Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze village. Ordzhonikidze Crimea. Private sector housing: hotel in Ordzhonikidze, near Koktebel

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Ordzhonikidze (Crimea) 2020

The resort village of Ordzhonikidze is located in one of the cleanest ecological zones on the Crimean Peninsula. Its location in the southeastern part of Crimea on the hills of Cape Kiik-Atlama is a good neighborhood with the waters of the Black Sea, washing the territory of the settlement on three sides. Cape Kiik-Atlama, with an area of ​​slightly more than 605 hectares, consists of a chain of low mountains and ends in a hill that, with the exception of the populated area, has an almost continuous chain of rocky, steep shores.

In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants called their settlement Provato, which was known among travelers and merchants as an important Genoese port. Until 1937, parts of the territory of the modern village were called: the settlement of Provalnoye and the town of Dvuyakorny. The village owes its modern name to the prominent Soviet party leader and revolutionary Bolshevik Ordzhonikidze. Local residents called their village for short - “Ordzho”, taking measures in 2007 to attract tourists, proposing to rename the beautiful place of Crimea “Ordzhonikidze” to “Zurbagan”.

After the occupation of the village in 1941 by German troops, the military base was evacuated to the city of Kaspiysk. The Black Sea Bay was used by the Nazis as a transshipment base. In 1944, the southeastern territory of Crimea was liberated.

After Ukraine gained independence, since 1991 the village has been intensively developing as a resort area. More and more people, especially vacationers with children, prefer this quiet place to the noisy, lively cities of Crimea.

The population has remained constant over the past decades and is just over 2.5 thousand people. Most of the residents of Ordzhonikidze are employed in the field of tourism services, and today the village is ready to offer an excellent vacation in Crimea.

Ordzhonikidze, like the entire southern coast of Crimea, is located in the sub-Mediterranean climate zone. Summer dry, sunny and hot weather reigns here for a long time. The time for vacationers in the village is from the beginning of May to the end of October, longer than in some popular Mediterranean resorts.

In July and August, the air on the coast warms up to 24 °C, reaching 28 °C during the daytime. The heat is tolerated very easily, thanks to the light sea breezes. In July, precipitation is possible in the form of heavy but short-lived showers.

Swimming in the Black Sea will bring pleasure from June to October; After all, the temperature of surface waters off the coast in July-August reaches its maximum - up to 26 °C. Ideal weather conditions allow tourists to enjoy their stay in a picturesque seaside location and relax in Ordzhonikidze 6 months a year with health benefits.

The favorable geographical location between Dvuyakornaya Bay and Koktebel Bay at the dead end of highways ensured the absence of transit transport, thanks to which this place is famous for the cleanest and most environmentally friendly zone of the peninsula.

Holidays in Ordzhonikidze 2020 are the right decision for bikers and cyclists, a great place to improve your diving skills. Here you can enjoy spearfishing and fishing in the stunningly beautiful surroundings of the village. And the kids will surely remember the exciting rides on banana boats and jet skis.

Today Ordzhonikidze is rapidly developing as a resort center for family vacations. The village provides guests with comfortable, well-equipped housing, taking care of issues with food and leisure.

In the pristine natural purity there is not a single environmentally hazardous enterprise. In this village, life is calm and measured. There is no bustle, no noise of highways - but only the harmonious and peaceful sounds of nature can be clearly heard.

Comfortable housing and proximity to the sea made the resort village an acceptable and inexpensive place for a family vacation. Each visitor will find a convenient place for a relaxing, relaxing holiday in Ordzhonikidze, discover the joy of communicating with nature, enjoy swimming in the gentle sea and pamper themselves with the gentle rays of the sun. Ordzhonikidze is a vacation for romantic and creative people who will personally see the power and perfection of the landscape of southeastern Crimea.

How to get to Ordzhonikidze?

The proximity to a major railway junction - Feodosia, creates good prospects for Ordzhonikidze for the further development of tourism.

The village is connected to Feodosia by an asphalt highway, about 14 km long. The village can be easily and quickly reached from Koktebel.

You can get to Ordzhonikidze using your own vehicle, or by bus and minibus from Feodosia. It is worth noting that the movement of passenger transport is organized at the highest level and runs strictly according to schedule. Moreover, the fare is minimal.

Feodosia can be reached by rail. Some travelers prefer air travel. With this option, you should be prepared to transfer to a vehicle in Simferopol, where the international airport is located, and for a rather long trip.

Tourists who are not visiting this resort village for the first time recommend that “newbies” travel by car, since this method is the most economical for a group of several people. Moreover, the trip from Feodosia takes only 15 - 20 minutes.

The urban-type settlement of Ordzhonikidze is part of the urban district of Feodosia, located 15 km from the center of Feodosia, 14 km from Koktebel. The people have adopted the abbreviated name of the village - “Ordzho”. The geographical position of Ordzhonikidze is very interesting: the village is located on the steep cape of Kiik-Atlama, which juts out into the sea for almost 4 km. The local landscapes are very unique: the steppe Crimea in this area is experiencing bizarre metamorphoses, gradually turning into a mountainous one. From the side of Koktebel, Ordzho is washed by Provato Bay, and from the side of Feodosia - by Dvuyakornaya Bay. Holidays in Orjo. In Soviet times, the village was non-tourist; it was closed to visitors from out of town, because There were two military factories here that produced torpedoes and hydraulic equipment. In the 90s of the 20th century, production fell into decline, and Ordzhonikidze simply had no other alternative but to seriously engage in attracting tourists. Over the past years, the initial tourism infrastructure has developed: private hotels, cafes, resort goods stores, and attractions have appeared. However, in Orjo you still cannot see the vibrant nightlife and bustle of large resorts; large entertainment centers (dolphinarium, water park, etc.) are located in neighboring Koktebel. Ordzhonikidze is a place for a relaxing holiday without pretensions to excess. Accordingly, prices for rental housing and all related services are lower here than in Feodosia, Koktebel and many other places along the Crimean coast. Housing in Ordzhonikidze is represented mainly by rooms in guest houses, rooms in mini-hotels and individual turnkey apartments. Several years ago, a complex of boathouses “Katran” was built near the village, where the most comfortable rooms are offered at higher prices. From such a boathouse-hotel you literally immediately go out to your own spacious beach, and therefore the popularity of “Katran” is growing year after year. Over the past centuries, nature in the Ordzhonikidze region has been subject to minimal human influence, and you can immediately see and feel it: picturesque natural landscapes, clear sea, fresh air. The village is a “dead end”, there is no transit transport through it, it is always quiet and peaceful here. Orjo is surrounded by numerous pebble beaches with varying degrees of crowding with tourists. There are great places for a “wild” holiday right by the sea. Nature of OrdzhoThe nearest railway station to Ordzhonikidze is Feodosia (15 km), a train or trailer car runs here from Moscow. You can also get to Feodosia by intercity bus from most cities in southern Russia. The nearest airport is Simferopol (125 km). To save time and nerves, it is better to book a transfer to Orjo in advance from an official taxi service, or from the mini-hotel where you prefer to book a room. A trip by public transport will require transfers and take a lot of time.

The village of Ordzhonikidze is located on the eastern coast of Crimea on Cape Kiik-Atlama, surrounded on three sides by the sea, and protected on the fourth by mountainous terrain, which makes it one of the amazing places on the Crimean peninsula.

Geographic coordinates of Ordzhonikidze on the GPS map 44 57.855 N 35 21.312 E

You can get to Ordzhonikidze both from the city of Feodosia (13 km) and from the village (9 km). Route taxis and buses run almost every hour. The village is 7 km away from the main Kerch-Simferopol highway, combined with the absence of large industries, ports and the presence of treatment facilities in the village, the ecology of Ordzhonikidze is simply ideal.

The population of the village of Ordzhonikidze is 2650 people.

The history of the village began in the 11th century, the Genoese built the Kaygador fortress and a small port on this site. The port was mainly for not rich merchants and for long-term anchorage of ships. In the same century? An Armenian church appeared in the vicinity of the village. The population of the fortress did not exceed 300 people; during the battles with the Golden Horde, and subsequently the Tatar-Mongols, the settlement was destroyed and for many centuries it was a fishing settlement. In 1911, construction of a plant for the military industry began on the territory of the village, and in 1937 the village received its name Ordzhonikidze in honor of Sergo Ordzhonikidze, a famous political figure in the young country of the USSR. Local residents prefer to call the village Orjo. With the collapse of the USSR, all production was closed, and since the 2000s, the village began to develop as a resort.

Attractions in Ordzhonikidze not much, the Church of St. Stephen of Sourozh, built in 2000, a local history museum and a park. The main attractions are in the vicinity of the village, an extinct volcano, and the city's attractions. In the summer, the village has a very developed tourist destination; daily excursions operate in all tourist destinations of Crimea.

Of particular note diving club in Ordzhonikidze, one of the oldest in Crimea, is very popular. Diving in the area of ​​Dvuyakornaya Bay is always an adventure, since from the 11th to the 17th centuries there was a port here, and over these centuries many ships sank; interesting and valuable finds, jewelry, coins, amphorae and more are often found at the bottom of the sea.

There are beaches in Ordzhonikidze for every taste, each beach is a separate small bay, sandy, covered with small pebbles and rocky. All beaches from the village are located at a distance of 50 to 300 meters, wild beaches from 500 meters. One of the features of the beaches in Ordzhonikidze is that they are all isolated from each other.

The main advantage of the village, in addition to its beaches and ecology, is the large offer of apartments and rooms at very affordable prices, always cheaper than in Feodosia and Koktebel.
Holidays in the village of Ordzhonikidze mean harmony with nature, a stunning sea and thousands of pleasant memories.

Ordzhonikidze village on the map of Crimea

Urban settlement Ordzhonikidze is part of the urban district of Feodosia, located 15 km from the center of Feodosia, 14 km from Koktebel. The people have adopted the abbreviated name of the village - “Ordzho”. The geographical position of Ordzhonikidze is very interesting: the village is located on the steep cape of Kiik-Atlama, which juts out into the sea for almost 4 km. The local landscapes are very unique: the steppe Crimea in this area is experiencing bizarre metamorphoses, gradually turning into a mountainous one. From the side of Koktebel, Orjo is washed by Provato Bay, and from the side of Feodosia - by Dvuyakornaya Bay.

Holidays in Orjo. In Soviet times, the village was non-tourist; it was closed to visitors from out of town, because There were two military factories here that produced torpedoes and hydraulic equipment. In the 90s of the 20th century, production fell into decline, and Ordzhonikidze simply had no other alternative but to seriously engage in attracting tourists. Over the past years, the initial tourism infrastructure has developed: private hotels, cafes, resort goods stores, and attractions have appeared. However, in Orjo you still cannot see the vibrant nightlife and bustle of large resorts; large entertainment centers (dolphinarium, water park, etc.) are located in neighboring Koktebel. Ordzhonikidze is a place for a relaxing holiday without pretensions to excess. Accordingly, prices for rental housing and all related services are lower here than in Feodosia, Koktebel and many other places along the Crimean coast. It is represented mainly by rooms in guest houses, rooms in mini-hotels and individual turnkey apartments. Several years ago, a complex of boathouses “Katran” was built near the village, where the most comfortable rooms are offered at higher prices. From such a boathouse-hotel you literally immediately go out to your own spacious beach, and therefore the popularity of “Katran” is growing year after year.

Nature in the Ordzhonikidze area over the past centuries it has been subject to minimal human influence, and you can immediately see and feel it: picturesque natural landscapes, clear sea, fresh air. The village is a “dead end”, there is no transit transport through it, it is always quiet and peaceful here. Orjo is surrounded by numerous pebble beaches with varying degrees of crowding with tourists. There are great places for a “wild” holiday right by the sea. Get to Orjo Currently, the most convenient way is to use your own car. Also, the “district center” of Feodosiya can be reached by intercity bus from most cities in southern Russia; in Feodosia you need to change to a commuter bus to Ordzhonikidze. The nearest airport is Simferopol (125 km). To save time and nerves, it is better to book a transfer from the airport to Orjo in advance from an official taxi service, or from the mini-hotel where you prefer to book a room. A trip by public transport will require transfers and take a lot of time.

The pleasure of staying on the Black Sea coast, surrounded by mountain slopes and picturesque landscapes, brings people from all over the country every year a holiday in Ordzhonikidze. This cozy village, stretching along the coast, has everything you need to make your summer vacation unforgettable. If the noise of large cities on the Crimean peninsula is unacceptable for you, Ordzhonikidze will be an excellent option. Accommodation in the village is offered taking into account all the preferences of tourists. There are no luxury hotels, but modern guest houses and a cozy private sector will give you an excellent holiday by the sea in Ordzhonikidze in Crimea.

What to do at the resort?

Those who come to relax by the sea in Ordzhonikidze in Crimea not for the first time know that the village does not have an entertainment infrastructure. You will have to organize your leisure time here yourself. All the fun “activities” are on the beaches. The resort offers:

  • diving;
  • fishing;
  • water attractions;
  • mountain bike rental;
  • cinema.

Most often you can see tourists sunbathing on the beach, walking around the area or going on a picnic in the mountains. It’s good for the whole family to come to Ordzhonikidze on vacation by the sea.

Ordzhonikidze – description

The village of Ordzhonikidze is part of the Feodosia urban district. This resort began to develop quite recently. In the last century, tourists came here exclusively for a “wild” holiday. Since then, Ordzhonikidze's popularity in Crimea has grown. Every year new tourist infrastructure facilities appear here.

A little history

The Soviet government chose the village in Koktebel Bay for the construction of scientific centers that were engaged in the research and invention of new types of weapons. After the collapse of the USSR, scientific facilities were moved to another part of the Crimean peninsula. Ordzhonikidze began to leave the local population, moving to more progressive settlements.

Geography and climate

The Ordzhonikidze resort in Crimea is located on the territory of Cape Kiik-Atlama. On the southern side it is washed by the waters of Provato Bay. The climate is comfortable for holidays in this part of the coast from May to October. The hottest months are July and August, but even at this time, thanks to the light breeze that blows from the sea, the heat is quite bearable.

How to get there

Smt. Ordzhonikidze is located next to Feodosia. By car or public transport, the journey between settlements takes no more than 20 minutes. Most tourists come to Feodosia by rail, and from the city they go to Ordzhonikidze by minibus or taxi.