7 wonders of the world Cheops pyramid interesting facts. The first wonder of the world is the Egyptian pyramids. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

Known all over the world? Of course, these are pyramids. Not in vain largest pyramidThe Pyramid of Cheops, which is called: “ Great Pyramid", is included in the legendary list "". By the way, the Pyramid of Cheops is the only object from the list that has survived to this day. True, the pyramid has not been preserved in its original form: it was originally lined with white limestone, and the top of the pyramid was crowned with a gilded stone - the pyramidion.

Scientists are still arguing about the age of the Great Pyramid, but roughly we can say that it was built about 4.5 thousand years ago. For a long time, the Pyramid of Cheops was the tallest building on the planet.

Here again disputes arise, and there are many more questions than answers.

Historians claim that the pyramids were built by the slaves of the pharaohs using simple devices and mechanisms.

Some scientists suggest that the construction was carried out by the Atlantean giants, and ufologists talk about “little green men” and extraterrestrial technologies.

The mystery remains purpose of the pyramids- here again there are many versions: the tombs of the pharaohs, and stellar observatories, and even navigation objects for aliens, and many other theories.

We will not talk about the “little green men”, but will only give some facts about the Great Pyramid.

Interesting facts about the Pyramid of Cheops

The length of the side of the square at the base of the pyramid is 230.3 m
- the length of the side edge of the pyramid is 230.3 m (according to calculations, since the top of the pyramid has not survived to this day)
- height of the pyramid - 146.6 m (according to calculations, the height of the pyramid in our time is 138.8 m)
- area of ​​the base of the pyramid - 5.3 hectares
- average volume of stone blocks - 1.2 m 3 (according to calculations)
- average weight of stone blocks - 2.5 tons (according to calculations)
- the heaviest stone block of the pyramid - 35 tons (according to calculations)
- total weight of the pyramid - 6.3 million tons (according to calculations)
- the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points

Scheme of the explored passages of the Cheops Pyramid

1. Main entrance
2. Al-Mamun tunnel
3. Crossroads of tunnels
4. Descending corridor
5. Unfinished underground chamber
6. Rising corridor
7. “Queen’s chamber” with outgoing “air ducts”
8. Horizontal tunnel
9. Large gallery
10. Pharaoh's chamber with “air ducts”
11. Prechamber
12. Grotto

Video Egyptian pyramids

Wonders of the world. Pyramids of Giza

“Everything in the world is afraid of time, and time is afraid of the pyramids.”

Arabic proverb

The greatest architectural monuments

The most famous architectural wonder of the world is the Giza pyramid complex in Egypt. The largest pyramids of this complex are the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin. They were erected in the period from 2540 BC. e. to 2450 BC e. on the left western bank of the Nile in the city of El Giza. To this day, these pyramids amaze with their magnificence, power, and are a reflection of human strength and courage.

The first pyramid builder

The pyramids were built as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs. They were supposed to testify to the power and greatness of the country and the ruler. The rulers doomed the people of Egypt to grueling construction, which entailed many casualties and claimed thousands of lives. Around 2600 BC. e. The architect Imhotep designed a step pyramid for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser, founder of the Third Dynasty. This pyramid is considered the oldest. Initially, Imhotep planned to build an ordinary mastaba, but during the construction process it turned into a six-step pyramid.

El Giza is located 8 km from Cairo on the west bank of the Nile. On the outskirts of El Giza, large and small pyramids rise out of the desert.
The Sphinx is located there.

The solar boat was built from cedar without a single nail.

This pyramid also differed from previous tombs in its construction material - stone was used for the first time. After his death, Pharaoh Djoser was placed in a tomb built for him, but his mummy was later stolen.

Solar boat

In 1954, archaeologist Kamal al-Malakh found a wooden Solar Boat on the southern side of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Why it was created is unknown. Judging by the traces of silt found on it, shortly before the death of the pharaoh, it floated along the Nile. According to Egyptian beliefs, on such a boat, after death, the pharaoh could travel across the sky together with the sun god Ra, which is why the boat is called “solar”.

Sacred Pyramid

The supreme deity of the ancient Egyptians was the sun god Ra, he was revered as the king and father of the gods. The pharaohs who worshiped him built pyramids so that after death they could ascend to heaven and gain eternal life. They believed that their souls would rush to the top of the pyramid, where the god Ra would be waiting for them on his solar ship.

Tutankhamun's funeral mask is made of pure gold, decorated with lapis lazuli and colored faience.
The vulture and cobra crowning the headdress are considered symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt.

The pyramid of Mikerin, the grandson of Cheops, is 66 m high. Three small pyramids next to it were erected for three women - members of the pharaoh's family.

Pyramid of Khafre, son of Cheops. The pyramid is several meters lower than the Cheops pyramid, but due to its location it seems higher.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is one of the oldest architectural treasures and is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Research by scientists

Based on research by astronomers, the location of the pyramids corresponds to the position of the stars in the sky.

Some scientists note the similarity of their location with the constellation Orion. The four corners of the Great Pyramid of Cheops are called the four cardinal directions. The entrance to it, in accordance with religious regulations, is located on the north side.

Great Pyramid of Cheops

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is an almost monolithic structure, with the exception of the burial chambers, corridors and narrow ventilation shafts leading to them, as well as unloading chambers above the so-called “king's chamber”.

Its length is 10.5 m, width - 5.3 m and height - 5.8 m. It is laid out of granite and has no decorations. This chamber houses a huge empty granite sarcophagus without a lid. The other burial chamber, located below, is traditionally called the "queen's chamber".

  1. Pyramidon
  2. Air duct
  3. Unloading chambers
  4. "The King's Chamber"
  5. "Queen's Chamber"
  6. Large gallery
  7. Entrance to the pyramid
  8. Granite blocks
  9. Road made of beams
  10. Block cladding

Moving stones

During the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, granite monoliths and limestone blocks were used. Most of the stone was mined in quarries near Cairo and floated on barges during the flood period, when the water extended to the edge of the desert. Heavy stones unloaded onto the pier were placed on wooden sleds, which were pulled by numerous workers using ropes to the construction site.

To move one medium-sized block (weighing up to 2.5 tons) in this way required about 50 people. The main construction device was the ramp, an inclined plane that lined up on different sides of the pyramids. With the help of such ramps the blocks were lifted.


Stonemasons made blocks from hard rocks using bronze or copper saws, heavy hammers and dolerite balls. Using quartz sand, the sides of the blocks were polished. The stone blocks were adjusted so that even a knife blade could not pass between them.

Initially, the pyramid was lined with white limestone, which was harder than the main blocks. The top of the pyramid was crowned with a gilded stone - a pyramidon. In the 12th century, Cairo was sacked; city residents removed the cladding from the pyramid in order to build new houses for themselves.

Temple of the Lost

The Temple of the Dead was located east of the main pyramid.
It consisted of two parts: an outer one (with an entrance gate and a courtyard surrounded by columns) and an inner one (with niches for statues of the pharaoh).
From the temple of the dead, a long road led to the Nile.
Here on the river bank there was a temple with a pier for ships, where the deceased was embalmed.
The ruins of the Temple of the Dead were discovered in 1939.

Life after death

The Egyptians believed that the soul, after the death of the body, continues to live as long as it is in its “home” - in the body. Therefore, they attached great importance to the preservation of the body after death - mummification. After death, the ruler’s body was carefully embalmed, preparing him for life in the afterlife; his entrails and brain were removed and wrapped in linen bandages.



The entrails of the deceased were placed in tightly sealed vessels (canopic jars).

Couple of pharaohs with procession


This is a coffin-shaped stone box in which the mummy was placed. The covering of the sarcophagus, made of plaster, repeated the figure of the deceased.

Who are the pharaohs?

Pharaoh in earthly existence personified the god Horus. It was believed that after ruling on earth he would return to the gods. Power belonged entirely to the pharaoh. He conducted state affairs, resolved military issues, managed the state treasury, was the chief priest, the Supreme Judge. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was responsible even for the fertility of the land, so the pharaoh was always sent to collect the first harvest. The Egyptian pharaoh was crowned with a crown, which symbolized the strength and power of the ruler.

Who built the pyramids?

The pyramids were built by Egyptian peasants who were free from agricultural work during the annual floods of the Nile. They worked in quarries and took part in moving stones. For their labor, the peasants received housing, clothing, food and a modest salary. Qualified craftsmen (architects, masons) worked on the construction site throughout the year. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops lasted 20 years, however, according to modern scientists, less than 10 years was enough to build the pyramid.

Pyramid Builders


The Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre. This monumental sculpture represents a lion with a human head lying on the sand. The Sphinx's task is to guard the burial place of the pharaoh. The headdress of the Sphinx is similar to the headdress of the pharaohs. Once upon a time, the Sphinx even wore a regal pharaonic beard.


The rulers of Ancient Egypt built about 60 pyramids. The most famous of them are the pyramids of Giza: the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Mikerin.

The largest of them is the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops.

Its height: 137 m (originally 146 m).

Side edge length: 230.4 m.

Volume of stone mass: 2.5 million m³.

Weight: approx. 7 million tons

Number of stone blocks: 2.3 million.

Average weight of a stone block: 2.5 tons (there are blocks weighing 15 tons).

The exits from the shafts of the Great Pyramid of Cheops are oriented towards the constellations Orion, Sirius, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which undoubtedly has a secret meaning.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops has a large base area, which could easily accommodate five of the largest cathedrals in the world at the same time: St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey in London, as well as Florence and Milan Cathedrals.

Mastaba- a rectangular burial building with sloping walls and a flat top with an underground burial chamber. Mastabas appeared during the first dynasties as special “houses after life.”

Dolerite- volcanic rock.

Pharaoh's crown. After the unification, Egypt was considered a dual kingdom; it had two crowns: White - a symbol of power over Upper Egypt, Red - a symbol of power over Lower Egypt. As rulers of “both countries,” the pharaohs wore a double crown on special occasions.

On the inner walls of the pyramid you can see images of gods and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
In addition, the tomb contained a collection of religious texts, “The Book of the Dead.”

The mystery of the pyramid

For more than 3,500 years, no one penetrated the Great Pyramid of Cheops: all entrances to it were carefully walled up.

The first to enter the pyramid in 831 was the Baghdad caliph al-Mamun. He decided to look for treasure in this pyramid. However, he did not take into account the warnings of local residents, who claimed that “the pyramid is guarded by spirits” who kill the robbers. However, the caliph never found any treasures in the Great Pyramid of Cheops, perhaps because the tomb of Cheops was plundered even before him by the ancient Egyptians.

pora.zavantag.com Of the seven wonders of the world, the Egyptian pyramids are the most ancient. In contrast

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Egyptian pyramids

Of the seven wonders of the world, the Egyptian pyramids are the most ancient. Unlike other miracles, they have survived to this day. Almost five thousand years ago, the founder of the Third Dynasty, Pharaoh Djoser, as soon as he ascended the throne, ordered the construction of his tomb to begin. It was entrusted to the architect Imhoten, who created the first step pyramid - the mother of pyramids. Its height is 60 meters, length – 120 m, width – 109 m. Unlike previous tombs, the pyramid of Djoser was built not from wood and brick, but from large limestone blocks.

The largest pyramid was erected for the burial of Pharaoh Cheops at the beginning of the 27th century BC. e. Its height is 146.6 m, the length of each side is 233 m. It is made of carefully hewn and tightly fitted limestone blocks weighing from 2.5 to 30 tons. According to scientists' calculations, 2,300,000 such blocks were required to build the pyramid. To go around the perimeter of the pyramid you need to walk 1 km. It was built over 30 years, and about 100 thousand slaves, peasants and artisans were employed in its construction. The Egyptians, speaking about the pyramid of Djoser, emphasized that it had several mastabas, and mastaba translated from Arabic means “bedroom”.

"Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (605-526 BC), in order to fight against the main enemy - Assyria, whose troops twice destroyed the capital of the state of Babylon, entered into a military alliance with Knaxar, the king of Media.

Having won, they divided the territory of Assyria among themselves. Their military alliance was strengthened by the marriage of Nebuchadnezzar II to the daughter of the Median king Semiramis.

Dusty and noisy Babylon, located on a bare sandy plain, did not please the queen, who grew up in mountainous and green Media. To console her, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the construction of the Hanging Gardens. Architecturally, the “hanging gardens” were a pyramid consisting of four tiers - platforms, they were supported by columns up to 25 meters high. The lower tier had the shape of an irregular quadrangle, the largest side of which was 42 meters, the smallest - 34 meters.

In 331 BC. A. Macedonian troops captured Babylon. The famous commander made the city the capital of his huge empire. It was here, in the shadow of the Hanging Gardens, that he died in 339 BC. After the death of Alexander, Babylon gradually fell into decay.

The gardens were in disrepair. Powerful floods destroyed the brick foundation of the columns, and the platforms collapsed to the ground. This is how one of the wonders of the world perished.

Zeus Olympian

The city of Olympia was located in the northwestern part of Hellas, the fame of which spread far beyond the borders of the country. According to legend, it was here that Zeus entered into a fight with his father, the bloodthirsty and treacherous Cronus, who devoured his children, since the oracle predicted his death at the hands of his son. Saved by his mother, the matured Zeus was victorious and forced Cronus to jump away from his brothers and sisters.

In honor of this victory, the Olympic Games were established, first held in 776 BC. More than two centuries passed, and in 456 BC. A temple dedicated to Zeus appeared in Olympia, which became the main shrine of the city. The temple was decorated with a statue of God 12 meters 40 cm high, the grandeur and beauty of which so amazed the imagination of contemporaries that it was recognized as a wonder of the world.

The creator of Olympian Zeus is the famous sculpture Phidias. The writings of ancient historians and archaeological finds brought to us the sculptural image of the ancient Greek deity.

Phidias depicted Zeus sitting on a throne. An olive wreath adorned the head of the thunder god, a beard framed his face in wavy strands, and a cloak fell from his left shoulder, covering part of his legs. The figure of Zeus is made of wood, and ivory and gold parts were attached to this base using bronze and iron nails, as well as special hooks. The face, hands and other designated parts of the body were made of ivory, the hair and beard, wreath, cloak and sandals were made of gold, and the eyes were made of precious stones.

The throne was made, according to some sources, from cedar, according to others - from ebony and covered with gold and ivory. The legs of the throne were decorated with figures of dancing Nike, the goddess of Victory. The armrests of the throne were supported by sphinxes, and its back was decorated with Charites - the goddess of beauty, daughters of Zeus and Hera.

Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops and the history of the Egyptian pyramids

In front of the pedestal depicting the scene of the birth of Aphrodite, a small pool was built, lined with blue Eleusinian stone and white marble.

At the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th century AD. The statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople, since the Byzantine emperors collected all the best works of art in their capital. In the 5th century AD The palace of Emperor Theodosius burned down, all that remained of Olympian Zeus were a few burnt bone plates and pieces of molten gold.

Faros lighthouse

In the winter of 332 BC. e. A. Macedonian's troops captured Egypt, and a year later, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the Nile Delta, a city was founded, named Alexandria in honor of the winner. For many centuries, Alexandria was one of the largest cities, a center of science, culture and trade.

With the development of shipping and maritime trade, the need for a lighthouse, which, among the underwater rocks and shoals, would show ships a safe route to the Alexandria harbor, was increasingly felt. Under Ptolemy I (3rd century BC), a lighthouse was built on the eastern tip of the island of Pharos, located in the sea at a distance of 7 stadia (1290 meters) from Alexandria, a majestic structure recognized as one of the “Seven Wonders of the World”.

The height of the lighthouse was 135 m, its light was visible at a distance of up to 60 km (according to other evidence - 100 km). The lower part of the lighthouse was a tetrahedral prism 60 meters high with a square base, the side length of which was 30 meters (area 600 sq. m.) Various equipment was stored in the interior, and the flat roof, decorated at the corners with huge statues of Triton, served as the base of the middle parts of the lighthouse. It was a 40-meter octagonal prism tower, lined with white marble.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The temple was built in 450 BC. in the city of Ephesus in honor of Artemis, the fleet-footed goddess of the hunt, patroness of forests and forest dwellers.

The temple was a rectangular building made of stone and wood, surrounded on all sides by a double colonnade of 127 columns. Information about the decoration of the temple has not been preserved. The method of construction of the temple, which was erected on swampy soil, is unique.

In 356 BC. The temple was set on fire by the ambitious resident of Ephesus, Herostratus, who dreamed of becoming famous at any cost: he hoped that by destroying one of the most wonderful creations of that time, he would forever remain in history. But by decision of the Ionian cities, his name was consigned to oblivion and was preserved for us only in the notes of the ancient Greek historian Theopomnus (IV century BC)

Mausoleum in Galinarnas

In 32 BC. King Mausolus died in the city of Galinarnas (Asia Minor). According to the custom of those times, the king's corpse was burned and the ashes were placed in a funeral urn. One of the legends that has reached us says that the widow of the king, Artemisia, decided to build a magnificent tomb and thereby perpetuate the memory of her husband.

According to another historical version, the construction of the tomb began during the life of Mausolus, Artemisia only completed it.

The tomb of Mausolus, called a mausoleum by the Romans, was a majestic and unusually shaped structure, built of brick and lined inside and out with white marble. Its height reached 60 meters.

The first floor, where the urn with the ashes of Mausolus rested, looked like a huge cube 20 meters high and 5 thousand in area. sq. m. The second floor was surrounded on the outside by a magnificent colonnade. The next floor was made in the form of a multi-stage pyramid, it was crowned with the figures of Mausolus and Artemisia, driving a quadriga - four horses harnessed to a chariot.

One of the wonders of the world - the mausoleum in Galinarnas - stood for almost 2 thousand years. It was finally destroyed in 1522

The Colossus of Rhodes

In 304 BC. The troops of the ruler of Western Asia and Syria, Demetrius Pollornet, suddenly attacked the island of Rhodes. However, the persistent resistance and courageous struggle of the Rhodians forced the enemy to retreat. In honor of the victory, the inhabitants of the island decided to erect a statue of the god Helios, the patron saint of Rhodes.

The construction of the monument was entrusted to the famous sculpture Hares, a student of the famous Lysippos. 12 years of hard work passed, and a majestic picture was revealed to the admiring eyes of the island’s inhabitants. At the entrance to the harbor, on a white marble hill, stood a giant bronze figure of the Sun God.

His head was decorated with a crown in the shape of diverging rays, with his left hand he supported the flowing cloak, and with his right palm, bent at the elbow, he covered his eyes, peering into the sea.

The fame of the Colossus of Rhodes spread throughout the Mediterranean. Many travelers from other countries came to admire the magnificent work of art. Compared to other wonders of the world, the Colossus of Rhodes lived a short life: 50 years after its birth, it was destroyed by an earthquake.
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1.1 Pyramid of Cheops

1.2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon

1.3 Statue of Olympian Zeus

1.4 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

1.5 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

1.6 Colossus of Rhodes

1.7 Alexandria Lighthouse

2 New seven wonders of the world

2.1 Great Wall of China

2.2 Colosseum

2.3 Machu Picchu

2.5 Taj Mahal

2.6 Statue of Christ the Redeemer

2.7 Chichen Itza



1 Seven Wonders of the World

The first mention of the Seven Wonders in Rus' is found in Simeon of Polotsk, who was familiar with their description from some Byzantine source. In modern Europe, they became widely known after the publication of the book “Sketches on the History of Architecture” by Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723), which also contained the first known reconstructions of famous monuments of ancient architecture.

Their number was determined by the magic of the number seven, the limited capabilities of human memory, the limits of the ancient world and, most importantly, the stability of traditions. When, around the third century BC, someone proclaimed this particular seven-flowered pattern as the standard of miracles, part of humanity living around the Mediterranean submitted to the authority, and only a few local patriots, without challenging the principle itself, tried to make amendments in particular.

A thousand years after the fall of Rome, when people again had a renewed interest in what was happening outside their little world, the wonders of the world were remembered, and the power of ancient authority was such that the mentioned seven wonders were already perceived as an unshakable whole.

Around the 3rd century BC. a classic list of seven wonders of the world has been formed:

Pyramid of Cheops (Giza, 2550 BC),

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Babylon, 600 BC),

Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Olympia, 435 BC),

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Ephesus, 550 BC),

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Halicarnassus, 351 BC),

Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes, between 292 and 280 BC),

Lighthouse of Alexandria (Alexandria, 3rd century BC).

1.1 Pyramid of Cheops

And in the mute distance they froze

pyramids of the pharaohs, sarcophagi

were ancient,

Majestic as eternity

silent as death.


The Great Pyramid of Cheops (circa 2590-2568 BC), the last remaining wonder of the ancient list of the Seven Wonders of the World, is a fantastic masterpiece of engineering not only because of its gigantic size. It is believed that the Pyramid of Cheops weighs 6.3 million tons and contains more building material than it took to build all the cathedrals, churches and chapels in England. Because of its enormous size, it is sometimes called the Great Pyramid and is placed first on the list of wonders of the world. Apart from the Great Wall of China, the Cheops Pyramid is the largest structure ever erected by man. The young pharaoh Cheops gave the order to build the pyramid immediately after the death of his father Snofru. Like all previous pharaohs since the time of Djoser (approximately 2609-2590 BC), Cheops wanted to be buried after his death in a pyramid.

First, they leveled the surface of the site by building a waterproof rampart of sand and stones around it. In the resulting square, a dense network of small channels intersecting at right angles was cut out. The channels were filled with water, and, having marked the height of its level on the side walls, they were lowered. The stonemasons cut down everything that protruded above the surface of the water, and the channels were again filled with stone. The base of the pyramid was ready. Over 4,000 people - artists, architects, stonemasons and other artisans - carried out these preparatory work for about ten years. Only after this could the construction of the pyramid itself begin. Having sailed on boats to the other side of the Nile, the men headed to the quarry. There they cut down a block of stone, trimmed it using sledgehammers, wedges, saws and drills and obtained a block of the required dimensions - with sides from 80 cm to 1.45 m. Using ropes and levers, each group installed its block on wooden runners and on them she dragged him along the log flooring to the bank of the Nile. A sailboat ferried the workers and the block to the other side. The stone was dragged along roads lined with logs to the construction site. The runners with the stone block were pulled onto the upper platform of the pyramid under construction using ropes and levers. There, workers laid the block in the place indicated by the architect with millimeter precision. Then came the turn of laying the “pyramidon” - the upper block.

For more than 3,500 years, the inside of the Great Pyramid was not disturbed by anyone: all the entrances to it were carefully walled up, and the tomb itself, according to the Egyptians, was guarded by spirits ready to kill anyone who tried to penetrate it. Today, tourists get inside the pyramid through a 17 m gap, which was made in 820 by Caliph Abu Jafar al-Ma'mun. He built a tunnel to the burial chamber in the hope of finding treasures there, as in other tombs of the pharaohs. But he found nothing but droppings of bats that lived there, the layer of which on the floor and walls reached 28 cm. After this, the interest of robbers and treasure hunters in the Cheops pyramid disappeared. But they were replaced by other robbers. In 1168 after Christ, part of Cairo was burned and was completely destroyed by the Arabs, who did not want it to fall into the hands of the crusaders.When the Egyptians then began to rebuild their city, they removed the shiny white slabs that covered the outside of the pyramid and used them to build new houses.

The first wonder of the world of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one that has survived to this day is The Pyramid of Cheops, the secrets of which still excite the minds of people. It is located in Egypt, in Giza. It was created by order of Pharaoh Cheops, who lived around 2551 - 2528 BC, after whom it was named. This majestic structure is unmatched by anything ever built by human hands, with the exception of the Great Wall of China.

The height of the Cheops Pyramid reaches 146.6 m, which is approximately equal to the height of a fifty-story building. The foundation at the base has an area of ​​52,900 sq.m. For comparison, 5 of the world's greatest cathedrals could easily fit in this square. The pyramid consists of huge blocks, the number of which exceeds 2 million. The large-scale dimensions of this first wonder of the world amaze the imagination and for many centuries have attracted the attention of millions of tourists from all over the world.

The young pharaoh gave the order to begin construction of the pyramid immediately after the death of his father, Pharaoh Snofu. He dreamed of building a pyramid that would preserve his name for centuries. It should be noted that pyramids were built before. These were traditional buildings for the burial of the pharaoh's mummy. But each of the pharaohs, replacing the previous one, tried to build for himself a worthy tomb, superior to the tomb of his predecessor in luxury, size and richness of decoration. Huge sums of money from the state treasury were spent on this, and the buildings cost the lives of many millions of slaves.

Before construction began, lengthy preparatory studies were carried out. Initially, it was necessary to find an area of ​​sufficient size with strong soil, since the pyramid, according to calculations, was supposed to weigh 6,400,000 tons and it was necessary to provide for all options so that it would not sink underground under the weight of its own weight. A suitable area was soon found in the desert seven kilometers west of the village of Giza.

Work on the construction of the pyramid lasted 20 years. It consists of 128 layers of stone blocks laid in steps. But then these steps were filled with stones, so that the walls of the pyramid became, although not entirely smooth, quite smooth, without protrusions.

Finally, all four triangular outer edges were finished with slabs of stark white limestone. Moreover, the edges of these plates were fitted so tightly that it was impossible to insert even a thin knife blade between them. The outer side of the slabs was polished to a mirror finish. Both during the day, in the light of the sun, and at night, in the dim light of the moon, the pyramid shone mysteriously like a precious crystal.

Inside the pyramid has an extensive system of passages. From a large gallery, 47 m long, you can get into the chamber of the pharaoh himself. This is a fairly spacious room, completely lined with granite, the length of which is 10.5 m, width 5.3 m, and height 5.8 m. It was supposed to be the last refuge of the pharaoh. However, whether Pharaoh Cheops was actually buried here still remains a mystery. This is where the secrets of the Pyramids of Cheops lie. Scientists note the fact that the pharaoh's chamber does not have any decorations with which such rooms are usually decorated. The sarcophagus has no lid and is only roughly hewn; the work was clearly not completed. And finally, air enters the pharaoh's chamber through two small passages ending in small holes in the body of the pyramid. But it’s strange, why was it necessary to install a ventilation system if the deceased pharaoh no longer needed it? That is why there were differences of opinion as to whether this building was used for the burial of the pharaoh.

The Cheops pyramid stood for almost 3,500 years, undisturbed by anything or anyone. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, it was guarded by spirits, and they were supposed to punish anyone who dared to penetrate the secrets of the Cheops Pyramid. However, Caliph Abdallah al-Mamun, the son of Harun al-Rashid, entered the building in the hope of finding countless treasures there, as in other pyramids. And he was very surprised to find nothing there except a thick layer of bat droppings, reaching a depth of 28 m.

Today, tourists from all over the world come to Egypt to enjoy the majestic spectacle of the pyramid in the rays of the setting sun, to bow to a witness of bygone days, a monument to human vanity and the immeasurable labor of millions of slaves.

The seventh wonder of the world is the Pyramid of Cheops (Pyramid of Khufu), which was built more than three thousand years ago. It is surprising that the construction of the pyramid began in the young years of the pharaoh, who, like previous rulers, wanted his pyramid to be the most magnificent. The pharaoh's wish was realized by his nephew, whose position was vizier, architect Hemiun. There are several dates for the construction of the pyramid, but all scientists agree that it was built after a pole shift occurred on Earth. After all, it is simply impossible to orient the four sides of the pyramid with such high accuracy.

Basic information about the Pyramid parameters:

The original height is 146.6 m. However, time mercilessly takes its toll, and 7 meters 85 cm. were destroyed;
the total perimeter of the base is 922 m, which is comparable to 10 football fields;
there are 210 rows of blocks in the pyramid;
the average weight of one stone block is 2.5 tons. The heaviest is 15 tons;
number of blocks used – 2.5 million;
According to average estimates, the weight of the pyramid is 6.25 million tons.

The pyramid was originally lined with white limestone and topped with gilded stone. However, in the 12th century AD. Cairo was sacked and burned by the Arabs, and the white slabs served as building material for local residents to build new houses.

The Greek historian Herodotus mentions in his works that about 100 thousand people worked on the construction of the pyramid, and 1600 talents were spent (in today's terms $20 million). In the construction of the pyramid, the method of rows or terraces was used, and the stone blocks were raised to the upper rows using a special device. According to the same Herodotus, the work on the construction of the pyramid was voluntary. The whole point is that every Egyptian considered it his duty and a matter of honor to participate in the construction of the tomb for the pharaoh, thereby touching a piece of his immortality. In addition, each participant in the construction work received a small allowance, food, clothing and housing.

A lot of people died during the construction of the pyramid. The higher the row was, the more dangerous the work was. There is a myth according to which, in the moonlight or in the sun, the tomb of Cheops mysteriously sparkles like a huge crystal.

The pyramid is also amazing inside, where there is an extensive system of passages. Of great interest are the three burial chambers, which are located one above the other. In addition, voids and ventilation shafts were discovered inside the pyramid. To this day, the meaning of many corridors and rooms has not been revealed. Many legends surround the tomb of the “Queen” and the room where an open book about the history of Egypt lies on the table.

The entrance to the pyramid is on the north side, at an altitude of 15.63 m.