you want to get into the real world of Barbie, then visit the Barbie Café in Taipei, Taiwan. This cafe - from the interior to the uniform of the waiters - is in the style of the world-famous doll. Even the dishes here are pink. It must be said that some print and online publications have already expressed their negative opinions about Barbie Café; there have even been descriptions of this establishment as “sickening” and “disgusting.”

However, the creators of the idea have a different opinion. According to them, the Barbie doll is an example of the ideal woman, so it can only evoke admiration. Whether Barbie Café will achieve its goals in attracting fans of the popular doll remains unknown. However, the cafe is already being actively discussed.

Velokafi (Switzerland)

There are many cyclists among the residents of the Swiss capital. Cycling is developing in the country. Cafe Velokafi is a godsend for lovers of this type of transport. The peculiarity is that cafe visitors ride up to the table on their bicycles and do not get off them even when drinking their cup of coffee or eating a sandwich. Each table has a device. Cyclists secure the front wheel of their vehicle to it and sit comfortably on a bicycle at a table in a cafe.

Bench Cafe (UK)

Have you ever had an unpleasant situation when the waiter brought you the bill, but there was less money in your wallet than you needed to pay? In a cafe that recently opened in the British city of Grafsend, such a situation a priori cannot happen. There are no price tags here - visitors pay as much as they want and see fit.

Bench Cafe purchases ingredients for cooking from supermarkets, which sell them for pennies due to their lost presentation. For example, the packaging of a product has been damaged and it can no longer be sold in the store. The owners of Bench Cafe buy such goods and prepare fresh dishes from them. No one knows how long a cafe with such a concept will last.

Tea Cozy Rooms (England)

The idea of ​​Tea Cozy Rooms is strict and unquestioning implementation of pre-established rules of behavior. Visitors have already dubbed the manager of the cafe a “fascist.” And there is a reason: if the owner notices a violation of the rule, then the client is thrown out the door in shame.

Laws: do not laugh too loudly, do not slurp, do not put your elbows on the table. Strange as it may seem, there are a lot of people in such a “severe” establishment. Perhaps, in Tea Cozy Rooms everything is compensated by delicious food, for the sake of which visitors are ready to endure even such acts of education from the owner of the cafe.

A successful business requires a special twist. Therefore, the owners of food establishments show their creative abilities so much that they incredibly surprise everyone with original interiors, the creation of which comes to the fore. So what are the most unusual and amazing restaurants in the world that bring considerable income to their owners?

1 Lunch at altitude (Dinner In The Sky, Belgium, Brussels)

Anyone who wants to enjoy not only delicious dishes, but also experience real adrenaline, should dine at an altitude of fifty meters above the surface of the earth. A Brussels restaurant called “Dinner In The Sky”, rightfully one of the most unusual restaurants, consists of two platforms, raised to the required height with the help of a powerful crane. On the upper platform there is a table at which 22 people can eat at the same time. Here, meals are provided by three chefs, waiters, and even an entertainer. From the lower “deck”, on which the piano stands, you can hear the magical sounds of melodies performed by the pianist. So eating takes place under the constant attention of the staff and pleasant live music.

The entire structure of this restaurant weighs 22 tons. The table alone, located on the upper platform, whose length is nine meters and width is five meters, weighs 6 tons. Considering the mobility of the restaurant, it can operate not only in Belgium, but often in other countries of the world.

2 Service by robots (s’Baggers, Germany, Nuremberg)

A roller coaster with rails on which dishes ordered by customers arrive at tables - this automated service system was invented by an entrepreneur from Germany, who once found himself knocked off his feet while serving guests at a restaurant at a gala event.

There are no waiters at all in this restaurant, and the equipment does an excellent job of their work. There are touch screens on the table for the client to use to view the menu and select a dish. Everything is paid with smart cards that visitors receive. Customers who are regulars at the establishment are always given discounts.

The client is always provided with information about the waiting time. But thanks to such a system, there are never queues in the establishment, and all clients are served very quickly. However, real people still have to restore order in the establishment.

3 Toilets are no problem (Modern Toilet Taipei, Taiwan)

In this food establishment, which undoubtedly can be classified as one of the unusual restaurants, there are no ordinary chairs, cups or plates. Everything here is done in a toilet theme. The chairs are represented by toilets, food is served in plates that look like toilets, even toilet paper is offered instead of napkins.

Eating here is accompanied by melodies corresponding to the theme - the sounds of water being drained from the tank are periodically heard. When entering such an establishment, thoughts are not at all about food, but this place has become a favorite establishment of many local residents. Therefore, the owner is even thinking about opening a chain of similar restaurants that will delight visitors.

4 Lunch underwater (Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Maldives)

This establishment is the first among those that began inviting visitors to dine underwater. A meal in such a place, where there are only 14 seats, will take place under the close attention of the inhabitants of the ocean - visitors can see sharks, stingrays and other representatives of the underwater kingdom, since the walls are made of glass. The passage to this restaurant, located at a depth of five meters, is made from the above-ground establishment, from where you need to go down using a spiral staircase.

5 Everything is made of ice (Ice Restaurant, Dubai)

Local residents, who rarely see snow and feel the cold, crave these natural phenomena so much that they even created a snow resort in the country that allows skiing and skating. For the same reason, a restaurant was created where everything is made of ice. The sofas, tables and even kettles here are icy and cold. Therefore, for those who are tired of the forty-degree heat, this cold restaurant is the right way to go.

6 Dinner with the Dead (New Lucky, India, Ahmedabad)

The owner of this restaurant opened an establishment on the site of an old cemetery. According to him, after this his business immediately went uphill. The entrepreneur did not destroy the coffins, but placed tables around them, also fencing them with bars. This restaurant, which was named New Fortune, is now popular with people of all ages. And the establishment’s waiters wipe the tombstones every morning and decorate them with beautiful flowers.

7 Prison theme (Devil Island Prison, China)

The owner of this establishment decided to show how difficult it is for prisoners serving sentences for serious crimes. Those who decide to come here are brought to the tables in handcuffs. Service in the establishment is provided by waiters whose uniform is black and white with stripes. Visitors are brought to their tables in handcuffs. Despite such a difficult topic, the restaurant’s activities became very successful. Therefore, a little later, a similar establishment was opened in Beijing.

8 In dark colors (O’Noir Montrea, Zurich)

There is practically no lighting in this establishment; the interior contains only dark colors. Clients are helped to get to their tables by waiters who, for ease of work, use special devices that allow them to see in the dark. No lighting devices, cell phones or lighters are allowed here. This idea was picked up in many countries around the world, where similar establishments began to open to the surprise and delight of people.

9 Alice in Wonderland (Japan, Tokyo)

The interior of this restaurant is designed in the style of a work by Lewis Carroll. Each room contains decorations based on variations of the author's famous fairy tale. The tables here are made in the form of tea cups or playing cards. The waitresses wear blue dresses, and everything around is illuminated with romantic lighting. The entrance here begins with a door, which is made in the form of a giant book.

10 The idea of ​​fighting AIDS (Cabbage&Condom Restaurant, Thailand, Bangkok)

This restaurant decided to remind about the greatest problem today - the spread of AIDS. Therefore, visitors may see reminders to use condoms to help protect against sexually transmitted diseases. The restaurant's interior has a condominium theme. Posters on the walls and napkins on the tables in this establishment constantly remind visitors that they need to plan a family properly and give recommendations on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

When visiting other countries, experiencing the local cuisine is one of the most enjoyable ways to explore its culture. After all, it’s always so interesting to try the most popular dishes of the country, which can sometimes turn out to be original and outlandish. However, for those for whom “strange” dishes alone are not enough, we offer unusual restaurants, which will amaze even true gourmet travelers. From an underwater restaurant to dining at the epicenter of an earthquake, this issue brings you the strangest and most unusual dining spots in the world.

(Total 25 photos)

1. Quiet restaurant, USA.

There's a restaurant in Greenpoint, New York called Eat that seems to have nothing special about it except the fact that you can't talk in it! Inspired by his trip to a Buddhist monastery in Asia, restaurant owner Nicholas Neumann wanted to create a place where people could enjoy silence. Quiet dining has become so popular that people are already making reservations in advance.

2. Dinner under a microscope.

What started as a joke several years ago has made chef Hironori Ikeno famous throughout Japan, and perhaps the entire world. One day he thought it would be fun to serve miniature food on tiny plates, and he wondered how far he could go. It turned out that it is quite possible to make sushi from one grain of rice. Today, tourists from all over the world flock to this small Tokyo restaurant to try Mr. Ikeno's miniature culinary masterpieces.

3. Lunch alone, the Netherlands.

The restaurant At Eenmaal in Amsterdam has become famous for its unusual concept of solitude. In this establishment you can only find tables of one type - for one. Marina van Goor, designer and founder of the restaurant, says the purpose of this unconventional approach is to give people a taste of what it's like to eat alone in a restaurant.

4. Lunch at the nesting resort, Thailand.

The Soneva Kiri Eco Resort in Thailand has a restaurant called Bird's Nest, which gives you a unique opportunity to admire the stunning views because the restaurant is located in a tree. It "hangs" in the air at a height of 4.8 m, and waiters use ropes to deliver food and drinks to customers' tables. A regular lunch here costs about $450, but this pleasure is apparently worth it.

5. Lunch during an earthquake, Spain.

For many of us, the idea of ​​eating lunch during an earthquake is not such a good idea. But at the Disaster Café, people pay themselves to dine during a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Moreover, tables here are booked several weeks in advance. So far, cafe visitors have managed to avoid serious injuries - only spilled drinks and food, and minor incidents are generally the order of the day here.

6. Lunch on a cliff, China.

In the Happy Valley of Xining Gorge in China's Hubei province, Fangweng Hanging Restaurant offers, in addition to food, stunning views from the cliff it sits on. It is worth noting that due to its unusual location, this establishment is not for the faint of heart.

7. Dinner with a ninja, USA.

In New York's Tribeca neighborhood, a Japanese restaurant with ninjas is another establishment not for the faint of heart. In addition to delicious food, the restaurant will offer fire and kung fu tricks, waiters with knives and exploding food. If you like armed ninjas hanging over your plate, then you'll love it here.

8. Restaurant with robots, Thailand.

The Hajime restaurant in Bangkok is famous for the fact that every table there is equipped with a mini-barbecue, but it is the waiters who have become the main “attraction” of this establishment. The fact is that here you will be served by robot waiters, and even in samurai clothes. And in their free time from serving tables, they even dance.

9. Lunch on ice, Finland.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to eat on ice, such a place exists. It is located at the North Pole and is made entirely of ice. For obvious reasons, the restaurant only serves cold dishes, such as potato soup with cold smoked salmon, tender venison and game meatballs with vodka jelly.

10. Waitress monkeys, Japan.

If you find yourself at Kayabukiya Tavern, which is located in the city of Utsunomiya, your sake will be brought to you by a monkey in the form of a waitress. The owner of the restaurant, Otsuka, says that he did not specifically teach the monkeys this craft: they supposedly learned everything themselves when they looked at him. Today, local authorities have officially allowed the monkeys to work in this establishment, and satisfied customers leave them tips in the form of soybeans.

11. Lunch at the hospital, Taiwan.

Restaurant D.S. Music is based in Taipei, but don't let that name fool you - it has absolutely nothing to do with music. It's actually a rather strange hospital-themed restaurant, where the waitresses dress in nurse outfits, the tables are made out of hospital beds, and the drinks are served in syringes. Oh yes, the walls are also covered with X-rays.

12. Rough Lunch, USA.

What was originally intended to be a fine dining restaurant ended up being a notorious restaurant with very rude staff. Since the original idea was a failure, the owner decided to try something completely opposite. Over time, a terrible restaurant called Dick's Last became so popular that it was surrounded by customers willing to wear humiliating paper hats and receive an insult or two from the waiters.

13. Lunch in Wonderland, Japan.

“Alice in Wonderland” is so famous in Japan that there is even a whole chain of cafes and restaurants dedicated to this theme. The restaurants created by the Fantastic Design Works studio are stylized to resemble various stories - “Alice in the Old Castle”, “Alice in the Maze”, “Alice in the Land of Dancing”, etc. The waitresses are dressed in cute blue and white Alice dresses.

14. Nudist lunch, USA.

Once a month, the Clothing Optional Dinners club in Manhattan, New York, hosts a rather strange "naked" party. It was founded by nudist John J. Ordover. The event has several rules, one of which is that you must bring something to put on your chair (such as a towel) and the attendants must be dressed.

15. Lunch in the dark, England.

The seemingly strange idea of ​​eating in the dark has inspired many restaurants around the world, but the most famous is Dans Le Noir in London. Once you overcome the sense of sight that dominates you, you will enter into a completely new world aromas and smells. Blind guides are at your service.

16. Very harmful restaurant, USA.

While many owners go to great lengths to promote their restaurants as tasty, healthy food establishments, the founder of Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas says, "Don't come to my restaurant, it's bad for you and could kill you." The cafe specializes in junk food with tons of calories and a complete lack of vegetables. Just the names of the dishes like “Fries to Die For”, “Dead Burger” or “Heart Attack Hot Dog” indicate that fitness fans will definitely not be happy here.

17. Lunch with the dead, India.

Having built new restaurant on the site of an old cemetery, Krishan Kuti from India decided to preserve the graves. What seemed like a strange decision later turned out to be a clever move. Every day the restaurant fills with people who want to experience the uniquely eerie sensation of eating among the dead.

18. Lunch under a waterfall, Philippines.

Forget about boring air conditioning that blows air on you while you eat. Get crystal refreshed clean water from the waterfall, which is very close. To enjoy these incomparable scenery, you will have to travel to Sao Paulo City in the Philippines. They serve delicious food on bamboo tables welded to the floor at the foot of the waterfall.

19. Lunch under water, Maldives.

4 meters underwater in the Maldives is the world's first underwater restaurant. Here you will be offered not only luxurious lunches, but also incredible panoramic views to the ocean. However, this unusual restaurant seats only 14 people.

20. Dinner in the sky around the world.

Dinner in the Sky is a Belgian project that allows people to enjoy lunch or dinner high above their own city. The crane lifts the table for 22 people, who are tied to the seats. The end result is delicious food and stunning views of the city. Currently, this event is taking place in 40 countries around the world.

21. Cannibalistic sushi, Japan.

Thought an Indian restaurant with dead people was the weirdest? You might change your mind when you visit this cannibalistic sushi restaurant in Japan. Here the edible “body” will be brought out to you on a cart. Then you must "dig deep" and taste the insides of the person. Of course, this is not a real person, but just a skillfully made copy of rice and other ingredients Japanese cuisine. The body is made of sushi, the blood is sauce, but the genitals had to be replaced with artificial “inedible” copies.

22. Singing restaurant, France.

Opened in Paris in 1999, Bel Canto employs opera singers as waiters and waitresses, creating an original combination of fine dining and theatrical performance. Typically, singers work in groups of four and sing a different part every 15 minutes. The restaurant is decorated in red and gold velvet, and the walls are decorated with musical instruments and opera costumes.

23. Medieval tavern, Czech Republic.

If you want to know how they dined in the 15th century, there is an excellent medieval restaurant in Prague. It resembles a traditional tavern from the Middle Ages with wooden tables, benches and pottery; the tavern offers a unique dining experience. If you can't decide what to try from the medieval menu, waiters in period costumes will be happy to help you.

24. Toilet restaurant, China.

In the city of Taiyuan, in the Chinese province of Shanxi, a toilet restaurant opened in 2013, which quickly became one of the most popular establishments in the city. Here the food is served in small toilets, and the interior resembles a toilet or a bathroom - there are showers on the walls, and the seats look like toilet seats with pillows in the shape of poop.

25. Penis buffet, China.

Guo Li Zhuang is a restaurant that specializes in dishes made from the male genitals of various animals. There are a huge variety of species to choose from: horse, bull, donkey, dog, deer, goat, ram or even snakes. And if you are a perverted foodie, you can try a combination of pig eggs with a goat penis, chicken eggs with a horse penis, etc.

Creative catering establishments are always in demand among tourists and local residents. The more exclusive the approach to the design of premises, the preparation of dishes and the services offered by certain cafes, canteens or restaurants, the more interest they will arouse among visitors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 15 most unusual restaurants in the world, after visiting which you will take a completely different look at the process of eating that is familiar to us.

Restaurant Le Grand Vefour, Paris

Most old restaurant world "Le Grand Vefour" was founded back in 1784 and, according to the owners' plans, has not changed to this day even in the smallest detail, originally planned here. The restaurant menu includes exclusively traditional dishes, prepared with special grace and taste, but the entire furnishings inside are a unique collection of antique furniture, interior details, stained glass windows, painted walls that look no worse than museum masterpieces. The cost of items and decoration is so high that most of everything here is hidden under glass to avoid damage. The restaurant has long been awarded three Michelin stars due to the fact that the famous chef Guy Martin works here throughout France, so you can only get here by appointment.

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Maldives

This amazing restaurant is located five meters deep near Rangali Island. The room with transparent walls and ceiling is designed for 13 people and suggests that while eating, visitors can look at those slowly floating by sea ​​creatures, which are found in abundance in the local azure waters.

Rising Sun Restaurant, Nanjing

The establishment is located in China, in the city of Nanjing, and is invariably in demand among those who experience negative feelings or emotions, but are already tired of hiding them inside themselves. The fact is that here customers are allowed to do almost everything - their disappointments and grievances can be taken out on the staff - administrators or waiters, who are ready to be shouted at, insulted, and maybe even thrown with a plate or glass. This pleasure is expensive - from 8 to 50 dollars, the cost depends on how aggressively you treat employees. They hire exclusively young, strong men, and most of the visitors are women, who call Rising Sun the most anti-depressive restaurant in the world.

In the capital there are always many reasons to visit one of the many restaurants, each of which has its own individual style, especially...

Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei

The name of the themed restaurant, which originally sounds like “fashionable toilet,” already speaks for itself. The originality of this establishment is off the charts, but not everyone dares to come here for a snack or lunch. The fact is that all the dishes served here look like feces, and instead of dishes they use plastic containers intended for testing. If you order soup, they will bring it to you in a bowl made in the shape of a toilet, however, everything else here is also made in the form of bathrooms, including furniture, chairs and wall decor. The owner of Modern Toilet claims that this approach to culinary art allows you to manipulate the taste sensations of visitors.

New Lucky Restaurant, Ahmedabad

The Indian establishment is located in the western part of the country and was built right on the old cemetery, where representatives of the Muslim part of the city bury their dead. Surprisingly, not a single tombstone was damaged during the construction of the restaurant, since the memorial stones simply became part of the decor. The waiters who take your order walk to the table, stepping over the graves, and the chief administrator places bouquets of flowers on the monuments every day, and this does not bother visitors at all.

Hitlers' Cross Restaurant, Mumbai

The literal translation of the restaurant's name is "Hitler's Cross", and it is another rather strange establishment located in India. The interior of the neo-Nazi catering establishment is decorated with swastikas, and the owner of “Hitlers’ Cross” claims that such an original name was the first thing that came to his mind. The restaurant's menu features Italian cuisine, and the local appetizers, salads, pizza and pasta are quite expensive. Since this name is not entirely acceptable to many, it is simply called “Cross” among themselves.

Where to Stay Excellent service and delicious food are what customers expect from all restaurants, but the most unusual restaurants in St. Petersburg...

Labassin Restaurant, Philippines

The waterfall restaurant is known all over the world and has such an unusual location that those who come here for the first time are put into a slight shock for a while. The establishment is located in a beautiful villa with the poetic name “Escudero”, and is open from lunch until late in the evening. Guests are invited to sit at cozy bamboo tables, while their feet are washed by an artificially created waterfall, the cascade of which falls from the local dam. There is a lake nearby where tourists are offered rafting or boating.

Restaurant "Eternity", Truskavets

The restaurant is a giant coffin, inside which you will be offered excellent dishes of traditional Ukrainian cuisine. The “facade” of the huge sarcophagus and the interior space are associated with a funeral theme, and instead of the usual lighting, funeral candles are placed on the tables. Coffins are placed around the perimeter of the room, and on the menu all the appetizers are named with a slight touch of necromancy - “9th Day” or “Magpies”, and the signature hot dish is designated as “Meet me in Paradise.” Oddly enough, weddings are often held in the establishment.

Dinner In The Sky Restaurant, Brussels

The name translates as “Lunch in Heaven,” and the establishment itself reflects this exactly. If you are tired of the bustle of the city, and in ordinary restaurants it is noisy and you cannot fully relax, welcome to heaven. A table is set for clients, which is lifted into the air using a crane, where you can have lunch with colleagues and friends or have a romantic date without prying eyes. True, you should carefully monitor the dishes and cutlery, since it will be impossible to get a dropped fork or plate.

Pizza is the simplest dish that is loved all over the world. Classic Italian pizza is made with basil and mozzarella - this is known in...

The Hobbit House Restaurant, Manila

The small and cozy “Hobbit House” attracts customers not so much with its size or unique furnishings, but, above all, with its staff, 100% of whom are dwarfs. The waiters, cooks and administrators call themselves exclusively hobbits, and the menu of the establishment includes national Filipino dishes. Many tourists dream of coming here, if only to listen to incredibly beautiful ethnic music performed by a “small” orchestra.

Restaurant chain "Nyotaimori", Japan

The Land of the Rising Sun is distinguished by its originality in all spheres of life, so there is also an extraordinary approach to nutrition here. Local gourmets prefer to eat delicacies directly from a naked human body, naturally, most often from a woman’s body, although sometimes they order a “plate” in the shape of a young man. Girls and boys are selected very strictly for work, and they are specially prepared for the gastronomic “presentation” - they depilate their entire body, wash them in the bathroom and warm them to the required body temperature. The main task of living “stands” is to lie motionless on the table for several hours. Before they begin their duties, girls and boys are specially trained.

Restaurant "s'Baggers", Nuremberg

Visitors call the establishment the restaurant of the future, because there are no waiters here, and you place all orders directly to the chef through a touch screen located on the table. Payment for the order is made via an electronic card, and discounts are available for regular customers. Each table has rails on which food is delivered, and original holders are equipped for bottles. After ordering, you can see the approximate cooking time on the computer, and the service resembles a conveyor belt, so you won’t find queues or customers dissatisfied with the long wait. The owner of the establishment, Michael Mack, is confident that his restaurant is a prototype of future food establishments. The only issue that robots cannot solve yet is cleaning.

For Russian people, national dishes do not seem unusual; on the contrary, we cannot imagine our life without them. Compatriots are accustomed to Greek...

Restaurant Kinderkookkafe, Amsterdam

The unusual thing about this restaurant is that it was created exclusively for children. At the same time, the waiters working here are up to 12 years old and children also cook here, but under the supervision of an adult chef. At the entrance you will be greeted by a child administrator who will take you to a table and carefully listen to all your wishes. The cafe is famous for its unusual menu, very tasty dishes and desserts, for which, in fact, people come here. Visitors usually leave good tips, and parents of “little” employees are sure that such work prepares their children for future life and they grow up more obedient and responsible.

Heart Attack Grill, Phoenix

Phoenix is ​​a small city in the southern United States of America. The local establishment differs from all others in that here you can eat plenty of the most harmful, fatty and high-calorie food. The restaurant menu includes food that is full of cholesterol, and the set lunch includes cigarettes and a huge glass of live beer instead of a diet salad and light soup. The waitresses work here in incredibly sexy nurse costumes, which further whets the appetite of the stronger half of humanity. If the customer can handle the giant burger without falling, as a nice bonus, one of the girls will take the customer in a wheelchair straight to the car.

Restaurant De Kas, Amsterdam

Unlike the previous one, this establishment can rightfully be called a restaurant that serves some of the healthiest and most environmentally friendly dishes in the world. A special feature of the food enterprise is that all vegetables are grown here, and no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used. After the visitor orders a dish, the chef collects the ingredients for its preparation directly from the garden and serves the freshest greens on a plate. The restaurant building itself is located inside a greenhouse and fits perfectly into its setting. The establishment cannot be classified as vegetarian, as the menu includes seafood and meat snacks. Interestingly, you can watch the work in the kitchen from a special table surrounded by lemon and olive trees.

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