What is Kailash? The most interesting facts and secrets of Mount Kailash. Where is one of the most important sacred mountains in the world located?

Today I want to talk to you about a very interesting mountain in Tibet - Mount Kailash. Today my story will not, as usual, be aimed at some General characteristics, and how nice it is, I want to touch the mysterious side of this mountain, although it’s hard to call it a mountain. Kailash is one of the parts of the mountain range of the Tibetan Plateau. Kailash is located on the territory. ( 11 photos)

There have been various controversies surrounding Mount Kailasa for many years. In general, Mount Kailash is a mountain range that stands out clearly among all its other brothers; it is the highest. Kailash has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and its edges are clearly oriented to all parts of the world! And at the top there is a small snow cap. For lovers of rock climbing, I would like to note that Kailash has never been conquered by anyone, not a single person has been to its peak. Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′00″ n. w. 81°18′45″ E. d. (G) (O) (I)31°04′00″ n. w. 81°18′45″ E. d.

And so the first mystery is the fact that the edges of Kailash are clearly formed in all parts of the world. Scientists claim that Mount Kailash is not a mountain at all, but nothing more than giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are scarlet pyramids, so it turns out that this is a real system of pyramids, which in size is much larger than all those that we previously knew: Indeed, Mount Kailash is very similar to a large pyramid, which raises the question - why is it there?

Most scientific opinions agree on one point, Mount Kailash is nothing more than the largest point on Earth where energy accumulates! A unique feature of the Kailash mountains is that various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-stone structures are literally adjacent to Kailash. What does this mean, in Soviet times, developments were carried out to implement a “time machine”, no no, this is not a joke, various kinds of mechanisms were actually invented with the help of which people would be able to finally overcome time. One of our compatriot genius, Nikolai Kozarev, came up with such a thing, a system of mirrors, according to Kozarev’s system, a time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or mirror spiral bent clockwise one and a half turns, inside it there is a person.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and in due time focuses different types of radiation. According to the results of all experiments, time inside this structure passed 7 times faster than outside it. After experiments carried out on humans, it was decided to close down further development; people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying saucers, and apparently a lot more, because they won’t tell us everything clearly. But the results were stunning: in mirror reflections, people saw the past like in a movie, and it also turned out that with the help of this system of mirrors, people can exchange thoughts at a distance. A very interesting experiment was carried out: people placed inside the sper spiral had to betray the image of the ancient tablets to other people who at one time were in S.

And what do you think, people not only received and were able to reproduce what they saw, but in addition to this they also grabbed several previously unknown ancient tablets, which are, well, impossible to invent. One way or another, the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the developments were closed. We can see the same operating principle here! The Kailasa system is almost the same only in large scale, just imagine a copy 1.5 km long and half a km wide. In the Kailash mountain system, in the center of the entire spiral of various mountain ranges is Mount Kailash. The time warp near Kailash is confirmed by many priests and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet expedition. By the way, Mount Kailash is considered a sacred place by all the peoples who lived here. As well as many other Buddhists and believers, Mount Kailash is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailash came close to the mountain and began to perform “Kora”. Kora is a sacred circuit around the entire mountain, after which, according to legend, a person is completely cleansed of the bad karma he has accumulated over several lives. And so all the participants who performed “Kora” in the 12 hours they walked aged for two whole weeks. All participants grew a two-week beard and nails, although they only walked for 12 of our hours! This suggests that human biological activity in this place proceeds much faster. We may not believe it, but people come here to have their lives fly by in a super short time.

Many yogis spend their amazing meditations here for several days. It’s surprising, but if you meet such a person, then endless kindness and light simply sparkle from his eyes; it’s always very pleasant to be around such a person and you don’t want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailash is a structure created artificially by someone to collect and concentrate the energy of the future (from space) and passed (from the earth). There are suggestions that Kailos is built in the form of such a crystal, that is, the part that we see on the surface continues with a mirror reflection in the ground. When Kailash could have been created is also unknown; in general, the Tibetan Plateau was formed about 5 million years ago, and Kayla, well, is very young, about 20 thousand years old.

We can see this kind of plaster in some places in Kailash. You can see the peeling of this kind of coating, which is in no way inferior in strength to concrete. The solidity of the mountain itself is clearly visible behind this plaster. How and by whom these creations were erected, of course, remains a great mystery. It is not clear who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, pyramids from stone. As well as whether these were earthly civilizations, or whether it was the intervention of unearthly minds. Or maybe all this was created by some super smart civilization, possessing some kind of gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep secret.

There is a very interesting geographical feature associated with Mount Kailash! Look, if you take and draw a meridian from Mount Kailash to the legendary pyramids of Egypt, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious one, and the Inca pyramids also appear on this line! But that’s not all, it’s very interesting that the distance from Mount Kailash to is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailash to extreme point The North Pole hemisphere distance is exactly 6666 km. and to the South Pole exactly two times, 6666 km each, note no more no less exactly two times, and the most interesting thing is that the height of Kailash is 6666 meters.

Isn't it all very similar to a coincidence? Perhaps inside the mountain is hollow and all the greatest sages who were sent to us on Earth are there in deep meditation, these are Jesus Christ, Buddha and others.. Perhaps a new era of people will appear for whom all those mysteries that we cannot do remain unsolved. If you believe the manuscripts of different nations, this new, sixth civilization will appear, and will differ in the level of intelligence, well, you and I have no choice but to enjoy life. Feel free to comment with your thoughts. Good vibes to everyone.

It is difficult to imagine a more mystical, ancient and revered place than Tibet. Holy land for millions of people living here, which has been worshiped for more than one millennium. Here they still respect traditions, believe in ancient gods and do not particularly welcome tourism and careless pastime. Tibet can heal the soul and destroy it, give answers to questions and ask new ones, bring you closer to enlightenment and self-knowledge or drive you crazy.

Representatives of many religious faiths live in Tibet: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and the Bon religion. These religions differ in many ways: people worship different gods and perform various ritual rites, but they unanimously bow their heads before only one object - this Mount Kailash. A shrine shrouded in secrets, about which hundreds of legends and tales have been written, the history of whose origin is debated by the best minds on the planet and which has not yet been conquered by anyone. Kailash is sacredly protected by the local population.

Buddhists They believe that an angry incarnation of Buddha meditates in the secret dungeons of the mountain. Hindus refer to Kailash as the cosmological center of the universe, at the top of which Shiva resides, and the neighboring lake Manasarovar is considered the heritage of the god Brahma. Servants of Jainism They perform koras around Mount Kailash and recite mantras while being near it, since according to their legends, it was here that for the first time a person managed to achieve the state of complete enlightenment - Nirvana. And finally, the basics Bon religion They know that the first master Tongpa Shenrab descended to Earth at the top of Kailash.

The mysticism of Mount Kailash in Tibet is not limited to legends and myths alone. Many proven facts and witnessed incidents baffle world-famous scientists. The age of the mountain itself, according to rock analyzes, is only 20,000 years old, at a time when the landscapes surrounding the mountain were formed about 5 million years ago.

× The mystery of the mountain is added by the fact that it is unconquered. And many attempts were doomed to failure. And there were many reasons for this: from a sudden change in the goal setting of a person climbing a mountain and hallucinations to many days of wandering up and down the slope and even death. It is not for nothing that they say that Kailash throws people from the top.

An extremely interesting theory is the idea that Kailash is artificial structure, and not natural education. This theory is supported not only by the paradox of the age difference between the rocks of the mountain and the valley, but also by the clear orientation of all the hills and elevations to the north, similar to the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt. Scientists have also confirmed the presence of massive wastelands and tunnels in the depths of the mountain, which may be of artificial origin.

And finally, let's give some interesting facts about Mount Kailash in Tibet:

  1. The official height of the mountain is 6638 meters, but Tibetan monks say the figure is 6666 meters. It may be a coincidence, but the distance from the foot of Mount Kailash to the Stonehenge monument is 6666 km, to the geographic north pole is 6666 km, and to the south pole is 13,332 km (6666*2).
  2. Not far from the mountain there are two lakes: the previously mentioned Manasarovar (4560 m) and Rakshas Tal (4515 m). One lake is separated from the other by a narrow isthmus, but the difference between the lakes is huge: the water from the first lake can be drunk and bathed in, which is considered a holy procedure and cleanses from sins, but monks are forbidden to enter the water from the second lake, because it is considered cursed. One lake is fresh, the second is salty. The first is always calm, but the second is raging with winds and storms.
  3. The area near Mount Kailash is an anomalous magnetic zone, the influence of which is noticeable on mechanical devices and is reflected in the accelerated metabolic processes of the body.

We also present to your attention a selection photo of Mount Kailash in Tibet - pictures from different angles and in different time of the year.

Kailash is located among six majestic mountain ranges, symbolizing the sacred lotus flower. Four large rivers originate from the slopes of the mountain; it is believed that, rushing in different directions, they divide the world into four regions.

Various religions considered Kailash as a sacred place long before the epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata were written. Tibetan Buddhists call the mountain "Hangriposh", "Precious Mountain of Glacial Snow", where sacred beings reside. Three hills a little to the side are the place where the bodhisattvas settled: Manyushri, Vajrapani and Avalokiteshvara, who help people achieve enlightenment.

Sacred peak of Kailasa - ancient place pilgrimage, it is difficult to get here and even more difficult to perform the ritual. Pilgrims will have to walk a 52-km route around the mountain: clockwise for Buddhists, counterclockwise for bonzes. This is a ritual known as Kora or Parikrama. The journey takes from one day to three weeks, depending on the physical condition of the believers. It is believed that a pilgrim who circles the mountain 108 times is guaranteed to achieve enlightenment.

Most pilgrims arriving at Kailash take a bath in the sacred waters of the nearby Mansarovar Lake at an altitude of 4585 m. It is considered the highest freshwater lake in the world and is known as the “Lake of Consciousness and Enlightenment”, in addition, it is located next to the “Rakas Tal", or "Lake of Demons".

Other name

  • "Kailas" means "crystal" in Sanskrit. The Tibetan name for the mountain is “Khangrimposh” (or “Khangriposh”), which means “Priceless Jewel of the Snows”.
  • "Tize" is another name for the mountain. According to the teachings of the Jains, the mountain is called “Astapada”.


According to religions that revere the mountain, touching its slopes with your foot is an unforgivable sin. It is alleged that many who tried to break this taboo died as soon as they set foot on the mountain.

Publication 2017-12-04 Liked 13 Views 993

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1 around Kailash

Myths about Mount Kailash

There are many legends and stories surrounding this mysterious mountain. Kailash or Kailash is one of the highest mountains in the Gangdise range, which is located mostly in China, in the Tibetan Plateau.

Kailash is also unusual at night. The Milky Way seems to be just a stone's throw away

4 main mysteries of Kailash

It was easier for the ancestors, looking at the mountain - they saw the divine will in everything. In the age of scientific and technological progress, the mysteries of Kailash haunt rational and inquisitive minds. Perhaps descendants will be able to find all the answers.

  1. No one has ever conquered this mountain. Although it is not the highest point in the world, not a single climber has managed to climb to its peak. According to Buddhist legends, not a single living creature has the right to ascend to the abode of the gods. Otherwise he will have to die.
  2. The sides of Kailash face the four cardinal directions. It’s as if it’s not a mountain, but a man-made pyramid. Was nature really so precise in its measurements, and why? There is no answer to this question.
  3. On the southern side of the pyramidal peak of Kailash you can see the swastika sign - a sacred symbol of many peoples of the world. In fact, these are two cracks or depressions intersected almost at right angles, deepened by watercourses. And then the human consciousness decides whether to see inexplicable signs in this or not.
  4. The height of Kailash is 6666 meters. Scientists continue to argue about the accuracy of these data; according to some sources, the height of Kailash is slightly less. You can find a dark beginning in this figure, but once you convert the measurement from meters to feet, all the mysticism dissolves.

Lake Mansarovar - another mystery of Mount Kailash

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1

Pilgrims come to Mount Kailash to perform a ritual circumambulation around it. During the circumambulation they recite the sacred mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Religious texts say that one who circumambulates Kailash 108 times will achieve liberation forever and achieve nirvana. Nevertheless, even one or several walks around the mountain are a powerful worship of the deity in which the visitor believes.

Diagram of the outer cortex. 53 kilometers are usually covered in 3 days

A walking tour or detour around Kailash is called “kora”. There are several trails, but the most popular are the outer bark and the inner bark. It is believed that only one who has performed 13 outer koras around Kailash can perform the inner kora.

Tibetan pilgrims perform kora around the sacred mountain

Why Kailash is a universal shrine

Mount Kailash is considered a sacred place for several believers. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and others flock here. Hindus believe that Shiva and his family live on Kailash. The mountain is the center of the universe, the most energetically powerful point on the earth, from where the deeds and blessings of Shiva emanate.

The smiling face of Shiva was discovered on Google maps in Kailash

Buddhists believe that Buddha lives on Kailash. He sits here for centuries in a state of samadhi and can only be seen by those who themselves achieve this state. Followers of the Buddha perform prostrations near Kailash as a sign of curbing their own rushing mind and in order to acquire good merit.

Pilgrim at the foot of Mount Kailash

Spiritual asceticism in the form of a complex and long journey burns karma, cleanses the mind and body, and connects a person with higher powers. This is a kind of challenge to yourself, your comfort zone and mental limitations that do not allow self-realization. If you leave what you are most attached to at Mount Kailash, even mentally, after the pilgrimage, life can change greatly.

Priests of different religions perform their rituals at the mountain

The entrance to Shambhala, the invisible land of great teachers and knowledge, is located at the foot of Kailash. This is what Buddhists and Hindus think, Helena Blavatsky, Helena and Nicholas Roerich wrote about this.

Receive a blessing from a sadhu - People go to Kailash for this too

Myths about Kailash

Some pseudoscientists confidently declare that the mountains of Tibet are the work of ancient civilizations, and all the peaks of the Himalayas are lined up in a single chain mysterious pyramids. Some “wise men” calculated that from Kailash to Stonehenge it is exactly 6666 kilometers. This is, of course, not true. And no living beings could build the Himalayas.

You can make sure what is a myth and where is the truth only on the spot, by listening to your soul

The myths about the man-made Mount Kailash also include information about anomalous “Tibetan mirrors” and the theory of Nikolai Kozyrev. Allegedly, near Mount Kailash, time can slow down and speed up, it can flow in the opposite direction, and so on. All this is very interesting, but extremely uninformative and unconvincing - there is no scientific evidence for these theories yet.

Around Kailash, everything man-made is of great importance

Tours to Tibet, to Mount Kailash and to the sights of this officially unrecognized country are organized by many tour operators. The Chinese authorities opened Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, to visitors as recently as 2008 after the Beijing Olympics. From now on, the Mount Kailash tour can be done from Nepal by car or plane, or from China by train or plane. Visas and entry permits are issued at travel agencies.

How many copies were broken, how many learned men came together in the “battle for the truth”, how many scientific, pseudo-scientific and not at all scientific theories were born thanks to the mysterious and unknown Mount Kailash. How many religious movements have merged and converged at one point of existence. Let's try to figure it out (or get even more confused).

As we always say (and will continue to say), every square centimeter of our planet is worthy of attention. Naturally, we simply do not have the right to pass by the sacred Mount Kailash. Especially considering how much stuff is mixed up around her.

First, a little geography. The Kailash mountain range is located in the southern part of Tibet (today Tibet is an autonomous region of China, but disagreements arise periodically between them). Mount Kailash is the most significant and beautiful peak of the ridge of the same name.

Mount Kailash on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (31.067112, 81.311697)
  • The distance from the capital of China Beijing is about 3300 km in a straight line
  • The nearest airport is Simikot, approximately 130 km to the south.

Mount Kailash has an interesting and geometrically regular pyramidal shape with a permanent snow cap on the top. Its edges are almost oriented to the cardinal points. It turns out to be a kind of giant compass, visible from space.
The height of the pyramid is one of the subjects of dispute between scientists. Different groups of researchers measured the same different heights, but all measurements fell within the interval from 6,638 to 6,890 meters. This is enough high mountain, although it is inferior to the famous Everest (8848 meters) and the high mountain on the planet in absolute terms Mauna Kea (10203 meters). Regarding the height, there is an opinion that it is 6666 meters. At least, in many sources on esoteric topics this particular height is indicated.

The southern part of the mountain has a flat cleft in the middle from the top to the bottom. It was as if it had been cut with a knife. In addition, this crevice is again crossed in the middle by a horizontal crack. As a result, when the Sun sets, the shadows from these cuts form a swastika. Therefore, Kailash is sometimes called “Swastika Mountain”.

Here it is worth making an important addition. The swastika is an ancient image that symbolizes the sun or solstice. For many peoples, it is associated with our luminary. The Slavs also had a kind of swastika, called Kolovrat. Please do not confuse the well-known Nazi swastika from Hitler's times with ancient runes.

The peculiarities of Mount Kailash include its stepped structure, which makes it even more like a pyramid.

Mount Kailash in religion

The most ancient religions of the surrounding countries endow Kailash with supernatural powers and consider it a sacred place. Hindus, Buddhists, followers of Jainism and Bon (these are also movements in religion) call it the “heart of the world” or the “axis of the Earth.” Prayers are offered to the mountain, worship is made, and ritual circumambulation is made around it. This pilgrimage is called Kora.

Hindus claim that Shiva lives on the mountain, and Kailash is the image of Mera - great mountain at the center of the Universe.

Buddhists say that the top of the mountain is the abode of Buddha. Buddhist pilgrims from all over the planet gather at the mountain every year on the Saga Dawa holiday, which is dedicated to Buddha.

Followers of Jainism believe that Kshatriya Mahavira himself, the founder of this religious movement and the main saint, achieved liberation and enlightenment on the mountain.

Followers of the Bon religion endow Lake Mapam-Yumtso, located 34 kilometers south of the mountain, with divine properties. They consider the lake to be the center the most ancient country Shangshung, in which bon appeared. They call Mount Kailash the Nine-Story Swastika Mountain. She is the soul of the entire religion, and here Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of the religion, descended from heaven.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the first three religions walk around the mountain clockwise, and Bon followers, on the contrary, counterclockwise.
The length of the route around the mountain is 52 km. To overcome it, you need very good physical preparation. It is believed that by making a kora (circumnavigation of a mountain), a person becomes enlightened and gets rid of sins. Moreover, it is advisable to walk around the mountain in one day, which is very difficult. The kora performed 13 times is considered especially honorable.

In religious books about Kailash there are such inspiring lines: “No mortal dares to enter the peak where the gods live. Whoever sees the faces of the gods must die." Legends say that the mountain will throw off any daredevil who dares to climb to the top. And even if you just touch it, ulcers that take a long time to heal appear.
All of the above religions also worship two lakes 34 kilometers south of Kailash. These are Mapam-Yumtso and Langa-Tso. The first - fresh - is considered the Lake of Life, and the second - brackish - is the Lake of Death.

In the vicinity of the mountain flow 4 main rivers of this region - Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra and Karnali. The myths say that they all begin with Kailash. But in fact, streams from the mountain range initially flow into Lake Langa-Tso, and the Sutlej River flows out of it.

Pseudo-scientific and not at all scientific hypotheses and myths of Mount Kailash

Some sources indicate the mystical number 6666 and claim that it is at this distance from the mountain that Stonehenge, Northern and South Pole. It is said that Kailash lies in line with Egyptian pyramids And mysterious island Easter.

We sat over the map for a while and realized that there was some confusion with the distances, for example, to Stonehenge 6920 km in a straight line. If the poles were the same distance from the mountain, then it should be located on the equator - but this is not the case. And the pyramids with Easter Island are not exactly on the same line. Therefore, we classify such data as unconfirmed. But if we made a mistake somewhere, please let us know.

There are still a lot of pseudoscientific hypotheses. There are also stories about how time passes several times faster near the mountain, so much so that men grow a week’s worth of stubble in a few hours. And that Kailash is the entrance to parallel worlds. And that the mountain is hollow inside, and many saints rest in it (among whom they even mention Jesus Christ, Buddha and Krishna), and all in one place. They rest for a reason, but until the moment humanity goes completely crazy and reaches the brink of self-destruction. Then no one except higher powers will be able to protect a person from himself.

Let's be honest, these hypotheses still have little in common with science, and are more related to myths and legends.

How to conquer Mount Kailash

No way, period. Just remember the most high point planets, Mount Everest. It is conquered by all and sundry, from old men to teenagers and even people with disabilities. And this height is almost 9 kilometers, it’s almost impossible to breathe there, but people stubbornly climb it. What about Kailash? Has no one reached the summit? This is true. Mount Kailash has never been conquered by anyone. And there are two main factors here. The first (mystical) factor is that for reasons unknown to science, the vast majority of climbers “lost their nerves” right before the ascent; they simply gave up their desire to climb up. And even if someone, having overcome internal resistance, nevertheless began to climb, then he either immediately returned back or died.

Local residents revere the mountain as a shrine, and naturally do not even think about conquering it. Everyone who wanted to do this was foreigners. For example, the Italian Reinhold Messner, who received permission to climb, arrived at the site in 1985, but at the last moment changed his mind. An incomprehensible feeling of fear and hopelessness covers everyone who thinks of encroaching on Mount Kailash.

The second factor hindering the conquest is the local residents. They literally block the path of daredevils with their breasts. In 2001, an expedition from Spain, having paid a lot of money just for the opportunity to climb to the top of the mountain, was stopped by a group of pilgrims. Thousands of believers stood in the way of the Spaniards. The Dalai Lama himself and even the UN protested against climbing Kailash, and the climbers had to give in. Thus, to this day the mountain has not been conquered.

Reinhold Messner later said to the Spaniards: “If we conquer this mountain, then we will conquer something in the souls of people. I would suggest going and climbing something a little harder. Kailash is not so tall and not so heavy.” Let us remember that he himself still did not dare to climb.

  • The ridge where the mountain is located is considered young, so it is still “growing”. Its height increases annually by 5-6 mm
  • Scientists have found that the age of the Tibetan mountains is about 5 million years, but Mount Kailash itself is only 20,000 years old
  • The name of Mount Kailash is translated from Sanskrit as “crystal”