We are going to Montenegro on our own. To Montenegro on your own - a trip to the depths of your soul! Renting villas in Montenegro, their prices

If you are planning to travel to Montenegro on your own, then the main thing is to initially plan your trip correctly, which I will help you with. Montenegro is perfect for independent travel, and there are several explanations for this: no visa required, only 3 hours flight from Moscow, excellent climate and clear Adriatic Sea, understandable language of Slavic origin, general history and religion, accommodation for any budget, large concentration of attractions and wonderful roads, safety on the streets even at night.

I can list the benefits of a holiday in Montenegro for a long time, because I love this country and have lived here for 5 years. I know what impressions it can give to a traveler.

For holders of a Russian passport to Montenegro no visa required. Just buy a plane ticket with a valid passport with a couple of blank pages and enjoy your vacation.

The period of visa-free stay is limited to 30 days, but you can extend your vacation indefinitely by traveling to neighboring countries to get a stamp. You don’t even have to spend the night there, you can limit yourself to crossing the border or go for coffee, an excursion, or shopping with your “neighbors.”

If you have planned a longer vacation and do not want to travel back and forth across the border, then we advise you to simply apply for a 90-day Montenegrin visa in advance.

Documents required for visa:

  1. A photocopy of the first page of the foreign passport.
  2. A foreign passport valid for 90 days after the planned end date of the trip and having at least 2 blank pages.
  3. If you are planning a vacation with children, then you need a copy of the page entered in the child’s passport.
  4. A completed application form in Russian or English, signed and indicating the applicant’s contact information. The application form can be downloaded here, and a sample form can be viewed here.
  5. Proof of accommodation: confirmed and paid reservation, copy of a notarized invitation.
  6. Completed application. You can download it here.
  7. A certificate from your place of work or a bank account statement as proof of having sufficient funds to stay in the country for a long period of time (minimum 20 euros per day per adult). For minors, this confirmation is not required.
  8. Two 3x4 photographs.
  9. Visa fee of 35 euros.

An application not to obtain a visa can be submitted no earlier than 1 month before the expected date of travel. The review period is two weeks.

Address of the Consulate of Montenegro in Moscow: 119049, Moscow, Mytnaya, 3.

Also last year, a visa-free regime was in force for 90 days from April 27 to October 31. Whether it will be possible for Russian citizens to vacation without a visa for three months in 2019 is not yet clear.

Tourist registration (or “white cardboard”)

For official residence in Montenegro, registration is required, which may be asked at the border upon departure/departure. Previously, this paper was called “white cardboard”; today, records are kept electronically. By law, homeowners must register their tenants within 12 hours and pay a tourist tax, which is about 1 euro per day, for children there is a 50% discount.

Not all landlords take on this “headache”; in this case, any traveler arriving in Montenegro can register himself or herself in the first 24 hours after entering the country, or on the first working day.

How to register a traveler yourself?

You need to come to the Post Office (any local resident can tell you the address) with your passport and money. Next, suffice it to say that you need to pay the “boravishna tax” (tourist tax for accommodation). Postal employees must let you fill out a receipt, but usually they do it themselves, indicating the necessary account details (where this money will go). It is necessary to indicate the number of nights - the date of entry into the country (they will check the stamp in the passport later) and the date of departure from the hotel (apartment).

After this, you need to multiply the number of nights by the tourist tax rate (about 1 euro per night, depending on the city of residence) and pay the resulting amount as a tax.
Next, you need to show up with the pink payment receipt issued to the Tourist Point in your city, which is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and submit your passport with the receipt.

At the Tourist Point they ask for the last and first name of the owner of the apartment, as well as the address of residence. Many homeowners are already registered in the database, so there’s no point in inventing Vasya Pupkin, we need real data.

It is important to register within 24 hours of arrival. It is necessary to keep the pink receipt until the end of your vacation; sometimes at the borders they randomly check their presence.

If you plan to vacation in different hotels and cities of Montenegro, receipts must be made in each city. But I would cheat and register for the entire period at one address, because... At each tourist point they will ask for a fresh stamp on entry into the country.

How to get from Russia to Montenegro on your own

There are several ways to get to this corner of the Adriatic: by air, by land, and even by water. These methods differ in both time and price.

By plane from Russia to Montenegro

There are regular flights from Moscow daily to Podgorica And Tivat, and all year round. The main airlines are Aeroflot, S7, Montenegro Airlines and Pobeda.

I also recommend paying attention to air tickets with transfers to Belgrade companies Air Serbia. Firstly, these tickets are often cheaper, and secondly, you can see the capital of Serbia at the same time if you choose a longer transfer. In winter and spring, tickets from Moscow to Montenegro fluctuate from 8 to 15 thousand rubles round trip per person. Start in summer from 15-16 thousand and above. From time to time, airlines offer early ticket purchase promotions.

Best to fly to Tivat, if you want to spend your vacation by the sea, since the airport is located on the coast. For example, the popular resort of Budva is 25 minutes away from the airport by taxi.

If you are interested in the north of Montenegro with national parks, river canyons and mountains, then it is more convenient to fly to Podgorica.

From the capital you can also get to the coast; the journey will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on which city you are going to.

But in the summer you can also get there by charter flights; they open from many Russian cities - St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, etc. The main charter air carriers are Yamal, Ural Airlines, Red Wings, Nord Star.

By train from Russia to Montenegro

If you are afraid of flying on planes, the train is a good alternative. From June to September, Russian Railways launches from Moscow to Bar train No. 15, runs once a week. This is a trailer carriage with 1st class seats with 2-seater compartments and a 2nd class carriage with 3-seater compartments.

Since the train crosses Hungary, take care of obtaining a Schengen or transit visa.

The train takes about 60 hours and has a 5-hour stop in , which you will have time to see. But the price of a train ticket to Montenegro is equivalent to air travel, about 350 euros round trip. Previously, it was possible to buy a one-way ticket only, so you will have to buy a return ticket at the Bar or Podgorica railway station, now the situation may have changed, check with Russian Railways.

Contacts and website of the railway of Montenegro: http://www.zpcg.me/contact.html

By car from Russia to Montenegro

A flexible schedule, sightseeing in different European countries, and the ability to take large luggage make traveling by car a real adventure. You can get to Montenegro from Moscow in 3 days and 2 nights, if quickly, and to see a couple of countries along the way, budget a week for the road.

Option 1 – through Ukraine, Romania and Serbia

This is the fastest route from Russia to Montenegro with a length of about 3000 km. But due to political nuances, not the best roads in Ukraine and mountain serpentines in Serbia, it is better to forget about it until better times. But if you take the risk, don’t forget to get a Romanian visa or multiple-entry Schengen visa.

Option 2 – through Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia

This route is 300 km longer, but the roads are better. Put Brest in your navigator so it doesn't lead you through Ukraine. You need a multiple-entry Schengen visa, as you will have to return through it. Since the journey is not close, you can take a break from the wheel by driving the car onto the Belgrade-Bar train, and relax for the last 500 km, watching the landscapes and beautiful canyons from the window of the car. Among the disadvantages of the route, I can name a narrow two-lane highway in Poland and Slovakia, as well as mountainous terrain in Serbia.

Option 3 – through Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia

The ideal route is Moscow-Brest-Warsaw-Prague-Vienna-Zagreb-Budva. At the same time, see the capitals of the countries. What is good about this route is the quality of the roads and highways; after Warsaw, the easiest sections of the route begin. Of course, it is worth including in your trip budget the payment of highways in Europe, the purchase of vignettes before entering a particular country at gas stations or borders (they need to be glued to the windshield). In Hungary, vignettes are in electronic form, linked to the car number. In Croatia, payment for using the autobahn occurs after exiting the highway.

Do you need insurance for Montenegro?

Officially, insurance is not required and no one will check it for you. But keep in mind that inexpensive medicine is only for local residents. For tourists, the prices are completely different. Therefore, if you want to have a relaxing holiday (especially if you are traveling to Montenegro with children), I strongly advise you to purchase insurance. All available options can be viewed.

Rental housing, best resorts and beaches

What is good about Montenegro for an independent traveler is the absence of a language barrier. You can come here even without prior reservation and find accommodation on the spot. We all once did this in Crimea or Sochi, Montenegrin resorts are no different in this - many houses have “sobe” (rooms) and “apartments” signs. Feel free to knock and bargain if you like it. There are no problems with hot water, Wi-Fi, air conditioning - civilization has reached everywhere.

You can rent a room through. You can also find quite interesting options through the website.

By the way, if you want to look for housing through Airbnb, you can get €28 discount for your first booking!

Prices for a double apartment in a private villa in the summer season start from 20 euros, there is no limit... A good room in a 5-star hotel can cost from 150 to 600 euros. You can also rent a whole house, prices are very different, depending on the city and distance from the sea. What’s good about Montenegro is that there is housing for every budget. If you are used to sleeping in a tent, you can easily find campsites where you can put it up.

The main resort in Montenegro is Budva, if you are young and active, then this is your resort. If you want silence and fewer people on the beach, choose remote villages in the city area Bar, near St. Stephen's, on the peninsula Lustica and in Boka Kotor Bay.

There are few sandy beaches in the country, but the largest is located near the Albanian border, so the color there is appropriate, but the prices are cheaper for everything. Velika Plaza with 15 km of volcanic sand will satisfy you. IN Kotor Bay in the villages you can rent a villa on your own in close proximity to the beach, but they are small in size and sometimes there are concrete floors.

Public transport in Montenegro

Public transport, both local and intercity, is well developed in Montenegro.

Local buses are inexpensive, clean, air-conditioned, make many stops and run fairly frequently. For example, from Budva to Sveti Stefan with stops in Becici, Rafailovici, Kamenovo beach, Przno and the island itself can be reached for 1-1.5 euros.

Communication between cities is carried out not only by buses, but also by trains and electric trains.

You can read more about public transport here.

Car rental in Montenegro

In this country, it’s a sin to lie on the beach during your entire vacation; spend at least a third of your time traveling around its different corners.

What’s nice is that you can drive a rented car in Montenegro with a Russian license. Many agencies do not take a deposit, and require documents to show a passport indicating an age of at least 22 years, and a license with a minimum of 2 years of driving experience.

Book a car in advance and only from trusted agencies! For example, they cooperate only with local rental companies, due to which they often offer more favorable conditions. And, of course, rentalcars.com - the leader among car rental brokers.

Each company's fleet is different, but on average the price for a small car in May and September will be 20-25 euros per day, and in the summer months - 35-45 euros. Convertibles for trips along the coast, as well as jeeps for conquering the north, are in great demand. Their prices start from 45 euros per day and go up to 100.

Be sure to check with the agency whether you can travel by car to neighboring countries; this will require green cardboard and a special permit. Driving in Montenegro is a little different due to the specifics of the roads - they are narrow, serpentine and in some places single-lane. In half the cases, the police let you go without fines once they know where you come from.

What to see in Montenegro

Montenegro, although small in size, will amaze you with the concentration of attractions and natural beauty. So set aside at least a week and rent a car to see as much as possible.

If you like to walk around cities, then go to Cetinje. And if you want to enjoy the beauty of natural places, then be sure to look at our selection where you can definitely find something suitable. I am sure that all lovers of walks in picturesque areas will definitely enjoy it here.

Food in Montenegro

An important part of expenses in Montenegro is food, because few hotels include breakfast in your stay, but you will definitely have to take care of lunch and dinner on your own.

If you don’t go too fancy, you can get by for 5-15 euros per person in cheap and mid-range establishments. Remember that the most expensive restaurants are located on the seashore. You can eat inexpensively at fast food outlets if you buy ready-made food in supermarkets, take home grilled meat and fish in mesars and fish markets, choose local establishments in the depths of cities, and also cook in a rented apartment with a kitchen.

What will surprise you is that Montenegrins do not particularly eat fish and seafood, so they are not cheap in markets and establishments. This nation loves meat, and they serve it in huge portions. Never order several dishes at once; it is impossible to estimate the sizes from the pictures on the menu. Tourists often take the uneaten dish with them, asking the waiter to wrap it in foil.

Prices in Montenegro

Montenegro is not on the list of the most expensive countries for tourists. On average, you can count on 40-100 euros per day per person (excluding road travel or air travel). It all depends on your preferences and habits. Food in Montenegro is relatively inexpensive, but you can save a lot if you cook it yourself (or don’t choose restaurants in tourist centers).

If you usually buy food at markets, then in Montenegro it is better to give up this habit for a while and prefer supermarkets. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, the origin is not always clear (even if the seller claims that everything is homemade). Secondly, you never know how long the product has already been lying on the counter. And thirdly, prices in the markets are two or even three times higher.

By the way, determine in advance a certain amount for souvenirs that you will undoubtedly want to bring with you. Many, I think, will appreciate, for example, Njegush prosciutto, Montenegrin olive oil, seasonal fruits, as well as local alcoholic drinks.

Montenegro is a comfortable country for all categories of tourists: for young people, for families with children, for pensioners and for budget tourists, despite the euro currency.

Here, almost everywhere there is wi-fi in establishments and villas; if necessary, you can buy a SIM card and turn on 3G Internet. On the coast, most tourism workers speak Russian, but you will understand Montenegrin quite well. The people living here are hospitable, adore Russia and remember that they are connected with this country by 300 years of friendship and support.

You should definitely visit here, many tourists feel at home, Russians are so comfortable here. I hope that my advice in this article will give you confidence in planning an independent trip to Montenegro.

During a long-awaited vacation, to a heavenly piece of Earth - Montenegro, often they fly to the airport by plane (there is another one in Podgorica), less often they arrive by bus or even by train.

Today you will learn: how to most profitably organize and plan your vacation in Montenegro, where and how to economically choose a hotel and tickets.

What is the situation with a visa in Montenegro?

Montenegro is an independent country in Europe, which Excluded into the European Union. For many countries, including Russia, entry into the territory of this Balkan country is permissible without visas, per lines no more than 90 days(increased on May 12, 2016, previously it was 30 days). If you are planning from Montenegro travel to EU countries, you will need a special permit, which is issued on the spot.

The list of visa-free countries includes Russia and Ukraine. Stay time Ukrainian citizens in Montenegro it was 90 days before.

If you plan to travel to Montenegro for more than 90 days, be sure to you will need a visa. It is also worth considering that to view the countries that are included in Schengen, you will need to open Schengen visa.

Do you need travel insurance in Montenegro?

Insurance in Montenegro is more needed for your own peace of mind, but nevertheless highly recommended definitely formalize it. At the border (in other words at the airport) you have it they won't ask, but if you are traveling with a child, it may come in handy. Yes, even for adult tourists not prevent, because if something happens, you can seek medical help and not think about where to get money for unplanned expenses.

Choose the right one just for you You can get insurance directly on our website by following the link. will help with difficult choices and provide a list of the most optimal services in terms of price and quality.

Package tours to Montenegro in 2016. Price issue.

First let's explain What same is a package tour and for whom it is considered most suitable.

This tour is ideal option: for inexperienced tourists, for vacationers with children and simply for those who want to comfortably and fully enjoy their vacation without worrying too much about the availability of food and other amenities of civilization nearby.

Included in the package tour price mostly included: flight, transfer to the hotel, accommodation and meals, as well as insurance. Maybe the presence of some excursions and even a guide (popular for European countries).

The cost of a package tour ordered online may be significantly cheaper than a similar travel agency service. We recommend that everyone who is interested in this information take a closer look at the service. This is a very convenient site where in just a minute the most suitable and inexpensive tours will be selected for you. The main highlight such a selection is number of different options, among which there will definitely be exactly what you were looking for.

How much will air tickets to Montenegro cost?

The best option for purchasing tickets from Moscow directly to. We recommend it to all tourists look carefully departure dates, because often there may be lower prices for neighboring days (up to 30%).

For our readers we have prepared convenient search system air tickets using the Aviasales service. You just need to indicate: departure/arrival city, planned month and number of tourists. The system will select and issue all possible ticket options. All that remains is to compare their prices depending on the day of the week.

Choosing an inexpensive hotel in Montenegro

Personally, we use booking.com to select all kinds of hotels and hotels, and then check the price on Hotellook. This is very convenient and accessible, and most importantly - in the shortest possible time you will be provided with information about the most profitable booking options.

Thanks to the service, every tourist can choose the housing he is interested in quickly assessing the advantages of the location, the assessment of other vacationers, and the number of stars.

A nice addition is the presence of real photographs and a detailed description of all services provided. In just half an hour you can choose a room that will overlook the azure sea.

Renting villas in Montenegro, their prices

More enjoyable You may find accommodation in a villa, in a cozy small house in one of the resorts of Montenegro. Depending on the type of room you rent, they may offer a kitchen where you can cook what you love.

Both times that we were in Montenegro, rented a villa. It's quite convenient, although it took about 15-20 minutes to get there. But this also had its advantage, because it is very beautiful and diverse and we were able to see more than other tourists.

To help independent tourists, there is a good service for renting AirBnB. We ourselves use it quite often, so we advise and to you, dear readers.

Look for comfortable accommodation in Montenegro on AirBnB

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AirBnB is currently running a promotion. If you register using our link (button at the top), the service will give you and me $32 each for your first booking. Absolutely free!

Even if you don't plan to book accommodation on AirBnB in the near future, register anyway to receive the bonus. What if it comes in handy later, but the promotion no longer exists? Travel yourself and help us! Thank you.

What else might be needed when planning an independent holiday in Montenegro?

One of the primary tasks facing every future tourist is choosing a vacation spot, that is, a city or resort. To guide you in this difficult choice, we recommend reading our articles.

Our article will be of interest to those tourists who are thinking about how to travel to Montenegro on their own. Of course, the easiest way is to use the services of travel companies, but many vacationers want to save money, so it’s cheaper to act on your own. So, what do you need to know about traveling to Montenegro? In our article we will look at all the nuances of such a trip so that tourists understand what documents need to be prepared and how much money to have with them, and we will also give answers to many other questions.

Travel documents

One of the most important questions that future travelers need to solve is what documents are needed to travel to Montenegro. Many tourists who are planning a trip to this country for the first time mistakenly believe that they need to apply for a visa. In fact, this is not true at all. Russians do not need a visa to travel to Montenegro if your stay in the country does not exceed thirty days in a row (no more than 90 days in six months). That nuance greatly simplifies the situation. The list of documents for travel consists of only one passport. However, pay attention to the validity period of the document. At the time of your departure from Russia, your passport must be valid for another 90 days.

But if you are planning a longer vacation, the duration of which exceeds 90 days, then in this case it is worth applying for a visa in advance. An application for it must be submitted no earlier than a month before departure. To apply for a visa, you will need the following documents: an application, a questionnaire, confirmation of a hotel reservation or rental agreement, a certificate from work or an extract confirming that you have an acceptable amount of money in your account (at the rate of 20 euros per person per day) , copy of ticket reservation, color photographs (2 pcs.). For adult citizens, the visa fee is 62 euros, and for a child under 14 years old - only 32 euros.

If you want to stay in a hotel, hostel, sanatorium or other similar place, then experienced tourists recommend registering at any office of the Tourist Organization in Montenegro. This needs to be done within 24 hours. And only in Budva you can register within 72 hours. In addition, registration can be completed at the department for work with foreigners at any police station. When tourists stay in hotels and inns, administrators do this themselves. It would seem, why are all these formalities needed? The fact is that when leaving Montenegro, if you do not have registration, you can be fined 200 euros.


If you do rent an apartment with a kitchen, you can cook your own meals, which means you can save money. Here is the average cost of products in markets and shops in Montenegro:

  1. Oranges - 0.7 euros.
  2. Figs - 2 euros.
  3. Apples - 1 euro.
  4. Grapes - 1.5 euros.
  5. Peaches - 2.5 euros.
  6. Potatoes - 0.6 euros.
  7. Tomatoes - 0.6 euros.
  8. Eggs - 1.5 euros.
  9. Water - 0.7 euros.
  10. Milk - 0.8 euros.
  11. Rice - 0.8 euros.
  12. Bread - 0.6 euros.
  13. Wine - from 4.5 euros.
  14. Shrimp - 15-25 euros.
  15. Chicken fillet - 5.8 euros.

Cost of food in a cafe

If you decide to eat in inexpensive cafes, then breakfast for one will cost you 4 euros, both will cost you more than 7 euros, and dinner will cost you at least 10 euros. Mid-level restaurants offer breakfasts from 5 €, lunches - at least 11 €, and a good dinner will cost more than 18 €.

The cost of drinks is given separately:

  1. Coffee or tea - from 1 €.
  2. Fresh juice - 2.5 €.
  3. Water - 2.5 €.
  4. Wine (glass) - 3 €.

Experienced travelers who have already organized a trip to Montenegro more than once, I recommend finding establishments that have a sign indicating a set menu. Approaching the waiter, you can ask what dishes are available. As a rule, the set menu includes simple, tasty and at the same time filling food, which local residents usually order for themselves. For example, a delicious goulash will cost three euros.

Daily expenses of tourists

In order to understand how much money to take to Montenegro, you need to proceed from what hotel you will stay in and where to eat. We want to provide a minimum package of expenses for tourists subject to a budget holiday, which will consist of costs for housing, travel and food.

When vacationing at any resort, you will need to use transport. Cost of services:

  1. A liter of gasoline - 1.39 €.
  2. Travel by public transport - 0.5 €.
  3. Taxi order - 1 €.
  4. Taxi fare for each kilometer is 0.45 €.

As we already mentioned, the cost of housing at the resorts varies greatly. In the city center, renting a one-room apartment can cost from 240 euros per month; on the outskirts, the same apartments will cost 190 euros. If we take into account the cost of living in a budget hotel (from 16 € per day), the cost of transport and food in inexpensive establishments, then on average we can say that a tourist needs to have at least 45 € per day.

However, it is worth understanding that this amount is calculated very approximately. At a resort, as a rule, you want to see something or try some delicacies. All such expenses significantly increase the travel budget.

Pilgrimage journeys

Do not forget that there are also pilgrimage trips to Montenegro. Their peculiarity is that they are focused more on visiting numerous temples and shrines, but at the same time there is also a beach holiday. The cities of Cetinje and Podgorodica are a must-see.

Cetinje is a very ancient city, which was founded back in 1482. It houses the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which houses the right hand of the Virgin Mary, painted by St. Luke, and the relics of the Wonderworkers of Ostrog and Cetinje.

As a rule, pilgrimage tours involve visiting the residence of the Zeta metropolitans, visiting Budva, exploring the ancient Adriatic coast, and relaxing at sea. During excursion activities, tourists can see such shrines as a thorn from the crown of the Savior himself, as well as a piece of the robe of the Blessed Virgin Mary and many other objects.

In addition, pilgrims are usually taken to see the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgoroditsa. The program of activities for different tour operators may differ slightly, so it is worth checking the route and choosing the most interesting one for you.

What to choose: an independent holiday or a trip?

According to tourists who have experience of independent travel to resorts, including Montenegro, it can be said that an independently organized trip has a number of advantages. First of all, it concerns cost. Although trips to Montenegro are not too expensive, an independent trip is still cheaper. You have the opportunity to choose accommodation yourself, rather than relax in a hotel that is imposed on you by a travel agency. However, it is worth considering that sometimes tour operators offer last-minute trips to Montenegro. The cost of such tours is sometimes very attractive, so this option is also worth considering.

Holidays in Montenegro are chosen by tourists who want not only to get acquainted with the country’s culture and look at historical sights, but also to enjoy the magnificent nature. The plane flies from Moscow to Montenegro for 3 hours. Time in Montenegro is two hours behind Moscow.

Tours to Montenegro

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.


You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days. Citizens of Ukraine (up to 90 days), Belarus (up to 30 days) and several other CIS republics also have the right to visa-free entry into Montenegro. To obtain a visa, your passport must be valid for more than 3 months after returning from Montenegro. A blank page is also required for stamping.


The climate of Montenegro is ideal for year-round recreation. In summer it is not very hot here (maximum +29°C), in winter it is warm (on the coast at least +11°C, in the mountains about −6°C), spending time in the fresh air is very comfortable. There are no sudden changes in temperature. The best time to holiday in Montenegro is from May to October. The swimming season starts in April.

In winter, the ski season begins in Montenegro. In December, it is warm on the Adriatic coast, the air temperature does not drop below +11°C, and in the mountains there is already a stable minus (up to −9°C) and stable snow cover.

Round-trip flights to Montenegro

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.


When choosing tours to Montenegro, in the summer tourists buy trips to Budva, Becici, Podgorica, Tivat, Ulcinj, Herceg Novi. The beaches at these and other resorts in Montenegro are sand and pebbles. In winter, you can go skiing in Montenegro in Zabljak and Kolasin.


The coast of this country is washed by the Adriatic Sea. The length of the coastline of Montenegro is more than 70 kilometers, so there are beaches for every taste. There are three main types: sand, pebble and concrete (on pontoons).

In Montenegro, beaches are usually divided into Rivieras. Their names usually coincide with the name of the nearest major city. Each Riviera is unique. Beaches are one of the main reasons for the popularity of Montenegro among tourists, so the state carefully monitors the condition of the coastal zone.


Excursions to national reserves (for example, Durmitor and Lovcen), to islands and to large resort museum towns (for example, Budva) are very popular in Montenegro. One of the “tricks” of Montenegro are tiny inhabited islands. Often they house not only the houses of local residents, but also cozy hotels.

The Sea Fortress of St. Mary or simply the Citadel is the most famous landmark of Budva. In the Middle Ages, it defended the city from attacks by Turkish troops from the sea. A trip to Lake Skadar is one of the most popular excursions in Montenegro; tickets can be purchased at almost every hotel.


The official currency of Montenegro is the euro (EUR). It will not be possible to pay in dollars or rubles - neither legal entities nor individuals accept them. It is better to exchange dollars or rubles for euros at a bank. We recommend stocking up on “small” bills up to 100 euros, otherwise sellers in small shops may not have change.


Budva, Becici, Rafailovici and other tourist cities are compactly located on the Adriatic coast.

The distance between the northernmost resort of Montenegro (Herceg Novi) and the southernmost (Ulcinj) is no more than 115 km, so traveling by car is popular.


The most popular souvenirs that tourists bring from Montenegro are gastronomic. Every second person who visits Montenegro brings home prosciutto, goat cheese and wine.

Prosciutto is a pork ham marinated in brine and smoked over coals, the “Montenegrin answer” to Italian prosciutto. Prosciutto is served cut into thin slices. The best Montenegrin cheese is considered to be produced in Njeguš, although other varieties are also quite worthy of a gourmet’s attention. The most famous Montenegrin wines are red “Vranac” and white “Krstac”. Prices for a bottle start from 4 euros. Those who like stronger drinks buy rakia and vinjak (Serbian cognac).

Those who come to Montenegro on pilgrimage buy themselves and as a gift to friends a broyanica - a consecrated bracelet made of sheep wool. There are 33 knots in the brojanica, each of which consists of 7 intertwined crosses. It is customary to use knots to count the prayers said.

From Montenegro you can bring sachets with lavender, figs, souvenirs made of wood and shells with “Montenegrin commandments”. Bargaining in markets and shops is not accepted; most retail outlets close at 20:00.


Montenegrin cuisine is replete with meat. The most popular dishes are čevapčići (sausages) and pljeskavica (a large cutlet baked on the grill). Often in restaurants they order “mixed meso” - an assortment of different types of grilled meat. Fresh or stewed vegetables are served as a side dish. In coastal restaurants, do not miss the opportunity to try “riblya chorba” - a local rich fish soup. Montenegrin fast food is represented by bureki - flatbread made of puff pastry with various fillings - sweet, meat or vegetable. You can order a glass of wine for your table - red “Vranac” or white “Krstac”. Restaurant menus also include local rakia, which is usually eaten with prosciutto.


In Montenegro, bus service is well developed both within cities and between villages on the coast. Tickets can be purchased at a kiosk at the bus stop or from the driver. On average, a trip from one coastal town to another will cost 4-6 euros.

Taxi in Montenegro is a popular form of transport, but quite expensive. Taxis have meters. The average price for 1 km of travel is 1 euro, getting into a taxi is 2 euros.

Most tourists who want to see as many cities of Montenegro as possible during their vacation rent a car. To do this, you need to have a driver's license (not necessarily an international one), be over 21 years old and have a driving experience of more than 2 years. The deposit amount varies from 200 to 500 euros, the rental day - from 35 to 100 euros. Prices depend on the car, season, number of rental days.

An independent holiday in Montenegro turns out to be comfortable and very eventful. Organizing your own trip is not difficult: to visit the country you do not need to go to the embassy to obtain a visa.

In this article we will look at the main questions that concern travelers before their first trip to Montenegro. We will talk about safety issues, prices, the attitude of locals towards tourists, and share useful links and personal experience.

How to travel to Montenegro on your own? Briefly to the point

Since the article turned out to be quite long and detailed, we first give a brief summary

Independent travel to Montenegro

  • on the coast, surrounded by the Balkan Mountains. Here are the basics and .
  • No visa required for Montenegro for up to 30 days. In summer, this period can be extended to 90 days.
  • - 1 euro Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    1 euro = 74 rubles
    1 euro = 31 hryvnia

    1 euro = 1.17 dollars
    . Take only euros with you. It is not profitable to change dollars; there is nowhere to change rubles.
  • They understand that Russians are treated well.
  • In Montenegro it is very safely.
  • Upon arrival in the country you need.
  • Medicine in Montenegro is expensive, you need to apply for a good one.
  • low when compared with other European countries. Here you can relax both on a budget and very comfortably.
  • Vacationing in Montenegro on a package tour is usually cheaper than planning a vacation yourself.
  • The article contains step-by-step instructions for organizing your own holiday in Montenegro. From buying air tickets to entertainment and travel routes.

If you decide to organize your own vacation, we advise you to carefully read the entire article.

Independent holiday or tour? What and when to choose

In Montenegro, you can relax either on a package tour or by organizing the entire vacation yourself.

Vacation package It usually works out cheaper and can be organized with less effort.

Self-planned trip Almost always it turns out better and more interesting, but you will have to spend a lot of effort on organizing it, and the cost of the vacation will be even more expensive than the tour.

When is the best time to vacation in Montenegro on a tour?

The main advantage of a tour holiday is the low price. No matter how carefully you plan your independent trip, a similar tour will still turn out to be a little cheaper. You can check prices, for example, at.

If you plan to spend most of your vacation on the beach, then buying a ticket to it will be easier than looking for tickets and everything else.

Vacation packages also have significant disadvantages:

  • It is usually not clear exactly what your home will look like. In the photo they show the most expensive room, but they give you a cheap one, which is much worse.
  • You cannot spend part of your vacation at one resort and part at another. Traveling is more difficult.
  • Tours rarely offer comfortable apartments with a kitchen where you can cook for yourself. This is important if you are going on vacation with a small child and he needs special nutrition.

Useful: detailed article about tours to Montenegro with a description of personal experience

When is it worth organizing a trip to Montenegro on your own?

It’s worth traveling to Montenegro on your own if you’re willing to spend the time and effort to make your vacation truly unforgettable. Usually it costs more, but you will get more impressions and emotions.

Another advantage of independent holidays is savings for large groups. If you are traveling with 2-3 families, you can rent an entire villa or apartment with 2-3 bedrooms, dividing the price among everyone.

Independent holiday in Montenegro: brief instructions

We have prepared a small step-by-step instructions for traveling to Montenegro on your own.

We advise you to purchase travel services in the same order in which they are described on the website, it will be cheaper. For example, it is described earlier than the purchase and because the closer to the vacation, the more expensive the car will cost. And insurance and excursions hardly become more expensive.

Visa and registration issues: who can travel to Montenegro?

If you plan to vacation for no more than 90 days, then A visa to Montenegro is not required. They will simply put a stamp at customs at the airport and wish you a pleasant stay.

But all tourists who come on vacation on their own and will live in the private sector must register with the travel agency. Otherwise there will be a fine 200 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
200 euros = 14800 rubles
200 euros = 6200 hryvnia
200 euros = 470 Belarusian rubles
200 euros = 234 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices. Worth registering 1 euro Approximate Euro exchange rate:
1 euro = 74 rubles
1 euro = 31 hryvnia
1 euro = 2.35 Belarusian rubles
1 euro = 1.17 dollars

If you are flying on a vacation or staying in a hotel, you do not need to register.

Is it safe in Montenegro? What language, how do they treat Russians?

Montenegro is very safe. The locals are hospitable, there is no rampant crime, even tourists are scammed much less often and more carefully than in other countries popular with Russians.

Of course, sometimes there are pickpockets, but in our 5-7 years of vacation, nothing was ever stolen from us. The Montenegrins themselves are very law-abiding people. The country is small, everyone knows each other. Once you steal something, the stigma will fall not only on the person, but also on his children and grandchildren. Nobody needs this.

But like any popular resort, in the summer many “guest performers” come to Montenegro from neighboring countries: Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, etc.

Conclusions: In terms of safety for life and wallet, Montenegro can give a head start to Turkey and Egypt.

Forest fires, which are often shown on TV, usually rage far from the resorts. We almost always find out about them through calls and messages from worried friends and relatives.

You can only see forest fires. Sometimes it looks beautiful, especially the burning mountains in the evening. And sometimes smoke ruins good shots.

Locals Russian-speaking tourists are treated well. Many people understand Russian; they know it better here than English. What can I say if half of the advertising in the country is in Russian.

However, simple human relationships are very important in Montenegro. Sometimes it's more important than money. Treat people well and they will treat you the same way.

How to find air tickets to Montenegro and when to buy them?

The flight to Montenegro from Moscow takes about 3 hours. There are 2 airports in the country: Tivat and Podgorica.

Most often, tickets to Tivat are cheaper. Getting from Tivat to the coast is also more convenient; from Podgorica it is almost half as expensive.

It is best to buy tickets as far in advance as possible, at least several months in advance. Typically, but not always, the earlier you buy your ticket, the cheaper it will cost.

The easiest way to quickly estimate the price of tickets to Montenegro is to use the low price calendar from Aviasales.ru:

Using the calendar, you can set the city of departure and airport of arrival (check Tivat and Podgorica), the duration of the trip, and search only for direct flights or flights with transfers.

Important point!

When choosing tickets, pay attention to whether the ticket includes luggage.

For example, the cheapest tickets are from Pobeda, but they only include hand luggage, and you will have to pay extra for all additional services. As a result, the ticket (including baggage and surcharges) is more expensive than that of S7, Aeroflot, Montenegro Airlines or Air Serbia.

Can be reached to Montenegro and by train from Moscow, but it costs several times more than an airplane (tickets from 250 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
250 euros = 18,500 rubles
250 euros = 7750 hryvnia
250 euros = 587.5 Belarusian rubles
250 euros = 292.5 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate one-way prices), the journey takes 61 hours and you need a Schengen transit visa. You should use this option only if you have terrible aerophobia.

Choosing a resort and housing: rooms in villas, apartments, hotels

There are four resorts that we would recommend to friends for their first holiday experience in Montenegro. This is , and . They are well suited for casual relaxation.

If you are planning a long vacation, for example for the whole summer, and want to live in silence and without crowds of tourists, you can choose. There are few excursions and the beaches are not very good, but the accommodation is cheaper and the prices are lower.

We are not ready to recommend other resorts. For example, it is very hot and there are no good beaches, Petrovac tiny beach and a lot of tourists with sick children, Ulcinj From the apartments to the beach it’s a kilometer walk in the heat without a cover.

We recommend looking for accommodation on or AirBnB.ru. Search on forums, social networks, instant messengers, etc. We don't recommend it. There are a lot of intermediaries with incomprehensible “mark-ups”. Even experienced bloggers and travelers often fall for their tricks, overpaying 20-100% for housing.

Types of housing in Montenegro

The cheapest housing in Montenegro - room in the villa. Usually this is a separate room with its own shower and toilet, air conditioning, TV, balcony and barely working internet.

A hostess will live with you in the villa and you can turn to her for help. Some villas have a kitchen and iron, some do not.

The cheapest rooms in villas are usually quite tiny. They barely fit two single beds, a couple of small bedside tables and a wardrobe. The dining table is on the balcony.

Good apartments and hotels they cost about the same. The apartments usually have a kitchen, washing machine, and iron. They are closer in meaning to an apartment. This is convenient if you want to cook or just live like a local.

IN hotels There is a reception and many additional services are offered: laundry, ordering food and drinks in the room, free room cleaning, etc. There are not many good hotels in Montenegro; the choice of apartments is much richer.

If you want a local site, take a closer look at Olimpus.me. They offer the same apartments as Booking, but often a little cheaper. We usually look for accommodation on Booking and if it is for a long period of time, we book it on Olympus.

Here are examples of housing with prices where we lived in August 2017 (peak season, expensive):

View from the balcony of the apartment we rented in Herceg Novi, on the first line. Price per day 162 euros. For this money there were two balconies, two bedrooms, two separate showers and a large living room with kitchen. The area is guarded, guests can use sun loungers.

Book a car to travel on your own

The most comfortable way to travel around Montenegro, see the sights, go to the beach and to the supermarket is to take a. Prices for normal cars start at 25 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
25 euros = 1850 rubles
25 euros = 775 hryvnia

25 euros = 29.25 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices per day.

It's best to book a car immediately after purchasing tickets and rental housing. The cheapest or best options are sorted out first. If you delay booking a little, you will have to choose from what is left at the time of your vacation.

It is best to rent a car on local websites. The most positive reviews at the time of our vacation were about Myrentacar.com. We tried it ourselves. We were satisfied. We recommend.

The highlight of the site is not only low prices, but also the ability to choose a specific car. You will know all the characteristics down to the color, gearbox and year of manufacture. You can book, for example, a white convertible for a wedding photo shoot and be sure that this is exactly what you will get.

An idea on how to save money by renting a car

You can rent a car not at the resort, but right at the airport. Then you won’t have to pay for a transfer (for example, to Budva it costs a minimum 23 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
23 euros = 1702 rubles
23 euros = 713 hryvnia
23 euros = 54.05 Belarusian rubles
23 euros = 26.91 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices), which costs the same as renting a car for a day.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to Myrentacar.com
  2. Choose your favorite car
  3. Place of receipt indicate Tivat airport, place of delivery - Your resort.
  4. You can return your car even the next day by paying just 25 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    25 euros = 1850 rubles
    25 euros = 775 hryvnia
    25 euros = 58.75 Belarusian rubles
    25 euros = 29.25 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

  5. Upon arrival in Montenegro, a company representative will be waiting for you at the airport with a sign.

There are several other ways to save significantly on your vacation by renting a car. For example, you can inexpensively stay in a luxury apartment with a pool, but 10-15 minutes by car from the beach. This is exactly the same distance as walking from an ordinary villa in Budva.

This and other ways to save are described in detail in.

After you book a car, do not forget to download the navigator and maps to your phone. The whole process with pictures is also in the article about renting a car.

We organize transfer from the airport to the resort

If you don’t want to rent a car, you need to take care of a transfer. Taxi drivers at the airport are mostly private. The prices are very high, and their counter can spin faster than the wheels. That is if there is one at all, which is rare.

Getting there by bus is only convenient if you are traveling without luggage or alone. Otherwise, you will have to pay almost the same amount for tickets as for the transfer.

What are the prices in Montenegro? How much does food and entertainment cost?

Prices in Montenegro are lower than in most European countries. By and large, even in resort towns they are not much higher than in Moscow.

You can have lunch at an inexpensive restaurant for 8-12 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
10 euros = 740 rubles
10 euros = 310 hryvnia
10 euros = 23.5 Belarusian rubles
10 euros = 11.7 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices per person. Behind 15-20 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
15 euros = 1110 rubles
15 euros = 465 hryvnia
15 euros = 35.25 Belarusian rubles
15 euros = 17.55 dollars

All courses are approximate, but it helps to quickly estimate prices; you can eat already very well prepared dishes of national cuisine. The portions are large and tasty.

Fast food is very helpful for budget-conscious tourists. A hamburger that can replace lunch is worth 1.7 euro Approximate Euro exchange rate:
1.7 euros = 125.8 rubles
1.7 euro = 52.7 hryvnia
1.7 euros = 4 Belarusian rubles
1.7 euros = 1.99 dollars

All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices, a slice of pizza 1-2 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
1 euro = 74 rubles
1 euro = 31 hryvnia
1 euro = 2.35 Belarusian rubles
1 euro = 1.17 dollars

All courses are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices depending on the filling.

Prices in supermarkets are about the same as at home. Some things are more expensive, while others are cheaper.

The situation is similar with entertainment, excursions, car rental and everything else:

  • You can walk along the coast from to.
  • You can take a bus from Budva to go to 3 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    3 euros = 222 rubles
    3 euros = 93 hryvnia
    3 euros = 7.05 Belarusian rubles
    3 euros = 3.51 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

    one way.
  • You can buy the cheapest one for 25 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    25 euros = 1850 rubles
    25 euros = 775 hryvnia
    25 euros = 58.75 Belarusian rubles
    25 euros = 29.25 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

  • Possible for 25 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    25 euros = 1850 rubles
    25 euros = 775 hryvnia
    25 euros = 58.75 Belarusian rubles
    25 euros = 29.25 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

    and explore the country on your own. A normal car is already standing 35 or more euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    35 euros = 2590 rubles
    35 euros = 1085 hryvnia
    35 euros = 82.25 Belarusian rubles
    35 euros = 40.95 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

  • You can take an excellent group for 65 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    65 euros = 4810 rubles
    65 euros = 2015 hryvnia
    65 euros = 152.75 Belarusian rubles
    65 euros = 76.05 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices

    per person.
  • Or you can buy it, but for 295 euros Approximate Euro exchange rate:
    295 euros = 21830 rubles
    295 euros = 9145 hryvnia
    295 euros = 693.25 Belarusian rubles
    295 euros = 345.15 dollars

    All rates are approximate, but they help you quickly estimate prices


As you can see, Montenegro offers recreation and entertainment for every budget. There are free options, and there are quite expensive ones that will suit even the most discerning tourists.