What to see in Holland. What to take with you to the Netherlands Float through the canals of Amsterdam

It is worth remembering that the Dutch climate is different from the Russian one, and even in summer it is quite cool here. Tourists who have visited the country say that it is worth taking warm clothes to Amsterdam - sweaters, thin sweaters, jeans, etc. Strong wind and rain are also frequent companions for tourists in this country, so it is better to take care of appropriate clothing. Otherwise, there are no problems, and it cannot be said that it is worth taking a ton of things to Amsterdam. As for money, basic funds are stored on the card, and cash is taken only for tickets to a museum, cinema or on excursions.

What medications to take to Amsterdam

In fact, there should be no problems with medications. Over-the-counter medications can be bought in pharmacies and supermarkets. However, it is worth remembering that there are very few over-the-counter medications, so what medications to take to Amsterdam is best decided individually. Remedies for colds and flu, stomach pain, etc. will come in handy. In general, the list of what to take to Amsterdam from medications should consist of all the necessary medications that may be needed immediately.

What to take your child to Amsterdam

The first thing you should remember when planning a trip is the local climate. Due to the wind and rain, it is advised that you should take warm clothes for children to Amsterdam. Of course, you should also take care of medications in case of a cold or flu. Otherwise, what to take to Amsterdam depends on individual wishes. In the list presented above, you can add or remove necessary or, conversely, unnecessary things.

It all started with meeting a Dutchman in a chat and his offer to visit Holland. He offered to meet me at the airport and stay at his house. The proposal was made on the first day we met, so it was a little alarming. But having secured a promise from my friends that if they didn’t receive news from me within two days, they would start looking for me through Interpol, I decided to take a risk and go. For two weeks…

My boss, an experienced traveler, asked: “What will you do there for so long? There's only Amsterdam and that's it...”

I’ll say right away that my Dutch friend turned out to be a wonderful host who loves and knows his country. He had a variety of booklets and brochures ready at home so that I could choose what I wanted to see. He decided to take a vacation and travel a little with me. So Interpol was not needed. And in Holland there was not only Amsterdam...

I arrived in Schiphol on the morning of Friday May 14th. I got safely lost in a huge airport, which happened to me for the first time in all my travels. I joined the queue of transit travelers at passport control. It turned out I was in the other direction. There was no queue there, only the border guard was bored in the booth. The border, luggage, a friend patiently waiting for me and here it is Holland! White cumulus clouds in the blue sky, green fields with yellow spots of dandelions and fat, sleek cows, sheep and other living creatures, picturesquely located against this bright background. Toy houses along the road, surrounded by greenery and flowers..

The city in which I was to live for the next two weeks is called Woerden. A very nice and cozy town. It is 20 minutes from Utrecht, 40 minutes from Rotterdam, 45 minutes from Amsterdam. The central square of the city resembles a piece of Amsterdam - a canal, yachts, similar architecture of houses, a restaurant on the pier. There are many canals in the city. One flows right in front of my friend’s house and a family of ducks swims peacefully along it, fed by all the neighbors. And the neighbors' cats lazily watch the ducks and don't even try to eat the ducklings when they come out to sit on the grass in front of the house... Peace and quiet! It's good to live in such towns. There is no such dominance of Turks, Moroccans, etc., as in large cities. The result is safety. And for entertainment, go to Amsterdam or Rotterdam or... Fortunately, the country is small, everything is nearby!

We traveled by car. The undeniable advantage of such a trip is that there is no need to rush anywhere. You are not tied to a tour group and a strictly defined time of arrival/departure. There is time to walk through the parks, see everything for your pleasure, sit in a cafe and relax. I'll try to write about the places we visited and give some prices for entrance tickets (for adults). If someone gathers, you will know what to count on.

On Saturday morning we went to see the first attraction. Castle De Haar in the town of Haarzuilen.. Castle of the 19th century, built on the site of an old castle in the countryside. I am more attracted by the appearance of castles and their parks, so I didn’t go inside. And if you want to take a gorgeous photo of yourself / loved one against the backdrop of the castle, then don’t be lazy, go around the pond along the path through the park, and from the other end of the pond you will get a wonderful view of both the castle and the pond with swans swimming in it, all framed luxurious green park. And here you are sitting on the grass in the middle of all this splendor.

Enough for Saturday, because... In the evening we are going to Rotterdam for a techno party!

The party starts at 10 pm. Face control and body search (i.e. search) for drugs... They didn’t find anything on anyone, but after 2 hours everyone was high, including me... This was my first experience of smoking dope. Unsuccessful I must say..

The first impression of the party is - Mom, where am I? And I’m in one of the premises of the former warehouses of the port of Rotterdam. Concrete floors, iron walls and roof, some kind of metal structures everywhere..., a huge screen on the wall and color music lights. The party continues until seven in the morning. As the hall fills, additional rooms open. In total, about three thousand people gather by morning. The music is light at first, but the further you go, the cooler it gets. The head already works separately from the brain. I mean, the brain has switched off, and the head is trying to nod to the beat of the music... No one talks to anyone (you still can’t hear anything), no one pays attention to anyone, everyone is busy, whoever likes what - they drink, smoke, kiss, They are dancing, someone is already vomiting right on the floor. Yeah, that's why the scenery is like this! Of course, why would there be a carpet on the floor in this situation? A concrete floor is sufficient.

I don’t know, maybe someone will enjoy it, but I didn’t like this kind of party. She lacks soul. By the way, the entrance ticket is 35 euros. Food and drinks are available at an additional cost. According to friends, on average such a fun night costs 100 - 150 euros per person.
For obvious reasons, Sunday fell out of the schedule of trips around the country - there was a break...

On Monday we go to the Keukenhof flower park. This was the last week the park was open. The tulips have begun to wilt... And yet the park is magnificent! Some varieties cannot even be called tulips until you read the label. A wide variety of colors and sizes. Some petal edges look like fringe cut with scissors. And black tulips seemed the most unusual to me. They were bred to show off the beauty of black. So, black is a beautiful color!

In addition to tulips, the park has pavilions with lilies, gladioli, orchids and other flowers. Throughout the park you can see miniature sculptures - a kind of exhibition of avant-garde artists; there is a pond, fountains and a mill where you can go and go up to the observation deck. It overlooks the tulip fields and you see a multi-colored striped carpet below.

After a walk in the park, it’s nice to sit in a cafe by the fountain and drink a cup of hot chocolate while snacking on small, walnut-sized pancakes. They are prepared in front of you, without filling, or with strawberries, apples, etc. Place a piece of butter on top and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar. Death to the figure, but sooooo delicious!

From the flower park we go to The Hague to the Madurodam miniature park. There are similar parks in many countries. I saw one in Thailand. But the Dutch one is characterized by the fact that it contains small copies of only Dutch landmarks. Feel like Gulliver! The park became a kind of guide for me - I looked at several models that I later wanted to see in the original.

A short trip to The Hague was limited to a trip to the Binnenhof - the seat of the Dutch parliament. In general, the center of The Hague looks deserted at the height of the working day. Life is in full swing only on the shopping street and on the beach of Scheveningen. You can go there just for a walk along the seaside boulevard or sit in a cafe on the shore. For lovers of the underwater world - the largest marine aquarium in the Netherlands, Sea Life. All! Home! Tomorrow - Amsterdam. I already understand that Holland is not only Amsterdam... And yet, without visiting it, you cannot say that you have been to Holland. I was looking forward to this meeting. The expectation was justified. I fell in love.

I will not describe the beauty and architecture of the buildings; this has already been done many times and better than I could. I can only repeat the epithets “toy”, “gingerbread”, “unusual”, “fairytale” houses... Yes, it looks like Venice (in that it stands on the water). It looks a little like the Czech Republic (in the gingerbread architecture of the buildings). It is similar to Paris with its summer cafes and a large number of blacks on the streets. And at the same time, it is unlike any other city I have seen so far. Something in the atmosphere... it cannot be conveyed, it must be felt.

We arrived in Amsterdam early in the morning, intending to spend the whole day in the city. We parked the car in a huge garage next to Dam Square and drove towards Museum Square. The path passed through shopping streets, still quiet at 9 o'clock in the morning. Museum Square is distinguished by trees without leaves. I don’t know if they dried out, if they were specially pruned, or if the type of tree is leafless, but it looks unusual and is quite appropriate for the place - the Van Gogh Museum is nearby, also an unusual place. In addition to Van Gogh, paintings by Gauguin, Monet, Chagall, Malevich and others are exhibited.

On the same square are the State (with collections of old Dutch masters) and City (modern art) museums.

From the Museum Square it is close to the Vondelpark. A good resting place for tired tourists - you can lie on the grass by the pond and gain strength for your further journey around the city. The atmosphere is very relaxing - families come for picnics, students read something with a smart look, someone just sleeps on the grass, rollerbladers and cyclists ride along their paths. Despite the large number of people, the park is quiet, only birds break the silence.

We return to Dam Square. She is no longer as quiet as in the morning. A regiment of tourists has arrived. The steps around the column-monument to the victims of the war are dotted with people sitting and lying down. This is a gathering place for tour groups, a meeting place and just a great opportunity to sit and watch the people and life of Dam Square. Here are the Royal Palace and the Church of St. Catherine. As in the squares of almost all European cities, there are horse-drawn carriages waiting for their clients to take a walk around the city and moving sculptures - actors.

If you're tired of walking around Amsterdam on foot, take a boat trip along the canals. An hour-long tour costs 6 euros. The story about the sights passing by is conducted in English and French. So the day passed wandering through the streets and canals. Evening. It's time to go, you know where. Well, it’s impossible not to visit the Red Light District when you’re in Amsterdam. I don't know why I was so attracted to this place. Maybe I myself am vicious by nature and I carefully hide it, but I felt at home there - calm, cozy, relaxed. I looked at the girls in the windows. Ours are immediately visible - the most beautiful. They have different images - a teacher, a snow queen, a vamp, a shy woman, a lolita, etc. They blow-dry their hair, chat on the phone, read books, sit with friends... live their lives “behind the glass.” Behind closed curtains, life is not for the public; business is already going on there. If you want to look at this business from the outside, go to a live show. There are plenty of them here. Photos of actors and scenes from the play are posted on the street as advertising. In the words of one of my friends, “this show shows how boring sex can be.” But Japanese tourists came out with wide-open eyes and blissful smiles. I probably liked it. The friend turned out to be an expert in this area and showed him its most distant nooks and crannies. The main street is more for the view, but there was more action there! Narrow streets between shop windows, two people can only separate if they press closely to these very shop windows, behind which live goods await hunters for paid love. According to a friend, they charge 50 euros for 15 minutes. There are whole streets there of only white women, Asian women, black women, old women, ugly women...for all tastes and perversions. And the sweet smell of marijuana in the air.

Once upon a time, my friend visited Amsterdam and showed me a photograph taken in the sex museum - she was sitting in an embrace with a huge penis. I wanted the same photo. We went to the sex museum to look for a penis... We didn’t find it. We watched obscene but funny cartoons. But the penis was still found in another museum, not far from Dam Square. So now I have the photo and none of my friends who saw it left anyone indifferent!

Having emerged from the quarter of vices for a while, we go to a Thai restaurant for dinner. There are restaurants here for every taste. On average, a dinner for two without wine costs 40 euros. The portions are large. If you can’t afford a restaurant, then McDonald’s, Burger King and others like them will help out.

After dinner we return to the red lanterns. I remember my first bad experience of smoking marijuana at a party in Rotterdam. It becomes curious, what do people find attractive about this? I didn't like it. Maybe you haven't tried it? I decide to repeat. Let's go to the coffee shop. I smoke a joint, giggle for a few minutes, then want to sleep. No buzz. So it's not mine. With that I calmed down and quit using drugs.

Time to go home. We go to the garage to get the car. Red Light Street is sold out! A crowd of people, the light of shop windows and restaurants. An insinuating voice from somewhere in the darkness “Do you want something?” This is a seller of “heavy artillery” - heroin, cocaine... Another, looking like a bank employee, in a suit and tie, a young man, quickly walks through the crowd, repeating quickly as he goes, “Heroin. Heroin. Heroin.” Outside the neighborhood it is already deserted. My first acquaintance with Amsterdam took place.

Taking a break from traveling on Wednesday, we go to the Apenheul Monkey Park on Thursday. At the entrance to the park, you are given special bags for packing hand luggage. Monkeys know these bags with tricky locks and don’t go into them. You need to keep an eye on unpacked items! Monkeys steal everything that is poorly hidden! Yes, they move freely there along the trees and paths, approach the audience and allow themselves to be petted. This only applies to small breeds. Large monkeys sit in enclosures stylized to resemble their original habitats. In addition to monkeys, there are many squirrels, ferrets, gophers, and interesting birds. Children really like this place.

Not far from the monkey kingdom is the Het Loo Palace. Favorite summer residence of the royal family from 1686 to 1975. Since 1984, after restoration, it has become a museum. The palace itself and the park with fountains and flowers are beautiful. For lovers of palace life, it will be interesting to see the interior decoration of the rooms, stables and other premises of the palace.

On Friday we are going to a place called Kinderdijk, not far from Rotterdam. This is the area of ​​windmills - one of the symbols of Holland. The mills are working, but you can go into one of them and for 3 euros see how this thing works. From the small pier you can take a boat ride and explore the surrounding areas. Peaceful, beautiful scenery of village life.

And our path lies to Rotterdam. It's time to get acquainted with the second largest city in Holland.

Rotterdam is recognizable by the Erasmus Bridge, which spans the Meuse River.
You can climb Euromast (similar to the Ostankino TV tower) - a wonderful observation deck, from where the whole of Rotterdam is in full view. The view is amazing! You can go into a cabin that rises to the very height of the tower - 185 meters - and slowly rotates around it. And you sit and enjoy the panorama of the city.

There is a restaurant on the 4th floor, which also offers a beautiful view of the city.
There are also fun cubic houses in Rotterdam. The prices for apartments there are very high due to the unusual shape of the houses. But I don’t know what’s inside. But it looks cool from the outside.
Rotterdam suffered greatly during the war. Some of the sights were destroyed.
But you will definitely enjoy a walk along the embankments or along the shopping streets of Rotterdam!

It rained on Saturday. I had to stay at home and prepare for the trip to the dolphinarium, planned for Sunday.

So, we are going to the kingdom of the most intelligent and charming inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Located in the town of Harderwijk.

Dolphins, fur seals and lions, walruses - they are all artists here with their own shows. Just be sure not to get too close to the pools during the show. A cute walrus, weighing a ton, spat some water at the spectators - a wave covered the first 3 rows... There are also pools with stingrays, which you can pet by dipping your hand into the pool. Perhaps I was the only tourist there. This is a holiday destination for Dutch families, a real holiday for children.

I am also a child at heart. Well, I love amusement parks! Disney Land in France. Port Aventura in Spain. What about in Holland? Six Flags!!! So, on Monday we are leaving for the whole day to Six Flags in the town of Biddinghuizen! There are many attractions, cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops at your service... This park is not as large as the two above. But I have never seen such a concentration of roller coasters. There are 8 of them there. I got dizzy! What I liked the most was the Goliath slide, the highest of all. For lovers of free flight there is a bungee.

Children's attractions are located on the territory of Bugs Bunny - he is the symbol of the park. There, in the summer theater, he and his friends show a show and take pictures with children.

The park has an enclosure with kids. You can go to them and feed them a special treat, obtained from a feeder for 50 cents. Parents are simply going broke here, because... Children really like to feed animals, and this requires coins.

There are a lot of tasty treats in the park. I tried waffles with cherry jam and cream. It's very sweet and you won't eat much. I liked the donuts with raisins and powdered sugar better. Yummy!

Monday turned out to be a good day to visit the park. There weren't many people. Queues for attractions are no more than 5 - 10 minutes. On weekends and during school holidays there is nowhere for an apple to fall.

The next 3 days were devoted to shopping, due to the fact that my friend was busy at work, and I needed to sleep, digest my impressions and buy souvenirs and gifts for family and friends. The shopping streets of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Wouden were examined for purchases. The product is almost the same everywhere. In small towns prices are lower than in Amsterdam, spoiled by tourists.

Still, I wanted to return to Amsterdam once again to say goodbye... We're going by train on Friday. The train is clean and cozy, just like Holland itself.
Amsterdam Central Station is located near Dam Square. From the outside it looks no worse than any palace. You can’t immediately tell it’s a station until you get inside. We go to the square to drink coffee, and then to Madame Tussauds. Downstairs, everyone is photographed with Pierce Brosnan, and upon leaving, the photographs are given as a gift. The museum cannot be compared with the London one; it is clearly smaller. But the “scary” part is fun, I squealed a lot! Nothing special, just disguised actors very successfully pretending to be motionless statues and starting to move when no one expects it. Or they suddenly jump out of the darkness in creepy costumes and makeup. At the same time, something rumbles, the floor shakes, and a bright light unexpectedly blinds your eyes and you don’t understand which way to run away from it all.
We spent the whole day wandering the streets of Amsterdam again. This was my last day in Holland. Dinner at an Argentine restaurant, last walk through the lively Red Quarter. On Friday there is a massive arrival of British people here. Large groups of drunken English gentlemen shout throughout the entire block, sing songs and loudly greet their friends with jokes and applause as they leave the girls’ rooms... They have fun with all their might before returning to prim England for the start of a new work week.

Two weeks in Holland turned out to be not enough. There is also Ef Telling - a fabulous amusement park. Cheese market in Alkmaar. House of Peter 1 in Zaandam. Open air museum Zaanse Schans. Fishing village Volendam. And there are also many parks and zoos...I'll probably have to go back and check it out.
The next morning I flew home. The long flight and the landscape outside the taxi window - bare yellow steppe and a lonely shabby camel on the way from the airport (I'm from Kazakhstan) - is a sharp contrast compared to the Dutch landscapes. But...It's just happiness - the way home!

And my boss, after looking at the photos and listening to the travel story, said: “I didn’t think that such a small country could be so interesting!” This was a month ago. And yesterday he told me how wonderful he had a walk in Amsterdam...

Happy travels and pleasant impressions to everyone!

PS: Entrance ticket prices (per adult)
Castle De Haar - I can’t remember exactly, the only thing I didn’t keep a ticket for as a souvenir... something like 9 euros...
Keukenhof Flower Park - 12.50 euros
Madurodam Miniature Park - 12 euros
Van Gogh Museum - 9 euros
Apenheul Monkey Park - 14 euros
Het Loo Palace - 9 euros
Euromast in Rotterdam - 7.75 euros
Dolphinarium - 19.50 euros
Amusement park “Six Flags” - 24 euros
Madame Tussauds Amsterdam - 25 euros

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    Well done girl, it was easy to take off and I had fun

Many people go to the Netherlands just to relax in coffee shops or admire the symbols of the country - tulips and windmills. But in fact, if you look more closely, you can see many interesting places, ancient buildings, beautiful streets of cities and resorts where festivals and carnivals take place. When wondering what to see in Holland, be prepared for many hours of excursions and don’t forget to take a camera to capture the most interesting corners and amazing landscapes.

For example, when arriving in Amsterdam, not a single tourist leaves without a photograph against the backdrop of huge letters “ Iamsterdam" Only the lazy avoid the 24-meter inscription.

Masterpieces of Dutch architecture, cultural and historical heritage

Today in the Netherlands a must-visit for tourists is red light district (in Amsterdam). In terms of popularity, this place takes second place of honor after the composition of the letters “I amsterdam”. At night, ancient buildings and brothel signs are beautifully illuminated by the red light of lanterns, and during the day, cinemas, cafes and bars for people of different sexual orientations, museums, sex shops and stores open their doors.

Castles, residences, churches and bridges

The cultural heritage of the country is represented by preserved castles, forts, residences, cathedrals, churches, basilicas and other beautiful ancient buildings.

Royal Palace in Amsterdam (1655) is one of the most beautiful and equally luxurious buildings in the city. By going on an excursion, you can appreciate all the chic of the interior, and at the same time admire the works of Dutch artists.

No less beautiful is the old one Lo Castle and its luxurious gardens with fountains and sculptures, terraces and parterres, thanks to which Law was dubbed the Versailles of the North. The castle is a state museum presenting an exhibition of the three-century history of the royal house of Orange-Nassau.

Another lock , which is impossible not to pay attention to - Ammersoen . This building seems to have come straight out of the pages of textbooks about the Middle Ages. There is a small park around the castle, and inside there are ceremonial events and excursions for those who want to admire the beautiful architectural monument.

In the north-east of the Netherlands there is an ancient Fort – Bourtange (Bourtange). If you look at the map, you will notice the unusual layout of the fort - in the shape of a star. Four museums are open to visitors, including the Captain's House Museum, a cinema and an ancient barracks from 1742.

The churches in Holland are majestic and beautiful. The largest of all - Church of Saint Bavo (Haarlem), built in the late Gothic style in 1445 at the instigation of the architect Evert Spurwater. St. Bavo Cathedral is the grave of the artist Frans Hals, and the organ installed in the church was played by such famous personalities as Mendelssohn, Handel and Mozart.

If Sint Bavo is the largest church in the country, then Basilica of Sint Servas - the oldest in Holland. The name of the basilica was given in honor of the bishop - Saint Servas, who was buried here. Despite its advanced age, the interior is very elegant and neat. The column of Charlemagne has also been preserved.

Western Church Westerkerk built and decorated in the style of the Renaissance. Within the walls of the tall, spacious church you can still hear the sounds of an ancient organ. The Westerkerk gained popularity not due to its size or elegance of decoration, but after the burial of the great Rembrandt within its walls.

The canals and bridges of the Netherlands are amazing and beautiful. Popular walking route among travelers Bridge of Saint Servatius (Maastricht) connects the eastern and western banks of the Meuse. The length of the bridge is 160 meters, and the width is 9. The first builders of the bridge were considered to be the Romans (50 AD), who threw wooden platforms across the river. That's why the bridge is sometimes called Old Roman. There is also a tragic moment in the history of the structure - in 1275 the bridge suddenly collapsed and about four hundred people died under the rubble.

Hovenring Bridge (Eindhoven) - a modern building for cyclists and pedestrians, shaped like a circle with a diameter of 72 meters. Surprising is the ability of the bridge to rotate. Movement is especially noticeable at night, in the rays of illumination.


There are especially many museums concentrated in the Museum Quarter of Amsterdam. They work all year round. When you go to explore the cultural heritage of the city and the country, you will find a huge number of extraordinary exhibitions on a variety of topics: the Museum of Bags, the Cat's Cabinet, the Museum of Torture, etc.

The most famous and largest art museums in Holland

Among the most famous museums that are worth visiting first are the following:

  • Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam) with an exhibition of more than 200 drawings and paintings;
  • The State Museum - Rijksmuseum with a collection of paintings, sculptures, archaeological artifacts, photographs and other exhibits. The art collection is based on works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, de Hooch, Steen, Hals, van Scorel and other sculptors and painters;
  • The Hermitage (Amsterdam), in which the exhibition of exhibits from the storerooms of the St. Petersburg Hermitage is updated every 5 months. The museum area is about four thousand square meters, the entrance ticket costs 15 euros;

IN Museum Boijmann van Beuningen in addition to works by Dutch and foreign artists (including Rubens, Hals, Rembrandt, Steen, Salvador Dali, Man Ray, Titian, Degas and others), collections of sculptures, exhibitions of engravings and other exhibitions are presented. In addition, there is a library for visitors, which is over a hundred years old, with a modern video room.

An interesting collection of marine themes is collected in the open-air museum. National Maritime Museum Amsterdam includes: documents and paintings, drawings and blueprints, parts of ship equipment, wooden ship models, as well as a real replica of the East India Company ship Amsterdam, moored next to the museum building.

And if in the Maritime Museum visitors get acquainted with the history of the city and country, then in Madame Tussauds museum a huge number of wax exhibits have been collected, accompanied by video and audio effects.

If your soul wants to receive a portion of strong impressions, go to Museum of the Human Body (Amsterdam). The interior corresponds to the name - each individual room completely copies the internal organs of a person. Visitors can independently walk through the abdominal cavity, hear the sound of the heartbeat, see muscle contractions, etc. All important information is presented on special screens, and video and audio effects complement the extraordinary experience of visiting the museum.

Even stronger impressions are guaranteed from your visit museums of Sex and Erotica . Only persons over 16 years of age are allowed to view the exhibitions. Entrance costs 4 euros. The museums display exhibits ranging from the most modest to the downright shocking.


There are more than a thousand windmills and watermills in Holland. Most of them are concentrated in Amsterdam, Zaanse-Schans, Schiedam and Kinderdijk. Ancient mills served for a wide variety of purposes: pumping water, sawing wood, grinding grain, etc. You can visit the mills completely free of charge, and on National Mills Day (every second Saturday in May) they are additionally decorated with flowers and flags.

Unmissable things to do in Holland

Not only adults, but also children will be curious to get acquainted with representatives of the fauna of different continents. IN zoos Bleijdorp (Rotterdam), Natura Artis (Amsterdam), Monkey Sanctuary (Apenheul) is home to a huge number of land and sea inhabitants, birds and butterflies, reptiles and reptiles. Each of the zoos is unique and very interesting.

What else to see in Holland? The whole of Holland in miniature Madurodam park . Here you can stroll along miniature streets past human-sized skyscrapers and look down at flower fields, windmills, gardens, markets and much more.

Coffee shops and smart shops

Coffee shops and smart shops are those establishments without which it is impossible to imagine Holland. And if not everyone takes the risk of purchasing narcotic substances, then everyone will be interested in looking at smoking devices and baked goods with the addition of hallucinogens.

Nature of the Netherlands

The best time to admire the nature of Holland is in the spring. At this time of year, thousands of flower buds bloom in the fields and gardens, painting everything around with bright colors. Even the most indifferent skeptics will not be able to help but admire this beauty.

De Hoge Veluwe National Park

When buying your entrance ticket, be prepared to spend a whole day exploring this national park, the world's only museum of underground life, and viewing Van Gogh's paintings. For convenience, bicycles are available for visitors to rent. After traveling through wastelands and water meadows, winding roads and admiring the rarest plants, wandering within the walls of three museums, you can go for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage or stop by a cafe, restaurant or local store.

Keukenhof Flower Gardens

Keukenhof Park, called the Gardens of Europe, covers an area of ​​32 hectares. In this area, flower growers are engaged in breeding roses, orchids, daffodils, lilacs and tulips. Fantastic beauty is complemented by a dizzying floral aroma.

It is simply impossible to answer the question “What to see in Holland” definitely. Both entire cities and individual masterpieces of architecture, the country’s resorts and its luxurious gardens, parks and fields, extraordinary museums and quite traditional exhibition halls are worthy of attention. The travel program depends entirely on your preferences. And no matter what they are, there is always a lot of interesting and unknown things to do in a country with two names - Holland and the Netherlands.

Climate in Holland

When you go on a trip, you need to prepare for what kind of weather will await you in a foreign country. Is it constantly hot there or is it cool in the evenings, and do I need to take warm clothes? Does it rain often? And how does the weather in the country’s capital differ from the weather in other regions?

Climate features in Holland

The climate in Holland is the same in almost all areas of the country due to the absence of mountain peaks.

Transport in Holland

You can fly to Holland by plane, travel by train or bus. There are several types of public transport in the country: railway, metro, bus. You can also take a taxi, rent a car or rent a bicycle.

How to get to Holland?

The most popular form of transport by which you can travel to Holland is by plane. But if you are afraid of flying, you can take a bus or train.

Dutch cuisine

When traveling around Holland, it is impossible to stay away from tasting local dishes. The famous Dutch herring, hot sandwiches and waffles with chocolate... Have you already wanted to try it?

Amsterdam, how many days to go? What to see in Holland

Keywords: What to see in Amsterdam, routes, Sights of Amsterdam.

Many who are going to Amsterdam for the first time ask questions like “How many days are enough for a trip?”, “What to see in Amsterdam?”, “Is it worth renting a car?” etc. and so on. You will find answers to all questions in the main topic Amsterdam from A to Z (this is for those who came here from a search engine), and in this topic we will see what interesting things can be found outside the glorious city of Amsterdam.

We hasten to assure you that the surroundings of Amsterdam are no less interesting and no less colorful than the capital of the Netherlands itself. And if you have the time and funds, take a trip around Holland, you definitely won’t regret it! The distances are small, all interesting places can be visited in a couple of days, any town can be easily reached by public transport (quite troublesome, of course) or by excursion buses. But it is better, of course, to rent a car. Then it will be quite easy to get out to Bruges for a day, it’s only a 2-hour drive from Amsterdam :)

But let's return to our sheep attractions. You can always see where and what is in Amsterdam and beyond on our map. Descriptions are given for all marked objects; you can easily create your own route.

If you are planning a trip between mid-March and mid-May, then it would be a real crime not to visit the Royal Keukenhof Tulip Park

By the way, if you rent a car, a trip to Keukenhof can easily be combined with a visit to The Hague, where the Royal Palace and Mathurodam Park - “Holland in miniature” - are located. At the same time, along the way you will admire the endless fields of tulips, an impressive sight!

On the outskirts of Amsterdam, in the north, there are two wonderful Dutch villages. Or rather, these are museum towns, a kind of tourist paradise in Holland. But the obvious tourist focus of these places does not take away from their beauty and attractiveness; on the contrary, you can have a very good time here, especially if you are going to Holland for the first time.

The first town is called Zaanse Schans. Here you will see real mills, visit a working cheese factory and a workshop for making national Dutch shoes - wooden shoes, which are called Klomps here.

By the way, if you wish, they will take your measurements and immediately make real clamps. A most interesting spectacle! :)

Here you can try real Dutch herring and there is also a really awesome attraction: your family or company will be dressed in national clothes and have a photo taken as a souvenir while you pretend to be busy, solving everyday problems in a real Dutch home. You'll want to laugh! :)

In the south, about forty kilometers from Amsterdam is the town of Utrecht. Not only is the whole of Utrecht a monument of Dutch architecture and simply stunning with its tranquil beauty, literally a couple of kilometers from here is the largest and oldest castle in the Netherlands - Castell de Haar.

This is where real beauty and majesty hides! And what a park there is around the castle... Definitely try to go here!