Dallas is a city of harmonious development. Dallas is the saddest city in the USA. What state is Dallas?

The city of Dallas is located on the territory of a state (country) USA, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent North America.

What state is the city of Dallas in?

The city of Dallas is part of the state of Texas.

A characteristic of a state or subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other populated areas that are part of the state.

The state of Texas is an administrative division of the US state.

Population of the city of Dallas.

The population of the city of Dallas is 1,281,047 people.

Year of foundation of Dallas.

Year of foundation of the city of Dallas: 1841.

What time zone is Dallas located in?

The city of Dallas is located in the administrative time zone: UTC-6, in the summer UTC-5. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Dallas, relative to the time zone in your city.

Dallas Area Code

Telephone code Dallas city: 214, 469, 972. In order to call the city of Dallas from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: 214, 469, 972 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Dallas.

Website of the city of Dallas, official website of the city of Dallas, or as it is also called “Official website of the city of Dallas”: http://www.dallascityhall.com/.

Flag of the city of Dallas.

The City of Dallas flag is the official symbol of the city and is represented on the page as an image.

Coat of arms of the city of Dallas.

The description of the city of Dallas presents the coat of arms of the city of Dallas, which is the distinctive sign of the city.

Dallas is enough Big city, located in northeast Texas. It ranks 9th in the United States in terms of population. About 1.3 million people live here. Together with Fort Worth and Arlington, Dallas forms a metropolitan area with 6.5 million residents. This urban formation is the largest in the southern region of the United States and ranks 4th in the country in terms of population. international Airport Dallas, which is located north of downtown, ranks 5th in the United States and 6th in the world in terms of congestion.


The climate in the city is humid subtropical. However, in summer, northwest dry winds blow here quite often, due to which the air temperature rises sharply and can easily exceed +38C. In winter, the weather in Dallas is mild, with temperatures ranging from -1 to +7C at night and from +13 to +21C during the day. Temperatures can drop below -1C only under the influence of cold fronts. Snow falls no more than 2-3 times throughout the winter.

The most comfortable weather conditions in Dallas are observed in spring and autumn. But during this period, the threat of tornadoes constantly hangs over the city. The reason for its occurrence is the meeting of cold fronts from Canada and moist air masses moving from the Gulf of Mexico.


Dallas was founded by John Bryan in 1841. Even judging by American standards, the city is considered relatively young. However, before the arrival of Europeans, there were still Native American settlements in what is now Dallas.

The exact origin of the city's name has not yet been clarified. Many historians are inclined to believe that it was named after American Vice President George Mifflin Dallas.

Since the 1870s, the city has become one of the important centers of trade in the southern regions of the United States, as many railway lines ran through it. Trade was so good that by 1900, Dallas had become the largest cotton market in America. With the discovery of oil near the city, the oil refining industry began to actively develop.

Technology companies played an important role in Dallas' economy after World War II. Nowadays, the city is often called the “Silicon Prairie” because many telecommunications companies are concentrated here.


Today, Dallas is an important financial and industrial center. Such well-known companies as Nokia, Verizon, Fujitsu, Ericsson and many others work here. The city's economy is based on banking, commerce, transportation, the computer industry, and energy.


Historically, Dallas has always attracted Mexicans, which is why they now make up 38.5% of the population. The west and east of the city are predominantly Hispanic. African Americans make up the majority of the population in the south, while whites make up the majority in the north.

Dallas Attractions

Dallas is located on the Trinity River, which poses a flood risk for the city, but is also a great place to relax. Recently, a large-scale project has been launched here to strengthen the banks of the river and transform them into park areas. Now its first stage is finishing - the construction of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. Many predict that it will become one of the symbols of the city.

Northeast of downtown is the second largest water resource Dallas - White Rock Lake. It was created by hand at the beginning of the 20th century and is surrounded by a large park area. The eastern shore of the lake is occupied by an arboretum and Botanical Garden Dallas.

The palm among the city's parks rightfully belongs to Fair Park. On its territory there are numerous concert venues, 9 museum complexes, a giant Ferris wheel.

A wonderful view of Dallas and its surroundings opens from the Reunion Tower. It is located in the west of downtown and its height is 171 meters. Next to the Reunion Tower is the infamous Dealey Plaza. It was on it that John Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. There is also a museum dedicated to his life and death.

South of downtown is the huge Dallas Zoo. It consists of three thematic zones: the giants of the Savannah, Wild Africa and the northern part (various exhibitions are held here and traditional animals live). In total, the zoo contains over 400 various types animals.

Residents of Dallas are proud of the city's sports teams and strongly support them at competitions. The American football club “Cowboys” is considered everyone’s favorite. They took part in the championship finals 8 times, winning 5 of them. In addition to being considered the most popular club, the Cowboys are also one of the most expensive sports clubs in the world.

Dallas - Big City in northeast Texas, ranking 9th on the list of most populous cities. The number of residents is estimated at 1.3 million people, and taking into account the suburbs that form the large Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area, it reaches 6.3 million people.

panorama of the city of Dallas in the USA

Even by American standards, the city of Dallas is quite young locality. Its founder is considered to be John Bryan, who founded a small settlement on the banks of the Trinity River in 1841. True, the city did not arise in a deserted and uninhabited place. Long before Europeans came to these lands, the indigenous people ruled there. The settlement acquired city status in 1856, and received its most powerful impetus for development in the early 1870s, when the construction of railroad tracks was completed, and Dallas became an important transport and shopping center southern USA.

Dallas Bridge: Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge

Later the city gained great influence in the cotton and oil industries, and in the second half of the 20th century in the region high technology. Modern Dallas is a significant financial and industrial center for the state and the entire country, as well as a region with developed energy, telecommunications and computer industries. With its economic structure it is very similar to its southern brother city, and in terms of importance for the country's economy it is not inferior to Boston or.

The Trinity River flows through the city, posing a significant threat of flooding to the city. For this reason, an ambitious project is currently being implemented, according to which over 30 km of coastline will become recreational and park areas. The construction of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge is already being completed, which will certainly become business card Dallas and local landmark.

Dallas City Park, Fair Park

But even now the metropolis can boast of quite a number of rare and therefore memorable objects that visitors are sure to visit. There are no unprecedented heights of skyscrapers here, as in or, but Dallas has its own southern flavor, which makes its image especially touching and attractive.

One of popular places recreation is the artificial White Rock Lake, located northeast of downtown. Picturesque shores and coastal park areas are conducive to a pleasant and comfortable pastime. In the eastern part of White Rock there is a beautiful botanical garden and arboretum.

Reunion Tower observation tower in Dallas

The title of the best city park is proudly held by Fair Park, which amazes with its magnificent manicured lawns and flower beds, as well as the 9 museums on its territory, venues for concert performances and a huge Ferris wheel. From the height of this attraction you have the chance to take in the entire panorama of the city and make unique photos as a keepsake.

Other traditional attractions of Dallas are the observation tower Reunion Tower (171 m) in the west of downtown, as well as the infamous Dealey Plaza, from the window of which official version US President John Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Now this building houses The Sixth Floor Museum, the exhibits of which demonstrate the main milestones in the life and circumstances of the death of the American president. The historical theme is continued by such attractions of Dallas as the Kennedy Memorial, the first building in the city, the Old Red Museum building, the Dallas World Aquarium, the Dallas Museum of Art, Pioneer Plaza Park (this park complex is famous for its sculptural composition, consisting of 70 bronze bulls and 3 horsemen).

Nature lovers will surely flock to the local Dallas Zoo, located south of downtown.

Dallas Zoo

The total number of species living in the zoo reaches 400, but they are all dispersed across three main parts of the park. In the northern part you can see the most common representatives of the animal world and various thematic exhibitions. The so-called Wild Africa presents typical animals of the black continent, mediated for various types of ecosystems. The third zone showcases the Savannah giants.

An unforgettable vacation for the whole family is promised to tourists and amusement parks Dallas, the largest and most interesting of which can be considered Hurricane Harbor and Six Flags Over Texas located west of downtown in Arlington.

Video guide to Dallas, Texas:

Dallas is located in the rolling hills of northeast Texas at the confluence of three tributaries of the Trinity River. It is the third most populous city in Texas after Houston And San Antonio and ninth in the United States.

Dallas' history dates back to 1841, when John Neely Bryan chose a site along the river as a trading post.

State: Texas

Date of foundation: 1841, settlement since 1856

Population: 1,246,185 people

Nickname: Big D, City of Hate

Dallas history

In 1842, several settlers arrived at the newly formed Camp Bryan. Later the settlement became known as Petra Village.

Why is the city called Dallas?

In 1845, the village of Petra was renamed Dallas, in honor of US Vice President George Mifflin Dallas (1792 - 1864).

Dallas received official status as a settlement in 1856, and as a city in 1871.

The years of development of Dallas occurred during the period civil war(1861-1865), at that time Dallas was a supply base for the Confederate troops.

In 1871, work was underway in Texas to lay a railroad track that bypassed Dallas, but representatives of the Texas Pacific Railroad Company, involved in the construction of the railroad, could not resist tempting offers from Dallas leaders in the form of free land plots. As a result, the road went 32 kilometers further west than previously planned. Thus, since 1872, Dallas passed through Railway, which greatly contributed to the development of the city.

From 1872 to 1886, the population of Dallas increased from 6,000 to 36,000 people. Dallas became one of the world's largest suppliers of cotton, and by 1900 the city had become a regional cotton trading center.

The next boom in Dallas came in 1930, when huge oil deposits were discovered near the city. Thanks to this find, many Dallas residents quickly became rich. That same year, the world learned about Dallas criminals Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, better known as Bonnie and Clyde.

November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was killed in his motorcade passing through downtown Dallas. Kennedy was shot 2 times, in the head and neck. Texas Governor Connelly, who was in Kennedy's motorcade, was wounded.

After Kennedy's assassination, Dallas worked hard to restore its reputation. In 1973, the city opened the Fort Worth Dallas Airport, and in 1984 a national convention was held Republican Party. From 1980 to 1982, the series of the same name was filmed in Dallas, which had the highest ratings among evening shows in the United States.

In 1998, the city experienced the worst drought in history. Temperatures of 56°C remained for 29 days in a row, as a result of which more than 100 people died from the heat and irreparable damage was caused to crops.

In the 21st century, Dallas is considered not only a center for cotton production and the oil refining industry, but also a center for women's fashion and a regional center for financial and insurance institutions.

Crime in Dallas

In the early 2000s, crime rates in Dallas were well above the national average. According to statistics, the property crime rate was 5,470 per 100,000 people and the physical crime rate was 717.6 per 100,000 people.

Economy of Dallas

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Dallas' economy was particularly strong. The city's unemployment rate was only 3% and job growth was 3.8%, well above the national average.

Dallas is the regional financial center for the American Southwest. Despite the demise of the Texas oil boom, which slowed in the second half of the 20th century, the city continues to be a corporate center for oil companies. Dallas is home to more oil company headquarters than any other city in the United States.

Jobs in Dallas

About 20% of Dallas residents work in industry, 20% in service industries, and about 30% in retail trade.

After the end of World War II, Dallas became one of the largest manufacturers of aircraft and missile equipment in the United States. In 1950, Texas Instruments created an integrated circuit for the computer, as well as a hand-held calculator. The move was a first in Dallas' high-tech movement.

Dallas environment

Dallas is located on the prairies in northeastern Texas, along the Trinity River. The height above sea level ranges from 137 to 229 meters. Throughout its history, Dallas has suffered from floods and droughts. Since the city is located between rainy Louisiana and the desert of West Texas, the weather here often alternates between wet and dry periods.

Sports in Dallas

Dallas is represented by four professional sports teams:

    • Dallas Stars – NHL (hockey)
    • Dallas – MLS (soccer)
    • Dallas Mavericks – NBA (basketball)
    • Dallas Cowboys – NFL (American football)

Parks and Recreation in Dallas

Dallas is home to more than 300 parks and 50 reservoirs and lakes for fishing, swimming, sailing and boating. White Rock Lake Park plays the same role for Dallas as Central Park for New York. The park is located in the city center and is a favorite place for sports fans. People come here to enjoy running, cycling, fishing and sailing. Dallas has nearly 1,000 miles of bike trails in parks and bike paths along city streets.

Tourism in Dallas

Spring and autumn - best time to visit Dallas. The fact is that summers in Dallas are usually very hot and stuffy, and winters are cool and rainy. The Dallas area is home to nearly twice as many restaurants per capita as in New York. Several million tourists visit Dallas every year.