Akhme d Gadzhievich beat. Russian athletes and specialists. A helicopter carrying officials crashed in Russia

Until recently, it seemed that the Bilalov brothers were unlikely to become figures that major Russian media would write about in the near future. Businessmen left their homeland three years ago after a loud scandal in the Olympic Sochi. However, fate seems to be turning a different direction towards them. As it turned out, criminal cases against the brothers were dropped, which allows us to conclude: the entrepreneurs were forgiven. The case is quite rare, because we are talking about one of the main creations of the Russian government – ​​the 2014 Olympics. What did businessmen do to deserve forgiveness?

Two Plutocrat Brothers

Official information that criminal cases against the Bilalov brothers have been dropped has not been confirmed. Based on the data published by the authorities, the investigation still believes Akhmed and Magomed Bilalov suspected of crimes against property. Akhmed, according to the security forces, squandered 80 million rubles. The fact is that he was once the head of the board of directors of the state corporation "Resorts" North Caucasus" And as investigators found out, only on charter flights a representative of a state-owned company spent 80 million rubles. And he flew on business trips to France, Great Britain, United Arab Emirates. Like any self-respecting high-ranking person, he got from the airport to a luxury hotel by helicopter.

His brother Magomed was accused of causing damage to Sberbank. He allegedly received a billion rubles from him as a partner in the construction of Olympic facilities. He transferred the money to a controlled bank and issued it as loans to controlled companies. And they then lent to the Bilalovs’ company “Krasnaya Polyana”, but not on preferential terms, but on market terms. It’s a completely understandable scheme: get government money and use it to great advantage. And, in essence, to snatch off a piece of government funds. It probably seemed to the brothers that in times of expensive oil and the rain of money that fell on Sochi, they could get away with such actions. Moreover, they were called close to Dmitry Medvedev, who was president in the years when the Sochi construction was just beginning. But the Bilalovs’ “plutocracy” ended after Putin’s visit.

Out of sight from Russia

Big Russian businessmen probably have bad dreams sometimes. And it is possible that they dream of three of the most nightmarish scenes that will forever go down in the history of Russian entrepreneurship. Scene one: “Doctor for Zyuzin,” when Vladimir Putin publicly expressed complaints to the owner of Mechel Vladimir Zyuzin. Scene two: “Give back the pen,” when Putin counted out the billionaire in Pikalevo Oleg Deripaska. And finally, the third scene, the most recent: “Comrade Bilalov,” when the Bilalov brothers lost their posts and assets and were forced to hastily leave their Fatherland.

This happened three years ago, that is, shortly before the start of the Olympic Games. Vladimir Putin, while inspecting the construction site that was nearing completion, learned that the delivery deadline for the Russian Coaster ski jump complex had been missed. The curator of the construction of Olympic facilities, Deputy Prime Minister, told him about this Dmitry Kozak. According to the official, the construction estimate increased from 1.2 billion rubles to eight. To the president’s clarifying question about the culprit, Kozak replied: “Comrade Bilalov.” “Well done, you are doing a good job,” the president summed up. Those who followed the events then had the feeling that Akhmed Bilalov almost a minute later resigned from his post as vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee and head of the supervisory board of the North Caucasus Resorts. It soon became known that the brothers fell ill and were being treated in Germany, and then the media reported that they had moved to England. The decision is absolutely correct in their situation: Britain does not extradite Russians.

They didn't promise, but they came back

The first signals that the Bilalovs’ affairs were not so bad appeared back in the same year, 2013. It became known that Magomed Bilalov returned to Russia. “I’m in Moscow, and, like you, I’m trying to get through traffic jams in this snowfall,” the businessman said. It turned out that the Bilalovs were negotiating the sale of their stake in Krasnaya Polyana Mikhail Gutseriev(to a businessman who at one time also experienced disgrace and was forgiven). Bilalov even promised that in a week or two his brother would come to the capital. Whether this happened or not is shrouded in mystery. But it is known that Gutseriev bought the Bilalovs’ share and completed the long-suffering Olympic facilities.

And then - silence that lasted for three years. And, as the media have now found out, it played into the hands of businessmen. Apparently they behaved very correctly. They did not pretend to be “prisoners of conscience” and did not give interviews to Western journalists. At the same time, they sold the business, in general, they did everything to be forgiven. How can one not compare with Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He was pardoned and given the opportunity to go abroad. At first, he said that he would devote his life to human rights activities. But then, again, he became interested in politics, and as a result, the security forces again unwound the old criminal case.

We will not repeat the mistakes of the past

The Bilalovs, unlike Mikhail Borisovich, chose to go to the bottom. As the media are now writing, one of the brothers flew to Russia this year. But the final decision whether they will return to Russia will be made only after the brothers decide what and under what conditions they will do here. This is probably the main question. The construction projects of the century seem to have ended, there is no money, oil is cheap and there is a crisis in general. However, let's be optimistic. Who knows if the brothers decided to learn the wisdom of John Kennedy's saying: “Ask not what the country has done for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

John Kennedy, by the words “do for his country,” meant to do an exceptionally good, patriotic deed.

The decision on the appointment and dismissal of the vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee, Akhmed Bilalov, must be made by the organization's executive committee. This is stated on the official website of the ROC. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that Bilalov, who holds the post of vice president of the ROC and head of the North Caucasus Resorts company, will be relieved of these positions due to the unsatisfactory work of his company during the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. The ROC website also states that Bilalov is a member of the ROC executive committee, vice-president of the ROC in his position - chairman of the assistance of the Russian Olympic Committee. Bilalov is not an employee of the ROC. A meeting of the ROC executive committee will take place in the near future.

In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Management with a degree in Management, Economics and Management in Construction.

In 1992-1999 he worked in various commercial structures.

From 2000 to 2003 – deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation third convocation.

From 2004 to 2007 – deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. He was elected from the United Russia political bloc on the Krasnodar regional list.

In 2005 he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in International Relations.

From 2005 to 2007 - member of the Organizing Committee during the preparation of the application to host the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

Since 2007 – Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

Since 2008 - member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports, elite sports, preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, XXVII World Universiade 2013 in Kazan.

Since May 2010 – Chairman of the Assistance Council of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since June 2010 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the development of the concept of creating a tourism cluster in the North Caucasus - “Vysota-5642”.

Holds the following positions in government and public organizations:

Member of the Commission for Religious Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Committee of the All-Russian political party"United Russia".

He has a number of state and sports awards, among them: gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, gratitude from the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation B.V. Gryzlov, medal 200 years of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, medal 200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, medal 200 years of the Ministry of Defense, medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Military Commonwealth”.

Candidate of Political Sciences.
Speaks English and Arabic.

Born on November 19, 1970 in the village of Oboda, Khunzakh region, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Avar by nationality. In 1994 he graduated from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Institute of Management with a degree in management, economics and management in construction.

In 1992-1994, Akhmed Bilalov worked as an economist, senior economist, chief economist, and head of the credit department of the Leningrad Regional Bank for Economic Stabilization "Lenregionbank".

From 1994 to 1996, A. Bilalov served as deputy general director, and then as general director of JSC Investment and Financial Company Interfinance.

Since 1996, Akhmed Bilalov has been a member of the board of JSCB Diamant. At the same time, he was engaged in oil trading; among Akhmed Bilalov’s partners was Suleiman Kerimov. In 1997, he established the oil trading company Sever Company, holding the post of chairman of the board of directors.

Since May 1999, A. Bilalov has been a member of the board of directors of Sobinbank.

From 2000 to 2007, Akhmed Bilalov was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third and fourth convocations. He served as first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. He was elected on the lists of the Unity and United Russia blocs (Krasnodar regional list). He was a member of the political council of the Unity party.

In 2002, A. Bilalov was awarded the degree of candidate of political sciences. The topic of the dissertation is “Fundamentals of the strategy for protecting the national interests of the Russian Federation in the Caspian region.”

In 2005, Akhmed Bilalov graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in International Relations.

From 2005 to 2007, A. Bilalov was a member of the Organizing Committee during the preparation of the application to host the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

From 2007 to 2011, Akhmed Bilalov was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, and a member of the United Russia faction.

Since 2008, A. Bilalov has been a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.

In December 2009, Akhmed Bilalov was elected vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since 2010, A. Bilalov has been Chairman of the Assistance Council of the Russian Olympic Committee , as well as the chairman of the commission for improving the activities of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since June 2010, Akhmed Bilalov served as Chairman of the Expert Council under the Russian Ministry of Economic Development to develop the concept of creating a tourism cluster in the North Caucasus.

Since 2011, A. Bilalov has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of North Caucasus Resorts OJSC (KSK), a member of the Federation Council from the Krasnodar Territory, a member of the Public Committee of Dmitry Medvedev's supporters, and President of the Russian Golf Association.

He was a member of the Commission for Religious Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation, and was a commissioner of the Hajj Council. He was a member of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the United Russia party.

On April 17, the press service of OJSC KSK reported that A. Bilalov transferred all disputed business trip expenses to the account of OJSC North Caucasus Resorts.

On April 23, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that Akhmed Bilalov was being checked for involvement in organizing an illegal scheme for tax evasion on a particularly large scale in the Najm-Tour travel agency, which organizes the pilgrimage of Russian Muslims to Mecca. According to investigators, from 2008 to 2010, the Nadzhm-tour company organized pilgrimage tours to Saudi Arabia for Hajj At the same time, the management of the organization, when submitting tax reports, did not fully reflect the actual revenue received.

A. Bilalov has a number of state awards: gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, gratitude from the Chairman of the State Duma B. Gryzlov, 200th Anniversary Medal of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 200th Anniversary Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 200th Anniversary Medal of the Ministry of Defense, Medal of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs "For Military Commonwealth".

Major in the Armed Forces Reserve.

Speaks English and Arabic.


  1. Vedomosti newspaper website.
  2. Website of the newspaper "Kommersant".
  3. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
  4. Vedomosti newspaper website.
  5. Website of the newspaper "Kommersant".
  6. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
  7. Vedomosti newspaper website.
  8. Website of the newspaper "Kommersant".
  9. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
  10. Vedomosti newspaper website.
  11. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
  12. Website of the newspaper "Kommersant".
  13. O. Rubnikovich, Kh. Aminov. They found a tax component in the hajj. - Newspaper "Kommersant", No. 72 (5103), 04/24/2013.
  14. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
  15. Bilalov did not receive remuneration for his work at North Caucasus Resorts. - Forbes.ru, 04/17/2013.
  16. Akhmed Bilalov is being tested for involvement in tax evasion during the organization of the Hajj. - ITAR-TASS, 04/23/2013
  17. Website of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.

In 1994, he created Interfinance JSC, which helped VEB restructure its debts former USSR. At the same time, he was engaged in oil trading, becoming a co-owner of Varieganneft, Obgeologiya and Obneftegazgeologiya, which were then sold to Slavneft.

In 1997, he founded the oil trading company CJSC Company Sever, occupying the post of chairman of the board of directors.

In 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. He was a member of the State Duma committees on security, on public debt and foreign assets of the Russian Federation, and on the fight against corruption. He was a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on prisoners of war, internees and missing persons.

In 2003, Bilalov was re-elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, and was the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. He was elected from the United Russia political bloc on the Krasnodar regional list.
Represented Russia in the PACE commissions on economic issues and development and on migration, refugees and population.
He held a number of positions in government and public organizations.

He was a member of the Organizing Committee during the preparation of the application to host the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

Since December 2007, Bilalov was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

In September 2008, he joined the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports, elite sports, preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi.

In December 2009, he was appointed vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee.

In June 2010, he became a member of the Supervisory Board of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.

In 2010, Bilalov (coordinating the work of a group of international experts preparing recommendations for the successful performance of the Russian team at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi).

In 2011-2012 - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representative of the executive body of state power of the Krasnodar Territory.

Since January 2011, Bilalov has headed the board of directors of North Caucasus Resorts OJSC, created in December 2010.

On February 6, 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the timing of the delivery of the Russian Coaster ski jump complex in Sochi. The President ordered the removal of Bilalov from the posts of vice-president of the Olympic Committee and chairman of the board of directors of OJSC North Caucasus Resorts.

Akhmed Bilalov is the President of the Russian Golf Association.

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

He has a number of state and sports awards.

Married, three children.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

From the news feed:Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the removal from all positions of the Vice-President of the Olympic Committee Akhmed Bilalov, who had been subjected to severe criticism from the head of state the day before for the timing of the delivery of the Russian Coaster jump complex in Sochi.

Long before yesterday’s incident involving the vice-president of the ROC Akhmed Bilalov, which occurred during President V. Putin’s inspection of “Sochi facilities,” I wrote in my investigation “ » that the current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is now preparing a new wave of large-scale privatization of state property. And this complex and long-lasting event is organized by none other than the especially trusted Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, and not alone, but with the active assistance of his wife Zumrud Rustamova.

One of the priorities assigned to Dvorkovich and Rustamova is to oversee the “second wave of privatization,” which will affect leading companies in the banking, infrastructure and energy sectors totaling tens of billions of dollars. In recent years, businessmen of the “new wave” have appeared on the economic arena, who have formed a certain counterbalance to the elite supporting the power of Vladimir Putin. It is expected that technically it is Dvorkovich who will be the instrument that will ensure the transfer of state property to the private management of those close to D.A. Medvedev. businessmen of the “new wave”.

Initially, Dvorkovich’s wife Zumrud Rustamova managed to gain support and establish direct connections with many “new wave” entrepreneurs. First of all, with “compatriot businessmen”, immigrants from Dagestan - Akhmed and Magomed Bilalov, Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedovs (the Bilalovs and Magomedovs are also cousins).

ExpertsThey believe that it is they who will be provided with conflict-free positive results in privatization competitions by the officials of Medvedev’s cabinet, and primarily by Dvorkovich. So, in the long term, the Bilalov brothers will be able to get the following sweet pieces of property: OJSC TGK-5, OJSC Rosspirtprom, OJSC Siberia Airlines (S7), OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), as well as other assets in the tourism, hotel and construction business.

However, let’s return to the vice-president of the ROC, Akhma, who was removed by Putin.do Bilalova.

We have before us a very interesting information about the activities of the brothers Bilalovs over the past twenty years. Some chapters of this large-scale “document” reached journalists in the summer of 2011. It is likely that this « dossier » has been prepared for a long time in certain special services, and was provided for review President Putin. Perhaps p result precisely this study of the activities of the Bilalovs we saw yesterday. So , verbatim and without commentary :

“Brothers Akhmad and Magomed Bilalov were born in Dagestan, higher education received in Moscow. The Bilalovs and Magomedovs are cousins. And until 1998, they worked together in business related to the activities of Diamond Bank and the management of the Interfinance Investment and Financial Company.

In the early 90s, exporting companies (Tehmashimport, Soyuzneft) carried out settlements with foreign clients in dollars, but this money did not go to them, but to the account of Vnesheconombank, which had the right to carry out currency transactions. In exchange for real money, VEB issued them domestic foreign currency loan bonds, the so-called web bonds, which were not repaid immediately. Interfinance bought these securities at a discount, helping foreign trade associations get money faster, while it waited for the bonds to be redeemed or resold them to dozens of similar companies. Bilalov was helped to reach a new level by his acquaintance with Konstantin Katushev, who under Brezhnev was Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and under Gorbachev - Minister of Foreign Economic Relations. K. Katushev gave the Bilalovs access to the leaders of foreign trade associations.

In 1997, these foreign trade associations bought an additional issue of Diamant Bank, increasing its authorized capital seven times, to $170 million. In terms of capital, Diamant became third in the country, although its assets were significantly smaller than those of the market leaders. The bank actively specialized in the implementation of informal schemes. During the 1998 crisis, the bank began to have problems with liquidity. In 2001, the Central Bank revoked the bank’s license “for repeated violations of the law on banks and banking activities.” Market participants claim that this is primarily due to cash withdrawal operations conducted by the bank.

The next stage in the development of the Bilalovs’ business was related to oil. One of the debtors of the Interfinance company, oil trader Oleg Kim, gave them his stake in Nizhnevartovskneftegaz. The Tyumen Oil Company (TNK) and its owners Alfa Group and Renova fought for control over this enterprise with its general director and minority shareholder Viktor Paliy. During this period, the Bilalovs acted in partnership with Suleiman Kerimov on the side of Paliya and the administration of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The victory remained with Alfa and Renova; a criminal case was opened against Paliya for theft of funds from the company. For the Bilalovs, the story with Nizhnevartovskneftegaz did not continue, but they acquired many connections, which subsequently helped them promote their business. Bilalov’s companies established themselves in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and even provided loans to the government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. During the 1998 crisis, this money became worthless.

The district government, at the instigation of the deputy head of the region, Gadzhi Amirov, transferred the rights to claim tax debts of local oil companies to the Bilalovs.

In 1999, business cooperation between the Bilalovs and Suleiman Kerimov began. While a battle was unfolding between Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov, on the one hand, and Mikhail Fridman and Viktor Vekselberg, on the other, for the assets of Sidanco, which found itself under bankruptcy proceedings, Kerimov was fighting for one of Sidanco’s subsidiaries, Varyeganneft. , with the Alliance group of the Bazhaev family. According to sources, Kerimov’s performer in this project was Akhmed Bilalov. The partners managed to establish control over Varyeganneft, and in 2001 they sold the company for $100 million to structures close to Mikhail Gutseriev, then the president of Slavneft. Soon, Kerimov and Bilalov made another deal with Slavneft itself, selling it two small oil production enterprises - Obneftegazgeologiya and Nafta-Ulyanovsk, which the entrepreneurs received during privatization. The transaction amount was $90 million. Later, these assets became part of RussNeft, created by Gutseriev.

The Bilalovs also took part in the fight for Chernogorneft, one of the main producing subsidiaries of Sidanco. Moreover, the battle was accompanied by criminal proceedings against the management of companies controlled by Akhmed Bilalov. He himself was a witness in the case.

This did not prevent Akhmed Bilalov from being elected to the State Duma in December 1999 on the list of the recently created Unity party. Bilalov served two terms in the State Duma: first he worked in the Security Committee and actively took part in the adoption of a new edition of the Criminal Code. Then he was a member of the anti-corruption committee and the public debt committee. During his second parliamentary term, he became the first deputy chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs - he went to resolve the problems of Transnistria, actively commented on the situation in Ukraine and Abkhazia, and headed the Hajj Council under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2004, he became one of eight deputies who were part of the parliamentary commission investigating the Beslan terrorist attack.

NowAS Bilalov Member of the Federation Council from Krasnodar Territory . At the same time, he is actively involved in business with his brother. In particular, as of 2007, the brothers owned controlling stakes in regional companies in the housing and communal services sector: Independent Energy Sales Company, Krasnodarteploenergo, Southern Gas Company, Sochivodokanal, etc., as well as two hotels in Sochi - Moskva and Olimpiyskaya. (in Dagomys). Akhmed Bilalov was called the “governor’s businessman”, as he represents the interests of regional authorities in the region.

After Sochi was announced as the capital of the Olympic Games, Bilalov appeared surrounded by high-ranking officials most directly related to the preparation of the Olympics. According to operational information, he received exits through A.N. Tkachev, who introduced Bilalov personally to Leonid Tyagachev. He, in turn, introduced Bilalov to the head of the presidential administration, Vladimir Kozhin.

Bilalov was included in the negotiating delegation and traveled with the organizing team to presentations in other countries. This team included the then Minister of Economy German Gref, presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich, and the head of the application committee Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Participation in the Olympic project affected the scale of the Bilalovs’ activities. Today, the Bilalovs own the Gornaya Karusel ski resort and are co-owners of the Krasnaya Polyana company (they participated in the acquisition of an additional share issue of the company at the beginning of 2012, along with the Sberbank Capital company).

It is known that the “Mountain Carousel” is D. Medvedev’s favorite skiing spot. It is noted that D.A. Medvedev’s personal acquaintance and Akhmed Bilalov took place back in 2006: Dmitry Medvedev, being Deputy Prime Minister, headed the government commission on issues of religious associations. Deputy Bilalov was also a member of it as the chairman of the Hajj Council.

With the help of his influential connections, in March 2010, Bilalov was appointed chairman of the commission to improve the activities of the Russian Olympic Committee. Since May 2010 - Chairman of the Assistance Council of the Russian Olympic Committee.

In the spring of 2010, President D.A. Medvedev gave instructions to the plenipotentiary representative in the North Caucasus Federal District, Alexander Khloponin, to develop a project for the creation of tourist zones in the region. A working group headed by Bilalov was created under the Ministry of Economic Development for this project. At the beginning of June 2010, the group presented the president with a program that, in terms of investment volume, eclipsed even the Olympic construction in Sochi with its estimate of 206 billion rubles, or $6.8 billion. In 5 new ski resorts it was planned to invest 451.44 billion rubles. ($15 billion), of which 272 billion rubles are funds from institutional investors, 119.28 billion rubles are private investments and bank loans. This money was supposed to go towards construction in Matlas (Dagestan), Mamison ( North Ossetia), Arkhyz (Karachay-Cherkessia), Lago-Naki (Adygea) and Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria) 803 km of trails and 104.5 thousand places for tourist accommodation, new roads, airports. Currently, Akhmed Bilalov is the chairman of the board of directors of the company within the framework of the private-public partnership “Resorts of the North Caucasus” (KSK), which by 2025 should turn the problematic region into a tourist Mecca. Of the declared $15 billion, $2 billion will be invested by the state.

Today, the Bilalov brothers control a stake in the National Business Bank, control the NBB-Development company, which specializes in managing the implementation of large investment projects for the sports and tourism infrastructure of the resort city of Sochi: organizing the attraction of investments in the project being implemented in accordance with the developed financial model, developing a marketing strategy strategy and brings it to life, attracts the world's leading consulting companies for cooperation to make the right strategic decisions. Currently, “NBB-Development” manages the implementation of the project for the construction of the sports and tourist complex “Gornaya Karusel” on Krasnaya Polyana (construction will be completed by the end of 2013), manages the project for the construction of Sochi’s first golf resort and SPA “Sochi Golf Club”, is working on a construction project seaport for yachts "Adler Marina", project hotel complex“Sochi Plaza” with 340 rooms (reconstruction of the Moscow Hotel) in the center of Sochi.”

This is the story of businessman Akhmed Bilalov. Whether there will be further debriefing, including an investigation into some episodes related to the Olympics, depends only on Vladimir Putin.