Airbnb - search and rental of private apartments (apartments and houses). AirBnB reviews. What happened to AirBnB and why renting a home through Airbnb became unprofitable Arenby rent a home

This is a site that allows you to rent accommodation from local residents of the city you are planning to visit. You can rent a shared or separate room, an apartment, a house or an entire cottage - in general, any place where you can come, leave your things and spend the night. To do this, you just need to enter your destination, arrival and departure dates into the search.

How is Airbnb different from a hotel and hostel?

A hotel is an expensive pleasure. However, price does not always guarantee quality. And even if you decide not to save money on vacation, it's hardly worth giving most of your money for a room where you will only appear to sleep.

Hostels are the other extreme: they are affordable, but you can forget about privacy. For every decent hostel, there are a dozen with terrible conditions in which you definitely won’t feel at home.

Let's look at the main advantages of booking through Airbnb:

  • The service allows you to rent housing at a price that suits you.
  • From the photographs you can study the situation in the apartment and understand whether you will be comfortable there.
  • Hospitable hosts (they are also called hosts) will not only show you the apartment, but can also give you advice interesting places in the city, meet you at the airport, explain how to use local public transport.
  • You can rent an apartment for any period of time: for a weekend in a neighboring city, for a week on vacation, and even for a month or more to live in another country.
  • Payments go through Airbnb, which acts as an intermediary. This means that in controversial situations you will be able to get your money back.
  • You can rent housing immediately for a group of friends or a whole family. It won't be that expensive.

All this is great, but it also has its downsides. You can rent a house located in an inconvenient area. Or encounter scammers who post apartments on the website with fake reviews and photographs that do not correspond to reality.

So that you can avoid such troubles, we have prepared a list of recommendations, following which you will find a suitable option for yourself.

1. Fill out your profile completely

To book a place through Airbnb, you must first submit an application. Confirmation from the owner is required: until this point, funds will not be debited from your card.

Some hosts provide an instant booking service so that an apartment can be booked without waiting for confirmation. Such advertisements are marked with a special lightning bolt symbol.

Sometimes hosts refuse to confirm a reservation. No, not because they don't need money. Imagine yourself in the shoes of landlords: they trust their apartment completely to a stranger. A half-empty Airbnb profile without a photo or personal information will not help you establish contact with the host.

Therefore, add a photo of yourself (preferably you look friendly) and write a short story about yourself, indicate your age and occupation. If you have already rented apartments through Airbnb and have positive reviews from previous hosts, then this will be a big plus.

If you often receive rejections rather than positive responses, it's most likely your profile. Give the host a little more information about yourself and try to come across as someone who isn't going to tear their house down. :)

2. Explore the area

If you are traveling to unfamiliar city In a country you have never been to before, search the Internet for information about the areas. And be sure to check the location of the apartment on the map.

Usually people look at beautiful pictures of an apartment and completely forget to check the surrounding area. This is fraught with consequences: you can rent an apartment with a delightful renovation in a dilapidated house, which is located in an area where garbage is never collected and suspicious characters roam.

So check it out: go to Google Maps and turn on the Google Street View function: look at photos of the building and “walk” around the area. It's good if there is a stop nearby public transport, cafes where you can have a snack and drink coffee, supermarkets.

If you are traveling to a new place as a holiday, do not rent an apartment two hours away from the center: all the most interesting attractions are usually located there. Is it worth spending precious time traveling there and back every day?

3. Take advantage of discounts and promotional codes

If you are not yet registered on the site, ask a friend who has already rented an apartment through Airbnb to send you an invitation. This way you will have a discount of 1,500 rubles on your first trip, and your friend will receive a reward from the service.

Many Airbnb hosts are willing to offer weekly or monthly discounts. Usually they range from 3 to 50% (depending on the location of the apartment, season, popularity of the host). The discount offered is usually indicated immediately after the price.

But this discount does not in any way affect the service fee, which is not negotiable.

Some owners simply don't know that discounts can be set, or don't do it for no reason. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the owner a question directly, even if on the site itself there is a zero in this field.

4. Compare your needs and what the host offers

I understand all the fascination with beautiful apartment photos. But you need to ask yourself not only how cool this place is, but also whether it's right for you.

To answer this question, you must have a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for. So take a piece of paper and a pen and write down your most important needs. If you need an apartment not just for one night, but to live there for a while, decide what amenities you need.

Do you mind living with a neighbor or don’t want to encounter strangers in the kitchen every day? Do you smoke? Do you want to invite guests? Do you need internet? Are you going to cook yourself or will you have breakfast in a cafe?

An apartment differs from a hotel in that it gives you the opportunity to feel a little like a local. Therefore, I want to see in it the same thing as at home: good internet, a kitchen with a stove, or at least a refrigerator and coffee maker. Having a washing machine is not a prerequisite, but all other things being equal, I would prefer an apartment with one.

Elena Khrupina, Airbnb user

Compare your needs with the list of amenities the owner offers. Read the list carefully and do not rush to ask questions. Hosts don’t really like to answer questions whose answers are already in the text of the ad.

Please note that Airbnb fees are non-refundable for any cancellations.

9. Leave feedback

After each trip, do not forget to rate and write an honest review. Describe your impressions of the apartment and the owner, cleanliness, renovation, location. Write about both the pros and cons. This will not only help the next travelers, but also you.

The more reviews a host has, the more trust potential guests have in him. The more positive reviews you have, the less likely you are to be denied a booking.

Airbnb- this is rental housing around the world from private individuals; upon closer examination of the Airbnb website, the service is more reminiscent of a social network like To rent a home on Airbnb, you will need to register on the Airbnb website, fill out a questionnaire, and even better if your profile has recommendations. Unlike couchsurfing, Airbnb rentals cost money.

The main feature of Airbnb is the ability to rent housing around the world from private owners just like you. In addition, you yourself can successfully rent out your apartment through this service.

The choice of housing on Airbnb is surprising, it has everything! From the simplest housing, in the form of an old trailer, to expensive castles in Scotland, there are both simple apartments furnished with Ikea furniture and designer apartments in New York penthouses.

Who is Airbnb rental suitable for?

Renting a home using the Airbnb service is suitable for everyone, but those traveling in a large group or couples with children can benefit greatly.

For the first group, Airbnb allows you to save money on accommodation in comfortable conditions. A group of travelers can rent big house at the price of a hotel room and to stay comfortably in it, because not every hotel will allow six people to live in a room, no matter how large it is.

For married couples with children, renting housing on Airbnb is also very convenient, because by renting an apartment or house from local residents you get much more than a place to sleep. With Airbnb, you're renting a real home with space for kids to play and parents to relax, and having a kitchen in your rental can help cut down on the cost of eating out.

Airbnb rental housing pros

  • Personal space when booking through Airbnb. When renting apartments through Airbnb, you are guaranteed to have your own personal space in the form of a garden, veranda, front lawn, etc. Almost every house on Airbnb has a kitchen, so you can always cook food at home, which is impossible to do in a hotel number. For the price of a hotel room, you get a real home with everything you need.
  • Any place in the city. Since local residents rent out apartments on Airbnb, the choice of area to live in is not limited solely to tourist recreation; you can rent an apartment or house in any area of ​​the city and live like a local. Visiting shops, cafes, markets that are visited by all local residents will allow you to better understand the surrounding reality. Yes, it’s just nice to be where you are not looked at as a means of making money, which can often be seen in tourist places.
  • New friends from Airbnb. As I said earlier, the Airbnb service is similar to couchsurfing, they also carefully study guest profiles and can refuse you if they don’t like you, but if they like you, then in the overwhelming majority of cases you will make new friends in the person of the hosts who will try to take care of you. about you, because reputation is more important to them than money.
  • Rent whatever you want on Airbnb. Airbnb allows you to live in the most amazing places on planet Earth and in a wide variety of houses, castles, yachts, trailers, lighthouses, etc., everything your imagination is capable of can be a reality with Airbnb. For example, you can afford to live on a private island or in an old Portuguese lighthouse, converted with the latest technology, in a word, dream up.

Airbnb rental housing cons

  • Airbnb brokers. The worst thing that can happen on Airbnb is to run into intermediaries; many enterprising types (I personally ran into similar ones in Goa) pretend to be hosts, but in fact they are intermediaries. This is very common in Goa; part of the local population is poorly versed in all the intricacies of working on the Internet, and nosy intermediaries actively take advantage of this. As a rule, in such apartments the owners are not particularly happy about you, because the amount they got from the intermediary does not exceed 50% of the rent paid, so they don’t have to be particularly happy. Some types go even further and push the usual hotel rooms under the guise of your apartment, what is it like for you to choose a private house by the sea, but come to the hotel.
  • You have to wait for your Airbnb reservation. Airbnb is designed in such a way that renting an apartment requires confirmation from the host (unless the host has specified “instant booking” in the settings). Unlike the usual booking of accommodation in hotels, where everything happens very quickly, in Airbnb it may take some time before the final payment for the reservation of accommodation.
  • Airbnb cancellation by host. On Airbnb, your host has the right to cancel your reservation. It’s impossible to understand why this is happening, maybe he doesn’t like you (your profile on Airbnb), maybe someone offered a better price/better conditions, maybe the owner of the property didn’t like your writing style in correspondence and a million other reasons, but there is only one conclusion, booking an apartment on Airbnb may be cancelled.
  • Airbnb cancellation policy. It happens that travel plans change and in such cases it is advisable to study in detail the cancellation conditions on Airbnb; the service provides several types of cancellation: strict, moderate, flexible, long-term. Be sure to research cancellation information before booking your accommodation.

My review of the website, where I often rent apartments when traveling. Learn about booking accommodation, getting discounts and taking precautions.

I travel 10-15 times a year and often book accommodation on I like this service. In this review I will tell you how to use it safely and profitably. And using the link below, any new user can receive a discount on their first booking.

What is Airbnb

Airbnb is the world's largest private travel rental service. Service statistics: 800,000 accommodation options, 190 countries, 34,000 cities, over 17,000,000 guests who have booked accommodation in this service.

The service operates in many countries, there is a version in Russian:

Through Airbnb you can rent apartments, houses, villas, rooms, rooms in guest houses, residential boats and bungalows, castles, tree houses, campers.

Our apartment is in an old half-timbered house in Rouen, France. It cost 28€ per day.

My review of Airbnb: pros and cons

I have been using this service for seven years now and have rented dozens of different properties around the world. In my collection: houses in the Azores, apartments in Prague, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, The Hague, Paris, Rouen, Cane, rooms and guesthouses in Barcelona, ​​Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.

Why I like Airbnb:

  • Interesting. A huge selection of accommodation, more interesting than simple hotels. I try to book authentic apartments with cool design and preferably in houses with history.
  • Inexpensive. Often renting an apartment on is cheaper than renting a hotel room. For example, in France we saved a lot by living in apartments for 28-50€ instead of hotels for 100€. For a family or group of at least 3-4 people, it is almost always more profitable to book accommodation rather than hotel rooms.
  • Practical. Living in an apartment with a kitchen is very convenient and profitable - you save on food.
  • Privacy. I’m an introvert, so I love privacy: in an apartment and house that is completely at your disposal, there is more of it than in hotels.
  • Excellent support in Russian: they work quickly, they always help.
  • Convenient system of reviews, ratings and filters allow you to choose the best accommodation.
  • Simple and clear website design.
  • Safety. You pay by card on the service’s website; you don’t need to bring cash with you or settle financial matters with the owner.
  • Visa eligible. All consulates accept bookings from Airbnb without any problems, I received 4 or 5 Schengen for them.

I have never had a bad experience booking on Airbnb. I am completely satisfied with the service, I can only find fault with the little things.

What I do not like:

  • Service commission when renting housing - 10-15%. However, everything is fair, they must earn money.
  • There is a risk of bumping into a bad owner. But this is a human factor, the service is not to blame here. But there is a system of reviews of other tourists about Airbnb accommodation and a support service. Next, I will tell you how to choose a reliable host and good housing.

Our authentic apartment in an old house in the center of Tbilisi - for only 1,700 rubles per day.

Choose apartments with reviews and a high rating (4-5) - this is a guarantee that everything will be fine with the housing. Reviews on Airbnb cannot be faked, so all good hosts try to please their guests in order to get good ratings.

Read reviews - people can report important things: for example, the Internet or heating is not working well, noise from the street is disturbing at night, and so on.

Reliable owner:

  • has a verified profile,
  • a lot of positive reviews,
  • I registered for the service a long time ago.

In case of problems, always write or call support. Our apartment in France was once poorly cleaned and we had to sweep the floor ourselves. I thought it was fair to ask Airbnb to refund us the money for cleaning - they returned it the same day. If the housing does not correspond to what is stated in the description, complain and the service will either give you coupons for a discount of $50-100, or provide better and more expensive housing in the same city.

Our cozy apartment in Paris for 50 euros per night.

About prices

The cost of housing almost always depends on the season: in the high season there is high demand and prices are 2-3 times higher. I try to travel during the low season so as not to overpay.

Airbnb charges a service fee, the amount of which depends on the amount of the reservation - usually around 10-15%.

Hosts often include a separate cleaning fee in the bill, but you will see this amount before booking.

Sometimes municipal taxes from tourists are included in the bill (in Italy, for example).

In rare cases, the owner may take a deposit for the safety of property - this is typical for respectable apartments and apartments, where there is something to spoil, destroy and break. In my practice there was only one such example.

The amount you pay when booking is final. When you meet the owner, you will not need to pay anything else.

A house on the ocean is wonderful! My best accommodation, rented through We lived with friends and paid 1,700 rubles per person. Flores Island, Azores, Portugal.

How to book a place on Airbnb

Everything is very simple. Briefly, it looks like this: you go to the Airbnb website, look for accommodation in the desired city for the desired dates, choose, contact the owner, book, arrive, live and be happy. Now more details.

Stage 1. Registration

Fill out your profile: add a photo, link to your Facebook page and phone number, write a few lines about yourself - all this is necessary to confirm that you are a real person and give future landlords the opportunity to get to know you. It is advisable to upload a scan of your document to confirm your account and make it reliable. This is for safety reasons.

After registration, you can invite your friends and receive a new bonus - $17 for each friend. Not a bad and nice discount!

Stage 2. Choosing housing

Now you can start looking for housing.

Airbnb is a convenient and simple service, you can easily figure it out. Enter the required information into the search box: destination, dates and number of guests. A page will open with the available options and their location on the map. There are search filters at the top. You can limit the price range, select the area, type of accommodation, and more.

Open the pages of the accommodation you like. Read the description, reviews, look at the photos. Compare and choose the best option.

Once you have chosen your accommodation, you can book it immediately or write to the owner first to ask any questions you may have. Do what is most convenient for you.

This is what the website looks like.

Stage 3. Payment

To book accommodation you will need a bank card or PayPal. Payments are processed through a secure protocol. Recently, it became possible to pay half the amount, and the rest later, about a week before arrival. Please double check the dates and number of guests before paying.

Once you book an apartment on Airbnb, the host has 24 hours to approve your request. If he doesn't do this, the money will be immediately returned to your card. This happened to me once.

The service has accommodation marked “instant booking” - the reservation is made automatically, confirmation of the owner of the accommodation is not required.

22.03.2020 Maria Glazunova

Cons of Airbnb

Of course, we can’t say that everything is perfect in Airbnb; there are also disadvantages that appear due to human factor. Since most owners are not involved in the apartment business, their approach in some matters may not be professional.

  1. Conditions. The concept of comfort and cleanliness is different for everyone, and your requirements may not always coincide with the capabilities of the apartment owners - some little things that are invisible to the owner can become an annoying misunderstanding for you.
  2. Speed. Unlike hotel booking sites, where you can select the desired room and immediately go check-in, prepare for the trip with using Airbnb should be done in advance - online information is not always 100% up-to-date on housing availability for the required dates. In any case, you will need to wait for confirmation from the owner.
  3. Less privacy. Firstly, in order to book accommodation, you need to fill out your profile, provide your contact details and, preferably, write a little about yourself (or record a video introduction). You also need to provide your documents for identification (they will only be available to the Airbnb system, the host will not see them). Secondly, if you plan to rent not an entire apartment, but a separate room, then perhaps other guests or the owners will live in the apartment with you.
  4. You may be denied a reservation if the owner doesn’t like you or your profile in some way - after all, he rents out his home and has the right to choose who to put in his apartment.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, carefully study the owner’s profile, the description of the accommodation on airbnb, and study the reviews of previous guests especially carefully. In addition, you need to keep in mind that most of these disadvantages are mitigated by Airbnb's Guest Compensation Policy (see below).

What Airbnb is for us

For us, Airbnb is an excellent option for accommodation, which is located between hotels and. It combines freedom and independence on the one hand and the opportunity to get more comfort and homeliness, as well as to join the culture of the country, on the other.

Instructions for use

In order to register, you need to go to the Airbnb website. If you register using this link, you will receive a $32 bonus that you can use when booking accommodation

After a simple registration on airbnb, you will be taken to the main page of the site. Enter the name of the city where you plan to travel, as well as the dates of your stay

As a result of the search, you will see the found options, as well as a city map with marked points

The system has quite a few filters by which you can select the appropriate options

Having selected suitable housing, you can study the details, look at photographs, and read reviews of previous guests about a specific apartment on airbnb. On the right side of the page the cost of accommodation is indicated for one day and for the selected number of days, as well as the cost of Airbnb services

After this, you can send a booking request

Once the host confirms the specified dates, you can pay for your reservation using a credit card or PayPal.

What you should pay attention to when choosing housing

Verified profile– in order to confirm his identity, the host can provide the Airbnb system with his documents, after which an icon will appear in his profile indicating that he has completed online and/or offline confirmation.

Verified photos– if in the upper right corner of the photo, in addition to the usual logo, there is an inscription verified photo, which means they were taken by a professional Airbnb photographer and are accurate.

Response rate– if the profile indicates a frequency of 10%, then you don’t have to waste time on such housing, most likely no one will answer you, but a frequency of 90-100%, on the contrary, indicates that you will definitely receive an answer.

Response time– this is an important indicator if there is not much time left before the expected booking date. In this case, choose those who respond as quickly as possible.

Calendar update– if the calendar is updated regularly, it will be easier to find accommodation for the required dates, otherwise you will have to correspond with the owner every time.

Cancellation conditions– if you have a chance that the trip may not take place, choose more flexible conditions (see below).

One of the most important parameters in airbnb is reviews of the accommodation and the owner.

airbnb reviews– this is probably one of the most important criteria. The description of an apartment in airbnb can say anything, but if the vast majority of guests praise this place, then most likely it is really good. Read carefully and treat reviews critically - not everyone can directly write about some disadvantages. Sometimes the statement is veiled, for example something like “living in such a small apartment was an interesting experiment.”

Cancel Reservation

Airbnb provides various conditions cancellation of reservations, allowing you to choose your own accommodation, depending on your confidence in the upcoming trip. Please note that the Airbnb fee is non-refundable, except in serious circumstances (if the cancellation was initiated by you, of course):

  • flexible,
  • moderate,
  • strict,
  • super strict
  • long-term

You can read more about cancellation types and conditions here.

Why Airbnb is safe

Airbnb has " Guest compensation rules”, which allow you to get a refund of paid Money, in case there is some misunderstanding, for example:

  • the owner canceled the reservation or did not provide access to the accommodation;
  • in reality, the housing differs significantly from the description on the website;
  • you find that your home is dirty or unsafe

And although this does not happen often, if suddenly something in the booked accommodation does not suit you, contact Airbnb within 24 hours of your arrival. You can read more here.

Booking confirmation for visa

We ourselves have never provided a service receipt to the consulate, but according to the support service, as well as judging by numerous reports from airbnb users, the reviews on this topic are quite positive - such reservations are accepted without problems at consulates and visa centers.

Rent out your apartment via airbnb

As you might guess, in addition to renting housing while traveling, using the Airbnb service you can also rent out your apartment/room/house /inflatable mattress. If you have a spare room or are going to the country for a few months or just want to earn a little extra money in the summer by living in the office - this is a great opportunity, simple and convenient.

For hosts, Airbnb provides no less guarantees than for guests, so it is also quite safe. Moreover, it is free, since the Airbnb service adds its own additional fee (about 10%) to the cost, i.e. you will receive exactly as much as you indicate in the ad. By the way, a professional photographer will also take photos of your apartment for Airbnb for free.

In order to rent out an apartment in airbnb, you need to go to the “Your listings” section in the “Control Panel”.


As with everything new, at first glance, Airbnb may seem something unusual and complicated. But in reality, Sevris is very convenient, thoughtful and safe, so I recommend at least trying to use it in order to have another tool in stock for traveling. I hope that Airbnb can be a good alternative for you to hotels, hostels and guesthouses :)

To make using this service even more enjoyable, I remind you that you can get a bonus for your first booking in the Airbnb system. To do this, simply register using this link. I wish you great travels and a pleasant holiday!

You can read about our experience of renting an apartment through Airbnb in Phuket.

Still have questions about using the service? Ask them in the comments.

If you liked the idea of ​​finding housing through the airbnb service, share this article with your friends (repost on social networks).



  • yuliagulyaeva

    Pitalenko Alexey


    Pitalenko Alexey

  • Pitalenko Alexey

  • AirBnB Host

  • Catherine

  • Catherine


    Maria Glazunova


  • Julia

  • Svetlana

  • Svetlana Heiro

    Maria Glazunova

    Svetlana Heiro

    Svetlana Heiro

    Maria Glazunova

    Maria Glazunova

    Svetlana Heiro

    Svetlana Heiro

    Maria Glazunova

    Maria Glazunova


    Maria Glazunova


    Maria Glazunova


  • Olga

  • Oksana

  • Yuri

  • Antonina






    An alternative to hotels - renting apartments, apartments and houses - is becoming increasingly popular in the world.
    When you come to a foreign city, you want to feel the comfort of home. Most hotel rooms, and you will agree with me, cannot replace the comfort of home with a kitchenette, hanging shelves filled with pots, drawers with spoons and forks, a sink and a stove.

    For example, it’s more pleasant for me to sit in the kitchen than in the living room - everything is at hand: a refrigerator with a supply of drinks and food, a table where you can have intimate conversations or watch TV... They probably understood me.

    Pros of living in an apartment

    Especially the prices for apartments are for those who come to rest for a long period of time - I won’t hide that it’s cheaper, since the products in European supermarkets are many times different in freshness and variety from those in Russia, and I think about cooking a steak from non-frozen meat or baking fresh fish everyone can.

    Accordingly, we save on going to restaurants, absolutely freely pour ourselves wine and something stronger, and we are also not shy about smoking at the table.

    In the world of travel, there is a need for apartments from owners, just as there is a need for owners to rent out these apartments.

    How Airbnb works

    What Airbnb has: a database of owners who offer their properties for short-term rental, has reviews from those who have already used their services, has an owner profile where he writes about himself, and has photographs of what the owner offers.

    There is also a processing center that accepts money as a deposit, brings us together with the owner and, within the framework of the agreement between him and us, protects the rights of both, transferring financial relations into a contractual framework: when you book housing, you pay money, but the owner of the property will only receive it the day after your check-in.

    That is: if you don’t like something and the offer published on the Airbnb website by the owner is not true, you have the right to get your money back.

    If the owner of the property violates the agreement and cancels your reservation, you get back the entire amount paid + bonus (Airbnb fines the owner and this fine is your bonus).

    The process of searching and booking accommodation

    You enter the place (This is a country, city or region) where you are looking for housing.
    You enter the dates you are interested in.
    Number of residents.
    And you get search results - a photo of the proposed housing and the price.

    There are filters: by housing cost limits; by type of housing: “house, apartment, bed”; for services: internet, washing machine, parking, etc., etc.

    Did you choose your favorite based on the photo? Read the reviews of those who have already stayed there.
    Read about the owner - there is his photo, what he writes about himself and what clients who have already stayed here write about him.

    Well, if everything suits you: book! To do this, you naturally need a visa or mastercard credit or debit bank card.
    The money will be debited from your card, but the owner of the property will receive it only on the second day of your stay in his apartment or house.

    If you don’t like something, namely: if something differs from the offer that was on the Airbnb website, you can write to Airbnb support and they will return your money and select an alternative housing option for you.

    Airbnb Pitfalls and Cons

    The ease with which any homeowner can become an Airbnb partner and get into their database is why large quantity outright swindlers and scoundrels in this database.
    If checks hotels and apartments included in the database since both of them must be legal entities (firms, LLCs, etc.), Airbnb does not do this check.

    Difficulty contacting support.
    I have many positive results of solving situations with support service in Russian: .

    It's no secret that anything can happen and no one is safe from mistakes. handled all situations with honor: I received an alternative or a refund in situations that seemed hopeless at first glance.

    Airbnb acted according to the scenario: we’ll wait, maybe everything will resolve itself.
    I did not receive any help from Airbnb, for example, in a situation when, upon arriving at the host, I discovered that the previous residents had extended their stay.

    That is, in essence, I found myself homeless in the evening in a foreign city. I had to, and naturally no one compensated me for the Airbnb mess.

    It often happens that people who have booked a beautiful apartment (pictured) in fact receive an uncleaned shithole with hair on the bed linen with holes, an unwashed toilet and a sink that was clogged a year ago and smells like a morgue.

    In addition, it is more convenient for me to book 1-2 days and change location often - I actively travel across countries. With the Airbnb system, this (being mobile) is impossible.