Australia. Why do tourists choose Australia? Australia's natural resources

It is the largest country in the world and occupies about 5% of the planet’s land area or 7.69 million km². It is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Australia has many natural resources, but the most economically important are minerals, which are exported to other countries around the world and provide significant economic benefits.

Water resources

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth, with one of the world's highest levels of water consumption. mainly represented by surface water in the form of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, dams and rainwater reservoirs, as well as underground aquifers. As an island continent, Australia is entirely dependent on precipitation (rain and snow) for its water supply. Artificial reservoirs are critical to maintaining water supplies on the mainland.

Among OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, Australia ranks fourth in terms of water consumption per capita. The total annual water flow is about 243 billion m³ and the total groundwater recharge is 49 billion m³, giving a total water resource inflow of 292 billion m³. Only 6% of Australia's water flow is in the Murray-Darling Basin, where water use is 50%. The total capacity of Australia's major dams is approximately 84 billion m³.

In Australia, it is common to use reclaimed water (treated wastewater that is not potable and intended for industrial reuse) for irrigation of green spaces, golf courses, crops or industrial use.

Forest resources

Australia is diverse and contains some of the continent's most important natural resources.

Australia has many forests, despite being considered one of the driest continents. The mainland contains approximately 149.3 million hectares of natural forest, representing approximately 19.3% of Australia's land area. Most trees in Australia are deciduous trees, usually eucalyptus. Of these, 3.4% (5.07 million hectares) are classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse and carbon-rich.

Australia's natural forests occur across a wide range of geographical landscapes and climates, and contain a wide range of predominantly endemic species (ie species that are found nowhere else) that form unique and complex forests. Forests provide a range of timber and non-timber products that Australians use in their daily lives. They also ensure clean water, protect soils, provide opportunities for recreation, tourism, as well as scientific and educational activities, and maintain cultural, historical, and aesthetic values.

The continent's timber industry has benefited from the development of tree plantations, which produce 14 times more timber per hectare of land than natural forests. Currently, plantations provide more than two-thirds of Australia's timber. These areas are dominated by fast-growing tree species such as eucalyptus and radiata pine. The main types of forest products are lumber, wood-based panels, paper and wood chips.

Mineral resources

Australia is among the world's largest mineral producers. The most important of the continent are bauxite, gold and iron ore. Other mineral resources on the mainland include copper, lead, zinc, diamonds and mineral sands. Most mineral resources are mined in Western Australia and Queensland. Many minerals mined in Australia are exported overseas.

Australia has extensive coal deposits. It is mainly found in the eastern part of the country. 2/3 of Australian coal is exported mainly to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Western Europe. The rest of the coal mined in Australia is burned to produce electricity.

Natural gas is also common in the country. Its reserves are mainly found in Western and Central Australia. Because most of these deposits are located away from urban centers, pipelines have been built to transport natural gas to cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. Part of the natural gas is exported. For example, natural gas produced in Western Australia is exported directly to Japan in liquid form.

Australia also contains a third of the world's uranium reserves. Uranium is used to produce nuclear energy. However, nuclear power and uranium mining are highly controversial as people are concerned about the harmful effects on the environment due to its radioactive properties.

Land resources

Land use has a significant impact on Australia's natural resources through its effects on water, soil, nutrients, plants and animals. There is also a strong link between changing land use patterns and economic and social conditions, particularly in regional Australia. Land use information shows how land is used, including production of products (such as crops,
timber, etc.) and measures to protect land, protect biodiversity, and natural resources.

The total area of ​​agricultural land is 53.4%, of which: arable land - 6.2%, permanent crops - 0.1%, permanent pastures - 47.1%.

About 7% of Australia's land resources are dedicated to nature conservation. Other protected areas, including indigenous lands, cover more than 13% of the country.

Forestry tends to be limited to higher rainfall regions of Australia, covering almost 19.3% of the continent. The lands of settlements (mostly urban) occupy about 0.2% of the country's area. Other land uses account for 7.1%.

Biological resources


Livestock farming is one of Australia's leading agricultural sectors. In terms of sheep population, the country ranks first in the world, and in some years it produces more than 1/4 of the world's wool production. Cattle are also raised throughout the country, and by-products include meat, milk, butter, cheese, etc. exported to other countries and generates a total income of more than 700 million US dollars per year, with Indonesia being the largest consumer of meat.

Crop production

Australia is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of grain crops. The most important crop grown is wheat, the sown area of ​​which exceeds 11 million hectares. Other Australian crops include barley, corn, sorghum, triticale, peanuts, sunflowers, safflower, canola, canola, soybeans and others.

Sugar cane, bananas, pineapples (mainly the state of Queensland), citrus fruits (the states of South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales), etc. are also grown in the country.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Australia are the plants and animals that live on its territory. The flora and fauna of Australia is unique and significantly different from the wildlife of other continents.

About 80% of Australian plant species are found only on this continent. Native plants include: eucalyptus, casuarina, acacia, spinfex grass and flowering plants including banksia and anigozanthos, etc.

Australia has many unique animals. Of Australia's native animal species: 71% of mammals and birds, 88% of reptile species and 94% of amphibian species are endemic. About 10% of our planet's biodiversity is found here.

The vast territory gives Australia a large supply of natural resources. Despite the small population, the country actively and rationally uses available resources and is actively developing alternative energy sources.

Due to its large extent, the country has several climatic zones, which is reflected in the unique and diverse flora and fauna.

Water resources

There are a small number of rivers throughout Australia. During the period of snow melting, the rivers are quite deep, but the rest of the time even large rivers, like the Darling, become very shallow. To irrigate fields and pastures, dams are built and reservoirs are created. The only exception is Tasmania; the rivers flowing through this lake are regularly fed by snow and rain. Due to this, there are a large number of hydroelectric power stations in Tasmania. The lakes of Australia are waterless pits for most of the year, filling with water only in the summer. Fishing and cultivation of pearl mussels are well developed in the nearby seas.

Land resources

The total land area occupies more than 774 thousand hectares, of which more than half are suitable for agricultural needs and construction. However, constant drought does not allow the use of all available territory. Irrigation systems are available on an area of ​​2,550 hectares, so currently the cultivated areas occupy only 6% of the entire territory. Many grains, vegetables, fruits and cotton are grown in Australia.

Forest resources

Australia's forested areas are small, accounting for only 2% of the country's total area. However, subtropical Australian forests are the largest in area in the world. You can also find tropical, subantarctic and savannah forests. Due to the arid climate, the flora of Australia is represented mainly by dry-loving plants. The central part of the continent is predominantly covered with scrap. Economic activity has greatly modified many plant species.

Mineral resources

Australia is rich in mineral resources, ranking 1st in the world for zirconium and bauxite deposits and 2nd for uranium deposits. Coal mining is also very well developed. There are both large and small gold deposits scattered throughout Australia. Significant quantities of platinum, silver, nickel, opal, antimony, bismuth, and diamonds are mined. The country also has oil and natural gas reserves. Australia is fully self-sufficient in its industry and, apart from oil, does not need to purchase mineral resources.

Alternative energy sources

Australia is on the path of active development of alternative energy sources. Climatic conditions allow highly efficient use of solar and wind energy. The country has every chance in a short time to completely switch to using only alternative energy sources.

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Hello! My name is Natasha, and for 5 years now I have been living in a country where everyone walks on their heads, or rather in Australia, in the city of Sydney. Here I work as a marketer, I run my blog in Instagram and a radio column, and I also organize picnics for Russian immigrants like my husband and me. Life on the Green Continent is full of interesting discoveries, and even now I continue to be amazed by some of them.

Especially for readers website I will tell you the whole truth about the features of this distant and beautiful country.

The question I get asked most often is: how to move to Australia? We moved here thanks to my husband, who received a work permit. We decided to try to live in this country, and then we stayed and never regretted our decision. Like any other country, there are many pros and cons to living in Australia. If you are interested in relocating, I advise you to check the Immigration Department website, as the rules are constantly changing. And also check whether your profession is on the list of in-demand professions for migrants.

Well, to make it easier for you to make a decision, I suggest that you first learn more about the life of Australians.

1. There is no eternal summer in Australia

I used to think that in Australia it was always warm, sunny and you could swim in the warm ocean all year round. This is indeed a very sunny continent (about 250 sunny days a year), but the weather can be different and even unpredictable. In Sydney, even in summer, the ocean rarely warms up to a comfortable temperature, and Australians themselves prefer to go for a beach holiday to Bali, Fiji or Thailand.

The country is large; several climate zones pass through it: from the tropics in the north to a cooler climate with rainy winters in the south. If you wish, you can even go skiing in Australia: there are several ski resorts where real snow falls (although the prices there are steep!).

Australia is also often called the Green Continent, but this is not entirely true: most of the continent is desert, and tropical forests are found only along one coast.

2. In winter, it can be warmer outside than at home.

Here’s a paradox: despite the fact that the winters here are not harsh, the lack of central heating and “cardboard walls” make me feel colder than in Russia. That's why sheepskin slippers were my first purchase.

Usually in winter it’s even warmer outside than at home: once in my friend’s apartment the thermometer rose to a maximum of +9, while the temperature outside the window was about +13. This is roughly how I spent three summer months. Australians are saving themselves as best they can: using heaters and simply dressing warmer. Ugg boots, which are worn on the streets all over the world, are worn here at home.

3. Australians love the ocean and nature.

Typical road in a residential area: Along with their cars, many families park boats, sometimes two at once. There are more than a hundred beaches in Sydney (just imagine, you can choose a new one every weekend!), and people try to spend their free time usefully. Many people enjoy surfing, riding small boards, while others simply swim or relax in the shade.

4. Relaxed, unhurried and unbearable accent

It’s not for nothing that there are so many legends about the Australian accent: it really baffles the untrained ear! Locals speak quickly, swallow sounds, and even use many abbreviations: arvo = afternoon, brekky = breakfast, etc. Add here Indians and Asians with their accents: at first, out of habit, my head is spinning from this language mixture.

Here are some interesting observations about the mentality of local residents:

  • Australians don't give their all at work, but think it's better to do 80% and go surfing. And it doesn’t matter that you expect 100% results from them. At work, sometimes it even turns out to be convenient: firstly, something can be done faster and handed over, and then slowly finished. And secondly, in the end the alterations may be different than you originally expected. Users will test and perhaps find errors that can be corrected along with improvements. “I work for life, but I don’t live for work” - that’s their motto.
  • Nobody is tense. And why, when you have a glass of coffee in one hand and an endless ocean stretches before your eyes? You can go outside in pajamas, sweatpants, or even barefoot! Nobody cares. It may seem that people here are a little childish, and this is usually the case until they reach 30-35 years old: at this age Australians start families and give birth to children (usually 2-3, no less).
  • It's strange, but despite his relaxed approach to life, Australians love to plan everything in advance.. Air tickets are purchased 8-9 months before the trip, vacations are planned a year in advance, meetings with friends are planned a month in advance.
  • Australians will not get into their souls, and in general when communicating, they will behave politely and keep their distance, avoiding topics that may be unpleasant. Of course, there is racism in Australian society, but in general immigrants like us are treated well here.

Fun fact: According to statistics, 50% of Australians never iron anything. No one will look at you askance if you come to work in wrinkled trousers and shirt: if it’s so comfortable for you, then why not?

Moreover, I want to go to the store in pajamas to buy bread - please! Do you want to walk down the street barefoot and walk to the nearest store? In my area every second person walks like this: Once at the checkout at the supermarket I met a guy who was wearing only a towel. How do you like this?

By the way, Australians have another habit - they like to drive barefoot. I used to be disdainful and wrinkle my nose when friends told me how much they loved driving barefoot, but a couple of years ago I started doing it myself and got involved - and it’s really very convenient.

6. Australia is a topsy-turvy country

The seasons here are “turned” upside down: when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter reigns in Australia. It turns out that June, July and August are the winter months. Accordingly, New Year and Christmas fall at the height of summer, and this was difficult to get used to at first. The traditional Australian celebration of these two holidays is a barbecue on the beach. And we carry with us a Christmas tree, a bowl of Olivier salad and make “snowmen” out of sand.

Each Australian spends on average $400–550 on gifts, because it is customary to buy gifts for all of your relatives and even their children, and Australians have large families. So one day my colleague had to stock up on almost 40 gifts.

There is also holiday Christmas in July - the so-called July Christmas. It is celebrated arbitrarily in July, that is, in the middle of winter, when it gets cold outside: it is customary to sit by the fireplace with New Year's attributes and give gifts to loved ones.

By the way, The school year in Australia is also “upside down”": starts at the end of January and ends before Christmas, in mid-December. The financial year also differs from the usual calendar year and begins on July 1.

7. In Australia, everything is trying to kill you - is it true?

If things were so bad, it is unlikely that Australians would be among the ten happiest nations in the world. There are sharks, poisonous snakes, matchbox-sized cockroaches and palm-sized spiders here, but people have somehow adapted to live peacefully with the surrounding flora and fauna. Each animal has its own habitat. Basic rules help reduce fears and protect yourself: you should shake out your shoes before putting them on (in case someone crawled into your shoes), carefully monitor your belongings while relaxing in nature, and swim carefully in the ocean. Caution never hurt anyone!

One day a large spider climbed into our house, which we heroically caught. After discussing the situation with friends, I found out that many Australian houses even have a special glass for catching spiders: they are not killed, but caught and taken outside.

I am also often asked: is it true that in Australia sharks eat people off the coast? This can really happen here, but according to statistics, many more people in Australia die from falling out of their own bed than from shark bites.

Once I myself found myself close to a shark, but, to be honest, I didn’t even see a fin. We were on one of the southern beaches of Sydney: swimming and boarding in the coastal waves. Suddenly the siren turned on, the rescuers began to fuss and began to drive everyone out of the water: 2-3 sharks swam from the ocean, which were larger in size than boats.

I asked the woman lifeguard if they often see sharks. It turned out that she sees them almost every day, but these are all species that are not dangerous to humans. Large sharks rarely swim from the ocean (they were seen on this beach only 3 times during the season): when this happens, the beach is closed.

8. Kangaroos outnumber the human population

Australia's national treasure is subject to mandatory census: as of 2011, there were 34 million kangaroos in Australia. Let’s compare with the population in 2011: 23 million people, which means There are indeed more kangaroos in Australia than people. Here are some interesting statistics.

Of course, you won't see kangaroos on the streets of Sydney., but as soon as you move a little further inland, to national parks, the likelihood of meeting these animals increases sharply. True, they are a little stupid: they regularly run out onto the road and throw themselves under the wheels of cars.

    Nature. As a person who grew up in the concrete jungle, I am endlessly pleased by the Australian nature and amazing wildlife - you don’t even need to leave the city for this. For example, the national parks and nature reserves located in the Sydney metropolitan area cover an area of ​​188 hectares, and are most often pieces of untouched wilderness. And all this is within the city! And, of course, the ocean is a separate love.

    Weather. Whatever you say, the weather in Australia is great. So, in Sydney the temperature never drops below zero, snow does not fall, on a good winter day you can even walk in a jacket, and my complaints about Sydney winters are more likely from being spoiled.

    Comfort. Australian cities are perfectly suited for a comfortable and quiet life. There are ramps and elevators designed here for those who have to use a wheelchair, special places are equipped - this, it seems to me, is an important indicator. Driving on the roads here is a pleasure, and most of the signs have a picture and an explanation: if you don’t remember the sign, you can at least read it. Markings on the road help you turn into the right lane. And on the Great Ocean Road (a place where there are 5 tourists for every 1 local) there are signs “In Australia they drive on the left side of the road.”

    People. I like Australians: they are kind, open and cheerful, always ready to help and will not pass by a person in trouble. They don't worry about little things, which means there is a lot less stress and pressure. People know how to enjoy life, spend a lot of time with friends and family, and I really like all this.

Would you like to travel to Australia or have you already been to this country? Share your opinion with us in the comments.

Australia is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. One has only to say that it is the sixth country in the world in terms of territory and the only one that completely occupies one of the continents. But this, apparently, was not enough for her and she also owns the island of Tasmania and others. In addition, the entire continent that she owns is also named after her. And those who want to get there are not put off by the long flight or rumors about huge and terrible insects living in this country. This country has been attracting travelers for many years, largely due to its natural beauty and diversity of excursions. And we can say for sure that only special tourists come to this country. They are not afraid of getting sunburned, can easily endure daily flights and are not at all afraid of grasshoppers a meter long. And as a reward for such a feat, an unforgettable trip to a wonderful country awaits them. After all, nowhere in the world can you see so much. In addition, Australia is one of the safe and highly developed countries in the world.

For those traveling to this country for a beach holiday as well, you should visit resorts such as the Gold Coast and the Great Barrier Reef. These places are located in the east of the country.

And lovers of exotic things and crocodiles, including, should go north. It is there that they live in large numbers. There you can see Aboriginal settlements and many parks with waterfalls.

Australia is a large country and the best way to get around it is by plane. It will cost very little, since there are a lot of airlines in this country. And they compete with each other and offer very attractive prices for their services. In addition, this is the fastest way to get to the place. Rail transport in Australia is not very well developed and, paradoxically, is more expensive than air travel. But the cheapest and longest way to travel around the country is by bus. But you can take this as an additional excursion around the country.

It’s convenient to get around the city by buses; they operate from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Cards for traveling on them are sold at kiosks at each stop. And in Sydney, for example, there is a subway.

There will be no problems with taxis either. You can order a car by phone, catch it on the street, or just go to a taxi rank.

There will be no problems with renting a car either. To do this, you need an international license and at least one year of driving experience. You can rent a car at any airport, railway or bus station. Camping van rentals are also available. In Australia, it is mandatory to follow the rules of the road, including wearing a seat belt and placing children in car seats.

To have a good holiday in this country, you must follow some safety measures. For example, until your skin gets used to the Australian sun, it is best to avoid direct sunlight altogether. And it is simply necessary to use sunscreen and it is best to wear light-colored clothing made from natural materials. Wearing quality sunglasses is also recommended. And it is best to swim only in places designated for this, where there are no strong waves or underwater currents. In Australia, safe areas are marked with green flags, while dangerous areas are marked with yellow-red flags.

In addition, no matter how much you would like to fully relax in nature, it is not recommended to walk barefoot on the grass or walk through Australian parks in the dark. Unfortunately, not only people live in this country; poisonous insects and snakes are also full-fledged inhabitants of Australia.

The attitude towards smokers in Australia is not very friendly. Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places. And violating this rule may result in a large fine.

And if you are planning a trip to regions of the country such as Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is recommended to use protective nets and mosquito repellents. Mosquitoes in these states carry dangerous diseases.

Currency exchange is best done at the airport and in banks. You can also exchange money without commission at Singapore Money Exchange points. A small commission for each exchange transaction is charged at Thomas Cook and American Express points. The exchange rate is almost the same. But a slightly less favorable rate in Australian hotels. Traveler's checks in Australia are not profitable, since banks charge a significant commission for servicing them. Credit cards will only be useful in large cities; in small settlements you can only pay in cash. So it’s better to take care of this in advance.

Australia also has many pleasant surprises in store for shopping lovers. In this country you can buy precious and semi-precious stones that are mined only here. These are pink diamonds, sapphires and opals. Aboriginal products are very interesting. I think everyone will be delighted with such a gift as a beautiful and unusual product made of clay and dishes. Products made from crocodile wool and sheep leather are also very popular among tourists. These are wonderful warm accessories such as scarves, sweaters and hats, as well as a variety of shoes and belts.

Please be aware that store opening hours vary from state to state. But usually they all close at 17:00. Also in many cities there are markets where you can buy necessary goods. Including food and souvenirs.

Australian cuisine also deserves special attention. Most of all, Australians love fried meat. And all other products, including cheeses, vegetables, fruits and seafood, seem to complement it. There you can try such delicacies as possum fillet, shark lips and crocodile meat. The taste of some dishes is, frankly speaking, not for everyone. And recently, a fashion for Asian dishes has come to Australia.

But those who want to get to know the local cuisine in full will have to travel around the whole country. Because in each region of Australia the cuisine is different and there are specific dishes that deserve attention.

In general, exploring the whole country will be more than interesting. After all, it is so diverse and unlike any other in the world. And you will definitely want to return there again.

Australia is a continental country. This is one of the most amazing states in the world because it has a unique nature, topography, flora and fauna. Australia is a country with “character”: the climate here is very difficult, summer here begins in the midst of winter, and winter - during summer.

Australia is full of contrasts. It is an island surrounded on all sides by the ocean, but most of it is desert. Aboriginal culture and the culture of the modern world coexist here. Industrial cities are surrounded by wild nature. It is impossible to get tired of this continent; Australia constantly amazes the imagination of tourists. And the tourists themselves want to return to this stunning country to once again enjoy its chic and simplicity.



23,002,866 inhabitants

7,692 thousand km²

Population density

2.8 people per km²



Multi-religious country, has no official religion

Form of government

A constitutional monarchy

Australian dollar (AUD)


Three time zones: Western Time (UTC+8), Central Time (UTC+9:30) and Eastern Time (UTC+10)

International dialing code

Domain zone


220 V, 50 Hz, three-pin sockets

Climate and weather

The climate in Australia is determined by its close location to the equator. Winter (December to February) is the hottest time here. Air temperatures can reach +36 °C, and sometimes +40 °C in the center of Australia and +30 °C on the West Coast. Summer, on the contrary, is very cool, up to +20 °C in Central Australia and up to +10 °C in the west.

The most inhabited part of Australia is the southeast coast. This part is also the most loyal in terms of climate: winters here are not so hot (+25...+27 °C), and summers are mild and rainy with temperatures up to +12...+14 °C.

The climate of the island of Tasmania is the mildest in the entire country: in summer the temperature reaches +10 °C, and in winter - +17...19 °C.

The driest climate is found in central Australia. There is minimal precipitation per year here, which is why the desert spreads here. The island of Tasmania receives the maximum amount of rainfall in the country in winter. This is the rainiest place in Australia.


Australia is a country with rich and unique nature. There are almost no rivers in Australia, but there are a large number of lakes. The most significant river here is Murray. The largest lake is Air, which is salty. However, Australia attracts tourists not with its rivers and lakes, but with its sea beaches with white delicate sand, comfortably located in the northeast and east of the mainland. Also attracts Great Barrier Reef- the largest coral reef in the world. Diving and surfing lovers return here again and again to once again plunge into this stunning beauty and enjoy the unimaginable underwater world.

Some tourists are attracted by the deserts and semi-deserts that occupy most of Australia. They also have something mysterious and unique, especially oases.

In Australia there is a valid Mawson Volcano(this is the highest point in the country).

The flora and fauna of this country are unique and inimitable. Many of Australia's plants are evergreen, but some have been able to adapt to dry weather and fires. However, it is the local fauna that is of greatest interest. After all, you won’t find animals like these anywhere else (except in zoos). Platypuses and echidnas, kangaroos and koalas, emus and cockatoos - they are all striking in their dissimilarity to the animals we are used to. It's worth going to Australia just for them. Please note that there are a lot of venomous snakes in Australia.

In the north of Australia there is Kakadu National Park, where you can get acquainted with the rich flora and fauna of this beautiful country. It also contains Aboriginal rock art dating back over 25,000 years.


In Australia, man-made attractions cannot be separated from those created by nature.

The highlights of Australia include the extraordinary flora and fauna of the country-continent, a mountain made of red soil Ayers Rock , oases in the middle of the desert, Great Barrier Reef, which is included in the UN World Heritage List.

Sydney is the most beautiful city in the world. It combines the industrial modern world with its skyscrapers and the ancient buildings of the King's Cross and Rocks districts, parks and boulevards and Asian quarters. In Sydney, it is worth visiting the well-known Sydney Museum of Australian History and Anthropology, Museum of Modern Art, Nicholson Museum of Antiquity, National Maritime Museum, Australian Wildlife Park and Hyde Park. Particularly noteworthy is the embankment in the Woolumulu area and the opal factory, where you can buy jewelry made from opals, pearls or diamonds. Sydney is worth visiting if only to get into the spirit of Australia, to feel its contrasting and contradictory nature, alluring with its uniqueness.

Melbourne is the largest city in Australia. Melbourne's small city center is home to museums, galleries and wonderful shops. A huge part of the city is given over to parks and squares; there is also Royal Botanic Garden. It is also worth visiting the National Gallery and Victoria Museum, St. Patrick's Cathedral, James Cook Memorial and the city's old Mint, Phillip Island, the Great Ocean Road, the beautiful Port Campbell National Park and the picturesque weathered coastlines of south-west Victoria.

City Darwin is a small modern city. Here you can stroll through a large number of parks: Kakadu Park, Northern Territory Wildlife Park, beautiful parks Lichfield And Katerina Gorge. This city will help you immerse yourself in the unique wild nature of Australia.


There is no traditional Australian cuisine, it is a continuation of British cuisine. However, all kinds of seafood predominate here. In addition, they eat kangaroo meat, crocodile meat, emu meat and even larvae and beetles. But don't worry, there are many restaurants and cafes here offering almost all types of international cuisine. In addition, there are plenty of fast food restaurants in Australia.

Australian wines are very popular abroad. But the most popular drink among Australians themselves is beer.

In Australia, you can take advantage of the following food options:

BYO Restaurants, which means "bring with you". In this case, we mean alcoholic products. This is due to the fact that not all restaurants in Australia receive a license to sell alcohol. Please note that some restaurants of this type only allow you to bring beer, others only wine. You must pay a fee for drinking alcohol in such establishments. (from 2 to 15 $).

Chains of Asian eateries are very common in this country.

In many parks you can cook your own barbecue.

In Australia there are also so-called "salad bars"— self-service bars. Here you have to pay an entrance fee of around 6-8 Australian dollars. The assortment includes salads, appetizers, soups, vegetables and fruits.


In Australia, tourists are offered a wide variety of accommodation options, be it a hotel, inn, hostel, campsite or apartments.

The most affordable accommodation option in the country is a hostel. Here you will be provided with a private room with a shared bathroom for 20-30 $ per night. The same price includes the opportunity to use a kitchen with a refrigerator and a supply of food.

Hotels are a more expensive accommodation option. It is worth noting that Australian hotels are divided into classes, but without taking into account stars. Here you will be provided with a high level of service with free internet, morning newspapers and meals.

Motels This is the most common accommodation option in Australia. They are cheaper than hotels, but the quality of service is simpler. The cost of living is approx. 50 $ per night. For this amount you will be offered a separate room with a personal shower and toilet.

Apartment rentals are also available for tourists. But, as a rule, apartments are provided for a short period of time (maximum a couple of nights). In this case, you can use the kitchen, washing machine, clothes dryer and other services.

Alternatively, you can live on a farm. Here you will be provided with quality food and Australian flavor.

Entertainment and relaxation

Sun and beach are what comes to mind when the word “Australia” is mentioned. This country attracts hundreds of tourists with its beach holidays. Australia has more than 10 thousand beaches. Every tourist can choose a vacation to their liking.

The most popular beach in Australia among tourists is Bondi Beach. There are many cafes, restaurants and hotels here. Gold Coast main beach Surface Paradise. The most picturesque Australian beach, which “plays with colors” in the rays of the rising and setting sun, is Cable Beach. For those who like a secluded, relaxing holiday without crowds of people, Carramoin and beaches Bedarra Islands. Beaches are a great place for tourists with children. Dunk Islands And Magnetic.

Everyone knows that Australia is very popular among water sports enthusiasts. Its beaches leave no one indifferent to surfers, yachtsmen, or fans of diving and water skiing. Here you can try spearfishing.

Australians are big fans of golf, tennis and badminton. Therefore, there are a lot of areas for practicing these sports.

Australia's main cultural event is the Sydney Festival, which is celebrated in January. It includes a military parade, street performances, and theater premieres.

In February in Sydney you can attend the festival of sexual minorities.

In Melbourne at the end of January you can attend a tennis tournament, and in February - the Formula 1 world championship at the Australian Grand Prix.


Australian stores are usually open from 09:00 to 17:00, weekends are Saturday and Sunday. However, some supermarkets allow themselves to be open on weekends, but not for long.

If you made a purchase in an Australian store for more than AUD 300 in one receipt, you may be eligible for a GST refund of 9.1%. To receive a tax refund, you must have the purchase in its original condition, as well as the receipt.


In Australia, you drive on the left. This must be taken into account when driving a car in this country. Many people note that Australia's roads are very good.

The distance between the main cities of the country is significant (for example, from Sydney to Melbourne 900 km). Because of this, airplanes are the most common form of travel within the country. The flight cost is low. Flights depart from Melbourne to Sydney and back every 15 minutes.

Rail transport is poorly developed in this country. This is due to the fact that the states poorly cooperate with each other on this issue, as well as due to the large distance between cities and the difficulty of laying a railway. In addition, not all states have it available at all. The cost of traveling by train is not much lower than by plane, but the speed is much lower.

Traveling by bus is a more popular mode of transportation. You can use a variety of types of tickets, including charter flights.

Ferry is another popular mode of transport. The main ferry service is between Melbourne and Devonport. The ferry can be used every day. There is also a ferry service between Palm Beach, which is on the central coast of New South Wales, and Sydney's Northern Beaches.


Wireless Internet is very widespread here, with quite a few access points. There are Internet cafes in large cities. Most hotels offer their guests free Internet access.

There are pay phones all over the country. With their help, you can make both long-distance and international calls. In addition, you can purchase a SIM card. Topping up your balance occurs through the purchase of a “voucher” that must be activated. When purchasing a SIM card, your balance will be zero.


Travelers should be aware that food, firearms, drugs, certain medications, and animal and plant materials are prohibited from being brought into Australia.

It is also prohibited to export animals and plants, bird feathers, corals, shells, bones, and bamboo products from Australia without the necessary permit.

We offer you emergency numbers:

013 — emergency calls;
000 - police, fire service, emergency medical services. When you dial this number, you will be connected to an operator who needs to tell you a code word indicating the help you need: police, fire or ambulance.

Here are some important laws, failure to comply with which will result in a fine or even visa revocation and deportation:

  • alcohol and cigarettes can only be purchased by persons over 18 years of age;
  • smoking in public places is prohibited;
  • you cannot purchase, sell, store, or use illegal drugs, including marijuana;
  • Under no circumstances should you spit on the street, otherwise you will receive a fine;
  • It is prohibited to carry weapons, including knives.

Never drive after drinking alcohol. This is not only unsafe, but is also punishable by a fine. You should also drive on the roads at night carefully, do not drive recklessly. In Australia, police regularly patrol at night and enforce traffic rules. The fine for violating these rules can be AUD 100 or more.

Real estate

Property prices in Australia are relatively high. The most expensive real estate is in large cities. For example, in Sydney or Melbourne a house costs approximately 580 000 $ , and the apartment will cost the amount 540 000 $ . In smaller cities, property prices are also lower. Thus, a house in Adelaide is selling for $400,000, and an apartment can be purchased for 325 000 $.

The process of buying property in Australia for foreign nationals is not easy. To purchase real estate in this country, you must obtain permission from the Government Council on Foreign Investment. In addition, a mandatory condition for carrying out a real estate transaction is the participation of a lawyer in it.

Payment for the purchased property must be made only by bank transfer.

In addition, it must be taken into account that if the visa to leave Australia expires, the property must be sold. If you want to avoid this trouble, real estate can be registered in the name of a legal entity registered in Australia.

Business climate

Australian law allows anyone to do business. This contributes to the “survival” of the strongest in the business environment - most companies cease to exist within the first year of operation and lose a lot of money. The organizational and legal forms here are different: from private small businesses to large foreign companies.

Every company in the country, small or large, is required to keep accounting records, be a good taxpayer and insure all its employees.
If you need additional funds to start your own business, you can easily take out a bank loan for a long period at a low interest rate, but only if you have a good credit history.
The financial year in Australia ends on 30 June. At the end of this period, until October 30, taxpayers are required to fill out a tax return and pay the state. Residents of the country are required to pay taxes on all income received (including income outside the country). Non-residents pay taxes only on income received in Australia. The income tax rate here is quite high - 30 %. The VAT rate is relatively small - 10 %.

The most developing industries in Australia are programming, mining and chemical industries, construction, and medicine. They account for the majority of exhibitions and conferences held in Australia. Their main goal is to increase the level of development of industries and agriculture both in Australia and abroad, exchange experience and knowledge, as well as protect the unique ecosystem of Australia and Oceania. Mostly exhibitions are held in cities such as Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane.

Here are some tips to help you enjoy your holiday in this impressive country.

A total of 900 Australian dollars worth of goods can be imported into Australia duty-free. For goods exceeding this amount, you will have to pay customs duty. You can import no more than 250 cigarettes (250 grams of other tobacco products) and 1125 ml of alcohol duty free.

Banks in Australia are open only on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00 or until 17:00. Currency exchange offices are open not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. ATMs operate 24 hours a day.

If you decide to travel inland, then first stock up on fuel, water, food, matches and spare parts for the car. You will not find telephones in the interior of the country, there is no mobile communication there, so it would be a good idea to take a satellite phone with you, and also tell your friends or the local police exactly where you are going and for how long.

If you decide to rent a car, you will need to have an international driving license, a deposit amount, as well as more than a year of driving experience and an age over 21, but not more than 75.

Be careful in the wild: Australia has many wild venomous snakes and insects. Before traveling to this country, read the rules for providing assistance in case of bites from venomous animals.

Also remember about the rules of behavior on the water and the presence of sharks. Safe swimming areas are indicated by green or red-yellow flags, while red or yellow flags warn of a dangerous swimming area.

Visa information

To visit Australia, citizens of the CIS countries and the Russian Federation must obtain a visa, which can be a visitor or transit visa. A visitor visa is provided to persons whose purpose of visit is to visit their relatives or friends (for up to 12 months), tourism, and study (no more than three months). Moreover, the person who decides to issue this visa must make sure that the applicant intends to visit Australia only for tourism purposes. Otherwise, the visa will be denied.

A transit visa is issued to those persons whose purpose of visit is direct transit through Australian territory to a third country. In this case, the period of stay in Australia should not exceed three days.