Making real paper boats: step by step with photos. How to make a Titanic out of paper with your own hands Titanic out of cardboard

Almost a hundred years have passed since the frosty night of April 14-15, 1912 south of the island Newfoundland sank after colliding with a drifting iceberg, the giant eight-deck Titanic, the largest and most luxurious ship of the early 20th century. 1,500 passengers and crew died. And although the 20th century was marked by several terrible tragedies, interest in the fate of this ship does not wane even today. It especially increased in 1985, when an American-French expedition managed to discover its body at a depth of 4000 meters. Titanic, the pride of the British merchant fleet, was designed by the most experienced designers, built from the highest quality materials, in one of the best shipyards in the world and manned by a carefully selected crew.

Ship drawings

This set of ship drawings Titanic The Italian company Amati includes with its model of the Titanic a scale of 1:250, the length of the model is 107 cm. 8 sheets of drawings of 90x70 cm format are made on hard paper and contain plans of all decks with their design; diagrams of hundreds of small parts and mechanisms; necessary explanatory sections; paint schemes; blueprints pipes; plans for the placement of auxiliary mechanisms; patterns of flat frame body parts; patterns for outer lining belts lower decks and templates for their positioning; blueprints photo-etched parts. The ninth, largest sheet of drawings (sheet format approximately 140x100 cm) shows full-scale side views from both sides, a top view, longitudinal and cross sections, a view of the stern and bow. All views on this sheet are in color. The two explanatory assembly instructions that come with the ship plans provide step-by-step color photographs for assembling the Titanic model. Instructions for English language. All numbering on drawings and instructions coincide with each other. Additionally, color printouts are included for lining the external (recessed inside the hull) walls of the cabins (with windows and doors). According to this set of drawings, the frame of the ship model is made of 4 mm thick plywood, 1 mm thick plywood is used for decks, and 0.5x2 mm linden slats are offered for deck flooring. The casing is made of linden slats 1.5x7 mm and plywood 0.6 mm thick.

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"Titanic" by James Cameron

We are sure many of you have watched James Cameron's wonderful film "Titanic". A bright, dramatic story of beautiful, true love, doomed to parting. A simple guy, Jack, and an aristocrat, Rose, find each other and their love on the first and last voyage of the legendary *unsinkable* Titanic. No one could have imagined that their passionate first love would turn into a fight with death on a doomed ship. And there will be no winners in this fight. Jack will give his life in the name of his love, and Rose will carry it in her heart until old age, and will die remembering it. A very deep, emotional film that reveals the characters' characters, showing diversity and paradox. the unpredictability of human nature, its low and high traits. But the essence of everything is love.. It permeates the entire plot of the film with an invisible thread..

A little about the Titanic

"Olympic" and "Titanic"

Titanic is a transatlantic British steamship. Built by order of the shipowner White Star Line in Belfast at the Harland and Wolfe shipyard from 1909 to 1912. At the time of the start of operation, it was the largest ship in the world. On the night of April 14-15, 1912, during her maiden voyage in the North Atlantic, she crashed after colliding with an iceberg. More than a thousand people died; about seven hundred survivors were taken on board by the steamer Carpathia, which arrived an hour and a half later at the crash site. The wreckage of the Titanic is located at a depth of 3,750 meters, first discovered by Robert Ballard's expedition in 1985. The Titanic had an analogue ship, the Olympic, which was absolutely identical to it. The interiors and layout of the Olympic, captured in the photo, give an idea of ​​what the Titanic was like, and also help in the reconstruction of events, and provide material for documentary and feature films dedicated to the disaster.

How to make the Titanic out of paper

"Titanic" made of paper

The enormous disaster that claimed the lives of 1,496 people, despite the long-standing event, still excites people’s minds. Sad songs have been written about this, paintings have been created, and a lot of documentaries and feature films have been made. The lion's share of attention paid to this tragic event was due to the release of James Cameron's film of the same name, described above. “Titanic” became a kind of brand, under which models of the ship for assembly began to be produced, T-shirts with inscriptions, even sayings appeared like: “No need to panic, you are not on the Titanic..” In our opinion, it is a little blasphemous to speculate on the tragedy, but the facts are real..
Our article does not convey such meaning. Creating the Titanic from paper is more of a learning process. Having studied the information about the event, creating with your own hands a model of the doomed ship, you involuntarily think about the vanity of all earthly things and the collapse of human vanity. We will not describe the entire process step by step, but will only provide you with the necessary video materials from which you will learn something useful for yourself.

"Titanic" made of paper


Titanic made of cardboard

Cardboard "Titanic"

2D model of the Titanic

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Paper boats proudly sailing along spring streams are constant companions of our childhood. Hastily folded from torn notebook sheets, newspapers and even chocolate foil... Feeling nostalgic?

Passionate about building our cruisers, we didn’t even know that we were touching the now fashionable art of origami. So the inclinations for this creativity are inherent in each of us from childhood.

Can you make a boat out of a landscape sheet right now? Or has a once in-demand skill gradually been lost? No problem! We have prepared a wonderful selection of schemes for both experienced and novice shipbuilders. You will not only learn how to make a boat out of paper, but also replenish your creative treasury with ideas for unusual crafts.

Classic boat

We offer you the most common paper boat design. It is these sharp-nosed beauties that boldly plow the expanses of spring puddles and streams. Making them is a matter of a couple of minutes. And the pleasure of watching your own creation swim will delight not only the child.

Stock up on a sheet of A4 paper and patience - it’s time to start constructing a simple model of a boat. Our detailed photo instructions will help you quickly launch your first boat.

If you take a piece of scrap or colored paper for crafts, your creation will turn out especially bright and beautiful. Or you can make it just white and entrust a small designer to turn an ordinary ship into a masterpiece.

Double-pipe paper steamer

Having mastered the simplest model of a paper boat, you can set your sights on assembling a more complex craft. Try folding a three-dimensional steamboat with two pipes to your child’s delight. It’s just as easy to make as the previous model, but in this case you’ll have to stock up on scissors.

This, of course, is not the Titanic: it had as many as 4 pipes, however, one of them was purely decorative. But our two-pipe boat is also capable of withstanding serious sailing. Hurry up, fill the bathtub with water and send him on a journey.

If you put together the craft with your children, allow them to decorate it to their liking before launching the boat. The child will be happy to turn a paper ship into a masterpiece of modern shipbuilding.

Double boat - catamaran

An ordinary boat is a completed stage, and have you also learned how to make a steamboat? Do you want to continue? Now you can master the assembly of the catamaran. The only materials you need are paper and scissors. First of all, cut out a square from an A4 sheet. Then, step by step, follow the step-by-step description, check the result with the pictures and remember that the clarity of the folds is the key to a neat and beautiful craft.

If you didn’t succeed in figuring out this scheme the first time, don’t despair. We offer you the second assembly method. It will be easy to master even for novice shipbuilders.

The wide base of catamarans makes them stable on the water. This is enough to prevent it from capsizing and drowning at the first breath of wind. So you can safely launch it in the nearest stream - and an ordinary walk will bring you new impressions.

Beautiful sailboat made of cardboard

Do you want to spend time with your children fun and usefully? Help them build a realistic ship out of cardboard. This craft will decorate a child's room and become your child's favorite toy.

To work you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • cardboard cylinder from paper towels or foil;
  • wooden stick or skewer;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper tape;
  • White paper;
  • paints (gouache or watercolor).
The first thing you need to do is download and print a drawing of the sailboat parts. If desired, you can scale them to get the size of the finished product you need.

Transfer the patterns to cardboard and cut them out. You can use boxes from household appliances or packaging from parcels - in this case you will receive the material absolutely free.

Now the fun begins: it’s time to build. Glue the parts of the boat together with paper tape.

The mast can be made from a wooden stick or skewer. For its base, cut out several circles of cardboard and string them onto a stick, gluing them together. Glue the mast base to the deck.

Dilute PVA with water in a ratio of 2:1. Tear the paper into small pieces. Soak each piece in the adhesive mixture and stick it on the ship. Thus, you need to glue 5 layers of paper onto the workpiece. Try to create a smooth surface. Let your creation dry completely.

Now comes the decorating stage. Entrust this to the children - they will be happy to realize their fantasies.

You can make real sails from fabric. If you don't want to mess with it, cut them out of a thick cardboard cylinder and attach them to the mast.

Such a chic toy ship will occupy the attention of young sailors for a long time. And also this good idea for crafts in kindergarten or a gift from a child to older family members.

Colorful sailboat made from matchboxes and cardboard

Do you have an ordinary matchbox in your household? Then invite your child to engage in exciting shipbuilding. It is not only possible, but very simple and interesting.

For work, prepare:

  • 3 matchboxes;
  • colored cardboard and paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.
Such an original sailboat is easy to make at home, because you don’t need any templates or stencils for it. But the skills of gluing and cutting will come in handy.

The matchboxes need to be glued together, placing them as shown in the photo.

Cut a strip of cardboard, its width should be equal to the width of the box. Carefully cover the boxes with it, trim off the excess.

Cut a second strip of cardboard 1.5 centimeters wide. Fold it in half.

Glue it to the blank, paying special attention to the bow of the ship. Place the unfinished ship on the cardboard and trace the outline. Cut out the bottom of the ship and glue it to the workpiece.

For the mast, take ¼ of an A4 sheet. It needs to be rolled diagonally into a tight tube. Make a hole in the top of the ship for the mast. Install the mast, lubricating it with glue.

Cut out the sails and flag. Naturally, let your child color them. Make holes in the sails, put them on the mast and secure them with a flag. The sailboat is ready to conquer the seas and oceans.

Simple paper boat with sail

We have found for you another way to make a paper boat. This model, unfortunately, is not capable of swimming, but it will successfully cope with two tasks at once:
  • development of fine motor skills in children;
  • organization of exciting and useful leisure time.
Carefully study the assembly diagram of the model and you will be able to teach your children their first origami lesson.

The finished sailboat can be painted so that it sparkles with bright colors. The resulting beauty with two sails will definitely delight and entertain the kids.

Video bonus: sailboat

Feeling empowered to create more complex origami? At your service is a video master class on assembling an unusual sailboat. The deck is assembled separately, then a mast with a sail is attached to it. Watch the craftsman’s hands carefully: one wrong bend in your work and the whole process will have to start all over again.

Folding and launching paper boats will help adults return to childhood at least for a little while. And for children, this is another reason to leave the virtual reality world of modern gadgets and feel like real creators and captains of their own ships.

Perhaps the first folded boat will be a step towards a serious passion for the art of origami. Encourage your children's creativity, help them discover new talents and develop their abilities. They may not be lucky enough to develop a new model that will conquer the Internet, or design the supership of the future, but you will definitely have a fun and useful time. And this is the main goal of any creativity.

Paper is an excellent material for design. You can make anything out of it: flat figures, origami-style toys, or complex three-dimensional models. One of the most popular topics for creativity is scaled-down ship prototypes. People collect such models ranging in size from 15-20 cm, placing them in a bottle or simply decorating the interior with such a “toy”.

One of the popular ones is the Titanic. How to make the Titanic out of paper at home? You need to be patient, learn and work daily to create it. This is how stunning models of the iconic liner are born.

What is the Titanic made of?

To answer the question of how to make the Titanic out of paper, you need to understand its structure. What did the iconic liner consist of?

  • Decks. There were 8 of them. 7 was intended for the guests of the ship, the 8th was reserved for storing boats in case of a crash.
  • Bulkheads. The Titanic was broken into 16 pieces. They started from the bow of the ship and ended in the area of ​​the 5th deck.
  • Bottom. The bottom of the famous liner was double, which made it possible to hide the entire mechanism that kept the huge dimensions of the ship afloat.
  • Pipes. There were a total of 7 pipes on board the ship. They were inclined to the side by 9.5 degrees.
  • Masts. There were only 2 masts on the liner. One on the forecastle, the second in the stern.

Creating a flat Titanic with children

When figuring out how to make the Titanic out of paper, parents often turn to the Internet. However, there is nothing complicated about it. In fact, the answer to the question of how to make the Titanic out of paper with your own hands can be suggested by your imagination. There is nothing complicated here.

  • You need to cut out two identical black rectangles - this will be the bottom of the ship. Then they need to be rounded at the bow.
  • The next step is to cut out two white rectangles, smaller in length. These are the decks of a ship. Using a pencil or felt-tip pen, draw a rectangle into 8 parts and draw windows in each of them.
  • The next step is making pipes. To do this, you need to cut out 4 yellow rectangles. Paint the top of these rectangles black.
  • Two thin black stripes are future masts.
  • The last step is to glue all the blanks together.

Three-dimensional model of the Titanic

How to make the Titanic out of paper so that it looks like the original? This difficult task. This will take at least six months. You need to download the liner drawings and, based on them, on a reduced scale, make paper patterns. For this purpose, it is better to use thick art paper or ordinary Whatman paper.

Particular attention should be paid to the internal structure. Of course, there is no need to repeat it completely, but if you do not take into account the load-bearing parts, the ship will not hold its shape. To make the task easier, you can buy ready-made Titanic paper blanks. Even a child will be able to assemble such a “constructor”.