Montenegro history of the state. Montenegro. An excerpt characterizing the History of Montenegro

Republic of Montenegro.

The name comes from the toponym Black Mountain.

Capital of Montenegro. Podgorica.

Area of ​​Montenegro. 13,812 km2.

Population of Montenegro. 641 thousand people

Location of Montenegro. Montenegro is a country in the South, located on the Balkan Peninsula. In the southeast it borders with, in the south it is separated from, in the west it has borders with and. The length of the sea coast of Montenegro (including the Malente Islands) is 293.5 km.

Administrative divisions of Montenegro. Montenegro is divided into 21 communities.

Form of government of Montenegro. Republic.

Head of State of Montenegro. President.

Supreme legislative body of Montenegro. Skupshtina (parliament).

Supreme executive body of Montenegro. Government.

Major cities of Montenegro. No.

State language of Montenegro. Serbian.

Religion of Montenegro. 69% are Orthodox, 19% are Muslim, 4% are .

Ethnic composition of Montenegro. 62% - Montenegrins, 15% - , 7% - Albanians, 1% - .

Currency of Montenegro. Euro = 100 cents.

Useful information for tourists

Montenegrins are extremely tolerant of manifestations of inter-ethnic differences, even the issue of inter-ethnic conflicts in the Balkans. But it is not recommended to talk about politics or the collapse of the SFRY. The crime rate is low. The police strictly suppress any manifestations of deception of foreign tourists, but at the everyday level there are frequent cases of petty fraud or an allegedly suddenly appeared language barrier, so you should be especially careful when discussing financial issues and never give money in advance, before the service is provided.

Tips in restaurants usually amount to 5% of the bill. For drinking, it is better to use mineral or bottled water.

The price level in the country is quite low, but varies markedly depending on location. In coastal areas everything is about 25% more expensive.

According to the Constitution, the capital of Montenegro is the city of Cetinje. But most of the administrative buildings are located in the city of Podgorica. Today, this is where the official capital of the country is located.

In the last century, this beautiful town on the banks of the Moraca was called Titograd, in honor of the Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito. It was during Yugoslav times that the city became the de facto capital of Montenegro.

It is located just a few kilometers from the Adriatic in the picturesque Skadar Basin. As Wikipedia informs, the cultural, economic and political life of the region is concentrated here, the main transport arteries of the country pass through, and the airport operates.


The first people settled in these areas back in the Stone Age. Ancient Illyrian tribes lived here. The city was founded by an ancient Roman settlement, and in the 5th century a Slavic state arose with the main city of Ribnitsa.

The Turks renamed the captured city the Bugurtlen fortress - “blueberry”. For almost five centuries Podgorica was under the Ottoman yoke. These lands were part of the Turkish Skadar Sanjak. Only at the end of the 19th century the city again began to belong to Montenegro.

The twentieth century brought rapid development to the republic in the fields of industry, construction, and national culture. During the Second World War it was under fascist occupation.

Liberated by Soviet troops in 1944, Montenegro followed the socialist path of development. The entire region was transformed, Podgorica was rebuilt, and an international airport appeared.

Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, is located at the crossroads of waterways. These are the rivers Ribnitsa, Sitnitsa, Zeta, Moraca. They connect the city with surrounding settlements. The Adriatic Sea is nearby, providing access to all countries in the region.

The mild, warm climate, fertile soil, and rich vegetation have always attracted people to these regions. Podgorica knows no snow. There is summer heat there for almost 5 months. Peak summer temperatures reach 44 degrees. In winter, sub-zero temperatures are extremely rare. The Mediterranean climate is characterized by the proximity of the sea.

Wikipedia shows that 60% of the region’s total population lives in the city of Podgorica. These are Montenegrins, Serbs, Albanians. Military actions at the end of the last century led the region's industry into decline. But gradually enterprises are recovering and adapting to market conditions. Investors appear who invest in the development of the region. The tourism business is booming.


During the 5 centuries of Turkish rule, many buildings in the Turkish style were built in the city. Narrow cobbled streets, mosques and natural stone clock towers are all found in the older areas. The historical monument of that time is the tower-mosque of Sakhat-kula.

Podgorica began to acquire its modern appearance when it again became part of Montenegro. The opposite bank of the Ribnica began to be built in the European style. Historical disasters affected the appearance of the city.

During the time of Broz Tito, the cities of Montenegro began to be built up with Soviet “Khrushchev” buildings. Many of them are still found in some areas. Modern neighborhoods are overgrown with European-style residential buildings and offices. Parks, squares, public gardens decorate the city.

  • An outstanding project was the Millennium Bridge, which connected the banks of the Moraca River. The stylish sloping beams are reminiscent of the leaning Tower of Pisa. The length of the bridge is 140 meters.
  • The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ is a majestic temple for the Orthodox.
  • Monuments to V. Vysotsky and A. S. Pushkin testify to the cultural kinship of the two Slavic peoples.

Culture and education

The small town has everything that characterizes it as the cultural capital of the republic. These are museums, theaters, educational institutions.

The University of Montenegro is a public higher education institution that has branches in some cities of the republic. In addition, special education can be obtained at the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. Children study in 44 schools and gymnasiums.

Cultural traditions are preserved by the national theater. There are theaters for children in the city. The national library contains ancient books and historical documents.

The museums of Podgorica contain artifacts of the history of the region and the life of the indigenous population. There are museums of ethnography and nature. The former royal palace is open to visitors.

The history of Montenegro is a story about the struggle of a freedom-loving people for the independence of their homeland against the Turks and fascists. The heroic epic is full of legends about heroes.

Podgorica is becoming a modern European city and a transport hub. The railway station connected it with the cities of Bar, Shkoder, Belgrade. Highways go to Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, and the Adriatic. A few kilometers from the city there is an international airport that connects Montenegro with European capitals, Moscow.


It is impossible not to say about the second capital of Montenegro. The city of Cetinje arose in the 15th century during the struggle against the Turks. Previously, there was a monastery here, which was built by one of the princes of Montenegro.

The monastery was protected from enemies by mountains. The fortress was constantly besieged by the Turks and became a stronghold in the fight against them. Public secular buildings - a hotel, a hospital, the palace of the first king of Montenegro - appeared already at the end of the 19th century.

In 1946, Podgorica became the main city of the country. But grateful Montenegrins honor the historical significance of their former capital, and the Constitution calls Cetinje the capital and Podgorica the main city. The State Archives and the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage are located in Cetinje. The town of Cetinje itself is more reminiscent of a picturesque village.

The tourist pearl of these places is Lake Skadar and the Crnojevica River. The picturesque shores are inhabited by 270 species of birds, and the waters are home to 50 species of fish. This protected place is located 30 minutes by car from Podgorica. Bays and capes, excellent fishing, clean air, silence and pristine nature of the National Park attract tourists to Skadar.

In the vicinity of Cetinje there is a historical site associated with the struggle for liberation from the Turkish yoke. This is Mount Lovcen. At the top of the mountain there is a chapel in which one of the princes of Montenegro is buried. At its foot there is a park of the same name - a monument to garden art.

The mountain itself is notable for the fact that 1,150 plant species grow on its slopes. From every turn of the road to the top there is a stunning view of the surrounding area, almost from a bird's eye view.

Montenegro is a small but very picturesque country located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula (South-East Europe). This is a young state with a rich history: although Montenegro gained independence only in 2006, its mentions can be found in medieval chronicles.

In most countries of the world, Montenegro is known as Montenegro, although the local population calls their country “Crna Gora”. However, the meaning of these two variants of names is the same: “black mountain”. This is exactly what the Lovcen Massif, overlooking the famous Bay of Kotor, was once called. Several decades ago this place became a national park.

In recent years, Montenegro has become a favorite destination for tourists from many countries. People come here for an interesting, varied and eventful holiday on the Adriatic coast. The coastline of Montenegro stretches for 300 km, a significant part of which is occupied by the beautiful beaches of developed resort towns. In addition, the state has fourteen sea islands, on the beaches of which you can also swim.

Landscapes of Montenegro

But beach holidays are far from the only thing that attracts Montenegro. In its towns - Perast, Kotor, Cetinje and others - you can see the pearls of ancient architecture. The largest resort of Budva will delight lovers of colorful nightlife; fans of natural beauty will be delighted by the beauty of Lake Skadar, the grandeur of the Tara River canyon and the mountain landscapes of national parks. Montenegrin cuisine and the hospitality of the local population deserve special attention. Of course, in Montenegro everyone can get an unforgettable experience.

Brief history

The Slavs came to Dalmatia in the 6th century, when these lands belonged to Rome. In 1042, the Serbs managed to achieve the independence of their own country, which they called Duklja. The state was recognized by the Catholic Church, after which it received the status of a kingdom. However, in the 12th century, the Serbs gradually lost part of the conquered lands, and were soon completely absorbed by their stronger neighbors.


According to Byzantine chronicles, the principality formed on the site of Dukla was named Zeta - in honor of the river flowing in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Zeta did not retain its independence for long: due to the threat of capture by the Turks, the principality came under the protection of the Venetians.

However, the Ottoman Empire did take control of these territories, and in 1376 the former principality was named Montenegro in the official documentation of Dubrovnik. This was its first written mention.

In the period from the 16th to the mid-19th century, Montenegro was an ecclesiastical state led by bishops. Then the government system became secular again, and princes and kings began to rule the country.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, wars took place in the Balkans region, during which Montenegro managed to conquer new territories. In 1918, the country became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and after World War II - into socialist Yugoslavia. The collapse of this entity led to a tragic armed conflict, which is known to all residents of Europe. This is a rather sensitive topic for local residents, so it is better not to raise it.

The country was part of the federal Yugoslavia from 1992 to 2003. Then she was allied with Serbia for several years. In 2006, following a public referendum, the country gained independence. Now it is a member of NATO and is preparing to join the European Union.


Montenegro operates a market economy model. The country receives income from industrial production (21.2%), services (70.5%) and agriculture (8.3%). The vast majority of the working population is employed in the service sector (tourism).

Industrial activity in the state is related to metallurgy. For example, Niksic is considered the center of ferrous metallurgy; aluminum is processed in the capital Podgorica. The electrical industry is concentrated in Cetinje, and shipbuilding is concentrated in Bijela. Tobacco is also grown in Montenegro and salt is mined.

The country's economy was severely damaged in the wars of the 1990s, but at the beginning of the new millennium Montenegro took a new path and became an attractive tourist destination. Moreover, tourists began to come here all year round. Since then, the country's economy has begun to grow again, and in 2014, tourism profits reached 20 percent of GDP. According to experts, the Montenegrin economy will continue to grow for the next few years.

The state has made the tourism sector a priority over agriculture and industry. Tourism is being developed in all areas, which is why Montenegro has even been declared an “ecological state.”

Cities and resorts

There are a lot of resorts in Montenegro, so people with very different preferences can find a place to suit their taste in this country. There are calm coastal towns suitable for family holidays, noisy Budva for young people, and the luxurious island of Sveti Stefan for tourists who prefer the highest level of comfort. Small but well-known ski resorts are also popular. In this brief overview you will find short descriptions of cities and resorts that will help you make your choice.


The city of Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro

The capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, is the largest city in the country. Its population is just over 150 thousand people, which is a quarter of all Montenegrins. There is no access to the sea in Podgorica, but there is an international airport, the country’s only state university, theaters, several museums and even monuments to Pushkin and Vysotsky, who glorified the courage of the Montenegrins.

You will find a detailed description of Podgorica with photos.


Tivat is the place from which most tourists begin their trip to Montenegro. There is an international airport near the city, from which guests of the country travel to different resorts. By the way, Tivat also has a beach and several islands, but in the high season there are a lot of tourists in the city, so there are practically no free sun loungers left.

Budva, old town


Petrovac, Montenegro

Petrovac, a cozy town located on the very shore of a picturesque bay, will be an ideal place for relaxation. Here you can walk through pine and olive groves, stroll along the promenade with numerous cafes and shops, and also go on boat trips to the nearest islands. Nightlife lovers can visit an unusual club in a converted 16th-century fortress.

View of Kotor

Kotor practically consists of continuous attractions. The entire historical center of the city, in which medieval quarters, temples and palaces are perfectly preserved, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The old city is surrounded by fortress walls up to 16 meters thick. Kotor has small beaches, but large tourist ships sail to the coast every day, so the water in this part of the bay is not so clean.

A detailed description of the city of Kotor and the Bay of Kotor is presented at.

Herceg Novi

Herceg Novi

This resort is chosen mainly by those tourists who want to improve their health. There is a large center for resort treatment, rehabilitation and physiotherapy called “Igalo”, which offers modern procedures for treating a wide variety of diseases and improving general condition. Another advantage of this town is its beautiful gardens and parks with dozens of species of exotic plants.

More detailed information about Herceg Novi with photos has been collected.


Ulcinj is the southernmost, sunniest and warmest resort in Montenegro. It is located near the border with Albania: not far from the picturesque Lake Skadar. It is believed that the sand on the beaches of Ulcinj and the mineral composition of the water have healing properties.


This small island 25 km from Ulcinj has received the status of a nature reserve, so here you can enjoy untouched nature. One coast of this triangular island is washed by the salty Adriatic Sea, and the other two are washed by the fresh water of the Boyan River. But that’s not why Ada-Boyana became widely known: the resort is famous as a vacation spot for nudists. Naked people swim, sunbathe and even play sports here.

Sveti Stefan Island

Sveti Stefan

Previously, this island was an ordinary fishing village, but now it has turned into an elite resort with the most luxurious apartments in all of Montenegro. Hollywood stars, famous businessmen and even monarchs vacation here. The territory of the island is closed to ordinary tourists, but everyone can relax on the free beach with an iconic view of the resort, which can be seen on tourist brochures.

Black lake in Zabljak

The small town of Zabljak, with a population of only 2,000 people, has become a popular ski resort. Tourists are happy to come all year round to admire the local natural beauty and relax in peace. Zabljak is known as the highest located settlement in Europe. It is located in the center of the Durmitor mountain range at an altitude of almost 1.5 km above the sea.

More detailed information about the Zabljak ski resort is presented in.

Ski resort Kolasin

Another famous ski resort is surrounded by three mountain ranges with hundred-year-old forests of the national park. The high season here lasts from early November to early May, but the town is not empty in the summer either. In the warm season, people come here to breathe the healing mountain air and enjoy nature.

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Entertainment and attractions


Montenegro has a lot of attractions: both natural and architectural. There are preserved medieval buildings in almost every city, and in the continental part of the country you can see the most beautiful mountain lakes, canyons, and picturesque valleys. Let us list the main attractions of this country.

Mount Lovcen

Near the city of Kotor, which we wrote about in the previous section, there is an important symbol of Montenegro - Mount Lovcen. The splendor of Montenegrin landscapes is difficult to describe in words. Once you climb this mountain, you will see everything for yourself.

Bucha Castle

Buca Castle in Montenegro

This old castle, which once served as a family summer residence, has become a real cultural center of Tivat: it organizes exhibitions and other events all year round. The palace complex was built in the 17th century: now it has been completely restored and a summer theater, art gallery, cinema and garden have been installed on the territory.

St. Mark's Island

The city of Tivat is known primarily for its airport, and secondly for its three islands, the most beautiful of which is considered to be the island of St. Marko. A small island with romantic beaches almost completely covered with green trees.

Village Gornja Lastva

Gornja Lastva

Not far from Tivat you can visit the colorful Montenegrin village of Gornja Lastva. Traditional houses from the coastal Montenegrin regions have been preserved here, so the place is especially attractive to connoisseurs of historical architecture. If you want to feel the spirit of Montenegro and admire the sunset away from noisy tourists, be sure to visit this village.

Skadar Lake

Skadar Lake in Montenegro


Montenegro is located in the west of the Balkan Peninsula. In the southwest, the country is washed by the Adriatic Sea: the coastline reaches a length of about 300 km.

Although the length of Montenegro's land borders is only 625 kilometers, the country has as many as five neighbors. It borders Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and partly the unrecognized Republic of Kosovo.

Conventionally, the entire area of ​​Montenegro can be divided into three parts: the coast, the plain in the center of the state, where the largest cities are located, and the mountains in the east of the country.

Almost half of the area of ​​Montenegro (more than 41%) is occupied by forests, another 39.5% is covered by pastures. Therefore, the country can be considered an ecological reserve. By area, Montenegro ranks 155th in the world (13.8 km2). According to 2016 data, 622 thousand people live in the country.


The country has a temperate continental climate. The weather in the mountains is typical for the Alps. On the coast of Montenegro the climate is typical of the Mediterranean region. In the central region of the country, the air temperature is cooler than near the sea, which is explained by subalpine factors. In summer, the Primorye region is hot and moderately dry; warm weather (+23-25 ​​degrees Celsius) lasts a long time. Winter is short and wet, there is practically no frost (3-7 degrees Celsius).

The swimming season in Montenegro begins at the end of April and lasts until the last week of September. The best time to come to this country on vacation is from May to October. At different times of the year, the sea water temperature ranges from +12 to +26 degrees Celsius.


In Montenegro they use the euro. But, since the country is not part of the eurozone, it cannot issue euros, so it is content with imported money. Most of them are brought by foreign tourists.

Local banks are open five days a week - until lunch (Mon - Thu 8:00-15:00, Fri 8:00-13:00). They have a day off on Saturday. At resorts and in the capital, currency exchange offices are open in the evenings and also work on weekends.

When exchanging currencies, you need to take into account that the rate at different exchange offices may differ. If you didn’t have time to change money, you can pay with a bank card almost everywhere (with the exception of mountain villages). Local shops and establishments accept VISA and Mastercard. You can withdraw euros from ATMs 24 hours a day.

If you need to exchange currency, this can be done not only at bank branches or exchange offices, but also at hotels and post offices. Always keep an eye on the course. It is believed that the most favorable rate is offered by the People's Bank.


The most common type of passenger transport in Montenegro is buses. When planning trips, you need to take into account possible deviations from the schedule (buses are old and may break down on the way). When traveling by car, you also need to add extra time, because you won’t be able to drive along serpentine roads.

Bus in Montenegro

On the coast, buses usually run every 10-15 minutes, starting at 6 am. The last bus leaves around twelve at night. Composters are installed in the salons to cancel purchased tickets. You can also purchase a reusable travel card at the kiosk. One bus trip will cost 1-1.5 euros.

It is better to buy bus tickets in advance, because drivers sell them at a double markup. If you need to go beyond the coast, for example, to Cetinje or Podgorica, then the departure will be from the bus station. The ticket price will depend on the length of the route. For example, the road from Budva to Ulcinj will cost 6 euros (distance - 65 km).

Off the coast, buses in Montenegro run at long intervals. The only exception is Podgorica. There are few stops; passengers wait and often stand and vote on the side of the road.

As for taxis, you need to agree on the cost of the trip in advance with private carriers. The price will be initially too high, so it needs to be brought down. Private drivers do not have meters, unlike licensed taxi drivers. A legal taxi charges 2 euros for boarding, and then 1 euro for every kilometer.

Water taxis also operate in Montenegro. Motor ships and boats ply between villages and cities along the coast. There are many private boats moored near the shore. Their owners, by agreement, will take you in any direction. A trip on a private boat costs an average of 10-15 euros.

If you are planning to rent a car, then expect 30-40 euros per day for a small car. A Toyota Land Cruiser Prado with seven seats will cost 200 euros. There will be enough gas stations along the way; a liter of gasoline costs from 1.2 to 1.5 euros.

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Montenegro has abolished visas for citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus coming for tourism purposes. Insurance is not considered mandatory, but it is still recommended to take out.

There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency, although significant amounts are advised to be declared. In general, customs control in Montenegro for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians takes place in a simplified form.

More detailed information about the rules of entry into Montenegro is presented at.

Communications and Wi-Fi

In Montenegro, mobile communications are provided by three operators: T-Mobile, Promonte and M:Tel. Their branches can be found in any relatively large city. SIM cards are sold in newsstands, supermarkets and souvenir shops.

The cost of the SIM card is fully credited to the subscriber's account. In the future, to top up your balance, you can buy special cards with secret codes (money is credited instantly). Such payment cards are sold in the same place as SIM cards. You can also pay for mobile communications from a payment terminal, where a Russian-language menu is available.

Montenegro supports 3G network. In the city, mobile Internet works fine, but in the mountains there are glitches. Wi-Fi hotspots can be found in cafes and hotels. The connection speed is high. Usually, each establishment has a password for connecting to the Internet: ask the employees for it.

Another way to access the Internet is a USB modem, which you can buy at one of the mobile operator’s offices. To purchase, you will be asked for a passport. The cost of the modem and SIM card is up to 50 euros.

The following video shows what Montenegro looks like.

Montenegro is a small country (its area is just under 14 thousand km), located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, with its capital in the city of Podgorica.

The landscape structure of Montenegro includes high mountains, green meadows, winding rivers, shady forests and valleys. But the main feature of Montenegro is its environmental cleanliness. Many sites are included in the UNESCO list, and are also national parks and natural monuments. These include Lake Skadar, Lovcen National Park, the ancient monasteries of Ostrog and Celija Piperski, and the Bay of Boka Kotorska.

Numerous river canyons have become a favorite place for tourists to visit. This country will appeal to those who dream of escaping from the bustle of the city into serenity and dissolving in the greenery, breathing in the fresh mountain air. The sea coastline has a total length of 70 km and includes secluded bays, small islands, and huge city beaches with sand or pebbles to suit every taste. The azure waters of the Adriatic Sea attract with their purity, beauty and transparency of the depths.

Montenegro is a paradise for lovers of active recreation on sunny days and in the winter cold. All water sports are common and available here - rafting, diving, windsurfing, as well as sailing. Zabljak and Kolasin are the main ski resorts of the country with developed infrastructure in the cold season, welcoming athletes for skiing and snowboarding.

National color

Montenegro is a country with a rich historical heritage. It is manifested in its culture, customs, museums, and architectural buildings. Excursion programs to the sights of the country are exciting and varied. Just walking along the small and cozy streets, you will come across delightful fortresses, majestic castles, as well as churches and mosques that have been preserved for many centuries.

While in Montenegro, you can’t help but get acquainted with the national cuisine. It includes a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, homemade cheese, meat and fish products. It is impossible not to note the hospitality and cordiality with which local residents greet all visitors. Cheerful and noisy traditional holidays are an excellent opportunity to get to know the culture of the people and their identity.

Residents of Montenegro mostly live off tourism - they rent out their homes, which brings them sufficient income.

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Portal "Montenegro"

History of Montenegro- description of the history of Montenegro since ancient times. Montenegrin history goes back more than a millennium.

The first independent state entity on the territory of modern Montenegro was formed on the lands of the former Roman province of Dalmatia at the beginning of the 7th century under the name Duklja.

Prehistoric period

Antique period

Montenegro under Ottoman rule

Montenegro in modern times

In 1876, Montenegro entered the Montenegrin-Turkish War. Montenegro took part in the Russian-Turkish War - where, even for a while, it was able to divert 50 thousand Turkish forces from the Russian army and, according to the Treaty of San Stefano on February 19 (March 3), 1878, it received border lands and access to the sea with two ports - Bar and Ulcinj.

Montenegro as part of Yugoslavia (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes)

Montenegro during World War II

During World War II, the Italians (and after 1943 the Germans) occupied the Kingdom of Montenegro (1941-1944) and attempted to establish a satellite state political regime there. From June 12 to Montenegro was declared a satellite kingdom of Fascist Italy. From now on Montenegro was under German occupation.

During the occupation there was strong communist resistance. In November 1943, with their leading participation, the Regional Anti-Fascist Assembly of People's Liberation was created, which in July 1944 turned into the Anti-Fascist Assembly, and in April 1945 into the People's Assembly of Montenegro. In fact, from 1945 Montenegro was under the control of partisans.

Montenegro in Tito's Yugoslavia

Despite the breakdown of relations between Stalin and Tito in 1948, many Montenegrins, who had traditionally been favorably disposed towards the Russians, could not hide their sympathies for the USSR. This led to a wave of repression and an uprising, and then to a split in the Communist Party of the Republic. In 1954, one of the leaders of the SKYU, the leader of the Montenegrin communists Milovan Djilas, was subjected to repression.

Opposition to the Belgrade policy arose either on ethnic grounds (mainly among Muslims), or on the basis of the Union of Reform Forces - a nationally oriented party advocating liberal reforms, which in the first multi-party elections to the Republican Assembly of Montenegro (then still part of the SFRY) in December 1990 received only 7 out of 125 seats. The Union of Communists of Montenegro (UCCH), led by Momir Bulatović, won, supported by more than 56% of voters (83 seats). 42 deputies from all opposition parties entered the Assembly. Bulatovich himself distanced himself from Serbian initiatives.

Course towards independence

Independent Montenegro

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  • Vaclik I. Ya.. - St. Petersburg. : Type. V.V. Komarova, 1889. - 26 p.
  • Rovinsky P. A. Montenegro in its past and present: In 3 volumes - St. Petersburg. : Printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1888. - T. 1. - 936 p.

An excerpt characterizing the History of Montenegro

– Don’t try, Karaffa... This is no longer interesting. You have no right to torture me and keep me in this basement. And you know this very well,” Morone answered very calmly.
He still had that unfailing dignity that had once so sincerely delighted me. And then our first and only meeting came back very vividly to my memory...
This happened late in the evening at one of Caraffa’s strange “night” receptions. There were almost no people left waiting, when suddenly, a servant as thin as a pole announced that His Eminence Cardinal Morone had come to the reception, who, moreover, was “in a hurry.” Caraffa was clearly delighted. Meanwhile, a man entered the hall with a majestic step... If anyone deserved the title of the highest hierarch of the church, it was he! Tall, slender and fit, magnificent in his bright moire robe, he walked with a light, springy gait along the richest carpets, as if on autumn leaves, proudly carrying his beautiful head, as if the world belonged only to him. Thoroughbred from the roots of his hair to the very tips of his aristocratic fingers, he aroused involuntary respect for himself, even without even knowing him.
– Are you ready, Morone? – Caraffa exclaimed cheerfully. – I hope that you will please Us with your efforts! Well, have a good trip to you, cardinal, greet the Emperor from Us! – and stood up, clearly planning to leave.
I couldn’t stand Caraffa’s manner of talking about himself as “we,” but this was the privilege of Popes and kings, and, naturally, no one ever tried to challenge it. I was very upset by such an exaggerated emphasis on one’s importance and exclusivity. But those who had such a privilege were, of course, completely satisfied with this, without causing any negative feelings in them. Not paying attention to Caraffa’s words, the cardinal easily knelt, kissing the “ring of sinners,” and, already rising, looked very intently at me with his bright cornflower blue eyes. They reflected unexpected delight and obvious attention... which Karaffa, naturally, did not like at all.
“You came here to see me, and not to break the hearts of beautiful ladies!” – Dad croaked displeased. - Bon voyage, Morone!
“I must talk to you before I begin to act, Your Holiness,” Morone said with all possible courtesy, without being embarrassed at all. “A mistake on my part could cost us a lot.” Therefore, I ask you to give me a little of your precious time before I leave you.
I was surprised by the shade of prickly irony that sounded in the words “your precious time”... It was almost elusive, but still – it was clearly there! And I immediately decided to take a closer look at the unusual cardinal, marveling at his courage. After all, usually not a single person dared to joke, much less ironize, with Karaffa. What in this case showed that Morone was not at all afraid of him... But what was the reason for such confident behavior - I immediately decided to find out, since I did not miss the slightest opportunity to recognize someone who could someday help I need at least some help in destroying the “Holiness”... But in this case, unfortunately, I was unlucky... Taking the cardinal by the arm and ordering me to wait in the hall, Caraffa took Morone to his chambers, without even allowing me say goodbye to him. And for some reason I was left with a feeling of strange regret, as if I had missed some important, even if very small, chance to receive someone else’s support...
Usually the Pope did not allow me to be in his waiting room when there were people there. But sometimes, for one reason or another, he suddenly “commanded” me to follow him, and to refuse him this, bringing upon myself even greater troubles, was simply unreasonable on my part, and there was no serious reason for it. That’s why I always went, knowing that, as usual, Dad would watch with some incomprehensible interest my reaction to certain invitees. I was completely indifferent to why he needed such “entertainment.” But such “meetings” allowed me to unwind a little, and for this alone it was worth not objecting to his strange invitations.
Having never met again with Cardinal Morone, who interested me, I very soon forgot about him. And now he was sitting on the floor right in front of me, all bloody, but still just as proud, and again made me admire his ability to maintain his dignity, remaining himself in any, even the most unpleasant life circumstances.
“You’re right, Morone, I don’t have a serious reason to torment you...” and then smiled. – But do We really need him?.. And besides, not all torment leaves visible traces, does it?
I didn’t want to stay!.. I didn’t want to watch how this monstrous “holiness” would practice his “talents” on a completely innocent person. But I also knew perfectly well that Caraffa would not let me go until he enjoyed my torment at the same time. Therefore, having gathered myself as best as my frayed nerves would allow me, I prepared to watch...
The mighty executioner easily lifted the cardinal, tying a heavy stone to his feet. At first I could not understand what such torture meant, but, unfortunately, the continuation was not long in coming... The executioner pulled the lever, and the cardinal’s body began to rise... A crunch was heard - it was his joints and vertebrae coming out of place. My hair stood on end! But the cardinal was silent.
- Shout, Morone! Give me pleasure! Perhaps then I will let you go early. Well, what are you doing?.. I order you. Shout!!!
Dad was furious... He hated it when people didn't break down. He hated it if they weren’t afraid of him... And therefore, for the “disobedient”, the torture continued much more persistently and angrily.
Morone became white as death. Large drops of sweat rolled down his thin face and, breaking off, dripped to the ground. His endurance was amazing, but I understood that he couldn’t go on like this for long - every living body had a limit... I wanted to help him, to try to somehow relieve the pain. And then a funny idea suddenly occurred to me, which I immediately tried to implement - the stone hanging on the cardinal’s feet became weightless!.. Caraffa, fortunately, did not notice this. And Morone raised his eyes in surprise, and then hastily closed them so as not to give it away. But I managed to see - he understood. And she continued to “conjure” further in order to relieve his pain as much as possible.
- Go away, Madonna! – Dad exclaimed displeased. “You’re preventing me from enjoying the spectacle.” I have long wanted to see whether our dear friend will be so proud after the “work” of my executioner? You are disturbing me, Isidora!
This meant that he nevertheless understood...
Caraffa was not a seer, but he somehow caught a lot of things with his incredibly sharp sense. So now, sensing that something was happening and not wanting to lose control over the situation, he ordered me to leave.
But now I no longer wanted to leave. The unfortunate cardinal needed my help, and I sincerely wanted to help him. For I knew that if I left him alone with Caraffa, no one knew whether Morone would see the coming day. But Karaffa clearly didn’t care about my wishes... Without even allowing me to be indignant, the second executioner literally carried me out the door and, pushing me towards the corridor, returned to the room where Karaffa was left alone with Karaffa, albeit a very brave, but completely helpless, good man. ..
I stood in the corridor, confused, wondering how I could help him. But, unfortunately, there was no way out of his sad situation. In any case, I couldn’t find him so quickly... Although, to be honest, my situation was probably even sadder... Yes, while Caraffa had not yet tormented me. But the physical pain was not as terrible as the torment and death of loved ones were terrible... I did not know what was happening to Anna, and, afraid to somehow interfere, I waited helplessly... From my sad experience, I am too good I understood that I had offended Dad with some rash action, and the result would only be worse - Anna would probably have to suffer.
Days passed, and I didn’t know if my girl was still in Meteora? Did Caraffa appear behind her?.. And was everything okay with her?
My life was empty and strange, if not hopeless. I could not leave Karaffa, because I knew that if I just disappeared, he would immediately take out his anger on my poor Anna... Also, I was still not able to destroy him, because I did not find a way to the protection that he gave a person who was once a “stranger” to him. Time flowed mercilessly, and I felt more and more my helplessness, which, coupled with inaction, began to slowly drive me crazy...
Almost a month has passed since my first visit to the cellars. There was no one nearby with whom I could even say a word. Loneliness oppressed more and more deeply, planting an emptiness in the heart, acutely seasoned with despair...
I really hoped that Morone still survived, despite the “talents” of the Pope. But she was afraid to return to the cellars, because she was not sure whether the unfortunate cardinal was still there. My return visit could bring upon him the real anger of Caraffa, and Morona would have to pay really dearly for this.
Remaining fenced off from any communication, I spent my days in complete “silence of loneliness.” Until, finally, unable to bear it any longer, she went down to the basement again...
The room where I found Morone a month ago was empty this time. One could only hope that the brave cardinal was still alive. And I sincerely wished him good luck, which, unfortunately, the prisoners of Caraffa clearly lacked.
And since I was already in the basement anyway, after thinking a little, I decided to look further and carefully opened the next door...
And there, on some terrible torture “instrument” lay a completely naked, bloody young girl, whose body was a real mixture of living burnt meat, cuts and blood, covering her from head to toe... Neither the executioner nor the more - Caraffa, fortunately for me, there were no tortures in the torture room.
I quietly approached the unfortunate woman and carefully stroked her swollen, tender cheek. The girl moaned. Then, carefully taking her fragile fingers into my palm, I slowly began to “treat” her... Soon clear, gray eyes looked at me in surprise...
- Quiet, honey... Lie quietly. I will try to help you as much as possible. But I don’t know if I’ll have enough time... You’ve been hurt a lot, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to “fix” it all quickly. Relax, my dear, and try to remember something good... if you can.
The girl (she turned out to be just a child) groaned, trying to say something, but for some reason the words did not come out. She mumbled, unable to pronounce even the shortest word clearly. And then a terrible realization struck me - this unfortunate woman had no tongue!!! They tore it out... so as not to say too much! So that she wouldn’t scream the truth when they burn her at the stake... So that she wouldn’t be able to say what they did to her...
Oh God!.. Was all this really done by PEOPLE???
Having calmed my deadened heart a little, I tried to turn to her mentally - the girl heard. Which meant that she was gifted!.. One of those whom the Pope hated so fiercely. And who did he so brutally burn alive on his terrifying human bonfires....
- What did they do to you, dear?!.. Why did they take away your speech?!
Trying to pull higher the coarse rags that had fallen from her body with naughty, trembling hands, I whispered in shock.
“Don’t be afraid of anything, my dear, just think about what you would like to say, and I will try to hear you.” What's your name, girl?
“Damiana...” the answer whispered quietly.
“Hold on, Damiana,” I smiled as gently as possible. - Hold on, don’t slip away, I’ll try to help you!
But the girl only slowly shook her head, and a clean, lonely tear rolled down her battered cheek...
- Thank you... for your kindness. But I’m no longer a tenant... – her quiet “mental” voice rustled in response. - Help me... Help me “go away.” Please... I can't stand it anymore... They'll be back soon... Please! They desecrated me... Please help me “leave”... You know how. Help... I will thank you “there” and remember you...
She grabbed my wrist with her thin fingers, disfigured by torture, clutching it with a death grip, as if she knew for sure that I could really help her... could give her the peace she wanted...
A sharp pain twisted my tired heart... This sweet, brutally tortured girl, almost a child, begged me for death as a favor!!! The executioners not only wounded her fragile body - they desecrated her pure soul, raping her together!.. And now Damiana was ready to “leave.” She asked for death as deliverance, even for a moment, without thinking about salvation. She was tortured and desecrated, and did not want to live... Anna appeared before my eyes... God, was it really possible that the same terrible end awaited her?!! Will I be able to save her from this nightmare?!
Damiana looked at me pleadingly with her clear gray eyes, which reflected inhumanly deep pain, wild in its strength... She could no longer fight. She didn't have enough strength for this. And in order not to betray herself, she preferred to leave...
What kind of “people” were they who committed such cruelty?! What kind of monsters trampled our pure Earth, desecrating it with their meanness and “black” soul?.. I cried quietly, stroking the sweet face of this courageous, unfortunate girl, who never lived even a small part of her sad, failed life... And mine hatred burned my soul! Hatred for the monster who called himself the Pope... the vicegerent of God... and the Holy Father... who enjoyed his rotten power and wealth, while in his own terrible basement a wonderful, pure soul was passing away from life. She left of her own free will... Because she could no longer bear the extreme pain inflicted on her by order of the same “holy” Pope...
Oh, how I hated him!!!.. I hated him with all my heart, with all my soul! And I knew that I would take revenge on him, no matter what it cost me. For everyone who died so brutally on his orders... For his father... for Girolamo... for this kind, pure girl... and for everyone else from whom he playfully took away the opportunity to live their dear and only life body, earthly life.
“I’ll help you, girl... I’ll help you, honey...” I whispered softly, cradling her tenderly. “Calm down, honey, there won’t be any more pain.” My father went there... I talked to him. There is only light and peace... Relax, my dear... I will fulfill your wish. Now you are going to leave - don’t be afraid. You won't feel anything... I'll help you, Damiana. I'll be with you...
From her mutilated physical body came an amazingly beautiful essence. She looked like Damiana had been before she came to this damned place.
“Thank you...” whispered her quiet voice. – Thank you for your kindness... and for your freedom. I will remember you.
She began to smoothly ascend along the glowing channel.
– Goodbye Damian... May your new life be happy and bright! You will still find your happiness, girl... And you will find good people. Goodbye...
Her heart quietly stopped... And the suffering soul flew freely to where no one could hurt her anymore. The sweet, kind girl left without knowing how wonderful and joyful her ragged, unlived life could have been... how many good people her Gift could have made happy... how high and bright her unknown love could have been... and how loud and the voices of her unborn children in this life could sound happily...
Damiana’s face, calmed in death, smoothed out, and she seemed simply asleep, she was so pure and beautiful now... Sobbing bitterly, I sank onto a rough seat next to her empty body... My heart froze with bitterness and resentment for her innocent, cut short life ... And somewhere very deep in my soul a fierce hatred rose, threatening to break out and sweep away this entire criminal, terrifying world from the face of the Earth...
Finally, having somehow gathered myself together, I looked once again at the brave girl-child, mentally wishing her peace and happiness in her new world, and quietly walked out the door...
The horror I saw paralyzed my consciousness, depriving me of the desire to explore the papal basement further... threatening to bring down on me someone else's suffering, which could turn out to be even worse. Just as I was about to go upstairs, I suddenly suddenly felt a weak but very persistent call. Listening in surprise, I finally realized that they were calling me from here, from the same basement. And then, forgetting all my previous fears, I decided to check it out.
The call was repeated until I walked straight to the door from which it came...
The cell was empty and damp, without any lighting. And in the very corner of it, a man was sitting on the straw. Coming closer to him, I suddenly screamed - it was my old friend, Cardinal Morone... His proud face, this time, was red with bruises, and it was clear that the cardinal was suffering.
– Oh, I’m very glad that you are alive!.. Hello, monsignor! Have you tried to call me?
He stood up slightly, wincing in pain, and said very seriously:
- Yes, Madonna. I've been calling you for a long time, but for some reason you didn't hear. Although they were very close.
“I helped a good girl say goodbye to our cruel world...” I answered sadly. – Why do you need me, Your Eminence? Can I help you?..
– This is not about me, Madonna. Tell me, your daughter's name is Anna, isn't it?
The walls of the room began to shake... Anna!!! Lord, not Anna!.. I grabbed some protruding corner so as not to fall.
– Speak, monsignor... You are right, my daughter’s name is Anna.
My world was collapsing without even knowing the reasons for what happened... It was enough that Caraffa mentioned my poor girl. There was no hope of expecting anything good from this.
– When the Pope was “studying” me in the same basement last night, the man told him that your daughter had left the monastery... And for some reason Caraffa was very pleased with this. That's why I decided to somehow break this news to you. After all, his joy, as I understand it, brings only misfortune to everyone? Am I right, Madonna?..
– No... You are right, Your Eminence. Did he say anything else? Even some little thing that could help me?
Hoping to get at least the slightest “addition,” I asked. But Morone just shook his head negatively...
- I'm sorry, Madonna. He only said that you were very mistaken, and that love has never brought good to anyone. If that tells you anything, Isidora.
I just nodded, trying to collect my thoughts, which were scattered in panic. And trying not to show Morona how shocked I was by the news he said, she said as calmly as possible:
“Would you allow me to treat you, monseigneur?” It seems to me that you could use my “witch” help again. And thank you for the message... Even the bad one. It’s always better to know the enemy’s plans in advance, even the worst, isn’t it?..
Morone peered carefully into my eyes, painfully trying to find in them the answer to some question that was important to him. But my soul closed itself off from the world so as not to get sick... in order to withstand the upcoming test... And the cardinal was now greeted only by a trained “secular” look, which did not allow him to penetrate my soul, frozen in horror...
“Are you really afraid, Madonna?” – Morone asked quietly. – You are a thousand times stronger than him! Why are you afraid of him?!..
– He has something that I am not yet able to fight... And I am not yet able to kill him. Oh, believe me, Your Eminence, if only I found the key to this poisonous viper! I will ease your pain.
But the cardinal, with a smile, refused.
– Tomorrow I will be in another, calmer place. And I hope Caraffa will forget about me for a while. Well, what about you, Madonna? What will become of you? I can't help you out of your imprisonment, but my friends are quite influential. Can I be of assistance to you?
– Thank you, monseigneur, for your concern. But I don’t have vain hopes, hoping to get out of here... He will never let me go... Not my poor daughter. I live to destroy it. He should have no place among people.
“It’s a pity that I didn’t recognize you earlier, Isidora.” Perhaps we would have become good friends. And now goodbye. You can't stay here. Dad will definitely come to wish me “good luck.” There is no need for you to meet him here. Save your daughter, Madonna... And don’t give up to Karaffa. May God be with you!
-What God are you talking about, monseigneur? – I asked sadly.
“Surely, not the one to whom Caraffa is praying!” Morone smiled goodbye.
I stood there for another moment, trying to remember the image of this wonderful man in my soul, and, waving goodbye, I went out into the corridor.
The sky opened up with a flurry of anxiety, panic and fear!.. Where was my brave, lonely girl now?! What prompted her to leave Meteora?.. For some reason Anna did not respond to my persistent calls, although I knew that she heard me. This instilled even greater anxiety, and I only held on with the last of my strength so as not to succumb to the panic burning my soul, since I knew that Caraffa would certainly take advantage of any weakness of mine. And then I will have to lose before I even begin to resist...
Secluded in “my” chambers, I “licked” old wounds, not even hoping that they would ever heal, but simply trying to be as strong and calm as possible in case of any opportunity to start a war with Caraffa... There is no point in hoping for a miracle it was, because I knew perfectly well that in our case miracles were not expected... Everything that happens, I will have to do only myself.
Inaction was killing, making me feel forgotten by everyone, helpless and unnecessary... And although I knew perfectly well that I was wrong, the worm of “black doubt” successfully gnawed at my inflamed brain, leaving there a bright trace of uncertainty and regrets...
I didn’t regret that I was with Caraffa myself... But I was terribly afraid for Anna. And also, I still couldn’t forgive myself for the death of my father and Girolamo, my beloved and the best people in the world for me... Will I ever be able to avenge them?.. Isn’t everyone right when they say that Caraffa cannot be defeated ? That I won’t destroy him, but will just die stupidly myself?.. Was the North really right in inviting him to go to Meteora? And was it really possible that the hope of destroying the Pope all this time lived only in me?!..
And one more thing... I felt that I was very tired... Inhumanly, terribly tired... Sometimes it even seemed - wouldn’t it really have been better to go to Meteora?.. After all, someone went there?.. And why They weren’t worried that people were dying around them. It was important for them to KNOW, to receive intimate KNOWLEDGE, since they considered themselves exceptionally gifted... But, on the other hand, if they were truly so “exceptional”, then how, in this case, did they forget the simplest, but in my opinion, our very important commandment is - do not retire while others need your help... How could they just close themselves off so easily, without even looking around, without trying to help others?.. How did they calm their souls?..
Of course, my “indignant” thoughts had nothing to do with the children in Meteora... This war was not their war, it concerned only adults... And the kids still had to walk long and hard along the path of knowledge in order to be able to protect your home, your relatives and all the good people living on our strange, incomprehensible Earth.
No, I was thinking specifically about adults... About those who considered themselves too “special” to risk their “precious” lives. About those who preferred to sit out in Meteora, inside its thick walls, while the Earth was bleeding and those as gifted as they were going to their deaths in droves...
I have always loved freedom and valued the right of free choice of every individual. But there were moments in life when our personal freedom was not worth millions of lives of other good people... In any case, that’s what I decided for myself... And I wasn’t going to change anything. Yes, there were moments of weakness when it seemed that the sacrifice that was being made would be completely meaningless and in vain. That she would not change anything in this cruel world... But then the desire to fight returned again... Then everything fell into place, and with all my being I was ready to return to the “battlefield”, despite how unequal I was war...
Long, hard days crawled by in a string of “unknowns,” and still no one bothered me. Nothing changed, nothing happened. Anna was silent, not responding to my calls. And I had no idea where she was, or where I could look for her...
And then one day, mortally tired of empty, endless waiting, I finally decided to fulfill my long-standing, sad dream - knowing that I would probably never be able to see my beloved Venice in another way, I decided to go there “by breath” to say goodbye ...
It was May outside, and Venice was dressing up like a young bride, celebrating her most beautiful holiday - the holiday of Love...
Love hovered everywhere - the air itself was saturated with it!.. Bridges and canals breathed with it, it penetrated into every corner of the elegant city... into every fiber of every lonely soul living in it... For this one day, Venice turned into a magical flower love - burning, intoxicating and beautiful! The streets of the city were literally “drowning” in a myriad of scarlet roses, with lush “tails” hanging down to the very water, gently caressing it with fragile scarlet petals... All of Venice was fragrant, exuding the smells of happiness and summer. And for this one day, even the most gloomy inhabitants of the city left their homes, and smiling with all their might, they expected that maybe on this beautiful day even they, sad and lonely, would smile at the capricious Love...