What is included in the St. What is a compartment on a train? International carriages

The train, although not faster than the plane, is still much cheaper. Therefore, it remains one of the most popular modes of transport for people traveling long distances. Trains are different, and the categories of cars in them also differ. For example, on your ticket you may see the mark “reserved seat 3L”. What does this mean and how does it differ from, say, reserved seat 3U?

Types and classes of trains

Trains are passenger and fast. The latter, as the name implies, will take you to your destination much faster due to fewer stops. But this will also have a big impact on the ticket price.

There are fast branded trains with their own design and service increased comfort. As a rule, each of them has its own name and convenient schedule. Otherwise, fast and passenger trains are practically no different. In addition to the type and number of the train, on the ticket you will see your carriage number and seat, as well as the class of service. Trains have their own classification of alphanumeric designations. For example, 1B means business class.

Business, luxury or economy?

A luxury or premium class train is a branded express train with luxury carriages. In them, passengers will find double compartments (6 in total for the entire carriage), which have a bathroom and a dry closet. In addition to these cars, there are also reserved seat, compartment, SV and dining cars. Economy class does not provide this level of comfort. There are also various types of carriages, including four-seater compartments with sockets in the corridor. Bed linen on trains of this class is provided for all passengers, as well as food, drinks and the latest newspapers.

Business class is suitable for busy passengers and for those who need to get to their destination as quickly as possible. They offer spacious carriages, as well as a number of additional services, such as Wi-Fi, special kits for those traveling with children, hygiene products, hot meals and drinks.

Categories of cars on trains

  • Behind the designation 1A are VIP-class carriages equipped with air conditioning.
  • B – business class carriages, and 1B – SV-type carriages with air conditioning and additional services.
  • SV or L - soft carriages are hidden behind this designation. The compartments in them are designed for only 2 passengers.
  • 1L – luxury class cars, SV without additional services.
  • M or luxury class cars are also soft, similar to SV, the coupes here are 2-seater, they have a bathroom.
  • A 1M class carriage means that you can buy a whole compartment at once - for two or for one.
  • The designation 1E hides the type of car SV.
  • 1C designates a business class carriage with seats. It is air conditioned and provides various services.

  • 2E – economy class carriage, also with air conditioning and services. Seated carriage.
  • E or 2E – economy class carriages.
  • P or PL - a reserved seat carriage with sleeping berths.
  • 3P or ZL - reserved seat carriage without air conditioning.
  • 3E – reserved seat carriage with air conditioning.
  • K is a compartment car, the compartments of which are designed for 4 passengers.
  • 2K – a carriage with a compartment without additional services.
  • C – seated carriage.
  • 2C – carriage with seats, also without services.
  • O – open type, or general. There is seating available here.
  • 3О – general carriage.

Reservation seat 3L: what does it mean?

Mysterious letter designations can confuse an inexperienced passenger. For example, on your ticket you saw the designation “reserved seat 3L”. What does it mean? Most likely, there is no air conditioning in such a carriage. During the cold season, this circumstance is of little concern to anyone, but if you are traveling in the heat, it can become a decisive factor when choosing tickets.

The reserved seat car is one of the most popular on Russian Railways. Tickets for them are cheaper, although the quality is inferior to the SV and luxury cars. Such carriages are open type with sleeping berths. In total, the carriage can have 52 or 54 seats. They are designated 3rd class due to the lack of air conditioning. True, as carriages are updated, air conditioners are still installed in modern trains.

For example, the modern carrier TKS installs everything for the convenience of passengers even in class 3U carriages: air conditioning, dry closets and showers. There is also video surveillance and convenient sockets for charging mobile devices.

What else does a passenger need to know about a reserved seat carriage?

  • If you got a place 37-54, then this is the so-called “side”. The sleeping shelves in them are shorter than usual.
  • Seats 33-38 are located in close proximity to the toilet. On the one hand, this is convenient, on the other hand, unpleasant odors and constant slamming of doors can bother you.
  • If you got a carriage without air conditioning, please note that in seats 9 to 12 and 21 to 24 you will not be able to open the window. However, in new trains the ventilation system will smooth out this drawback.
  • Each carriage has two toilets. In them you will find a washbasin, toilet and titanium for heating water.
  • All compartments are connected by a common corridor; there are no doors between them.
  • The top place is indicated by an even number, and the bottom by an odd number.
  • Each reserved seat compartment has a table (“the side” folds out to form a table and two seats).

  • There is more than enough space for luggage in the reserved seat: there are third luggage racks on top and drawers under the lower seats.
  • When the carriage is fully occupied, be prepared for it to be cramped and stuffy (important for summer trips). On the Russian Railways branded train, whose tickets sell out faster, the situation is not so critical. After all, the cars in them are more comfortable and cleaner, equipped with dry closets and air conditioning, and there are more sockets.

Differences in 3rd class carriages

Many passengers are interested in the difference between reserved seat 3U and 3L. In principle, nothing: these cars are the same, have the same number of seats and offer the same standard services. However, there is an important factor that those traveling with animals should be aware of. You need to choose exactly the charger car, warning at the ticket office that your pet is traveling with you. The 3L reserved seat does not provide for the transportation of animals, which, however, cannot but please some passengers.

Features of individual cars

Second-class carriages of a non-compartment type have 54 shelves, and general carriages have 81 seats. Each compartment car has 36 seats - 4 in each compartment. When choosing a shelf, keep in mind that the bottom ones will always be odd.

In every passenger carriage There is a service compartment with two seats. The guides rest here. In some cases, the conductors' compartment is given to the passengers, and they themselves are located in the first passenger compartment. In luxury carriages, all seats are usually lower - there are 16 or 18 in total, depending on the carriage. There is one seat in the outer compartment and it is usually occupied by the conductor. International carriages are divided into compartments depending on the class. They can have 22 or 33 shelves, meaning they can be double or triple.

We found out what types of carriages there are on domestic trains, and what is worth considering if you got a reserved seat 3L. We also looked at what this means; now your trips will become more comfortable for you.

Class of service 2T on the train

On many forums, after purchasing tickets, passengers often ask questions about what is written in the “class of service” column. Most often there are the following inscriptions: 1C, 2E, 1YU, 2T and others.

What does service class 2T mean?

In order to improve the services provided and improve the quality of service on long-distance trains in Russian Federation A classification system for luxury cars is used. This classification was put into effect by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated March 20, 2008 No. 537r (as amended on February 17, 2010) “On the classification of luxury passenger cars and requirements for the provision of paid service to passengers in luxury cars.”

According to this classification, a 2T class carriage is a carriage with four-seat separate compartments. In other words, it is called basic. Meals and linen are included in the list of services provided in 2T class carriages.

Meals in carriages of service category 2T

Passengers in 2T class service carriages are provided with two meals a day: hot and cold. The hot food assortment includes a minimum of 3 dishes. You can choose hot dishes from the menu offered by the restaurant car. You can make an order for food from the conductor, a coupon for which passengers receive upon boarding the carriage. It should be noted that meals can be ordered delivered to your compartment, which is a definite advantage.

Along the entire route, passengers are offered 0.5 liters of mineral water, hot tea (black or green Lipton Viking), instant black coffee, hot chocolate, sugar, cream, lemon and sauce. All this is issued at the request of the traveler and is included in the price of the travel ticket.

The assortment of cold food includes yogurt or other fermented milk product, cheese, sausage, and chocolate. Changes are constantly being made to this list.

Meals are provided in compact lunch boxes, and disposable cutlery and napkins are also included.

Service in a carriage of branded service class 2T

Each passenger is also offered a set of periodicals, which are hermetically sealed. Each compartment has an LCD monitor on which feature films or documentaries are broadcast. Headphones are provided at the passenger's request; the kit includes disposable ear pads.

The premium linen set also includes an expanded set of sanitary items: disposable and wet wipes, a disposable razor, comb, toothpaste and brush, cotton pads and swabs, disposable slippers, a wet wipe and a shoe horn.

To charge mobile devices, each compartment has a 220 V outlet, which can be used at any time of the day. All 2T class carriages have an air conditioning system.

When setting the cost of travel in 2T class carriages, “dynamic pricing” is used, according to which the price of tickets will increase as demand grows and the number of available seats decreases. Price changes are possible if lower tariff offers appear on the market. Tickets for 2T service class can be sold until the train departs.

Traveling in a 2T class carriage is undoubtedly very comfortable. You feel almost at home, and this is very important. It is especially important to feel comfortable when traveling long distances. This is exactly what class 2T cars are designed for.

Coupe 2K on Russian Railways - what does it mean?

Service class 2K on Russian Railways trains means the following:

  • this seat is in a four-seater compartment;
  • the carriage has air conditioning and a dry closet;
  • bed linen is included in the ticket price;
  • You can transport animals in this compartment, naturally, in accordance with all the rules of transportation on Russian Railways.

You can view the rules for transporting animals, as well as other designations of service classes on trains and what is included in them, on the Russian Railways website.

A letter and a number indicate the classes of service in the carriages of Russian Railways trains; this “tricky” code is indicated on the ticket, using it you can determine what additional services are provided in the carriage.

On the screenshot of the ticket, the service class is indicated as 3P (number 3, letter P)

There are such designations:

  • soft carriage (luxury): 1A, 1I, 1M
  • NE ( sleeping car): 1B, 1L, 1E, 1U
  • compartment car: 2E, 2D, 2L, 2K, 2U, 2T
  • reserved seat car: 3L, ZP, ZD, ZT, ZE, 3U
  • seated car: 1Р, 1В, 2В, 2С, 2Р
  • train carriages numbered 800 and 700: 1С, 2С, 3С, 2В, 3Ж
  • general carriage: 3О, 3В
  • "Sapsan": 1B, 1R, 1C, 2B, 2C.

The question states service class 2K.

This means that the mandatory services of a compartment carriage include only a set of bed linen; the presence of a dry closet and air conditioning is not guaranteed.

Detailed decoding of these codes on the Russian Railways website


The abbreviation 2K denotes the class of service in Russian Railways carriages and is indicated on the tickets sold.

2K is a seat in a 4-seater compartment in a carriage equipped with a dry closet. An additional advantage is the availability of air conditioning. Bed linen is included in the ticket price. You can transport animals in Car 2K.

For comparison, all classes of service in compartment cars.


Coupe 2K is a separate seat in a class "K" carriage, for the passage of 4 passengers, with the provision of lying seats, a set of bedding accessories and the ability to transport an animal in this compartment.

There is a dry toilet for the entire carriage, and there is also one common air conditioner for the entire carriage.

In terms of level and price category, it is in the middle segment.


There is a special section on the Russian Railways website, called “Passengers”, in which anyone who has bought a train ticket can clarify the information they are interested in, including that relating to the type of carriage. Those interested can familiarize themselves with the section at this link.

Thus, passengers who have purchased a ticket for carriages marked with the 2K icon must be provided, in accordance with the attached designations:

  • place in a four-seater compartment;
  • air conditioning and dry closet
  • bed linen, the cost of which is included in the ticket price
  • It is also possible to transport animals in the 2K compartment. However, you should not think that you can transport animals for free and/or without documents. This is wrong. More detailed information can be found in the "Transportation of Animals" section.


Cars marked 2K means that four passengers can sleep in the compartment at the same time, there is air conditioning that refreshes the air, there is a dry closet and, most importantly for animal lovers, it can carry animals. Animals are transported in accordance with Russian Railways Rules.

You can see the differences between cars of a similar category on the Russian Railways website. It’s very convenient to look, choose a carriage, and then buy tickets on the Russian Railways website.

Service class 2E on a Russian Railways train, what is it?


Code "2E" in Russian railways denotes an economy class compartment carriage. It's a standard four-passenger coupe, but with TV, power sockets and air conditioning. The price of this type of ticket includes, in addition to bed linen (already laid out and tucked in), a hot breakfast in the dining car, tea or coffee at any time from the conductor, as well as a passenger amenity kit, plus slippers and a towel.

To a person accustomed to surviving in a reserved seat or general carriage, 2E does not seem like an “economy” at all.


If your ticket says category 2E, then this is an ordinary economy class compartment car. True, it has sockets in the compartment compartment and air conditioning, and there are dry toilets in the carriage itself. Breakfast in the dining car may also be included in the ticket price. You can pay extra for other meals if you wish. In general, for those who traveled in a reserved seat for several days, class 2E will seem like paradise, and not at all economy. So, this is a luxury economy class.


In compartment carriages, service class 2E on Russian Railways trains provides passengers with air conditioning and a dry closet in the carriage; at the passenger's request, a set of meals can be issued, that is, if you forgot spoons and forks, you can ask and the conductor is obliged to issue them. Also, services in class 2E service include the provision of newspapers, however, I have never had to use this service, and no one has offered it, perhaps it depends on the direction the train is traveling. According to information from the Russian Railways website, press is not issued

Bed linen is provided and small pets are allowed to be transported; the journey is generally practical and comfortable.


On the Russian Railways website (in this section) you can find a detailed explanation of all the abbreviations that Russian Railways uses in its tickets.

As for the designation “2E”, it means that you have purchased a ticket for a second class carriage (compartment), which must have air conditioning and allow the carriage of animals. In addition, the list of paid services should include the provision of food, sanitary supplies, and newspapers.

In general, Russian Railways is trying to make service on its trains more or less consistent with the standards accepted on European trains. How well they succeed depends, in my opinion, on the type of train.

To figure out what it means

2 E

you just need to look at the Russian Railways website for the full transcript.

So this is what the bosom means:

2 - service class, in combination with the letter "E", this is a compartment car.

E - a set of services, the letter "E" means economy.

The services included in this class are as follows:

  • air conditioner
  • dry closet
  • food included
  • bed sheets
  • there are conditions for transporting animals
  • sanitary and hygienic set (there are exceptions, see "1")
  • newspapers and magazines (there are exceptions, see "2")

Subsequently, services and train exceptions may change, data as of June 2017.

Although this set has remained the same for a long time, I just don’t remember any exceptions...

Vili Borisovich

If you bought a ticket in carriage 2E, then you will find air conditioning, a dry toilet, hot meals, newspapers, sockets and a set of bed linen. Also, if you transport animals, there is no additional fee (from January 10, 2017, a certificate from a veterinarian is not required). The abbreviation "E" means economy, so everything is very modest, but dignified.


Letter E in the international classification passenger transportation means economic class. In train tickets, service class 2E means that you purchased a ticket for a 4-seat economy class compartment. The ticket price includes use electrical outlet, the compartment has a TV, air conditioning, the bed is already made, you can ask for coffee or tea from the conductor at any time along the route. There are two dry closets in the carriage itself, i.e. they are not locked in sanitary areas and can be used constantly as needed.


When purchasing a ticket with the abbreviation 2E for a Russian Railways train, you will be offered:

  • food set (cold snacks);
  • amenities in the carriage (air conditioning, dry closet, bed linen);
  • fresh newspapers and a set of sanitary and hygiene products (not available for all destinations).

2E is an economy class in terms of service, although traveling in such conditions is quite comfortable.


In fact, if you get a 2E car on your ticket, then there is no special difference from an economy class car.

But there are some differences.

The thing is that car 2E has working sockets in the cabin, and the air conditioner also works.

But such a carriage may also please you with the presence of a dry closet and breakfast, which is included in the ticket price.


If you paid attention to your purchased ticket and saw there such a designation as 2E, then this means that you have a ticket for an economy class compartment in your hands. BUT in this economy class there is air conditioning, dry closets and even breakfast. So it’s quite a good economy class.

Russian Railways electronic ticket. Indicated "Car type/class of service - COUPE (2K) УО". "UO" - does this include paid linen?

Tatyana Shulga

Coupe with services (or economy class compartment).

By “services” we mean: food (here everything depends on the train) and magazines/newspapers. Meals may include regular dry rations + drinks, as well as hot meals. Again, it all depends on the route, distance, etc.

Please note that in “cars with services” the amount of food provided (a set of lunch boxes or hot dishes) is indicated! You can also view it using the Express certificate BEFORE you buy your ticket! In this case, U1 will mean 1 meal (/1 set of meals), U2 - 2 times (/2 sets of meals), U3 - 3 times, etc.

In other words, U (N) is a luxury car (with additional services), where N is the number of meals per trip.

In your case, U0 - without power..)))) That's all! Bon Voyage!!!

What does it mean on a train ticket from companies class. obs. 2e?

Uralskaya anomaly

Economy class in a compartment carriage
(1. Classes of service: In soft carriages: 1A, 1M, 1N - VIP. In SV carriages: 1B - business; 1L - luxury. In compartment carriages: 2K, 2U, 2L - compartment; 2E - economy class. In reserved seat carriages: 3P, 3E - reserved seat. In carriages for seating: 1C - business class; 2E - economy class; 2C, 2B - seated. In general carriages: 3O - general)


Classes of service:
1A – VIP (on train 53/54 Moscow–St. Petersburg–Moscow “Grand de Luxe”);
1B – business;
1L – luxury (on train 53/54 Moscow–St. Petersburg–Moscow “1st class”);
1M – on the train (53/54 Moscow–St. Petersburg–Moscow–Grand);
1H – lounge (on train 53/54 Moscow–St. Petersburg–Moscow – “Premium”);
1C – business in seated carriages;
2E – economy in seated carriages;
2K – compartment;
2C – sedentary;
3О – general;
3P – reserved seat;
2E – economy;

As a rule, a 2E ticket is more expensive (and usually the prefixes Ux are added, where x is the number of additional services) than a regular compartment ticket, something between a compartment carriage and a ST.

According to statistics, most of the population prefers to travel by train, as it is one of the safest modes of transport. The total length of Russian railways is about 100 thousand kilometers, which, in turn, allows you to reach almost any populated area.

In our country there is only one railway company, Russian Railways, which has been serving passengers for many years. The company's head office is located in Moscow, and local ticket offices are located on the territory of railway stations in each city. There, passengers can buy or exchange their tickets at any time.

All trains in Russia, just like airplanes, have a unique structure that divides the entire transport into several zones that differ in the level of comfort from the inside. This opportunity allows passengers, regardless of their financial affiliation to a certain segment of society, to choose the fare that best suits their needs.

Many passengers are interested in: “What is an SV carriage, and what are its advantages?” In this article we will talk about the most comfortable and premium class available in the arsenal of Russian Railways. How the abbreviation SV stands for, the advantages of this tariff and its average cost on the territory of the Russian Federation is in this article.

SV car - what is it?

Often, traveling by train takes several days, so you should carefully choose your sleeping place. Let's start our analysis directly with the abbreviation. The SV sleeping car is a kind of compartment with increased comfort conditions. Previously, in pre-revolutionary Rus', the concept of SV-car meant “svitsky carriage”.

Unlike second-class and compartment cars, which have become quite boring, here all the nuances are provided for a comfortable pastime on the road. Russian Railways SV cars offer their passengers a wide range of different services, including comfortable soft shelves, a wardrobe for storing clothes, a personal bathroom with a shower and a TV. In addition, SV cars provide a smaller number of berths, which can vary from one to three.

SV tariffs

All sleeping cars also have their own separate subcategory, depending on which certain services are provided. According to the classification of cars, this type belongs to class 1 and is labeled as luxury. Some CB tariffs include additional hygiene items and even meals.

So, for IVs used in passenger transportation within the country, a division by service class has been introduced. Such a division determines both the layout inside the car and the list of services provided.

  • 1B or Business class.
  • 1E or VIP area.
  • 1F. Similar to the previous options, only at a reduced cost.
  • 1U. Reduced cost and minimal set of services.
  • 1L. A sleeping car with no additional services.

You can view the inside of the SV car remotely in the photographs below.

Car SV (1B)

The most premium class, of course, is considered to be 1B, since it involves the complete purchase of the entire compartment. There are air conditioning systems here that maintain normal air temperature throughout the journey. Passengers are provided with food and drinks, hygiene items, and various reading materials on the road. Passengers are permitted to bring pets with them in appropriate carrying containers. The cost of the tariff directly depends on the size of the bed, so it varies very often.

Category 1E

Class 1E seats are very common on international trains, for example Moscow-Berlin. Among the additional services provided by the company, passengers are under 24-hour security throughout the entire journey, monitoring the situation in the carriage using video monitors. The ticket price includes meals, drinks, a personal bathroom and the necessary hygiene kit.

The cost of a category 1E sleeping car on international trains is about 50 thousand. Depending on the season, the ticket price can vary from 50 to 80 thousand.

Category 1E

This category is no different from the previous ones, the only difference is that the passenger buys only a berth, and not the entire compartment of the SV car. In this case, the passenger still has access to a wide range of services provided by the company’s employees. Of course, category 1E is great for those travelers who want to save a little on their ticket. This is an excellent option for traveling in comfort and at a reduced cost. Usually the number of seats in the SV carriage is more than enough. Perhaps no one will move in with you, because, as statistics show, such tariffs are in fairly low demand. This is what the SV car looks like inside.

Category 1U

The terms of service in this case remain the same with the exception of all additional services. Passengers in this category are provided with a set of bed linen, and food, drinks and other accessories are purchased separately.

Category 1L

The simplest option among sleeping cars. Only a basic set of services is provided here, everything else is paid on the spot and at will. The only negative is the lack of a dry closet in the compartment.

Tickets for the SV carriage of different categories can be purchased at the Russian Railways ticket office at the station. Or on the company's official website. A photo of a simplified category SV car can be found below. Clean and comfortable.

SV Russian Railways car inside

A standard SV carriage has 9 double compartments and two toilets throughout the entire carriage. As we have already mentioned, category 1L is not equipped with its own bathroom; here the main emphasis is on the limited number of passengers in the compartment. Some passengers sometimes buy an entire SV for one person in order to get maximum satisfaction from the trip. It is worth noting that such actions are much cheaper than buying a business class ticket (1B).

The toilet in the NE carriage is equipped with a hygienic film on the toilet seat and a separate faucet. The conductors try to maintain cleanliness and order throughout the journey, and are also very attentive and polite to their passengers. As you can see, this is not a luxury carriage, so when buying a ticket you should always pay attention to the diagram presented on the website.

Why SV?

Russian railways offer their passengers to purchase tickets for any type of carriage, it all depends on their preference and price category. At the moment, all cars are divided into the following types:

  1. Sedentary.
  2. Reservation seat.
  3. Coupe.

The sitting tariff implies traveling short distances; in such carriages it is impossible to move to a horizontal position and, accordingly, the provision of bed linen is not provided. From the inside, the carriage resembles the structure of an airplane cabin, since all the seats are arranged in two rows.

Reserved seats and coupes are the most common fares in Russia. Such cars are designed for long distance, and are also equipped with sleeping places. The main difference between these tariffs is the presence of doors in the compartment and the absence of side shelves.

Why does SV win in absolutely all respects? This is an isolated space with soft and comfortable sleeping places, its own wardrobe and bathroom, as well as free access to the shower. Here you don’t have to stand in line waiting for a free outlet in the vestibule or wake up several hours before the train arrives at the station in order to get to the toilet before a line forms. For some travelers, reserved seat carriages can be a real challenge, causing a lot of inconvenience and a feeling of endless discomfort, at a time when a trip in an SV carriage will bring a lot of impressions and pleasure.

The only competitor that surpasses the sleeping car (SV) in terms of comfort is the luxury category. The compartments are several times larger in size, and also have their own bathroom with a vacuum toilet, a safe and a TV. This is a full-fledged mobile apartment in which every passenger can feel comfortable and safe.

The train, although not faster than the plane, is still much cheaper. Therefore, it remains one of the most popular modes of transport for people traveling long distances. Trains are different, and the categories of cars in them also differ. For example, on your ticket you may see the mark “reserved seat 3L”. What does this mean and how does it differ from, say, reserved seat 3U?

Types and classes of trains

Trains are passenger and fast. The latter, as the name implies, will take you to your destination much faster due to fewer stops. But this will also have a big impact on the ticket price.

There are fast branded trains with their own design and superior service. As a rule, each of them has its own name and convenient schedule. Otherwise, fast and passenger trains are practically no different. In addition to the type and number of the train, on the ticket you will see your carriage number and seat, as well as the class of service. Trains have their own classification of alphanumeric designations. For example, 1B means business class.

Business, luxury or economy?

A luxury or premium class train is a branded express train with luxury carriages. In them, passengers will find double compartments (6 in total for the entire carriage), which have a bathroom and a dry closet. In addition to these cars, there are also reserved seat, compartment, SV and dining cars. Economy class does not provide this level of comfort. There are also various types of carriages, including four-seater compartments with sockets in the corridor. Bed linen on trains of this class is provided for all passengers, as well as food, drinks and the latest newspapers.

Business class is suitable for busy passengers and for those who need to get to their destination as quickly as possible. They offer spacious carriages, as well as a number of additional services, such as Wi-Fi, special kits for those traveling with children, hygiene products, hot meals and drinks.

Categories of cars on trains

  • Behind the designation 1A are VIP-class carriages equipped with air conditioning.
  • B – business class carriages, and 1B – SV-type carriages with air conditioning and additional services.
  • SV or L - soft carriages are hidden behind this designation. The compartments in them are designed for only 2 passengers.
  • 1L – luxury class cars, SV without additional services.
  • M or luxury class cars are also soft, similar to SV, the coupes here are 2-seater, they have a bathroom.
  • A 1M class carriage means that you can buy a whole compartment at once - for two or for one.
  • The designation 1E hides the type of car SV.
  • 1C designates a business class carriage with seats. It is air conditioned and provides various services.

  • 2E – economy class carriage, also with air conditioning and services. Seated carriage.
  • E or 2E – economy class carriages.
  • P or PL - a reserved seat carriage with sleeping berths.
  • 3P or ZL - reserved seat carriage without air conditioning.
  • 3E – reserved seat carriage with air conditioning.
  • K is a compartment car, the compartments of which are designed for 4 passengers.
  • 2K – a carriage with a compartment without additional services.
  • C – seated carriage.
  • 2C – carriage with seats, also without services.
  • O – open type, or general. There is seating available here.
  • 3О – general carriage.

Reservation seat 3L: what does it mean?

Mysterious letter designations can confuse an inexperienced passenger. For example, on your ticket you saw the designation “reserved seat 3L”. What does it mean? Most likely, there is no air conditioning in such a carriage. During the cold season, this circumstance is of little concern to anyone, but if you are traveling in the heat, it can become a decisive factor when choosing tickets.

The reserved seat car is one of the most popular on Russian Railways. Tickets for them are cheaper, although the quality is inferior to the SV and luxury cars. Such carriages are open type with sleeping berths. In total, the carriage can have 52 or 54 seats. They are designated 3rd class due to the lack of air conditioning. True, as carriages are updated, air conditioners are still installed in modern trains.

For example, the modern carrier TKS installs everything for the convenience of passengers even in class 3U carriages: air conditioning, dry closets and showers. There is also video surveillance and convenient sockets for charging mobile devices.

What else does a passenger need to know about a reserved seat carriage?

  • If you got a place 37-54, then this is the so-called “side”. The sleeping shelves in them are shorter than usual.
  • Seats 33-38 are located in close proximity to the toilet. On the one hand, this is convenient, on the other hand, unpleasant odors and constant slamming of doors can bother you.
  • If you got a carriage without air conditioning, please note that in seats 9 to 12 and 21 to 24 you will not be able to open the window. However, in new trains the ventilation system will smooth out this drawback.
  • Each carriage has two toilets. In them you will find a washbasin, toilet and titanium for heating water.
  • All compartments are connected by a common corridor; there are no doors between them.
  • The top place is indicated by an even number, and the bottom by an odd number.
  • Each reserved seat compartment has a table (“the side” folds out to form a table and two seats).

  • There is more than enough space for luggage in the reserved seat: there are third luggage racks on top and drawers under the lower seats.
  • When the carriage is fully occupied, be prepared for it to be cramped and stuffy (important for summer trips). On the Russian Railways branded train, whose tickets sell out faster, the situation is not so critical. After all, the cars in them are more comfortable and cleaner, equipped with dry closets and air conditioning, and there are more sockets.

Differences in 3rd class carriages

Many passengers are interested in the difference between reserved seat 3U and 3L. In principle, nothing: these cars are the same, have the same number of seats and offer the same standard services. However, there is an important factor that those traveling with animals should be aware of. You need to choose exactly the charger car, warning at the ticket office that your pet is traveling with you. The 3L reserved seat does not provide for the transportation of animals, which, however, cannot but please some passengers.

Features of individual cars

Second-class carriages of a non-compartment type have 54 shelves, and general carriages have 81 seats. Each compartment car has 36 seats - 4 in each compartment. When choosing a shelf, keep in mind that the bottom ones will always be odd.

Each passenger carriage has a service compartment with two seats. The guides rest here. In some cases, the conductors' compartment is given to the passengers, and they themselves are located in the first passenger compartment. In luxury carriages, all seats are usually lower - there are 16 or 18 in total, depending on the carriage. There is one seat in the outer compartment and it is usually occupied by the conductor. International carriages are divided into compartments depending on the class. They can have 22 or 33 shelves, meaning they can be double or triple.

We found out what types of carriages there are on domestic trains, and what is worth considering if you got a reserved seat 3L. We also looked at what this means; now your trips will become more comfortable for you.

What is the difference between “Type of class and service” 2U and 2E in the carriages of RJ trains?

People, please tell me what is the difference? The category of cars is the same - U1. Ticket prices are the same. Tell me, please, what is the difference? which ticket is better to take? One request - do not paste copy-paste from the site, everything has been studied, people’s experience, or accurate factual knowledge is interesting :) Thank you all in advance for your help!

L (SV - sleeping car) - designed for 16 - 18 passengers, 2-seater compartments, places to lie:
- 1B – business class (air conditioning in the carriage, services);
- 1L – luxury (air conditioning in the carriage, services are not provided).

K (compartment car) - total number of passengers 32 - 40 people, 4-seater compartments, places to lie:
- 2E – economy class (the car is equipped with air conditioning, with services);
- 2U – compartment (with services);
- 2L – coupe (air conditioning, without services);
- 2K – compartment (without services).
Coupe with services (or economy class compartment).

The following designations are discussed below:
soft car - 1A, 1I, 1M and 1G,
SV - 1B, 1L and 1U,
RITs cars - 1L, M and K,
compartment car - 2E, 2T, 2U, 2L and 2K,
reserved seat car - 3E, 3P and 3U,
seated car - 1C, 2E, 2B, 2C and 2P,
train carriages No. 801-898 - 1С, 2С and 3С,
general carriage - 3О,
"Sapsan" - 1B, 1P, 1C, 2B and 2C.

Coupe 2K on Russian Railways - what does it mean?

Service class 2K on Russian Railways trains means the following:

  • this seat is in a four-seater compartment;
  • the carriage has air conditioning and a dry closet;
  • bed linen is included in the ticket price;
  • You can transport animals in this compartment, naturally, in accordance with all the rules of transportation on Russian Railways.

You can view the rules for transporting animals, as well as other designations of service classes on trains and what is included in them, on the Russian Railways website.

A letter and a number indicate the classes of service in the carriages of Russian Railways trains; this “tricky” code is indicated on the ticket, using it you can determine what additional services are provided in the carriage.

On the screenshot of the ticket, the service class is indicated as 3P (number 3, letter P)

There are such designations:

  • soft carriage (luxury): 1A, 1I, 1M
  • SV (sleeping car): 1B, 1L, 1E, 1U
  • compartment car: 2E, 2D, 2L, 2K, 2U, 2T
  • reserved seat car: 3L, ZP, ZD, ZT, ZE, 3U
  • seated car: 1Р, 1В, 2В, 2С, 2Р
  • train carriages numbered 800 and 700: 1С, 2С, 3С, 2В, 3Ж
  • general carriage: 3О, 3В
  • "Sapsan": 1B, 1R, 1C, 2B, 2C.

The question states service class 2K.

This means that the mandatory services of a compartment carriage include only a set of bed linen; the presence of a dry closet and air conditioning is not guaranteed.

Detailed decoding of these codes on the Russian Railways website


The abbreviation 2K denotes the class of service in Russian Railways carriages and is indicated on the tickets sold.

2K is a seat in a 4-seater compartment in a carriage equipped with a dry closet. An additional advantage is the availability of air conditioning. Bed linen is included in the ticket price. You can transport animals in Car 2K.

For comparison, all classes of service in compartment cars.


Coupe 2K is a separate seat in a class "K" carriage, for the passage of 4 passengers, with the provision of lying seats, a set of bedding accessories and the ability to transport an animal in this compartment.

There is a dry toilet for the entire carriage, and there is also one common air conditioner for the entire carriage.

In terms of level and price category, it is in the middle segment.


There is a special section on the Russian Railways website, called “Passengers”, in which anyone who has bought a train ticket can clarify the information they are interested in, including that relating to the type of carriage. Those interested can familiarize themselves with the section at this link.

Thus, passengers who have purchased a ticket for carriages marked with the 2K icon must be provided, in accordance with the attached designations:

  • place in a four-seater compartment;
  • air conditioning and dry closet
  • bed linen, the cost of which is included in the ticket price
  • It is also possible to transport animals in the 2K compartment. However, you should not think that you can transport animals for free and/or without documents. This is wrong. More detailed information can be found in the section "Transportation of animals".


Cars marked 2K means that four passengers can sleep in the compartment at the same time, there is air conditioning that refreshes the air, there is a dry closet and, most importantly for animal lovers, it can carry animals. Animals are transported in accordance with Russian Railways Rules.

You can see the differences between cars of a similar category on the Russian Railways website. It’s very convenient to look, choose a carriage, and then buy tickets on the Russian Railways website.

Service class 2E on a Russian Railways train, what is it?


The code "2E" on Russian Railways designates an economy class compartment car. It's a standard four-passenger coupe, but with TV, power sockets and air conditioning. The price of this type of ticket includes, in addition to bed linen (already laid out and tucked in), a hot breakfast in the dining car, tea or coffee at any time from the conductor, as well as a passenger amenity kit, plus slippers and a towel.

To a person accustomed to surviving in a reserved seat or general carriage, 2E does not seem like an “economy” at all.


If your ticket says category 2E, then this is an ordinary economy class compartment car. True, it has sockets in the compartment compartment and air conditioning, and there are dry toilets in the carriage itself. Breakfast in the dining car may also be included in the ticket price. You can pay extra for other meals if you wish. In general, for those who traveled in a reserved seat for several days, class 2E will seem like paradise, and not at all economy. So, this is a luxury economy class.


In compartment carriages, service class 2E on Russian Railways trains provides passengers with air conditioning and a dry closet in the carriage; at the passenger's request, a set of meals can be issued, that is, if you forgot spoons and forks, you can ask and the conductor is obliged to issue them. Also, services in class 2E service include the provision of newspapers, however, I have never had to use this service, and no one has offered it, perhaps it depends on the direction the train is traveling. According to information from the Russian Railways website, press is not issued

Bed linen is provided and small pets are allowed to be transported; the journey is generally practical and comfortable.


On the Russian Railways website (in this section) you can find a detailed explanation of all the abbreviations that Russian Railways uses in its tickets.

As for the designation “2E”, it means that you have purchased a ticket for a second class carriage (compartment), which must have air conditioning and allow the carriage of animals. In addition, the list of paid services should include the provision of food, sanitary supplies, and newspapers.

In general, Russian Railways is trying to make service on its trains more or less consistent with the standards accepted on European trains. How well they succeed depends, in my opinion, on the type of train.

To figure out what it means

2 E

you just need to look at the Russian Railways website for the full transcript.

So this is what the bosom means:

2 - service class, in combination with the letter "E", this is a compartment car.

E - a set of services, the letter "E" means economy.

The services included in this class are as follows:

  • air conditioner
  • dry closet
  • food included
  • bed sheets
  • there are conditions for transporting animals
  • sanitary and hygienic set (there are exceptions, see "1")
  • newspapers and magazines (there are exceptions, see "2")

Subsequently, services and train exceptions may change, data as of June 2017.

Although this set has remained the same for a long time, I just don’t remember any exceptions...

Vili Borisovich

If you bought a ticket in carriage 2E, then you will find air conditioning, a dry toilet, hot meals, newspapers, sockets and a set of bed linen. Also, if you transport animals, there is no additional fee (from January 10, 2017, a certificate from a veterinarian is not required). The abbreviation "E" means economy, so everything is very modest, but dignified.


The letter E in the international classification of passenger transportation means economy class. In train tickets, service class 2E means that you purchased a ticket for a 4-seat economy class compartment. The ticket price includes the use of an electrical outlet, the compartment has a TV, air conditioning, the bed is already made, you can ask for coffee or tea from the conductor at any time along the route. There are two dry closets in the carriage itself, i.e. they are not locked in sanitary areas and can be used constantly as needed.


When purchasing a ticket with the abbreviation 2E for a Russian Railways train, you will be offered:

  • food set (cold snacks);
  • amenities in the carriage (air conditioning, dry closet, bed linen);
  • fresh newspapers and a set of sanitary and hygiene products (not available for all destinations).

2E is an economy class in terms of service, although traveling in such conditions is quite comfortable.


In fact, if you get a 2E car on your ticket, then there is no special difference from an economy class car.

But there are some differences.

The thing is that car 2E has working sockets in the cabin, and the air conditioner also works.

But such a carriage may also please you with the presence of a dry closet and breakfast, which is included in the ticket price.


If you paid attention to your purchased ticket and saw there such a designation as 2E, then this means that you have a ticket for an economy class compartment in your hands. BUT in this economy class there is air conditioning, dry closets and even breakfast. So it’s quite a good economy class.

Russian Railways electronic ticket. Indicated "Car type/class of service - COUPE (2K) УО". "UO" - does this include paid linen?

Tatyana Shulga

Coupe with services (or economy class compartment).

By “services” we mean: food (here everything depends on the train) and magazines/newspapers. Meals may include regular dry rations + drinks, as well as hot meals. Again, it all depends on the route, distance, etc.

Please note that in “cars with services” the amount of food provided (a set of lunch boxes or hot dishes) is indicated! You can also view it using the Express certificate BEFORE you buy your ticket! In this case, U1 will mean 1 meal (/1 set of meals), U2 - 2 times (/2 sets of meals), U3 - 3 times, etc.

In other words, U (N) is a luxury car (with additional services), where N is the number of meals per trip.

In your case, U0 - without power..)))) That's all! Bon Voyage!!!

Speed ​​and comfort are the most important things on long journeys. If you have chosen for yourself railway transport, then it will, of course, be inferior to the aviation one in terms of speed. However, it can provide more comfortable travel conditions than, for example, business class on an airplane. This does not apply to all cars, of course. Most travelers who value travel comfort choose SV. What is this? We will devote this article to answering this question. Let's look at the characteristics of such cars, services, and present photographs and reviews of the railway travelers themselves.

What is this?

SV is a sleeping car, readers will immediately decide. However, the decoding of the abbreviation is not only this. It is also historical - it takes us to pre-revolutionary Russia.

What is this? SV - “sweet carriage”. That is, a carriage for the retinue - representatives of the royal family.

In modern times, this letter combination means a sleeping car on a train. One that provides transportation of passengers in conditions of increased comfort.

What about the last characteristic? Increased comfort is the following:

Services in a sleeping car

Car SV. What is this in terms of services? The railway carrier offers the following to passengers here:

  • Safe.
  • TV.
  • The bathroom is directly in the compartment.
  • Tucked bed linen.
  • Hygiene supplies for travel.
  • Providing a variety of hot meals during the trip.

What kind of carriage is this? SV refers to 1st class carriages on Russian railways. However, this creates some confusion. After all, first class on Russian Railways also includes “Lux” (soft) cars, which are distinguished by greater comfort than SV.

Classes of service

Car SV. We figured out what it is. However, this is just a characteristic of the car. Additionally, your ticket will also contain a class of service designation. The following categories have been introduced for SV cars:

  • 1B. In other words, this is business class. Usually includes air conditioning of the compartment and a number of additional services.
  • 1E. SV carriage of the highest class, intended for VIPs.
  • 1F. This can be called both option 1B and 1E, but only those sold for some reason at a reduced cost.
  • 1U. Also a first class carriage, but with the very minimum of additional services.
  • 1L. SV type carriage, but without providing additional services to the passenger.

Let's look at each class of service in more detail.


SV - what is it? This is the name of a luxury sleeping car. If you want to purchase tickets for SV 1B, this will mean the following:

  • Purchasing such a ticket means that you are purchasing the entire compartment. Taking this into account, the fare is calculated.
  • The compartment will have a pleasant microclimate - the air conditioning must be working.
  • You can transport small pets in your compartment in a special container.
  • along the entire route (for example, Russian carrier CJSC "TKS" offers passengers a comprehensive breakfast and dinner).
  • Mineral water and various hot drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate).
  • Slippers.
  • Hygienic shoe horn, paper and wet wipes, comb, shoe polish, toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Fresh bed linen.
  • Fresh press - magazines, newspapers.

In addition, your compartment will feature the following amenities:


SV - what is it? The decoding, as you remember, is a sleeping car. We list the amenities and services that await you when purchasing a CB 1E ticket:

  • Air conditioning in every compartment.
  • Passenger protection implemented through the use of video surveillance systems.
  • Each compartment has a shower, washbasin and dry closet.
  • Each compartment (compartment) also has a TV, safe and individual sockets.
  • The price of your ticket will include the following services: hot meals, hot drinks, drinking water, travel kit (hygienic products and shoe care arsenal), bed linen.

Such a ticket also implies the purchase of an entire compartment - for one or two passengers. You can travel to 1E, for example, on Moscow-Berlin flights, or on Strizh trains (Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod).

1E, 1L and 1U

SV on a train - what is it (photos on the train are presented in the article)? The abbreviation refers to a luxury car, for which several classes of service have been introduced. Let's look at the last of them:

  • 1F. The same set of services that we listed for 1B and 1E. The difference is one thing: in this case, the passenger does not buy the entire compartment, but only buys one seat in it.
  • 1U. The passenger also travels in a first class carriage - SV. However, the price of his ticket does not include a set of additional services (except for bed linen). He can pay for some of them separately if he wishes.
  • 1L. You may also encounter this class of service. It also involves traveling in a first class carriage, but with one drawback - there will be no personal dry toilet in your compartment. The restroom here is common to the entire carriage.

Please note that all of the above classes of service allow passengers to carry small pets in special containers.

We will also present to the reader a worthy analogue of SV, first class carriages. These are trains with carriages of the RIC layout. They boast the following: 10 double compartments (upper and lower bunks), a bathroom, armchairs, and a washbasin.

Comparison with a reserved seat carriage

You and I already know that these are seats on the SV train. Let's compare them with other types of carriages to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages.

If we compare the SV with a reserved seat (open second-class carriage), then the sleeping carriage will win in almost everything:

  • Isolated personal space completely closed from other passengers.
  • Wide sleeping shelves, their comfort and softness.
  • Everything you need for traveling in your compartment - a bathroom, sockets, a compartment for luggage and outerwear, armchairs, a washbasin.
  • The ability to customize the microclimate parameters according to your own, and not according to general desires.
  • Level of service, attentive attitude of the conductors.

Second-class carriages are good only in one respect - a trip in this class will cost you about three times less than in SV. But savings are only good for short trips. Spending more than 2 days in a reserved seat is a real test.

Comparison with coupe

What is this, a SV seat on a train? Many people decide - the same coupe, but only with a set of additional services.

Not certainly in that way. A sleeping car (SV) has a number of significant advantages over a second-class closed carriage (compartment):

  • Number of passengers in your compartment. The most unexpected neighbors will travel with you in your compartment. In SV you can completely buy out a compartment for yourself and your family. If you are traveling 1U, 1E, then you will have only one travel companion (as practice shows, if other compartments are free, then the person will choose the one where he will travel alone rather than travel with a neighbor).
  • Maximum level of service, provision of food, care of guides.
  • Increased level of comfort and safety.

The coupe has only one advantage over the SV - cost. A trip in a closed second-class carriage will cost you 2 times less than in a sleeping carriage.

Comparison with "Lux"

Now let's compare the SV with the higher class cars - "Lux". Here the sleeping car will already play:

  • The "Lux" coupe is 1.5-2 times larger in area than the standard one.
  • There is a comfortable bathroom equipped with a vacuum toilet.
  • Safe.
  • Individual air conditioning system.
  • TV, video player.
  • Food and drinks (including alcohol) included in the price.
  • Fresh press.
  • Expanded hygiene kit.
  • The bar is in the carriage itself.
  • Travel companions are excluded - the coupe here is only purchased as a whole, without exceptions.

As for the cost, a trip in a "Lux" carriage will cost you 1.5-2 times more than in a SV carriage.

The SV car on the train is one of the most comfortable offers from Russian Railways. Places of this type are characterized by increased comfort and, as a result, higher prices. Next, we will look at the features of this type of carriage.

General concepts

According to the generally accepted formulation, SV is a sleeping car with an increased level of comfort. This type of carriage has 9 compartments designed for two people. Such carriages differ from standard coupes more high level comfort. Since the times of the USSR, they were intended for movement over particularly long distances.

Such carriages consistently have more comfortable berths, additional attributes (built-in wardrobe, reading lights, etc.) and a button to call the conductor. The interior furnishings and interior are distinguished by their solidity and pleasant appearance. Of course, all this was reflected in the cost - it is comparable to the price of a plane ticket in economy class (if we are talking about the same points on the route).

Classification of SV type cars

SV-type carriages have several varieties, which differ from each other in their level of comfort. Next, we will analyze their features.

Increased comfort category – 1 B

B means business class. Such carriages have air conditioning and many additional services (food, fresh newspapers, free wi-fi, hygiene items, etc.).

The purchase of tickets of this type obliges the purchase of the entire compartment (i.e. 2 seats). Business class carriages are available mainly in branded Russian trains. D

VIP – 1E

A special type of SV cars, which are available exclusively on high-speed Strizh trains. They provide enhanced security measures: 24-hour security, video surveillance, etc.

In addition to additional services from class 1B, passengers in 1E are offered:

  • Dry toilet and shower in each compartment.
  • Sockets for each passenger.
  • Plasma TV.
  • Safe with several keys.
  • Shoe care products.

Just like in business class, such tickets imply the purchase of the entire compartment. In this case, the passenger can travel alone, but pay for 2 seats at once.

Economy class categories

Russian Railways, understanding market demand, offers passengers offers at reduced prices (the level of discount varies depending on the type of train, route and other parameters).

  • 1U – first class carriages, but without additional services included (except for bed linen, which is provided to each passenger regardless of seat class).
  • 1L - the conditions are identical to the previous example, with one difference - the absence of a bio-toilet.
  • 1E - the level of comfort is identical to classes 1E and 1B, only with the condition that a person purchases only one seat in the compartment. This ticket cannot be purchased in advance (the period depends on the specific train). We can say that this is a “last minute offer” from Russian Railways. When there are many empty seats in the first carriage on a certain route, passengers are offered to purchase tickets at reduced prices.
  • RIC. This is an analogue of SV, which is found exclusively in international trains. It is distinguished by the presence of a lower and upper shelf in the compartment. The comfort level corresponds to class 1B.

Video about SV carriages

Demand for SV has dropped significantly due to the high cost of tickets. In this regard, Russian Railways is trying to encourage people to buy through bonus offers (currently there is a discount of up to 40% when purchasing tickets 2 months before departure). Despite this, you can buy a plane ticket for the same price. Therefore, today SV carriages are mainly used by those who are afraid of flying or simply like to travel on trains.